
AEW Dark 6/9/20 Results: Jon Moxley, SCU, Santana, Ortiz, Jurassic Express & More In Action!

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SCU (Frankie Kazarian & Scorpio Sky) vs. Low Rida & Fuego Del Sol

The match begins with Kazarian taking Del Sol down with a headlock, Del Sol gets free and he attacks Kazarian with some strikes. Kazarian recovers and he nails Del Sol with a side Russian leg sweep, Sky tags in and he double teams Del Sol with Kazarian. Rida interferes and SCU hits him with a double shoulder block, Sky keeps Del Sol down while working over his arm. Del Sol recovers to hit Sky with a suplex and standing shooting star press, Rida tags in and he rolls up Sky for a near fall. Rida follows up by nailing Sky with a springboard drop kick for a near fall, Del Sol tags back in and Sky tags Kazarian in a short time later. Kazarian quickly starts cleaning house against the opposing team, Kazarian knocks Rida to the arena floor before tagging Sky in. SCU hits Del Sol with SCU Later for a three count.

Winners: SCU (Frankie Kazarian & Scorpio Sky)

– The Dark Order are backstage and they welcome 5 to the group, Brodie Lee also welcomes 5 to the group.

5 w/Dark Order vs. Lee Johnson

The match begins with 5 immediately cornering Johnson while landing some strikes, 5 then drops Johnson with a back elbow strike. Johnson fights back and he nails 5 with a few arm drags followed by a drop kick, 5 leaves the ring and Johnson follows him out there. 5 throws Johnson off the ramp and into the ring post, 5 also smashes the arm of Johnson into the ring mat before getting him back into the ring. 5 then nails Johnson with a springboard drop kick for a near fall, 5 keeps Johnson down while landing a splash on his arm. Johnson fights back and 5 sends him shoulder first into the mat below, 5 then hits Johnson with a modified spine buster for a near fall. 5 goes for another splash and Johnson gets out of the way, Johnson cracks 5 with a few strikes before landing a discus clothesline. Johnson cracks 5 with a clothesline before landing a running neck breaker, Johnson then hits a kneeling 5 with a head kick. Johnson follows up on that by throwing 5 shoulder first into the ring post, 5 leaves the ring and Johnson nails him with a suicide dive.

Johnson gets 5 back into the ring before landing a blue thunder bomb for a near fall, 5 goes to the ring apron and he drapes Johnson shoulder first on the top rope. 5 then nails a trapped Johnson with a DDT onto the ring apron, 5 then hits Johnson with an inverted sole food for a three count.

Winner: 5 w/Dark Order

After the match, Dark Order attacks Lee Johnson.

Santana & Ortiz vs. Brady Pierce & Musa

The match begins with Ortiz dropping Musa with an arm drag before landing a headbutt to the midsection, Ortiz keeps Musa down while working over his arm. Musa gets free and Ortiz rakes his back before landing a clothesline, Musa fights back and Ortiz nails him with a sit out power bomb. Pierce interferes and Ortiz sends him to the arena floor, Santana then takes out the opposition with a moonsault to the arena floor. Santana tags in and he nails an elevated Musa with a top rope double stomp, Pierce tags in and Santana drops him before landing a basement drop kick. Ortiz tags in and he double teams Pierce with Santana, Pierce fights back and he misses a middle rope moonsault attempt. Santana tags in and he works with Ortiz to attack an interfering Musa, Santana nails a cornered Musa and Pierce with a cannonball. Santana and Ortiz hit Musa with a Street Sweeper for a three count.

Winners: Santana & Ortiz

– QT Marshall bumps into Dustin Rhodes & Brandi Rhodes backstage, Marshall tells Dustin that Allie wants him to compete in a singles match tonight. Marshall shows off some new shirts Allie made for the Natural Nightmares, which angers Dustin and Brandi.

