
Ricochet: Velveteen Dream Brought Out My Swagger And Confidence

Arguably Ricochet’s most memorable feud in WWE came during his time in NXT when he feuded with Velveteen Dream. 

It was a clash of styles from the start as Dream was known for his over the top character but was still new when it came to his in-ring performances. Ricochet was the honed veteran who was known for great matches, but maybe didn’t have the most defined character. 

“That was one of my most favorite feuds in WWE,” said Ricochet on Wrestling Friends with ‘Flash’ Morgan Webster. “He helped me character-wise. Especially on the Indies, I was never known for being a character wrestler. It wasn’t my promos that people wanted to see. With him, he brought that out of me; the swagger, the confidence. We didn’t even touch before the match and people were excited for the match because of the promos we were doing before that. That was one of the first times, for me, that someone has been excited for a match because of promos. We fed off each other well. It was organic.”

One of the most memorable moments from the feud was Ricochet flipping over the top rope and to the outside, landing right in front of Dream, who had a look of shock on his face that such a thing was possible.

“It was Triple H’s idea,” said Ricochet when discussing the spot. “We were trying to find an exclamation mark to finish the promo and nothing fit. We were standing there, all silent and thinking, Triple H goes, ‘you know what’d be cool? If you could run, flip out of the ring, and land in front of him. Could you do that?’ I was thinking, ‘Yeah, maybe, probably.’ When it happened, I wasn’t thinking about messing up. AR Fox used to do it in practice because he’s a crazy person. The time came and it worked out. Dream’s reaction really helped it too.”

Ricochet and Dream met at NXT TakeOver: Chicago II with Ricochet picking up the victory. At NXT TakeOver: In Your House, Dream will have a chance to do something Ricochet never did in NXT and that’s win the NXT Title when he challenges Adam Cole for the belt. 

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