
WWE Raw 5/4/20 Results: AJ Styles Returns, A Gauntlet Match & Drew McIntyre vs. Murphy

Welcome to Fightful.com’s live coverage & discussion for WWE Raw. We’ll be bringing you full, fight by fight coverage of every bout on the card. You can also send in your feedback on our Disqus boards below!

– The show starts off with highlights from last week’s contract signing between Drew McIntyre and Seth Rollins.

– MVP is in the ring for an edition of The VIP Lounge, MVP talks about the craziness surrounding last week’s VIP Lounge. MVP says tonight’s guests are Nia Jax, Asuka and Shayna Baszler, MVP brings out all three guests to the VIP Lounge. Jax talks about how she has been dominating everybody during the last few weeks on Raw, Asuka responds by saying a bunch of stuff in Japanese while referencing Kairi Sane. Baszler says her unique skill set is what sets her apart from everybody in the match, Asuka gets angry and says a bunch of stuff in Japanese. Asuka and Baszler attack Jac and knock her out of the ring, MVP gets between Baszler and Asuka before they get physical with each other.

– Highlights are shown of the knee injury Apollo Crews suffered last week on Raw.

Last Chance Gauntlet Match
Winner Gets Final Spot In Men’s Money In The Bank Ladder Match
Bobby Lashley vs. Titus O’Neil vs. Akira Tozawa vs. Shelton Benjamin vs. Humberto Carrillo vs. Angel Garza w/Zelina Vega vs. Austin Theory w/Zelina Vega vs. AJ Styles

Bobby Lashley vs. Titus O’Neil

The match begins with O’Neil attacking Lashley with a few strikes, Lashley quickly recovers and he nails O’Neil with a spear for a three count.

Eliminated: Titus O’Neil

Bobby Lashley vs. Akira Tozawa

The match begins with Tozawa nailing Lashley with a missile drop kick and spin kick, Lashley recovers and he nails Tozawa with a spear for a three count.

Eliminated: Akira Tozawa

Bobby Lashley vs. Shelton Benjamin

The match begins with Benjamin nailing Lashley with a blockbuster before sending him to the arena floor, Benjamin then hits Lashley with a face buster on the arena floor. Lashley recovers and he sends Benjamin into the barricade, Lashley gets Benjamin in the ring before missing a spear attempt. Benjamin catches Lashley with a spinning heel kick for a near fall, Lashley recovers and he nails Benjamin with a spear for a three count.

Eliminated: Bobby Lashley

Bobby Lashley vs. Humberto Carrillo

The match is joined in progress and we see Lashley working over Carrillo in the corner, Carrillo fights back and Lashley nails him with a shoulder tackle. Lashley looks for a Dominator and Carrillo escapes before landing a missile drop kick a short time later, Carrillo goes back to the top rope and Lashley knocks him off to the mat below. Lashley then nails Carrillo with a corner clothesline followed by some strikes, Lashley pushes the referee after he tried getting in between him and Carrillo and the referee DQ’s him.

Eliminated: Bobby Lashley, by DQ

Humberto Carrillo vs. Angel Garza w/Zelina Vega

The match is joined in progress and we see Garza working over Carrillo in the corner, Carrillo fights back and Garza traps him in the ropes before landing a drop kick. Garza gets Carrillo out of the corner before landing a leg drop and basement drop kick for a near fall, Garza holds Carrillo down while pulling back on his arm and leg. Carrillo fights his way free and Garza cracks him with a knee strike, Garza then hits Carrillo with an inverted slingshot suplex and thrust kick for a near fall. Carrillo recovers to hit Garza with a super kick and hurricarana, Carrillo follows up by nailing Garza with a spinning head kick for a near fall. Carrillo goes for a standing moonsault and Garza gets his knees up, Garza keeps Carrillo down while holding him in a camel clutch. Garza then gets Carrillo in a pendulum hold before going for a few pin attempts, Garza then hits Carrillo with a middle rope moonsault for a near fall. Garza sets up for the Wing Clipper and Carrillo escapes to roll him up for a three count.

