
WWE Smackdown! Recap (7/14): Dean Ambrose vs Kevin Owens, Sasha Banks vs Dana Brooke, Shane McMahon Is In The Building, More

Welcomed to the live recap for the final taped episode of WWE Smackdown!. We are just 5 days away from history as Smackdown! will be going live on USA with the return of the WWE Draft! I’m Ryan Cook and I’ll be taking you through all of tonight’s action as we make our way through this week’s edition of Smackdown!

-We open tonight’s show with a pre-taped segment from earlier tonight as Kevin Owens, Charlotte & Dana Brooke,The Miz & Maryse and Dean Ambrose are all backstage, each talking about their respective match later tonight.

Sasha Banks vs Dana Brooke w/Charlotte

They plug Smackdown! going live with the WWE Draft as Sasha Banks comes out.

They start off very quickly with each going for roll ups for a 2 count then Dana rolls outside. Sasha gets out and goes to capitalize, but Charlotte distracts her. Dana tosses Sasha back into the ring and does her best to keep her grounded as the crowd gets behind The Boss. Dana clotheslines Sasha and goes for a lax pin attempt that Sasha turns into her own pin attempt. Sasha starts to build some momentum with a cross body off the top rope for a 2 count. Sasha goes for a running knee, but is dodged, they both go for roll ups as Charlotte gets up on the apron and tries to distract Sasha. Sasha knocks her off the apron and reverses a roll up by Dana and locks in the Bank Statement for the tap and the win.

Winner: Sasha Banks via submission with The Bank Statement

-After the match Charlotte tosses Sasha over the announcers table and tells her that she will never be champion. They cut to a recap of Monday night’s RAW where Vince McMahon said that Shane will be commissioner of Smackdown! when it goes live and how he and Stephanie both have to pick their general managers by Monday or he will decide for them. They then plug to Dolph Ziggler vs Rusev as we go to our first commercial break.

-We’re back from commercial as they mention how you can draft your own fantasy rosters on WWE.com as Lana comes out and introduces Rusev. They show a package from Monday where Sheamus beat Zack Ryder in minutes and how Rusev put him in The Accolade after the match, plugging their United States title match at WWE Battleground.

Dolph Ziggler vs Rusev

Dolph enters the ring and we start the match immediately. Rusev back Dolph into a corner and takes an early advantage. Rusev is really showing off his power as he just tosses Dolph aside as we go to commercial. We’re back from commercial and Rusev just completely missed a splash off the top rope. Dolph goes for The Famouser twice and gets powerbombed for his troubles.Dolph jumps on Rusev’s back and locks in a rear naked choke only to be tossed away.

Dolph hits a snap DDT then The Famouser for a 2 count. Rusev tosses Dolph in the air and kicks him in the midsection then kicks him in the face to the mat. Rusev starts to apply The Accolade only for Zack Ryder to come out and distract him. Dolph goes for another sleeper, but Rusev reverses it and tosses Dolph over the top rope and out of the ring. Rusev then smartly tosses Dolph into Ryder then throws them both into the ring, but that was a huge mistake as Zack rolls out and gives Dolph enough time to roll Rusev up for the pin and the win!

Winner: Dolph Ziggler via pinfall after distraction by Zack Ryder.

-After the match Rusev starts tearing apart the ring and destroying multiple monitors at ring side as Zack and Dolph stand up on the top of the ramp amused. We then get a plug for Dean Ambrose vs Kevin Owens in our main event then AJ Styles & Karl Anderson vs Enzo Amore and Big Cass. They talk about the Wyatt Compound segment from Monday and that they’re going to play it again after we come back from commercial.

-We’re back and they’re reshowing the Wyatt Compound segment. For those who didn’t see it, New Day basically went and met the Wyatts on their own turf and they got into a fight in the middle of a field surrounded by old model cars. I personally enjoyed some parts of this, especially Bray Wyatt dragging an axe across the ground, the music and the filter made it feel very slasher-esque and I’m a sucker for a good slasher film. They really tried to make Strowman look like a monster in this, having to be put through a car windshield and hit with a huge barrel before staying down. The part where he stood up and screamed was genuinely unnerving and I really thought the car lights as the only lighting was a nice touch.

