
Match Ratings For 5/1/20 WWE Smackdown From Sean Ross Sapp

Daniel Bryan defeated King Corbin via DQ

  • Daniel Bryan indicates that six men and six women will be fighting “at the same time.” As we’d reported a couple of weeks ago, both matches were filmed at the same time.
  • He hypes up the excitement of the unknown in competing at Money in the Bank at WWE HQ. Bryan mentions that Money in the Bank changed his life when he couldn’t even get booked.
  • He wanted to be competing with his friend Drew Gulak, but the Corbin Cronies stopped that.
  • King Corbin comes out and throws his terrible delivery and even worse dialogue. Bryan trolls him about losing his Money in the Bank opportunity.
  • I am a big fan of how this match has played out. A couple of guys with legit training and experience feeling each other out and stiffing each other.
  • Bryan’s counter of the Bossman clothesline with a suicide dive was excellent.
  • Bryan is wearing a right elbow sleeve for some reason.
  • Bryan calling back to Corbin’s feud with Angle with an Ankle Lock, but commentary doesn’t mention it. He does a great stomp with the heel.
  • DB is really kicking the shit out of Corbin, and they can’t do a clean finish because Corbin uses a ladder.
  • Why is Corbin surprised that would cause a DQ? That just makes him look bad. Have his character embrace it if anything.
  • Bryan applies a Yes Lock when Corbin attacks, but Cesaro and Nakamura jump him.


  • Braun Strowman does his MTV dating show delivery and is cut off by Bray Wyatt.
  • Bray tells a story about the shepard and the Black Sheep, and losing the sheep.
  • He wants to tell a new story about finding the sheep and taking what makes the sheep happy, and then moving him to the slaughterhouse.
  • Braun is done with all of it.

Sheamus defeated Leon Ruff

  • This is Leon Ruff’s fourth appearance on WWE programming since December. He’s been on Raw, Smackdown, Main Event and NXT.
  • Sheamus kills him. Sheamus looks awesome.
  • Irish Curse Backbreaker and a Brogue Kick win it.
  • Leon sold his ass off. Great stuff.
  • We see the Jeff Hardy video.

Money in the Bank Qualifier
Carmella defeated Mandy Rose

  • Kayla Braxton is back, interviewing Otis and Mandy. Mandy clarifies she and Sonya are FORMER best friends.
  • Carmella does a great roll through into a superkick.
  • Sonya shows up and reminds Mandy that she gave her the Money in the Bank spot last year.
  • Mandy keeps fighting through it all and lands a nice forearm.
  • Mandy, the babyface, looks stupid as all fuck turning her back on her opponent to pay attention to Sonya.
  • Carmella with the superkick and win.
  • The work was fine but the angle was bad until the attack outside the ring. Enough dumb babyfaces.
  • Sonya attacks Mandy after the match. She beats the breaks off of her.
  • Sonya Deville is going to be huge if they do right by her.
  • In the trainer’s room, Mandy’s scraped up pretty badly. Dolph Ziggler shows up and asks if Mandy Rose is okay.

Forgotten Sons (w/ Jaxson Ryker) defeated New Day

  • Big E breaks this one open with a great belly-to-belly suplex inside, then a back body drop outside and a DEATH SPLASH on the apron.
  • Wesley Blake looks like he’s been hitting the tanning bed. The Forgotten Sons hit the double spinebuster.
  • Forgotten Sons are working well together, and working well with New Day. I feel like this is an important match for them. You can’t just go in there and have a decent match with New Day, you have to go in and have an awesome one with them.
  • Forgotten Sons win with their finish, and probably get a title shot out of it. It’s a good way to immediately establish them, but I just know they’ll do this match to death. Also, New Day should be protected.
  • Miz and Morrison were on commentary.

Other Stuff

  • Tamina is up for the challenge at MITB. Sasha shows up and says she’ll never forget all the help Tamina gave her when she debuted. It’s a ploy. Boss N’ Hug beat that ass until Lacey makes the save.

Money in the Bank Qualifier
Otis defeated Dolph Ziggler

  • Sonya says she’s going to keep hurting Mandy Rose, and Dolph Ziggler is going to keep doing the same to Otis. Dolph Ziggler cuts a really weird invisible cam promo that goes an awful long time.
  • In the ring, Ziggler gets hit with a great second rope catapult that he sells perfect.
  • Ziggler stops the Caterpillar and does a Stunner over the ropes. A Zig Zag can’t finish Otis.
  • To me, it seems really weird to use the Caterpillar in an urgent situation, much less the finish. It took a lot away for me.

Rating Guide
10- Perfect, 9- MOTY Territory, 8- Excellent, 7- Great, 6- Good, 5- Average to above average, 4- Slightly below average, 3 or below: Poor

Each match starts at a 5 and slides up and down based on entertainment, execution, time, environment, reaction and stakes. The ratings are in no way an indication of a “star rating,” which is a completely different system. A standard, non-offensive “TV match” lands at a 5. The gap between 5.75-6 is generally the largest, with anything reaching 6 being recommended viewing.
These are opinions, and incredibly inconsistent ones that may change upon a second viewing, or sitting on the match for a period of time. Don’t take them too seriously, and have (and share) your own!

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