
WWE 205 Live Results for 5/22/20 Scott vs Breeze, Lorcan & Burch vs Ever-Rise

Swerve takes on Prince and Lorcan and Burch take on Ever-Rise tonight at 10pm EST on the WWE Network!

Hey there Fight Fans, we hope you enjoyed Smackdown on FOX and are ready for tonight’s edition of WWE 205 Live!

Danny Burch & Oney Lorcan vs Ever-Rise

Danny backs Chase into the corner for a clean break before going after Matt on the apron before he’s momentarily doubled up on before getting the tag to Oney before Lorcan and Burch go for a double submission, but Chase sends Danny into Oney to break it up and send him out of the ring. Ever-Rise double up on Oney before Matt rocks him with a forearm and locks in a rear headlock before he gets to his feet and hits a running blockbuster before getting the tag to Danny who drops Chase several times and hits a missile dropkick into a running clothesline in the corner and an enzuigiri into a German suplex for two. Danny sets Chase up on the top turnbuckle before Chase kicks him away and gets a near fall that Oney breaks up before Lorcan and Burch lock in a double submissions and force both members of Ever-Rise to tap for the win.

Winner: Danny Burch and Oney Lorcan defeat Ever-Rise via pinfall.

– After the match we get a recap of El Hijo Del Fantasma defeating Akira Tozawa in Interim Cruiserweight Championship Tournament as well as Drake Maverick defeating KUSHIDA as well as the announcement of KUSHIDA, Drake and Jake Atlas facing off in a triple threat match on next week’s NXT with the winner facing Fantasma in the finals of the tournament in two week’s time. We next have an interview with Isaiah Scott from last Wednesday ahead of his attack by Tony Nese before his tournament match against Jack Gallagher that Gallagher won in a matter of moments before we get a graphic for Scott against Tyler Breeze up next as we go to commercial.

Isaiah Scott vs Tyler Breeze

Tyler takes control early before mocking Scott and reclining across the top turnbuckle before Tyler backs Scott into the corner for a clean break and dodges a kick by Scott who says that he just barely missed Tyler. Scott whips Breeze into the corner and hits a running back elbow before he tries to climb the ropes and slips before Tyler kicks him through the ropes before Scott gets back into the ring and hits a float over suplex for two. Tyler whips Scott into the corner before clubbing him across the back and Scott nearly knocks Breeze out with a right hand before hitting a foot stomp from the apron and tossing Tyler into the barricade. Back in the ring Scott hits a rolling flat liner for two before Tyler sets Scott on the top turnbuckle and Scott kicks him away before he jumps and lands on his feet, Tyler dropping Scott with an enzuigiri for two. They counter each other until Tyler gets a near fall off of a jack knife and Scott hits a snap German suplex for a near fall before Tyler counters The House Call and Scott hits a neckbreaker before Tyler hits the Supermodel Kick for a near fall. Tyler then sets Isaiah on the top rope before he goes for a cheeky nandos kick and Scott kicks him away before hitting The Confidence Boost for the pin and the win.

Winner: Isaiah Scott defeats Tyler Breeze via pinfall.

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