Eliminated: Angel Garza w/Zelina Vega

Humberto Carrillo vs. Austin Theory w/Zelina Vega

The match begins with Theory attacking Carrillo with a variety of strikes, Theory focuses his attack on the arm of Carrillo. Theory gets Carrillo in the corner before dropping him with a hard Irish whip, Carrillo fights back and Theory nails him with more strikes. Theory drops Garza before landing a jump stomp for a near fall, Theory keeps Carrillo down while applying a modified bear hug. Carrillo gets free and Theory kicks him in the midsection before applying another modified bear hug, Carrillo gets free again and Theory nails him with a drop kick. Carrillo gets Theory up and Theory gets free before eating a kick to the rib cage and face, Carrillo goes for a springboard cross body block and Theory counters by nailing him with a left. Theory gets Carrillo on the top rope and he follows him up there, Theory nails Carrillo with a superplex and Carrillo instantly rolls him up for a three count.

Eliminated: Austin Theory w/Zelina Vega

Humberto Carrillo vs. AJ Styles

The match is joined in progress and we see Carrillo nail Styles with an enziguri, Carrillo corners Styles while landing some strikes. Styles fights back and he nails Carrillo with multiple knee strikes to the midsection, Styles keeps Carrillo down while stomping away on him. Styles then nails Carrillo with an overhead slam for a near fall, Styles then gets Carrillo in a modified bear hug before transitioning to an abdominal stretch. Carrillo eventually gets to the ropes to break the submission attempt, Styles reapplies the modified bear hug to Carrillo. Carrillo gets free and Styles sends him into the corner before landing a dragon screw leg whip, Styles focuses his attack on the injured leg of Carrillo. Styles looks for a submission and Carrillo instantly gets to the ropes, Styles goes for a dragon screw leg whip and Carrillo counters with a DDT. Carrillo follows up on that by cracking Styles with an enziguri, Carrillo then hits Styles with a spinning head kick. Styles recovers and Carrillo catches him in a roll up for a near fall, Carrillo and Styles then crack each other with a double clothesline. Styles gets up first to hit Carrillo with a pump handle gut buster, Styles gets Carrillo in the calf crusher and Carrillo taps out.

Eliminated: Humberto Carrillo

Winner: AJ Styles

After the match, AJ Styles continues attacking the injured leg of Humberto Carrillo. Styles grabs the microphone to say that he got buried by The Undertaker at ‘Mania 36, but that is in the past now because he seized an opportunity for WWE Money In The Bank ’20. Styles says he’ll do anything to win the Money In The Bank Contract, including throwing the wrestlers off the top of WWE Headquarters.

– A video package airs counting down the top moments surrounding Money In The Bank.

– Seth Rollins makes his way to the ring for an interview with Charly Caruso, Rollins says he has confidence in Murphy tonight as he faces Drew McIntyre. Rollins says that McIntyre isn’t a leader and its not his destiny to carry the company into the future, Rollins says he isn’t trying to take anything from McIntyre. Rollins talks about what being the champion represents and how McIntyre isn’t ready for it, Rollins says he is trying to unburden and save McIntyre. Rollins says he will win the WWE Championship at WWE Money In The Bank.

– Shane Thorne & Brendan Vink are preparing backstage when MVP arrives, MVP tells them that great moments are born from great opportunities. Thorne says they will not lose to Ricochet and Cedric Alexander tonight, Vink echoes what his partner is saying.

– Charly Caruso interviews Murphy, who says that Seth Rollins took him under his wing when it benefited them both. Murphy says he wants to be on the same level as Rollins one day, or even better than Rollins one day in the future. Murphy says Rollins can beat Drew McIntyre and he can also beat McIntyre as well.

Ricochet & Cedric Alexander vs. Shane Thorne & Brendan Vink

The match begins with Alexander attacking Vink with a series of strikes, Vink recovers and he corners Alexander before tagging Thorne in. Alexander quickly recovers and he nails Thorne with a basement drop kick, Ricochet tags in and he double teams Thorne with Alexander for a near fall. Alexander tags back in and he nails Thorne with more strikes, Thorne gets Alexander to the ring apron before knocking him to the arena floor after a Vink distraction. Vink tags in and he throws Alexander into the barricade, Vink gets Alexander back in the ring before applying a camel clutch to him. Alexander gets free and he nails Vink with a Neuralizer, Thorne and Ricochet are tagged in by their respective partners. Ricochet quickly starts cleaning house against the opposing team, Ricochet nails Thorne with a top rope hurricarana before tagging Alexander in. Ricochet and Alexander double team Thorne for another near fall, Vink hits the ring and Ricochet knocks him out of it. Vink tags in and Alexander nails him with a knee strike, Ricochet tags in and Vink gets him off the top rope. Thorne returns and he nails Alexander with a cannonball, Vink nails Ricochet with a boot to the face for a three count.

