
AEW Dynamite 5/27/20 Results: Chris Jericho Brawls With Mike Tyson, A Battle Royal & More!

Welcome to Fightful.com’s live coverage & discussion for AEW Dynamite. We’ll be bringing you full, fight by fight coverage of every bout on the card. You can also send in your feedback on our Disqus boards below!

– The show starts off with highlights from AEW Double Or Nothing ‘20.

– The Inner Circle are backstage and Chris Jericho talks about tonight’s pep rally, Jericho talks about buying Stadium Stampede victory shirts and Santana reveals that they have a truckload of them to get rid of.

– Matt Hardy & The Elite are shown backstage, Hangman Page leaves quickly to return to the hotel with Kenny Omega. The Young Bucks say they want a different version of Hardy, who turns into the old school Matt Hardy.

Matt Hardy & The Young Bucks (Matt Jackson & Nick Jackson) vs. Joey Janela & Private Party (Isaiah Kassidy & Marq Quen)

The match begins with Matt getting Quen in a headlock, Nick tags in and he nails a dropped Quen with a slingshot leg drop. Private Party hits the ring and The Bucks take them both out, Janela tags in and The Bucks double team him. Hardy tags in and he triple teams Janela with The Bucks, Nick tags in and he hits Janela with a Whisper In The Wind. Kassidy tags in and Nick nails him with a shoulder tackle, Nick goes to the ring apron and Kassidy nails him with a springboard stunner. Quen tags in and he uses a hurricarana to knock Nick to the arena floor, Janela then hits Nick with a suicide dive and death valley driver on the arena floor. Kassidy tags back in and he nails a downed Nick with a series of strikes before applying an abdominal stretch, Nick fights back and Kassidy nails him with an elbow strike. Nick avoids Silly String to drop Private Party with kicks, Nick goes for a super kick on the arena floor and he accidentally nails Blade. The Butcher & The Blade attack Nick before Matt makes the save, Janela also attacks The Bucks on the arena floor.

Nick fights back and he nails Janela with a face buster on the staging, Nick then hits Quen with a monkey flip on the arena floor. Nick also nails Kassidy with a destroyer before tagging Hardy in, Hardy quickly starts cleaning house against the opposing team. Hardy nails Kassidy with a Side Effect for a near fall, Kassidy recovers and he nails Hardy with a spinning head kick. Hardy recovers to nail both members of Private Party with DDT’s, Janela interferes and Hardy takes him out as well. Hardy goes to the top rope and he nails all of the opposition with a moonsault for a near fall, Matt tags in and he attacks Kassidy with strikes. Janela interferes and he attacks Matt and Nick, Janela then hits The Bucks with a missile drop kick. Janela looks for a dive and Hardy hits him before The Bucks land a double super kick, Private Party then hit The Bucks with suicide dives. Quen gets injured during the dive and Kassidy gets a near fall on Hardy, Kassidy gets Hardy on the top rope before eating a super kick from Matt. The Bucks then hit Kassidy with More Bang For Your Buck for a three count.

Winners: Matt Hardy & The Young Bucks (Matt Jackson & Nick Jackson)

After the match, The Butcher & The Blade attack The Young Bucks while Matt Hardy takes the injured Marq Quen backstage. FTR drives a truck to the arena and they get into the ring, FTR attacks The Butcher & The Blade, The Young Bucks eventually jump in on the attack as the FTR leave the ring.

– AEW World Champion Jon Moxley comes to the announce table before the next match.

– Highlights are shown of Brian Cage’s AEW debut.

Brian Cage w/Taz vs. Lee Johnson

The match begins with Cage attacking Johnson before the bell, Cage corners Johnson before landing multiple clothesline smashes. Cage then tosses Johnson completely across the ring before landing a release German suplex, Cage then nails Johnson with multiple power bombs. Cage then hits Johnson with a Drill Claw for a three count.

Winner: Brian Cage w/Taz

After the match, Taz gets the microphone and he says that he respects what Jon Moxley has done throughout his career. Taz says that Moxley will be dealing with Brian Cage at AEW Fyter Fest, Taz says that Cage will tear Moxley’s heart out at Fyter Fest.

