
WWE Raw 4/20/20 Results: 3 MITB Qualifying Matches, Bobby Lashley Lifts Tires & Morgan vs. Riott

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– The show starts off with highlights of Drew McIntyre defeating Andrade last week on Raw, followed by highlights of Seth Rollins post-match attack.

– WWE Champion Drew McIntyre makes his way to the ring, McIntyre calls Raw the highlight of his week. McIntyre talks about being attacked by Seth Rollins last week on WWE Raw, McIntyre says everybody in pro wrestling wants to be the champion. McIntyre wonders if Rollins deserves an opportunity at the WWE Universal Title, McIntyre challenges Rollins to a WWE Title Match at WWE Money In The Bank ‘20. Angel Garza interrupts and he comes to the ring with Zelina Vega and Austin Theory, Vega says McIntyre is looking past Garza. Andrade attacks McIntyre from behind and McIntyre quickly lays him out with a Claymore Kick, McIntyre nails Andrade with another Claymore Kick as everybody watches.

Men’s Money In The Bank Qualifying Match
Aleister Black vs. Austin Theory

The match begins with Theory working over the arm of Black, Black trips up Theory and he works over his arm. Theory gets Black in a front headlock before working over his arm again, Black trips up Theory again and Theory nails him with an up kick. Black fights back and Theory drops him with a shoulder tackle, Black looks for a leg sweep and Theory attacks him with some strikes. Black gets Theory to the ring apron before missing a Black Mass attempt, Black then knocks Theory to the arena floor as Zelina Vega comes out from the announce table to distract Black. Black leaves the ring and Theory throws him into the barricade as we go to a commercial break, we return from the break to see Theory holding Black in a chin lock. Black gets free and Theory sends him face first into the corner before landing a rolling drop kick for a near fall, Theory then gets Black in a torture rack while sending him into the corner a few times. Black fights back and he boots Theory in the face, Black follows up by nailing Theory with a slam.

Black also catches Theory in a roll up for a near fall, Theory goes for a TKO and Black escapes to eat an elbow strike. Black catches a swinging Theory in an arm bar and he transitions into a triangle choke, Theory gets free by nailing Black with a sit out power bomb. Theory looks for a suplex and his arm is too injured to complete the hold, Theory still manages to send Black into the corner before getting rolled up for a near fall. Black fights back and he drops Theory with a leg sweep before landing a knee strike, Black then hits Theory with a middle rope moonsault for a near fall. Theory recovers and he trips up Black before eating an up kick, Theory responds by nailing Black with a super kick and ushigoroshi for a near fall. Theory goes for the ATL and Black escapes to the ring apron, Black goes to the top rope and Theory makes him leap off before eating a knee strike. Black then hits Theory with a German suplex for a near fall, Black misses Black Mass before landing a second attempt for a three count.

Winner: Aleister Black

After the match, Byron Saxton interviews Aleister Black, who says his plan for the men’s Money In The Bank Match. Black says he doesn’t know much about corporate life and he may have to cover up his tattoos, Black says he will turn the corporate offices into his opponents personal hell.

– Charly Caruso interviews Shayna Baszler, who talks about breaking Sarah Logan’s arm on last week’s Raw.

Shayna Baszler vs. Indi Hartwell

The match begins with Baszler attacking Hartwell with a bunch of strikes, Baszler then nails Hartwell with a gut wrench suplex. Baszler misses the stomp on the arm and Hartwell rolls her up for a one count, Baszler gets angry and she nails Hartwell with a slam followed by a knee strike. Baszler then stomps on the arm of Hartwell and the referee calls for the bell.

Winner: Shayna Baszler

After the match, Shayna Baszler grabs a ladder and she drags Indi Hartwell out of the ring before slamming her into the barricade. Baszler then grabs Hartwell and she throws her into the ladder, Baszler follows up on that by crushing the arm of Hartwell with the ladder.