As far as the supernatural element at the end, with Bray’s firefiles I wouldn’t have missed. Overall I think it was a more serious attempt to copy what TNA did with The Final Deletion; they had the bigger budget and it felt like a scene in a movie, but the fact it will culminate in a regular tag match at WWE Battleground is a disappointment.

-The Club comes out for their match with Enzo & Cass as we go to commercial. They show a video of John Cena hosting The ESPYS, doing what he does best last night.

AJ Styles & Karl Anderson w/Doc Gallows vs Enzo Amore & Big Cass

-Enzo and Cass come out and do their routine then Enzo says he’s sick of The Club saying they’re too sweet and at the end of the day even salt looks like sugar. He says they’re haters and they’re looking “salty”. Cass takes the mic and says the last thing they want to do is hurt The Club before Battleground and that they don’t have anything else on their list so they’re going to do it anyway. They do their sawt routine and AJ is fed up by this point. The announcers mention the six man tag match between The Club and Enzo, Cass and John Cena at Battleground.

AJ and Enzo start it off with Enzo getting the upper hand on AJ, going for a quick 2 count. Enzo tags Cass in and he immediately clears the ring, quickly tagging Enzo back in then picking himi up and tossing him onto all three members of The Club as we go to commercial.

We’re back from commercial as Enzo tags in Cass. They do their best to issolate Anderson, keeping him in their corner until AJ lands a cheap shot and Karl tags in AJ. AJ hits a brutal backbreaker for a 2 count then tosses Enzo into their corner and tags Anderson back in who goes for a quick 2 count. They’re doing a really good job of isolating the ring as Karl tags AJ back in who immediately goes after Enzo and starts targeting the leg of Amore. AJ tags Karl back in and he starts focusing on Enzo’s leg and going for the pin every chance they get, immediately tagging AJ back in. AJ very smartly keeps his back to Enzo’s corner the entire time, making sure he can’t get past him to tag in the big man.

Enzo nearly tags in Cass, but Karl comes out of no where and does a running knee attack that sends Enzo outside. Enzo is trying to mount some offense, but it’s stopped cold, managing to crawl to his corner before AJ drags him right back to the center of the ring. Enzo hits a beautiful tornado DDT on AJ and desperately crawls to his corner, but Gallows yanks Cass off of the apron when Anderson distracts the referee. AJ locks in the Calf Crusher out of no where and Enzo is forced to tap out.

Winner: AJ Styles & Karl Anderson via submission with The Calf Crusher.

-After the match they show the video package of Brock Lesnar from UFC 200 that they showed Monday and how he’s set to face the returning Randy Orton at Summerslam. They mention that Randy Orton makes his return at WWE Battleground on the Highlight Reel with Chris Jericho. They then mention how this match between Dean Ambrose and Kevin Owens could be the final time they face one another because they may be drafted to different brands Tuesday. That’s smart and makes you want to see the match more knowing that a lot of these guys may not face each other for many months after the draft Tuesday. They show a commercial for the Triple Threat match between Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns for the WWE Heavyweight Championship as we go to commercial.

Tyler Breeze vs Kalisto

Breeze gets the early advantage and goes for 3 pins that all result in a 2 count after Fandango distracts Kalisto on the outside. Breeze goes for yet another pin attempt then tries to keep Kalisto grounded. Kalisto goes for a roll up for a 2 and then Breeze counters and gets a 2 count of his own. Breeze plays to the crowd, running the ropes and punching Kalisto until he does a backflip and hits a pele kick on Breeze, finally mounting some offense. Kalisto goes for a springboard move, but Breeze goes for the roll up. Kalisto then hits the Solida del Sol out of no where for the 3 count and the win.

Winner: Kalisto via pinfall with the Solida del Sol

-After the match they show Shane McMahon talking to Becky Lynch backstage and mention the draft. They then mention that Darren Young and Bob Backlund will be guests on Miz TV later tonight as we go to commercial.

-We’re back and they plug the theme for WWE Battleground Skillet’s “Feel Invincible”

-Miz TV Featuring Darren Young & Bob Backlund

Maryse introduces The Miz who brings out Darren Young and Bob Backlund. As they make their way to the ring they show a video of how Darren Young won the #1 contender battle royal for The Miz’s Intercontinental title and that he’ll face him in a match for it at WWE Battleground. The Miz shows some clips of Bob Backlund’s career, basically showing the video package they made for his WWE Hall of Fame induction. The crowd stands and praises Bob as The Miz says that he has done it all and he’s going to instill his success into Darren Young.