– Dr. Britt Baker DMD makes her way on stage for an interview with Tony Schiavone, the former Rebel pushes Baker while she’s in her wheelchair. Baker is out to tell The Rules Of Being A Role Model and rule three is “don’t hurt the role model.” Baker says her injury last week wasn’t an accident, but was instead a conspiracy by Nyla Rose, Kris Statlander and Hikaru Shida. Baker says she is close friends with TNT executives and there would be no women’s division without her, Baker says that Statlander is no alien. Baker also says that Shida is a fraudulent champion, while saying that Rose purposely landed on her leg to injure her. Baker has Rebel grab a conspiracy board and it has all the evidence on it, Baker says that referee Aubrey Edwards is the leader of the conspiracy. Baker says that Edwards was the referee for almost all of her injuries, Baker says she’ll be back at AEW All Out.

– The Inner Circle are interviewed backstage, Chris Jericho says the pep rally will be the biggest spectacle in AEW history. Orange Cassidy randomly walks by and interrupts the interview.

Hikaru Shida vs. Christi Jaynes

The match begins with Shida backing Jaynes into the ropes before letting her go free, Jaynes challenges Shida to a dance off before attacking her from behind. Shida gets angry and she attacks Jaynes with a bunch of strikes, Jaynes recovers to drop Shida with a springboard arm drag. Shida and Jaynes take turns pulling each other’s hair, Shida sends Jaynes into the corner before landing a running knee strike. Shida traps Jaynes on the ring apron before landing another knee strike, Shida follows up by nailing Jaynes with a back breaker. Shida keeps Jaynes down while applying a camel clutch to her, Shida releases the hold to hit Jaynes with a suplex for a near fall. Shida goes to the middle rope and Jaynes knocks her down with an enziguri, Jaynes goes to the top rope and she goes for a sunset flip before landing a strike for a near fall. Jaynes goes for a moonsault and Shida avoids it, Shida then hits Jaynes with a rolling forearm strike for a near fall. Shida then hits Jaynes with a falcon arrow for a three count.

Winner: Hikaru Shida

– Hangman Page & Kenny Omega are shown in their hotel room, they realize they are being watched and go right back to drinking.

– Highlights are shown of Cody winning the AEW TNT Championship at AEW Double Or Nothing ‘20.

– Cody and Arn Anderson make their way to the ring for an interview with Tony Schiavone, Anderson heads backstage before Cody gets in the ring. Cody says that Tom Brady is his favorite quarterback because they both weren’t the first ones called before they became the best, Cody says becoming the first AEW TNT Champion rectified everything. Cody talks about how he has grown throughout his pro wrestling career, Cody says he should be judged on what he does next because he will defend the title every week.

Winner Gets AEW Tag Team Title Shot Next Week On AEW Dynamite
Kip Sabian & Jimmy Havoc w/Penelope Ford vs. SCU (Frankie Kazarian & Scorpio Sky)

The match begins with Havoc and Sabian attacking SCU before the bell sounds, Kazarian fights back against them before Sky gets Havoc out of the ring. Sky tags in and he double teams Sabian with Kazarian, Sky then hits Sabian with a back breaker for a near fall. Kazarian tags back in and he nails Sabian with a spin kick to the head for a near fall, Sabian fights back and he nails Kazarian with a jaw breaker. Havoc tags in and Kazarian drops him before wrenching away on his arm, Sky tags in and he nails the arm of Havoc with a top rope axe handle smash. Sky drops Havoc before landing a basement drop kick for a near fall, Kazarian tags back in and he nails the arm of Havoc with a middle rope axe handle smash. Kazarian then hits a fighting Havoc with a release German suplex for a near fall, Kazarian corners Havoc while landing some strikes. Sabian distracts Kazarian and before landing a head kick, Havoc mounts Kazarian while landing some strikes. Sabian tags in and he double teams Kazarian with Havoc, Sabian attacks Kazarian with more strikes before tagging Havoc in.

Sabian slingshots Kazarian into an eye poke from Havoc, Havoc drops Kazarian with a reverse x-factor for a near fall. Sabian tags back in and he drops Kazarian with a back elbow strike for a near fall, Havoc tags back in and he works over Kazarian as we go to a commercial break. We return from the break to see Sabian holding Kazarian in a chin lock, Sabian releases the hold before stomping away on a downed Kazarian, Havoc tags in and he drops Kazarian before raking his eyes. Sabian tags back in as Kazarian fights back against both opponents, Sky tags in and he cleans house against the opposing team. Sky hits Sabian with a twisting cutter before applying a dragon sleeper, Havoc breaks the submission up before tagging back into the match. Havoc nails Sky with a death valley driver, Sabian tags in and he nails Sky with a top rope double stomp for a near fall. Kazarian interferes and he attacks Sabian with a leg drop, Kazarian tags in and he nails Havoc with an assisted tornado DDT for a near fall.

