
WWE 205 Live Results for 5/15/20 Gallagher vs Nese, Breeze vs Miles

It’s the return of 205 Live tonight at 10 PM EST after Smackdown on FOX exclusively on the WWE Network!

Hey there Fight Fans, we hope you enjoyed Smackdown on FOX and are ready for tonight’s edition of 205 Live!

Tyler Breeze vs Tehuti Miles

Miles throws his towel at Tyler and attacks him before Tyler comes back with right hands and spinebuster before Miles backs into the ropes and Tyler tries to drag him away before Miles hits him with a right hand and dropkicks him out of the ring. Tyler takes his time getting back into the ring where Miles stomps him before punching Tyler in the corner and hitting a neckbreaker for two before clubbing Tyler across the back and locking in a rear chin lock. Tyler then superkicks Miles for two before hitting an enzuigiri and Miles slams Tyler for two before Tyler hits The Unprettier for the pin and the win.

Winner: Tyler Breeze defeats Tehuti Miles via pinfall.

– After the match we get a graphic for Tony Nese versus Jack Gallagher in our main event up next as we go to commercial.

– We come back to a graphic for two matches in the Interim Cruiserweight Championship Tournament Wednesday on NXT before we get highlights of the NXT vs 205 Live match from last month.

Tony Nese vs Jack Gallagher

They lock up for a clean break before Tony locks in a heel hook and Jack counters with punches to Tony’s head before kicking him in the chest and Tony tries to come back with strikes before Jack sends him out of the ring. Tony gets back into the ring and catches Jack with a back elbow before dropping him with a flurry for two and immediately keeping Jack grounded with a headlock before Jack gets back to his feet and gets two off of a crucifix. Tony counters a head scissors for two before whipping Jack into the corner and Gallagher rolls out of the ring before he gets back in and Tony slams Jack before applying a body scissors before Jack turns over and punches Tony in his guard. Tony kicks Jack away before locking in a Boston crab and Jack gets free before they end up at ringside and Jack sends Tony into the barricade before tossing him back into the ring for two. Jack kicks Tony in the chest before Tony rocks him with forearms and Jack headbutts Tony in the midsection before Tony snaps Jack’s neck in the ropes and hits an asai moonsault before Jack breaks free of a waist lock and Tony hits a reverse powerbomb for two.

Jack then nearly knocks Tony out with a headbutt when he goes for The Running Nese before Tony dodges a running dropkick in the corner before Jack knocks Tony out with a discus elbow before falling on top of him for the pin and the win.

Winner: Jack Gallagher defeats Tony Nese via pinfall.

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