
IMPACT Wrestling Results for 5/12/20 Moose Retains the TNA World Heavyweight Championship

The tournament to crown a new number one contender for the IMPACT World Championship kicks off!

Good evening Fight Fans,and welcome to our coverage for tonight’s edition of IMPACT Wrestling on AXS TV and Twitch.TV!

– We open the show with a video package Moose before we open in the IMPACT Zone with our opening match in the first round of the Number One Contender Tournament with Madman Fulton and Hernandez.

IMPACT World Title #1 Contender Tournament First Round Match

Hernandez vs Madman Fulton

Fulton backs Hernandez into the corner for a clean break before they lock up and he backs him in again before pulling him out and locking in a standing side headlock. Hernandez catches a boot and headbutts Fulton before putting him in a headlock and tries to clothesline Fulton, but he won’t move before Hernandez hits a shoulder tackle. Fulton hits a dead lift superplex for two before hitting another suplex into a jumping splash for two before choking Hernandez in the ropes before hitting a running cross body for another two count, Fulton keeping up the offense and pinning Hernandez any opportunity he has to wear him down by making him kick out repeatedly. Fulton throws Hernandez to the mat and stomps him before locking in a rear headlock before Fulton misses a diving headbutt and Hernandez hits a slingshot shoulder tackle into a clothesline. Hernandez hits a running splash in the corner before hitting a running senton before hitting a uranage for two before he takes out the Crist Brothers when they try to interfere before Boarder Tossing Jake into Fulton for a surprising one count.

Fulton then comes back with a running clothesline in the corner before Hernandez knocks Fulton off of the top when Fulton sets him on the top turnbuckle and hits a diving splash for the pin and the win.

Winner: Hernandez defeats Madman Fulton via pinfall to advance in the tournament.

– After the match we get a promo by Michael Elgin who says that he should not have to earn a title shot and being in the tournament before saying that he might have to just start sending people to the hospital as we go to commercial.

– We come back from commercial to OvE backstage after Fulton’s loss to Hernandez before they’re interrupted by Crazzy Steve before Jake tells Steve that Dave is going to kick his ass next week before Joey Ryan comes out around the corner and takes offense to what Steve said, Joey saying that he shouldn’t use the word crazy. We next go to Josh and Madison on commentary before we get a run down of the rest of the card on tonight’s show with Havok versus the debuting Kimber Lee as well as another tournament match between Trey and Rohit Raju as well as Ken Shamrock on this week’s edition of Locker Room Talk before the card rounds out with Moose defending the TNA World Championship against Suicide in tonight’s main event. We lastly go back to the IMPACT Zone for our next match between Kylie Rae and Tasha Steelz.

Kylie Rae vs Tasha Steelz

They exchange wrist locks before Tasha takes Kylie down with a side headlock takeover before Kylie locks in a head scissors, Tasha standing on her head to get free before mocking Kylie, Kylie taking Tasha down with a headlock takeover before Tasha puts Kylie in a head scissors before Kylie rolls backwards to get free. They run the ropes before Kylie drops Tasha and hits a series of arm drags into a dropkick and Tasha hits a snake eyes in the corner when Kylie runs in before Tasha mocks Kylie’s pose and drops her with several wrist lock clotheslines for two. Tasha locks in a rear headlock before Kylie gets to her feet and backs into the corner several times to get Tasha off of her back before Tasha hits a running back elbow and Kylie comes back with several clotheslines. Kylie hits Tasha with a forearm before hitting The Kylie Special for a near fall, Kylie immediately following up with an attempted STF, but Tasha is quick to the ropes for the break. Tasha then catches Kylie coming in with a back elbow before she gets hit with a back elbow and Tasha hits an enzuigiri into a diving cross body for two before Kylie counters a springboard bulldog into Smile to the Finish for the tap and the win.

Winner: Kylie Rae defeats Tasha Steelz via submission with Smile to the Finish.

– After the match we go to a promo by Rohit Raju who talks about how he hasn’t gotten the respect he deserves and that he’s going to prove that he’s not a joke and that everyone will stop doubting him when he defeats Trey and goes on to win the Number One Contender Tournament and that Desi Hit Squad is dead and there is just the Desi Hit Man as we go to commercial.

– We come back to Kylie Rae backstage talking to Susie before we go to the ring for our next match between Kimber Lee and Havok.

Kimber Lee vs Havok

Havok woman-handles Lee before hitting a diving sit-out powerbomb for two before Lee chokes Havok in the ropes as we go to commercial.

We come back to Lee in control of Havok in the corner, hitting her with clubbing blows and choking her in the corner before Havok whips her into the corner and Lee locks in an octopus stretch in the ropes before dropping Havok. Lee hits a swanton bomb for two before Havok hits a swinging sit-out uranage before Lee grabs a pair of brass knuckles and Havok sets her on the top turnbuckle before Lee hits her with them and knocks her out. Lee then gets off of the top turnbuckle that Havok set her up on and covers Havok for the pin and the win.

Winner: Kimber Lee defeats Havok via pinfall.