Ricochet & Cedric Alexander vs. Shane Thorne & Brendan Vink

The match begins with Vink immediately tossing Ricochet into the corner before tagging Thorne in, Thorne cracks Ricochet with a few strikes. Ricochet fights back and he nails Thorne with a rolling drop kick, Alexander tags in and he double teams both opponents with Ricochet. Ricochet tags back in and he nails a downed Thorne with a slingshot swanton bomb, Vink interferes and he knocks Ricochet to the arena floor. Vink tags in and he gets Ricochet back in the ring before landing a few strikes, Vink looks for a power bomb and Ricochet uses a hurricarana to send him into the corner. Alexander tags in and he cleans house against the opposing team, Ricochet tags in and he nails Thorne with a standing shooting star press for a near fall. Vink interferes and Ricochet nails him with a tornado DDT, Alexander tags in and he nails Thorne with a Lumbar Check for a three count.

Winners: Ricochet & Cedric Alexander

– Charly Caruso interviews The Kabuki Warriors, with Asuka and Kairi Sane saying a lot of stuff in Japanese. Asuka says Sane is ready for her rematch against Nia Jax, Asuka says no one is ready for her before they dance off.

– Bobby Lashley & Lana appear, Lashley says he will show how easy it is to flip a giant tire once he warms up.

Kairi Sane vs. Nia Jax

The match begins with Jax jumping on the back of Jax while applying a sleeper hold, Jax gets free and she nails Sane with a big swing. Jax also tosses Sane across the ring a few times, Sane tries fighting back and Jax again tosses her across the ring. Jax follows up by nailing Sane with a few short arm clotheslines, Sane goes to the ring apron before getting back in the ring. Sane looks for a sunset flip and Jax counters by tossing her into the corner, Jax misses an avalanche attempt and Sane attacks her with leg kicks. Jax recovers and her knee goes out on her when she tries fighting back, Sane attacks Jax with a ton of strikes. Sane eventually drops Jax with a spinning back fist, Sane then hits a downed Jax with a Sliding D. Sane goes to the top rope and she misses an Insane Elbow attempt, Jax then hits Sane with the Annihilator for a three count.

Winner: Nia Jax

– Seth Rollins appears and he calls Drew McIntyre a fighting champion who he respects, Rollins says he knows what it’s like to walk in McIntyre’s shoes. Rollins says both of them have a deep passion for the wrestling industry, Rollins says he accepts McIntyre’s challenge for WWE Money In The Bank ‘20 out of necessity and duty. Rollins says the WWE Universe needs a leader and he is a leader, while McIntyre is not a leader. Rollins says he will win the WWE Title at WWE Money In The Bank because he has to.

– Highlights are shown of The Viking Raiders doing their version of “Carpool Karaoke.”

– MVP gets the microphone before the next match to say he has seen a lot of wrestling rise and fall in pursuit of the Money In The Bank Briefcase, MVP says Apollo Crews is standing in his way. MVP says the WWE called him when they created the most unique Money In The Bank Ladder Match ever, MVP says he called his agent because he wanted a private jet to get him to WWE Corporate Headquarters.

Men’s Money In The Banks Qualifying Match
MVP vs. Apollo Crews

The match begins with Crews immediately attacking MVP with some strikes, Crews then nails MVP with multiple drop kicks. MVP goes to the ring apron and Crews knocks him to the arena floor, Crews looks for a dive and MVP knocks him to the arena floor as we go to a commercial break. We return from the break to see MVP holding Crews in a camel clutch, Crews gets free by backing MVP into the corner. MVP recovers and he nails Crews with a clothesline for a near fall, MVP stands over Crews while landing more strikes. MVP goes for The Playmaker and Crews avoids it before landing a spine buster, Crews then nails a cornered MVP with an avalanche and multiple strikes, Crews also lands a series of kicks and a clothesline on MVP. Crews follows up with a power slam on MVP for a near fall, Crews goes to the top rope and MVP gets his knees up on the frog splash attempt. MVP then hits Crews with The Playmaker for a near fall, Crews recovers to hit MVP with an enziguri and standing moonsault/standing shooting star press combination. Crews then hits hits MVP with a toss power bomb for a three count.

Winner: Apollo Crews

– Charly Caruso interviews Ruby Riott, who says there really never was a Riott Squad in her opinion. Riott says she had to get double shoulder surgery due to carrying both Sarah Logan and Liv Morgan, Riott says she’ll show Morgan how weak she is.

