
WWE NXT Results for 6/3/20 El Hijo Del Fantasma Becomes the Interim Cruiserweight Champion

The finals of the Interim NXT Cruiserweight Championship Tournament comes to a close tonight at 8pm EST!

Good evening Fight Fans and welcome to our coverage for tonight’s edition of WWE NXT! Enjoy the show and be sure to check out the post show podcast and our forums!

Mia Yim vs Candice LeRae

Mia drops Candice several times before tossing her away when she tries to lock up and follows up with a running boot in the corner into a PK before Candice rolls out onto the apron. Mia drags Candice back into the ring before Candice kicks her and beats her down before hitting a senton for two, Candice following up with two more sentons for another two count. Mia hits a cannonball in the corner for two before Candice comes back with chops and forearms before hitting a running back elbow and Mia knocks her off of the apron and down onto the floor. At ringside Mia then sends Candice into the barricade before they’re both counted out.

Winner: No Contest due to double count out.

– After the match Tegan Nox, Shotzi Blackheart,Dakota Kai and Raquel Gonzalez come out and all of the women brawl until they’re separated by a group of officials before Johnny comes out and he and Candice are ran off by Mia and Keith Lee as we go to commercial after the announcement of a mixed tag between the four.

Candice LeRae & Johnny Gargano vs Mia Yim & Keith Lee

Johnny and Candice try to leave before Keith brings them both back into the ring and Mia dropkicks Johnny back out of the ring before Candice and Mia start the match off. Mia hits a shotgun dropkick to Candice before tossing her across the ring by her hair and hitting Soul Food for an early near fall before Mia gets distracted by Johnny who kicks her leg out from behind. Candice focuses on the ankle of Mia before Mia hits a running boot in the corner and mocks Johnny before hitting a bridging dragon suplex that Johnny breaks up for a near fall. Keith then tosses Johnny around the ring before hitting a running splash in the corner and Johnny stabs him in the eyes when he goes for the Spirit Bomb and Candice rolls Mia up when she checks on Keith for the pin and the win.

Winner: Candice LeRae and Johnny Gargano defeat Mia Yim and Keith Lee via pinfall.

– After the match Johnny injures Keith’s hand before he and Candice leave as we go to a video package for Tommaso Ciampa and Karrion Kross as we go to commercial after an interview with Dexter Lumis where he starts painting.

– We come back to an interview with Drake Maverick ahead of his match against El Hijo Del Fantasma for the interim Cruiserweight Championship before we go to an extended video package for the NXT Championship match at Takeover between the champion Adam Cole and the challenger The Velveteen Dream. We then get a graphic for a NXT Tag Team Championship Number One Contender Triple Threat match later tonight as we go to commercial.

– We come back to the completion of Dexter’s painting with UE in a car driven by Dexter before we go back to the ring for our next match between Tony Nese and

Tony Nese vs Isaiah Scott

Tony flexes before Scott takes him down and Tony rolls out of the ring before Scott goes after him and Scott nearly gets counted out before Tony drops him with a running back elbow. Tony boots Scott in the chest several times before stomping him and whipping him across the ring before flexing for two and immediately following up with a body scissors. Scott comes back with a flurry of strikes before Tony sweeps Scott and lands on his feet when he goes for a triangle moonsault before Scott sends him over the top rope and boots him from the apron. Scott sends Tony into the steps before tossing him back into the ring and Tony chops him in the throat before Scott comes back with a running uppercut into a snap mare and climbs the second rope before he’s distracted by Jack Gallagher. Tony then goes for a sunset driver before Scott counters and wins with a sunset flip.

Winner: Isaiah Scott defeats Tony Nese via pinfall.

– After the match we go backstage to see Oney Lorcan and Danny Burch and Bobby Fish and Roderick Strong getting ready for their match against a mystery team up next as we go to commercial.

Oney Lorcan & Danny Burch vs Undisputed Era (Kyle O’Reilly & Roderick Strong) vs Breezango

Danny, Bobby and Tyler start the match off for their respective teams, Tyler and Danny doubling up on Bobby before Danny headbutts Bobby and the temporary alliance ends as they both try to cover him. Tyler powerbombs Roddy when he enters the match before sending him over the top rope and Danny and Tyler roll each other up before Breezango and Burch and Lorcan square off as we go to commercial.