– After the match we get a video package for Kiera Hogan before we go to this week’s episode of Locker Room Talk with this week’s guest Ken Shamrock where he talks about coming back to IMPACT and Sami Callihan before Ken says that he’s focused on winning the number one contender tournament and winning the title before he’s attacked by Michael Elgin who hits him with an object and puts a chair on top of him before hitting it with another chair and saying that the title is his before leaving as we go to commercial.

– We come back to a promo by Sami Callihan who says that he wants the world title back and he’ll do what he has to to get it back and that he sees everything before we go back to the IMPACT Zone for our second tournament match tonight between Rohit Raju and Trey.

IMPACT World Title #1 Contender Tournament First Round Match

Rohit Raju vs Trey

They lock up before exchanging standing switches and wrist locks before Trey hits a springboard arm drag into a shoulder block that drops Rohit before they run the ropes in several directions until Rohit drops Trey with a back elbow. Rohit clubs Trey in the corner and stomps him before Trey hits a knee lift into a head scissors before Rohit rolls out of the ring and Trey teases a tope before Rohit catches him with a right hand. Rohit kicks Trey when he’s trapped in the ropes before dropping him to the mat with a knee lift from the apron for two before playing to the camera and hitting a scoop slam into a falling elbow drop for two. Rohit hits a jumping flat liner for two and follows up with snap suplex for another two count and tries to ground the high flyer from The Rascalz before Trey gets to his feet and comes back with a knee into a jumping neckbreaker. Trey hits a Pele kick for two before hitting a running back elbow in the corner and Rohit comes back with a flurry of moves in the corner before hitting a reverse DDT for a near fall.

Rohit whips Trey into the corner before hitting a running clothesline and Trey hits a cheeky nandos kick into a 619 and Trey catches him in mid-air with a jumping knee before hitting a twisting neckbreaker. Trey then pins Rohit out of nowhere with a small package for the pin and the win.

Winner: Trey defeats Rohit Raju via pinfall to advance to the next round of the tournament.

– After the match we get a graphic for The North defending their tag titles in Canada up like they did last week as we go to commercial.

– We come back to a video package where Cody Deaner talks about self-isolating before saying that he’s started channeling his energy he used for wrestling into other things such as yoga, dancing and running before he wrestlers an invisible opponent as well as a tree and a stuffed animal before we go to The North defending their tag belts for the second week in a row against two unnamed opponents in a video package showing various highlights of the match in which The North retain after Ethan knocks out one of his opponents and acts like he’s attacking him before we get highlights of Josh throwing both of his opponents around the ring before hitting their finisher for the pin and the win. We then go to Rosemary at the bar where she talks to Mr.Mundo before John E. Bravo shows up and takes him back before John admits that he misses Taya like she does before leaving as we go to commercial.

– We come back from commercial to Johnny Swinger in the locker room before Chris Bey shows up and tells him that Willie has been saying things about how he was the leader of their tag team and the success behind the group before we go to this week’s IMPACT+ Flashback Moment of the Week with the debut match of Monty Brown who won quickly in a one-sided match against ain unnamed opponent. We then go to Willie Mack being confronted by Johnny Swinger in the hallway before Johnny challenges Willie to a title match, Willie saying that all he had to do was ask before accepting the title match next week before we get a graphic for Sami Callihan and Michael Elgin in a first round tournament match before we’re told there’s no update on the condition of Ken Shamrock who is supposed to face Rhino next week as well as a Tag Team Championship Number One Contender Match before we get a graphic for our main event up next as we throw back to the IMPACT Zone.

TNA World Heavyweight Championship Match

Moose vs Suicide

Moose demands the announcer and the referee declare that the match is for the TNA World Championship before the match starts before Suicide immediately rolls Moose up for two and hits an arm drag before Moose rolls out of the ring as we go to commercial.

We come back to Suicide in control, Suicide hitting a hurricanrana before Moose sends Suicide into the railing and tossing him back into the ring before Suicide catches him coming in with a boot and Moose throws him across the ring. Suicide comes back with an enzuigiri before Moose knocks him down when he goes for a springboard and boots Suicide off of the apron and into the railing before bringing Suicide back into the ring after swinging him into the railing and powerbombing him onto the apron. Suicide hits a suicide dive and sends Moose into the railing before tossing Moose back into the ring and a cannonball off of the apron when he sends Moose through the ropes before rolling him back into the ring and hitting a hurricanrana. Suicide chops Moose before hitting a shotei for two and counters a powerbomb into a hurricanrana before hitting a rolling senton into an asai moonsault for a near fall. Moose drives Suicide into the corner and stomps him before Moose runs over the referee and Suicide hits an enzuigiri into a spinning back fist and a headbutt into a code breaker, but there’s no one to count the pin.

Suicide then hits a code red for a near fall off of a slow count when he counters a spear before Moose low blows Suicide and hits a spear for the pin and the win.

Winner: Moose retains his TNA World Heavyweight Championship by defeating Suicide via pinfall.

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