
Seth Rollins Finds The Hostility Towards WWE Upsetting, Wants Everyone To Come Together

It was a tough day in WWE as the company released a handful of superstars and other backstage talent.

Names released included Rusev, Kurt Angle, Zack Ryder, Mike Chioda, Heath Slater, Lio Rush and more. Many sympathized with the talent and gave them as much support as possible online, while others went after Vince McMahon and WWE for releasing talent under these circumstances when it didn’t seem necessary.

Seth Rollins addressed both sides in an Instagram Live video.

“It is a difficult day for all of us. My heart is broken for the guys and girls who I am close with that had the it the worst today. And that goes for talent that you love on-screen but also everyone backstage who may not get the social media fanfare that some of the talent is getting.”

Rollins continued, “One thing I am seeing that is a little upsetting is all the negativity and hostility toward WWE. This is a difficult day for everyone, for all of us. If ever there was a moment for us to unify and band together to keep this business alive, this is that moment. Pointing fingers or saying, ‘you should have done this or that,’ it doesn’t feel like the time or place for it. This is a day for compassion and empathy and understanding and to try and support each other. That’s for everybody. For all of us fortunate enough to still have a position to collect a paycheck and support those who love us, we have to take it upon ourselves to work harder to make sure there is a place for all those who had it the worst to come back to. As a planet, we can rally around the idea that this is only temporary and that those who have lost their positions and are struggling, that they’ll be able to make it back. Whether that’s with WWE or another organization or a new field, this isn’t the end. If we start fighting among ourselves, it’s only going to make it worse. Come together, unify, and support each other. This has been a difficult day for our industry.”

Rollins elaborated and clarified his comments in a follow-up tweet.

You can see our full list of WWE releases during this situation at this link, and see us cover the full happenings on The List & Ya Boy Podcast.

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