Liv Morgan vs. Ruby Riott

The match begins with Morgan backing Riott into the corner, Riott gets free and she cracks Morgan with a plethora of strikes. Morgan fights back and Riott nails her with more strikes, Morgan fights back again and she nails Riott with kicks and clotheslines. Morgan then drops kicks Riott into the corner before landing a missile drop kick for a near fall, Morgan looks for a suplex and Riott counters by dropping her on the top rope and landing a head kick for a near fall. Riott holds Morgan down while holding her in a cravat, Riott releases the hold before smashing Morgan face first on the mat below. Riott traps Morgan near the ropes while landing more strikes, Morgan fights back and they exchange some shots. Riott drops Morgan before landing a side kick to the face, Morgan nails Riott with a flat liner from out of nowhere for a three count.

Winner: Liv Morgan

– Bobby Lashley is back with Lana and he says that he is warmed up now, Lashley goes to flip the tire and he is successful. Lashley then says he will flip a bigger tire later on tonight.

Men’s Money In The Bank Qualifying Match
Murphy vs. Rey Mysterio

The match begins with Murphy taking Mysterio down with a headlock, Mysterio gets free and he catches Murphy in a headlock. Mysterio and Murphy briefly get into a chain wrestling session, Murphy then works over the arm of Mysterio. Mysterio recovers and he uses a hurricarana to send Murphy into the ropes, Mysterio goes for a 619 and Murphy avoids it. Mysterio goes to the ropes and Murphy attacks him with some strikes, Mysterio leaves the ring saying he has suffered a finger injury. Murphy follows Mysterio out of the ring and he throws him into the barricade a few times, Murphy gets Mysterio back in the ring for a near fall on a pin attempt. Murphy then sends the injured Mysterio shoulder first into the mat below, Murphy focuses his attack on the arm of Mysterio. Mysterio recovers and he knocks Murphy out of the ring, Mysterio goes for a baseball slide drop kick and Murphy blocks it. Murphy drops Mysterio with a kick to the head, Murphy then stomps on Mysterio’s injured hand as we go to a commercial break.

We return from the break to see Murphy smashing the injured hand of Mysterio into the ring steps a few times, Murphy drags Mysterio to the ring apron and he smashes his hand on the ring post before trying to crush it. Mysterio fights back and he knocks Murphy to the arena floor, Mysterio then nails Murphy with a hurricarana on the entrance ramp. Mysterio gets Murphy back into the ring before landing an up kick and enziguri, Mysterio then hits Murphy with a springboard seated senton and springboard cross body block. Murphy fights back and Mysterio sends him into the ropes, Murphy avoids a 619 and Mysterio still lands a tornado DDT for a near fall. Murphy attacks Mysterio’s injured hand as they battle on the ring apron, Mysterio recovers and he knocks Murphy off the ring apron and onto the barricade. Mysterio then uses a head scissors takedown to send Murphy into the barricade again, Mysterio gets Murphy back in the ring before going to the top rope. Murphy rolls through a Mysterio high cross body to land a ushigoroshi and knee strike, Murphy then hits Mysterio with a brain buster for a near fall.

Murphy looks to go to the top rope and Mysterio tries preventing it, Murphy makes it to the top rope and Mysterio meets him up there after landing a few strikes. Murphy gets off the ropes and Mysterio kicks him in the face, Mysterio then nails Murphy with a destroyer followed by a 619. Mysterio then hits Murphy with a top rope frog splash for a three count.

Winner: Rey Mysterio

– Charly Caruso interviews Zelina Vega and Angel Garza, with claims that it was Drew McIntyre who attacked Andrade earlier on Raw. Vega says Garza will give McIntyre a lesson in nobility tonight, Garza hits on Caruso as Vega leaves.

Charlotte Flair vs. Kayden Carter

The match begins with Flair dropping Carter with a boot to the face, Flair gets Carter up before landing a chop. Flair taunts a downed Carter while landing a few shots to the face, Carter trips up Flair and she nails her with a super kick for a near fall. Carter then hits Flair with a crucifix bomb for a near fall, Carter looks for a submission hold and she locks Flair in the octopus stretch. Flair gets up and she traps Carter in the ropes while landing elbow strikes, Flair then hits Carter with a spear from out of nowhere. Flair gets Carter in the Figure Eight and a tap out follows.