Winners: Shane Thorne & Brendan Vink

– More past Money In The Bank highlights are shown.

– The Street Profits get the microphone before the next match, Angelo Dawkins and Montez Ford talk about their history at the WWE Performance Center. The Street Profits also talk about their history with The Viking Raiders, Ford says the chase for both teams ends tonight.

The Street Profits (Montez Ford & Angelo Dawkins) vs. The Viking Raiders (Erik & Ivar)

The match begins with Erik missing a leaping knee strike attempt, Erik gets angry and he knocks Dawkins off the ring apron. Ford corners Erik before attacking him with some strikes, Ford goes after Ivar and that allows Erik to drop him. Ivar then nails Dawkins with a boot to the face on the arena floor, Ivar then nails Dawkins with a cross body block while Erik nails Ford with a knee strike. Ivar tags in and he nails Ford with a top rope splash for a near fall, Ford fights back and he manages to tag Dawkins into the match. Dawkins quickly starts cleaning house against the opposing team, Ford tags in and he double teams Ivar with Dawkins. Ivar fights back to drop Dawkins with a clothesline and tag Erik in, Erik and Ivar corner Ford before Erik is slammed on top of him for a near fall. Erik cracks Ford with a few more strikes before tagging Ivar back in, Ivar attacks Ford with some strikes of his own. Ivar drops Ford before landing a knee drop for a near fall, Ivar holds Ford down while working over his arm. Erik tags back in and he nails a cornered Ford with shoulder thrusts, Ford fights back and he tags Dawkins into the match. Dawkins again cleans house against the opposing team, Dawkins corners Erik before landing an avalanche and bulldog.

Erik leaves the ring and he drags Dawkins out of it, Erik looks for a dive and Dawkins manages to take out both members of the opposition as we go to a commercial break. We return from the break to see Dawkins holding Erik in a chin lock, Erik fights his way free and Dawkins tags Ford into the match. Ford then cracks Erik with a drop kick for a near fall, Ford keeps Erik down while holding him in a chin lock. Dawkins tags back in and he cracks Erik with some strikes, Erik recovers and he nails Dawkins with a right before tagging Ivar in. Ivar quickly starts cleaning house against the opposing team, Ivar nails Dawkins with a seated senton in the corner for a near fall. Erik tags in and he double teams Dawkins alongside Ivar for a near fall, Dawkins avoids a swinging Erik to land a gut wrench suplex. Ivar and Ford are tagged in by their respective partners, Ford attacks Ivar with strikes and clothesline attempts. Ford drops Ivar with an enziguri before failing at a slam attempt, Dawkins tags in and he works with Ford to double team Ivar for a near fall. Ford tags in and Ivar nails both opponents with a double handspring elbow strike, Erik tags in and he nails Ford with multiple back breakers.

Ivar tags in and Ford knocks him off the top rope, The Viking Raiders go for The Viking Experience and Dawkins breaks it up. Ford then hits the unaware Ivar with a tornado DDT, Dawkins tags in and The Street Profits hit Ivar with a Cash Out for a near fall. Erik interferes and he levels Dawkins with a knee strike, Erik then sends Ford out of the ring before tagging into the match. The Viking Raiders hit Dawkins with The Viking Experience for a three count.

Winners: The Viking Raiders (Erik & Ivar)

– Charly Caruso interviews Drew McIntyre, who says Murphy is a confused person that Seth Rollins preys upon. McIntyre says that if Murphy is willing to be a sacrifice, then McIntyre will slaughter him tonight.

– Another video package airs highlighting more Money In The Bank moments.

– Charly Caruso interviews The Viking Raiders, with Erik saying their win over The Street Profits is about dominance. Ivar says they are the better team when compared to The Street Profits, Erik says the smoke was extinguished tonight.

– Aleister Black appears to demand AJ Styles tell how it felt to be buried by The Undertaker at ‘Mania 36, Black says the loss didn’t humble Styles at all. Black says that Styles better pray that he doesn’t get back up if Styles throws him off the roof of WWE Headquarters.