The Butcher & The Blade vs. Pineapple Pete & Anthony Catena

The match begins with Butcher cornering Pete before landing a few strikes, Butcher also attacks Pete with some shoulder thrusts. Blade tags in and he attacks a cornered Pete with more strikes, Butcher attacks Pete while Blade distracted the ref. Butcher tags in and he attacks Pete with some chops, Blade tags in and he double teams Pete with Butcher. Pete fights back and he cracks Blade with a right, Blade recovers and he nails Pete with a few fisherman neck breakers. Catena tags in and Blade nails him with some strikes, Butcher tags in and he levels Catena with a lariat. Butcher then hits Catena with a running power slam for a near fall, Pete interferes and he gets double teamed by the opposition. The Butcher & The Blade hit Catena with the Death Driver for a three count.

Winners: The Butcher & The Blade

QT Marshall w/Allie, Brandi Rhodes & Dustin Rhodes vs. Zack Clayton

The match begins with Marshall backing Clayton into the corner before letting him go free, Clayton then attacks Marshall with some strikes. Marshall fights back and he cracks Clayton with some strikes, Clayton recovers and he dumps Marshall out of the ring. Marshall gets back in the ring before clotheslining Clayton out of it, Marshall gets Clayton back in the ring before getting sent back out of it. Marshall tries getting back in the ring and Clayton nails him with a drop kick, Clayton then beats up Marshall in front of Allie. Clayton gets Marshall back in the ring while landing more strikes, Marshall fights back and Clayton nails him with a corner clothesline. Clayton follows up by hitting Marshall with a delayed vertical suplex and knee drop for a near fall, Marshall fights back again and he nails Clayton with a handspring enziguri. Clayton avoids a cutter and he nails a charging Marshall with a power slam for a near fall, Clayton goes to remove a turnbuckle pad and Brandi stops him. Marshall accidentally knocks Brandi off the ring apron and onto Dustin, Allie fakes an injury and Marshall checks on her instead of the injured Brandi. Clayton goes to the middle rope and Allie grabs his leg, Marshall hits Clayton with a cutter for a three count.

Winner: QT Marshall w/Allie, Brandi Rhodes & Dustin Rhodes

Christopher Daniels vs. Sonny Kiss

The match begins with Daniels getting Kiss in a headlock, Daniels then starts working over the arm of Kiss. Daniels then nails Kiss with a slam before going back to work on his arm, Kiss gets free and he attacks Daniels with a few strikes. Kiss then hits Daniels with a springboard arm drag and split arm drag, Kiss keeps Daniels down while working over his arm. Daniels gets free and Kiss drops him with a shoulder tackle followed by an arm drag, Kiss keeps Daniels down again while working over his arm. Daniels gets free and he exchanges strikes with Kiss, Kiss ends the exchange by downing Daniels and working over his arm. Kiss then corners Daniels before landing a handspring slap, Daniels recovers and he nails Kiss with an exploder suplex. Daniels then drops Kiss with a few hard Irish whips into the corners, Daniels follows up by nailing Kiss with a back body drop for a near fall. Daniels then hits Kiss with a spinning neck breaker for a near fall, Kiss fights back and Daniels nails him with an STO. Daniels locks Kiss in the cross face and Kiss gets to the ropes, Kiss gets up and Daniels attacks him with a ton of strikes and stomps.

Daniels argues with the referee before Kiss attacks him with a few strikes, Kiss drops Daniels with a drop kick and hurricarana. Kiss then hits Daniels with a slingshot split drop for a near fall, Kiss also nails Daniels with a standing moonsault for a near fall. Daniels recovers to hit Kiss with a uranage, Kiss recovers and shocks Daniels with a roll up for a near fall. Kiss drops Daniels before going to the middle rope, Daniels gets out of the way and Kiss manages to land a hurricarana. Kiss then cracks Daniels with a few strikes and Daniels goes down, Daniels recovers to hit Kiss with the Angel’s Wings for a three count.

