
MLW Fusion Episode #107 Results The Hart Foundation vs Los Mercenarios

The MLW x AAA Super Series continues on this week’s episode of MLW Fusion!

Caribbean Championship No Disqualification Match

Richard Holliday (c) vs Chessman

Chessman sends Richard out of the ring almost immediately before Richard hits him with a chair when he goes for a suicide dive. Richard hits Chessman with the chair before tossing him back into the ring for two, Richard following up with a running clothesline in the corner. Richard stomps and chokes Chessman in the corner before Chessman comes back and sends Richard out of the ring before hitting a suicide dive. Chessman hits Richard across the back with the chair before they exchange and hit each other with a clothesline. Richard hits a superkick into a suplex for two before Richard starts arguing with the referee over his deliberately slow counts before Chessman catches him with a boot.

Chessman then hits a moonsault before missing a second one and Richard hits a gut wrench powerbomb for the pin and the win.

Winner: Richard Holliday retains the Caribbean championship by defeating Chessman via pinfall.

– After the match we get a recap of Alex Hammerstone and Mance Warner brawling backstage and ruining Alicia’s birthday party before we go to an interview with Mance who says that he’s focused on the National Openweight Championship. We next get an update on Douglas James who is out of action for the foreseeable future before we go to a segment of LA Park in Spanish before we go to a promo by Pagano. We next go to Alex responding to Mance, but not accepting the challenge just yet before we get an update on the status of Colonel Parker. We then get a promo by The Von Erichs at a waterfall before they dive off a cliff and into the water before we get a graphic for our tag team main event between the Hart Foundation and Los Mercenarios as we go to commercial.

– We then go to Low-Ki in a parking lot who says that Team Filthy have started a war and that it’s only beginning before we are told that Injustice will get a AAA Tag Team Championship match on next week’s show.

The Hart Foundation vs Los Mercenarios

Brian and Texano start the match off by exchanging right hands and wrist locks before Texano slaps Brian and Brian whips him into the corner. Brian hits a running clothesline and slaps him back before chopping him in the corner. LM take advantage of Davey inadvertently distracting the referee by doubling up on Brian before Escorpion gets the tag and hits a powerbomb for two. Brian nearly gets the tag to Davey, but the referee doesn’t see it before Davey is finally tagged in legally and drops both members of Los Mercenarios. Davey makes LM clash heads before punching Texano in the corner until Escorpion hits him from behind and Davey clears the ring.

Brian then hits a flipping senton over the top rope before tossing Texano back into the ring and the Hart Foundation win with a springboard clothesline into a jack knife cover by Davey for the pin and the win.

Winner: The Hart Foundation defeat Los Mercenarios via pinfall.

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