Havoc goes to the ring apron and Kazarian gets him back in while landing a cutter for a near fall, Sky tags in and Ford interferes to prevent SCU Later from happening. Havoc and Sabian hit Sky with their finisher for a three count.

Winners: Kip Sabian & Jimmy Havoc w/Penelope Ford

– MJF appears and he says he is perfection in the ring and on the microphone, MJF talks about being undefeated for over a year now. MJF wonders why he hasn’t gotten a title shot yet in AEW, MJF says he will become the top contender to the AEW TNT Title. MJF says that Wardlow is also in the match as his protection.

Battle Royal For AEW TNT Title Shot Next Week On AEW Dynamite
MJF vs. Wardlow vs. Colt Cabana vs. Billy Gunn vs. Luchasaurus vs. Luther vs. Marko Stunt vs. Jungle Boy vs. Brandon Cutler vs. Christopher Daniels vs. Orange Cassidy vs. Sonny Kiss vs. Peter Avalon

The match begins with everybody brawling in the ring while Santana and Ortiz jump Cassidy on the entrance ramp, Luther nails Stunt with a pop up knee strike. Luchasaurus attacks Luther and they start brawling, Luther attacks Stunt again before getting eliminated by Luchasaurus. Stunt tries eliminating Luchasaurus before realizing it was a bad idea, Kiss goes after MJF and Wardlow eliminates him. MJF rolls under the ropes to attack Kiss further, Stunt attacks a downed Cutler in the corner. Wardlow and Luchasaurus attack Daniels while Cabana battles MJF, Cabana and Gunn then go to battle. Cabana battles MJF again until Wardlow intervenes, Cabana goes for a Flying Apple and Gunn eliminates him. A Dark Order spokesperson hands Cabana a flyer after the elimination, Gunn battles Boy while Wardlow and MJF work over Daniels. Stunt again tries eliminating Luchasaurus while Avalon and Boy battle Gunn, Avalon and Cutler battle each other until they eliminate each other simultaneously.

Gunn nails Boy with a Fame Asser before getting attacked by Luchasaurus and Wardlow, Wardlow turns on Luchasaurus and nails him with a clothesline. Stunt goes after Wardlow and he eventually eliminates Daniels, Wardlow catches a leaping Stunt and he dumps him out of the ring for an elimination. Luchasaurus attacks MJF and Wardlow comes for the save, Luchasaurus and Wardlow have a striking exchange in the middle of the ring. MJF nails Luchasaurus with a chop block before Gunn attacks him and Wardlow, Luchasaurus then battles Gunn. Luchasaurus and Gunn drop a charging Wardlow before battling each other, Wardlow and MJF eliminate Luchasaurus and Gunn. Wardlow and MJF double team Boy, Cassidy gets back in the ring and he goes after MJF. MJF takes the ring out and he accidentally hits Wardlow with it, Boy then eliminates a charging MJF.

Boy and Cassidy double team Wardlow and eliminate him, Cassidy and Boy both try eliminating each other, Cassidy nails Boy with multiple superman punches. Boy recovers and he nails Cassidy with a clothesline, Boy uses a hurricarana to eliminate Cassidy and win the match.

Winner: Jungle Boy

– Highlights are shown of the Stadium Stampede Match at AEW Double Or Nothing ’20.

– Vickie Guerrero comes out and welcomes everybody to The Inner Circle pep rally, The Inner Circle makes their way to the ring afterwards. Jericho gets the microphone and he welcomes everybody to the pep rally, Jericho says The Inner Circle will rise again. The Inner Circle pass out their Stadium Stampede shirts to everybody in the crowd, but some people throw the shirts back at them. Sammy Guevara grabs the microphone and he gives everybody participation trophies, Santana gives them all gifts from a gift basket. Jericho then gives the injured Guevara a scooter, Jericho then gives Ortiz some headphones so he can hear again. Hager then reads a poem to the members of The Inner Circle, Jericho says he wants Mike Tyson’s head on a platter for what Tyson did to him during his time in the WWE. Guevara reveals a platter he got for Jericho and the revealed platter turns out to be empty, Tyson makes his way to the ring surrounded by a posse that includes Henry Cejudo, Rashad Evans and Vitor Belfort. Jericho says he has been dreaming of confronting Tyson for over a decade, Tyson says Jericho deserved what he got.

Jericho wants an apology and Tyson rips his shirt off, Jericho and Tyson get into a shoving contest before a huge brawl breaks loose. Members of the locker room come out to separate everybody.

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