Winner: Christopher Daniels

Jurassic Express (Luchasaurus & Marko Stunt) w/Jungle Boy vs. Brandon Cutler & Peter Avalon w/Leva Bates

The match begins with Stunt immediately tagging Luchasaurus into the match, Luchasaurus catches a leaping Avalon before dropping him with a chop. Cutler tags in and Luchasaurus corners him, Cutler manages to land a head kick before landing a drop kick. Cutler leaves the ring before landing a head kick on Luchasaurus, Cutler goes for a springboard move and Luchasaurus counters with a chop. Luchasaurus corners Cutler before landing some strikes, Luchasaurus follows up by nailing Cutler with a super kick for a near fall. Cutler recovers and he nails Luchasaurus with a spinning head kick, Luchasaurus fights back and he nails Cutler with a headbutt before dropping him face first on the mat below. Luchasaurus then hits Cutler with a wheelbarrow suplex, Stunt tags in and he nails Cutler with an assisted senton for a near fall. Avalon tags in and Stunt sends him into Cutler before landing a drop kick, Stunt then hits Avalon with a hurricarana and drop kick. Stunt goes to the top rope and Bates distracts him, Avalon then tosses Stunt across the ring. Cutler tags in and he attacks Stunt with some strikes, Cutler then hits Stunt with a torture rack slam for a near fall.

Cutler goes for a press slam and Stunt counters with a hurricarana, Avalon tags in and he stomps away on Stunt. Stunt fights back and he nails Avalon with a tornado DDT, Luchasaurus tags in and he cleans house against the opposing team. Luchasaurus lays out Avalon and Cutler with a plethora of strikes, Luchasaurus then hits Avalon with the Extinction Level Event. Cutler saves Avalon from further damage and they start arguing, Stunt leaps onto Cutler and Avalon to take them both down. Stunt tags in and he nails Avalon with a splash for a near fall, Luchasaurus tags in and Avalon hits both opponents with head kicks. Avalon then hits Luchasaurus with a tornado DDT for a near fall, Avalon goes to the top rope and Luchasaurus meets him up there. Avalon rakes Luchasaurus’ eyes before landing a sunset flip bomb, Cutler tags in and he nails Luchasaurus with a springboard elbow drop for a near fall. Avalon tags in and Luchasaurus nails everybody with head kicks, Cutler fights back and he attacks Luchasaurus with a ton of strikes, Luchasaurus traps Cutler on the top rope and Stunt nails him with a super bulldog.

Avalon catches Luchasaurus in a roll up before eating a super kick, Stunt then nails Avalon with a spinning head kick. Luchasaurus and Stunt hit Avalon with a double choke slam, Luchasaurus then lands a standing moonsault for a three count.

Winners: Jurassic Express (Luchasaurus & Marko Stunt) w/Jungle Boy

– Brian Cage comes to the announce table before the next match.

Jon Moxley vs. Robert Anthony

The match begins with Moxley working over the arm of Anthony, Moxley then gets Anthony down with a headlock before being captured in a head scissors. Moxley gets free and he scores a takedown on Anthony, Anthony gets up and he attempts to work over the arm of Moxley. Moxley then drops Anthony with a leg sweep to avoid getting kicked, Moxley then takes Anthony down with a headlock. Anthony gets free and he nails Moxley with an arm drag followed by a drop kick, Moxley scores another takedown on Anthony before working over his arm. Anthony gets free and he drops Moxley with another arm drag, Moxley causes Anthony to leave the ring before landing a suicide dive. Moxley gets Anthony back in the ring before landing a series of dragon screw leg whips, Moxley then hits Anthony with a shoulder capture suplex for a near fall. Moxley keeps Anthony down while working over his leg, Moxley follows up by nailing Anthony with a front suplex. Moxley leaves the ring before stretching Anthony along the ring post, Moxley also works over Anthony’s leg near the ring post. Moxley gets Anthony back in the ring while doing more damage to his leg, Moxley goes to the top rope and Anthony causes him to leap off before landing a flapjack.

Anthony goes for the Romero Special and Moxley avoids it, Anthony traps Moxley in the corner while landing some chops. Moxley gets free and he levels Anthony with a clothesline, Moxley looks for a pile driver and Anthony avoids it by landing a back body drop. Anthony then hits Moxley with a death valley driver for a near fall, Anthony goes to the top rope and Moxley nails him with a power bomb as he lept off. Moxley then hits Anthony with a double underhook slam for a near fall, Moxley then gets Anthony in the cloverleaf and Anthony taps out.

Winner: Jon Moxley

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