The Miz goes to show career highlights of Darren Young only for nothing to show up on screen. Darren, unamused says that with Bob by his side, the only thing he needs to do is take the championship from him. Miz then says that he didn’t win the battle royal, everyone else lost. Bob then proclaims that Miz will never be a great champion because to be a great champion you need to be a great role model. Maryse and Miz take turns insulting and mocking Bob as Darren stands up for him. Miz says that Darren needs to be taught a lesson and Darren said he’ll teach him a lesson about respect when he beats him. Darren is eager for Miz to try and attack him, but Miz grabs Maryse and leaves the ring.

-They show Shane McMahon backstage again, this time talking to R-Truth then show a tweet he made about how he has made his decision about the general manager for Smackdown! and that we will find out Monday night on RAW. They plug the main event of Dean Ambrose vs Kevin Owens as we go to commercial.

-As we come back from commercial we see Sasha being attented to backstage only to be interrupted by Charlotte and Dana Brooke. They say that they signed a contract for a tag team match at WWE Battleground and that Sasha will have to find herself a partner to take them on.

Dean Ambrose vs Kevin Owens

-Dean Ambrose comes out to the ring as they plug Dean vs Seth Rollins Monday night on Raw. Kevin Owens comes out as they talk about his heated rivalry with Sami Zayn that is set to end at WWE Battleground. Seth Rollins comes out to the surprise of both Owens and Ambrose, but rather than getting in the ring he decides to join in on commentary at ring side.

KO tries to get the advantage on a distracted Ambrose, but Dean tosses him outside, Seth distracts him again and when Dean goes to focus on Owens again Seth attacks him from behind and the referee calls for the bell.

Winner: Dean Ambrose by disqualification

-After the match Sami Zayn comes out and he and Dean clear the ring as we head to commercial. As we come back from commercial it is announced that future Smackdown! general manager Shane McMahon has decided that the match will be restarted, this time as a tag team match.

 Dean Ambrose & Sami Zayn vs Seth Rollins & Kevin Owens

Dean throws Seth off the apron as soon as the match starts then attacks Kevin Owens only to go outside and attack Rollins again. KO gets Dean back into the ring and plays to the crowd as he tags Seth in. Seth is keeping Dean grounded as they mention the WWE Draft and how any of these four men in the ring could be the #1 draft pick for either brand. Seth is in complete control as he tags in Owens who misses a senton and immediately tags Owens back in. Dean manages to tag in Sami Zayn who clears the ring  then Dean and Sami both dive over the top rope and take out both Rollins and Owens. Seth hits a slingblade out of no where for a 2 count then tags in Owens who hits a neckbreaker on Zayn for another 2 count. Owens then plays to the crowd as we go to commercial.

As we come back from commercial Owens is still in control, after a 2 count he backs Zayn into his corner and after a brutal chop to the chest he tags in Seth. Zayn tries to mount some offense, but is immediately shut down by Rollins who plays to the crowd. Zayn hits a michinoku driver out of no where and manages to tag in Ambrose who takes out Owens then knocks Seth off the apron. Dean goes up to the top rope with an elbow onto Owens for a 2 count. Seth gets a blind tag in, but Dean is ready and gets a close 2 count off of a neckbreaker. Zayn comes in out of no where with a dropkick that sends Owens outside and Dean sends Seth to the canvas  with a rebound clothesline.  Dean goes for Dirty Deeds that Seth reverses into a Pedigree, but Dean reverses and after a flying crossbody Sami goes for a blue thunder bomb but is reversed. Dean dives to the outside and takes out Owens as Seth counters the Helluva kick with a Pedigree for the pin and the win.

Winner:Seth Rollins & Kevin Owens via pinfall with The Pedigree

-After the match Owens goes after Zayn, but Dean interferes then turns his attention to Rollins who baits Dean into the ring, but quickly ducks out after Dean goes for the Dirty Deeds

That’s all foks, the final taped Smackdown! for the foreseeable future! Be sure to join us Tuesday night when Smackdown! goes live with the WWE Draft!


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