We come back to Danny and Tyler taking turns stomping Roddy in the corner before Danny hits an enzuigiri and Tyler superkicks Roddy before Danny hits Tyler with a missile dropkick. Roddy hits Tyler with a backbreaker as Bobby takes out Danny at ringside and Bobby lays into Tyler with strikes in the corner before knocking Danny back off of the apron. Roddy mocks Fandango before grounding Tyler and Danny takes out both members of UE momentarily only to be stomped down in the corner and Fandango gets the tag from Tyler, Fandango taking out Strong and Fish single handedly before hitting a falcon arrow for two. Oney comes up and hits running moves in opposite corners and a double running blockbuster before Fandango dumps Oney over the top rope and onto everyone else at ringside before hitting a flipping senton and taking everyone out. Fandango then hits a diving leg drop after Tyler drops Bobby with a wheel kick for the pin and the win.

Winner: Breezango defeat Undisputed Era and Oney Lorcan and Danny Burch via pinfall to gain a shot at Imperium’s NXT Tag Team championships.

– After the match Aichner and Barthel come out onto the ramp before they’re interrupted by Indus Sher before we go backstage to Drake getting ready for his match in our main event as we go to commercial.

– We come back to a recap of Charlotte and Chelsea Green defeating Io Shirai and Rhea Ripley last week before we go to a backstage interview with Green and Robert Stone before Green ends up firing Stone and leaves.

Aliyah vs Santana Garrett

Santana goes for a waist lock before Aliyah hits her with a back elbow and drops her with a neckbreaker before punching Santana in mount as Robert comes out to ringside as Aliyah tosses Santana across the ring by her hair. Aliyah then hits a running move in the corner for two before Aliyah goes up top and Santana slaps her before hitting a frankensteiner and a hand spring moonsault for the pin and the win.

Winner: Santana Garrett defeats Aliyah via pinfall.

– After the match we see Fantasma getting ready before we get a graphic for the second of two Prime Target extended video packages for tonight’s show, this time featuring the NXT Women’s Championship Triple Threat match at Takeover as we go to commercial.

– We come back to the aforementioned extended video package for the NXT Women’s Championship Triple Threat match between the champion Charlotte and the challengers Io Shirai and Rhea Ripley at Takeover this Sunday night before we go back to commercial.

Cameron Grimes vs Bronson Reed

Reed overpowers Grimes who tries to take him down before Reed drops Grimes with punches and hits an atomic drop into an elbow drop before hitting a military press slam. Reed hits a senton before Grimes grabs the ropes and kicks Reed in the face before hitting a Superman forearm and Reed runs Grimes over before hitting a running hip attack in the corner. Reed then tosses Grimes back into the ring and climbs to the top before missing a diving splash and Grimes hits The Cave-In for the pin and the win.

Winner: Cameron Grimes defeats Bronson Reed via pinfall.

– After the match Karrion Kross comes out of nowhere and hits Reed with a Doomsday Saito before talking to Ciampa through the camera as we go to commercial.

– We come back to the announcement of a women’s six person tag between Kai, Gonzalez, Nox, Blackheart, LeRae and Yim at Takeover.

Interim NXT Cruiserweight Championship #1 Contender Tournament Finals Match

Drake Maverick vs El Hijo Del Fantasma

They shake hands before Fantasma immediately goes for a roll up and gets a very early near fall that shocks Drake before Hijo takes Drake down and they grapple on the mat until Hijo backs Drake into the corner for a clean break. Hijo takes Drake down before hitting a monkey flip for two and motions to Drake that he nearly got him before Drake hits a head scissors that sends Hijo out of the ring. Drake then counters a powerbomb and hits a cannonball off of the apron as we go to commercial.

We come back to Drake in control of Hijo in the corner before hitting a missile dropkick that sends Hijo out of the ring and Drake gives chase before Hijo hits a sit-out powerbomb onto the floor and tosses Drake back into the ring for a near fall. Hijo forearms Drake in the kidneys several times before stretching him and hitting a high angle back drop driver for a near fall before Hijo catches Drake when he comes off of the top and locks in a Boston crab. Drake gets to the ropes for the break right before he taps before hitting a sit-out powerbomb and Drake comes back with right hands and beats Hijo down in the corner. Drake hits a bulldog before hitting a diving elbow for a near fall and Hijo hits a jawbreaker into a spinebuster and Drake catches him up top before they fall off of the top turnbuckle and the mysterious masked group come out. Drake then hits them with a suicide dive before Hijo superkicks Drake when he gets back into the ring and finishes with a driver for the pin and the win.

Winner: El Hijo Del Fantasma defeats Drake Maverick to win the tournament and become the new interim NXT Cruiserweight Championship.

– After the match Drake thanks the camera before he leaves up the ramp and is met by Triple H who gives him a contract to sign and prevents Drake from being released as we go off the air.

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