Rey Mysterio is backstage and he says that he doesn’t know what to expect at WWE Money In The Bank ‘20, Mysterio says that it is the riskiest match of his professional wrestling career. Mysterio talks about the importance of the briefcase, Mysterio says he doesn’t know how many championship opportunities he has left in his career.

– WWE NXT Women’s Champion Charlotte Flair makes her way to the ring, Flair says she is the hardest working woman in any industry. Flair says she is pulling double duty on both Raw and NXT, Flair talks about facing Io Shirai this week on NXT. Flair says she is happy to be Shirai’s dream opponent, Flair says she’ll make Shirai bow down to the queen. Liv Morgan interrupts and Flair says she wants her attention and to be taken seriously, Morgan talks about how easy Flair had it due to being Ric Flair’s daughter. Flair says she has heard everything before from everybody else, Morgan then challenges Flair to a match.

– A video package airs highlighting Jinder Mahal.

Charlotte Flair vs. Liv Morgan

The match begins with Flair backing Morgan into the corner before letting her go free, Flair takes Morgan down with an arm drag after that. Morgan gets up and she gets Flair in a headlock, Flair gets free and she gets Morgan in a headlock of her own. Morgan gets free and Flair drops her with a shoulder tackle and a kick to the face, Flair follows Morgan around while nailing her with strikes. Morgan fights back and Flair cracks her with a forearm strike, Morgan gets angry and she nails Flair with a ton of strikes followed by a drop kick. Morgan then drops Flair with a hurricarana, Flair fights back and she drops a charging Morgan with a clothesline. Morgan recovers and she nails Flair with a springboard missile drop kick, Flair fights back and she propels Morgan into the corner as we go to a commercial break. We return from the break to see Flair smashing the head of Morgan into the mat below, Flair corners Morgan again before a striking exchange breaks out. Morgan fights back and she drops Flair with a few clotheslines, Morgan then nails Flair with an enziguri and corner stomp for a near fall. Flair recovers and she nails Morgan with a forearm strike after getting her to the ring apron, Morgan fights back and Flair stomps away on her.

Morgan gets angry and she cracks Flair with a jaw breaker and springboard code breaker, Morgan goes for another hurricarana and Flair counters with a sit out power bomb for a near fall. Flair traps Morgan in the corner again while nailing her with chops, Morgan fights back and Flair gets her in a Boston crab. Morgan eventually gets to the ropes to break the submission attempt, Morgan recovers and sends a charging Flair into the ropes. Flair fights back and she sends a charging Morgan into the corner, Flair goes to the top rope and Morgan gets her off with a super code breaker for a near fall. Morgan looks for Oblivion and Flair gets out of the way, Flair gets Morgan in the Figure Eight and Morgan taps out.

Winner: Charlotte Flair

Drew McIntyre vs. Murphy w/Seth Rollins

The match begins with McIntyre shoving Murphy out of the ring, Murphy returns and he gets McIntyre in a headlock. McIntyre gets free and he drops Murphy with a shoulder tackle, Murphy leaves the ring and McIntyre follows him out there. McIntyre grabs Murphy and he sends him into the barricade multiple times, McIntyre also tosses Murphy over the barricade before dropping him on the LED screen by the entrance ramp. McIntyre gets Murphy back in the ring before having a staredown with Rollins, Murphy attacks a distracted McIntyre and he sends him into the barricade. Murphy follows up on that by shoving McIntyre into the ring post, McIntyre gets in the ring and Murphy nails him with a top rope double knee strike for a near fall. Murphy then nails McIntyre with multiple kicks to the back, McIntyre fights back and he attacks Murphy with some chops. Murphy misses a knee strike and McIntyre nails him with a Glasgow Kiss, Murphy fights back and he lands a few kicks to McIntyre’s face. Murphy goes to the top rope and McIntyre knocks him off and onto the barricade, McIntyre gets Murphy back in the ring before landing a top rope clothesline. McIntyre drags Murphy to the top rope and Murphy gets free before landing a super kick, Murphy then hits McIntyre with a sit out power bomb for a near fall.

Murphy goes for his own Claymore Kick and McIntyre lands one of his own for a three count.

Winner: Drew McIntyre

After the match, Seth Rollins attacks Drew McIntyre, McIntyre fights back to hit Rollins with a Glasgow Kiss.

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