
Match Ratings For WWE Raw 6/1/20 From Sean Ross Sapp

Rey Mysterio Retirement Ceremony.

  • Seth Rollins says that Rey Mysterio is a kind and generous man and in Rollins’ darkest hour, Mysterio sacrificed himself.
  • Rollins says that he has to appreciate the greatness of Rey Mysterio. He plays a very nice video package that turns into a shrine of him attacking Rey Mysterio.
  • Seth Rollins says that he wants to personally induct Rey Mysterio into the WWE Hall of Fame.
  • Why Aleister Black vs. Seth Rollins on Raw? I’m sure we’ll get it at the pape too, but why can’t anything just happen for the first time there? Never fails.
  • Later on, we see Rey Mysterio, and he’s not sure he’ll be back or when he’ll be able to. He says if he gets an eye infection, that could be it. Dominick joins Rey in the promo. It’s solid, but it’s repeated an awful lot. Combined with all the promo replays, they were overkill here. “DAMN YOU SETH ROLLINS!”

Aleister Black defeated Seth Rollins (w/ Disciples)

  • You might be shocked to learn that this match is very good. They work really well together.
  • Black’s kicks are amazing and will keep him over, whether there’s a crowd or not.
  • Austin Theory and Buddy Murphy approach Black, but Humberto Carrillo makes the save. Oh. Farty Pants Noises there.
  • Black uncorks a great Lionsault and a German Suplex. Rollins does the Falcon Arrow and a Frog Splash
  • This goes through two commercial breaks. I was wrong. Forget the PPV match. This is the one. Rollins and Black are having a great one. It needs a clean finish.
  • Armbar by Black into a Powerbomb by Rollins.
  • Theory and Murphy try to distract, but Humberto thwarts them. Black gets the win with a cradle.
  • Is there a kayfabe reason why Aleister Black shouldn’t be next in line for a WWE Title shot? He hasn’t lost a one-on-one match in over a year, besides the gauntlet match to Styles.
  • Humberto stays getting his ass whipped and written off TV huh? The Disciples beat down everyone.

Other Stuff

  • We see Shawn Michaels hyping the Edge vs. Randy Orton match.
  • They bowl. Street Profits are bad. Angelo Dawkins spits out his goat milk, and gets a bowling ball dropped on him. There was a turkey leg lodged in the ball return. Ivar gets hit on again. This sucked so bad. Viking Raiders end up winning.
  • Randy Orton cuts a great promo saying that he’s going to do whatever is necessary

WWE 24/7 Championship
R-Truth defeated GRONK (c) to win the title

  • Gronk is trying to do a TikTok Dance and he gets rolled up for the 24/7 Title by R-Truth.
  • Gronk’s own friend had a ref shirt on

WWE United States Championship
Apollo Crews (c) vs. Kevin Owens ends in a no contest or something

  • Angel Garza is so good. Charly Caruso is enamored. Angel keeps wanting to talk for himself. They talk about the Kevin Owens win.
  • Apollo Crews does an interview and says he’s so proud to be champion. He picks Kevin Owens to face in his first title defense.
  • Owens congratulates Apollo but says he thinks it’s coming out of pity. Crews says it’s not.
  • Owens says he feels bad that Apollo’s first title reign is going to be a short one.
  • A great spot early where Owens dodges a moonsault to hit an apron senton.
  • Things break down and these two start SLUGGIN’
  • After the commercial, the pace is fast and Owens hits one of two Swantons.
  • Angel Garza and Andrade interfere and cause a DQ.

Apollo Crews & Kevin Owens defeated Andrade & Angel Garza (w/ Zelina)

  • Garza rips off his pants. POP.
  • Garza and Andrade try to cheat, but it doesn’t work. Crews gets the pin on Andrade with the tossing powerbomb.

Billie Kay (w/ Peyton Royce) defeated Nikki Cross (w/ Alexa Bliss)

  • Billie lands a big boot and a backbreaker, followed by an elbow drop.
  • This is Billie Kay’s first one-on-one TV match in over 13 months.
  • She wins with a nice uranage spinebuster after Nikki Cross misses a flying body press.

Nia Jax defeated Kairi Sane

  • Asuka cuts a promo backstage on Nia Jax
  • Nia Jax says Asuka was gifted the Raw Women’s Title because of hormones. Nia says she’s the victim in all this.
  • Kairi grabs a rear naked choke and a tornado DDT as counters for Nia.
  • The injury spot on Kairi Sane outside was nasty. Nia slung Kairi right into the stairs. Woof.
  • Leg drop and a pin.
  • They had to heavily edit that.
  • Asuka comes out to go face to face with Nia.

Charlotte Flair defeated Asuka via countout

  • Charlotte says that she wants everyone in NXT to be the next Rhea Ripley and Io Shirai so she can make them bow down, too.
  • These two women knock the shit out of each other, per usual.
  • Asuka got the Shining Wizard, and there’s later a great series where Asuka counters Natural Selection with an armbar.
  • Asuka goes into the triangle and Charlotte turns that into a boston crab. She then goes into a German suplex and it hits HARD.
  • Charlotte boots Asuka off the apron. Nia Jax comes out to Asuka’s music, in her mask and paint.
  • They just made Asuka look kinda dumb getting counted out, but whatever.
  • Nia runs over Asuka. Okay

Drew McIntyre defeated MVP (w/ Bobby Lashley & Lana)

  • MVP is listening to Lana go off on him. She says MVP is trying to revive his washed up career. He burns Lana and she slaps the SHIT OUTTA HIM.
  • Drew says he’s fine wrestling MVP tonight and is going to Claymore anyone who come around.
  • Lana thinks MVP is the one who didn’t want her around, not Lashley. So she shows up.
  • Drew is in control, but gets distracted and posted.
  • A Player’s Boot only gets a one count.
  • Lashley pulls MVP out and Drew does a tope con hilo. Claymore, wrap.
  • Lashley puts Drew in the full nelson as we close.

Rating Guide
10- Perfect, 9- MOTY Territory, 8- Excellent, 7- Great, 6- Good, 5- Average to above average, 4- Slightly below average, 3 or below: Poor

Each match starts at a 5 and slides up and down based on entertainment, execution, time, environment, reaction and stakes. The ratings are in no way an indication of a “star rating,” which is a completely different system. A standard, non-offensive “TV match” lands at a 5. The gap between 5.75-6 is generally the largest, with anything reaching 6 being recommended viewing.
These are opinions, and incredibly inconsistent ones that may change upon a second viewing, or sitting on the match for a period of time. Don’t take them too seriously, and have (and share) your own!

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