Winner: Charlotte Flair

– Bobby Lashley is back with Lana to attempt a tire throw with a larger tire, Lashley flips the tire on the third attempt.

Andrade w/Zelina Vega vs. Akira Tozawa

The match begins with Tozawa attacking Andrade with a plethora of strikes, Tozawa then nails Andrade with a spinning head kick and knee strike for a near fall. Andrade gets up and Tozawa nails him with more strikes, Tozawa then knocks Andrade out of the ring after landing a hurricarana. Tozawa follows up by nailing Andrade with a dive from the ring apron, Tozawa gets Andrade back in the ring before going to the top rope. Tozawa nails Andrade with a missile drop kick for a near fall, Andrade leaves the ring and Tozawa follows him out there. Vega distracts Tozawa and that allows Andrade to attack him, Andrade gets Tozawa back in the ring before working over his arm. Tozawa fights back and he gets Andrade in the octopus stretch, Andrade gets to the ropes to break the submission attempt. Andrade recovers and he levels Tozawa with an elbow strike, Tozawa recovers and he drops Andrade with a spin kick to the midsection followed by a right. Andrade fights back and he nails Tozawa with a drop kick, Tozawa then catches Andrade in a few roll ups for a few near falls.

Tozawa ends that by leveling Andrade with a super kick, Tozawa goes to the top rope and Andrade crotches him. Andrade then hits Tozawa with an elevated hammerlock DDT for a three count.

Winner: Andrade w/Zelina Vega

– The Street Profits come out as Andrade is making his way up the entrance ramp.

– The Street Profits are still dancing after the commercial break, Montez Ford and Angelo Dawkins introduce Bianca Belair for her upcoming match.

Bianca Belair vs. Santana Garrett

The match begins with Belair backing Garrett into the corner before letting her go free, Belair then shoves Garrett face first into the mat below. Belair gets Garrett in the air and Garrett fights her way free before getting dropped, Belair scores a few takedowns on Garrett. Belair corners Garrett before kicking away at her, Belair grabs Garrett and she tosses her across the ring. Belair misses a charge in the corner and Garrett nails her with a few strikes, Belair recovers and she nails Garrett with a shoulder tackle followed by another shoulder tackle. Belair then nails Garrett with a delayed vertical suplex and a splash, Garrett fights back and she drops Belair throat first on the top rope. Garrett goes to the top rope and she lands a high cross body for a near fall on Belair, Belair recovers to nail Garrett with a head kick and face first drop on the top turnbuckle. Belair then hits Garrett with the KOD for a three count.

Winner: Bianca Belair

Drew McIntyre vs. Angel Garza w/Zelina Vega, Andrade & Austin Theory

The match begins with Garza attacking McIntyre from behind, McIntyre recovers and he attacks Garza with strikes of his own. McIntyre then nails Garza with a chop block and leg kick, McIntyre keeps Garza cornered while landing more strikes. Garza fights back and McIntyre propels him across the ring, Garza leaves the ring and McIntyre follows him out there to drop him on the barricade. McIntyre keeps Garza near the barricade to land more chops, Andrade goes to distract McIntyre and it fails as McIntyre nails Garza with a Glasgow Kiss. Theory goes to distract McIntyre and McIntyre attacks him, Garza then hits McIntyre with a drop kick before shoving him into the ring post a few times. Garza gets McIntyre back in the ring before going to the top rope, Garza nails McIntyre with a missile drop kick for a near fall. Garza keeps McIntyre down while attacking his knee with strikes, Garza then gets McIntyre in a single leg crab. McIntyre gets free and he nails Garza with a clothesline, McIntyre then drops Garza with a boot to the face.

McIntyre goes to the top rope and he lands a single arm axe handle smash, Garza tries leaving the ring and he does after his pants fall off. McIntyre then takes out everybody with a suicide dive before getting Garza back in the ring, McIntyre then attacks Andrade and Theory. Garza catches McIntyre in a roll up before eating a Claymore Kick for a three count.

Winner: Drew McIntyre

After the match, Drew McIntyre attacks Angel Garza with another Claymore Kick before nailing Austin Theory with one.

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