
IMPACT Wrestling Results for 4/14/20 Callihan & Shamrock Meet Face to Face

The Draw and the World’s Most Dangerous Man meet to sign on the dotted line tonight at 8pm EST!

Hey Fight Fans, we hope you’ve had a great day and are ready for tonight’s edition of IMPACT Wrestling on AXS TV and Twitch TV!

– We open tonight’s show with a recap of last week’s show before we go to the arena as Johnny Swinger comes out to the ring and introduces his opponent for his match tonight.

Johnny Swinger vs Mike Jackson

Johnny cheap shots Mike to start the match before Mike hits an arm drag and Mike hits a suicide dive before Mike shows off his athleticism by walking the ropes. Johnny suplexes Mike for two before Mike rocks him with a boot and a backbreaker before punching Johnny in the corner. Johnny then rolls Mike up with his feet on the bottom rope for the pin and the win.

Winner: Johnny Swinger defeats Mike Jackson via pinfall.

– After the match we go backstage to Ace Austin who cuts a promo on Willie Mack before Trey shows up and they brawl as we go to commercial.

– We come back to Ken Shamrock entering the arena before he’s met by Scott D’Amore who reminds him of the rules for his contract signing with Sami Callihan later tonight.

Fatal Four Way Tag Team Match

Rascalz vs XXXL vs Reno Scum vs TJP & Fallah Bahh

Acey and Adam kicks things off for their respective teams, Acey putting Adam in a side headlock before Larry comes in and Wentz gets the tag as Adam tags in Luster as we go to commercial.

We come back to Luster in control of Wentz before Adam gets the tag and Reno Scum double up on Wentz for a two count that Dez breaks up. Wentz comes back with a jumping knee and gets the tag to Dez who drops Adam with a flurry of punches and kicks before The Rascalz hit Adam with a slingshot backbreaker into a diving meteora by Wentz for two. Everyone then hits a move until XXXL run into Luster and Acey hits a running senton before hitting stereo suicide dives. TJP then counters a doomsday device before Bahh hits a Samoan drop and TJP a diving splash onto Adam for the pin and the win.

Winner: TJP and Fallah Bahh defeat Reno Scum, Team XXXL and The Rascalz.

– After the match the IMPACT World Tag Team champions The North get into the ring and face off as we go to the IMPACT+ Flashback Moment of the Week between Tessa Blanchard and Gail Kim before we go backstage to the Desi Hit Squad with Rohit talking to Gama ahead of Rohit’s match later tonight as we go to commercial.

– We come back to a video package recapping the match between Cody Deaner and Joey Ryan last week in which Cody won before we go to Joey yelling at someone in the production truck. We then go to RVD and Katie Forbes in a hot tub before they start making out and we go back to the arena where Gama Singh introduces Rohit Raju for his match against Hernandez.

Rohit Raju vs Hernandez

Hernandez immediately rocks Rohit before finishing him off quickly with the Border Toss for a short match.

Winner: Hernandez defeats Rohit Raju via pinfall.

– After the match we go backstage to Madison Rayne for her new interview segment where she interviews Johnny Swinger and Kylie Rae as we go to commercial.

– We come back to highlights of Eddie Edwards and Michael Elgin in QPW in Qatar in which Elgin retained his title with help from Brian Cage.

Ace Austin vs Trey

They start off at a rapid pace until Trey sends Ace out of the ring and plays to the crowd before they exchange chops at ringside and Ace drops Trey face first across the apron. Ace tosses Trey back into the ring and hits a twisting suplex for two before choking and stomping Trey in the corner. Ace suplexes Trey before Trey hits a jumping neckbreaker and sweeps Ace before hitting a missile dropkick. Ace then turns Trey inside out with a springboard roundhouse kick before Trey ducks The Fold and hits a cheeky nandos into a 619. Ace then rolls Trey up while holding the tights for the pin and the win.

Winner: Ace Austin defeats Trey via pinfall.

– After the match we go backstage to a promo by Willie Mack ahead of his title challenge against Ace at Rebellion as we go to commercial.

Tenille Dashwood vs Taya Valkyrie w/John E. Bravo

Tenille rushes Taya with a forearm as soon as the match starts before sending her out of the ring and hits a suicide dive. Tenille then gets up on the top turnbuckle before John crotches her and Taya capitalizes with a superplex as we go to commercial.

Taya distracts the referee and allows John to attack Tenille as we come back from commercial before Taya hits double knees in the corner. Taya locks in a single leg Boston crab before Tenille counters into a roll up for two before Taya drops Tenille with a knee. Taya then spears Tenille for two as we go back to commercial.

We come back to Taya hitting The Road to Valhalla for a near fall before Taya grabs a chair and the referee takes it from her before Tenille rolls her up for the pin and the win.

Winner: Tenille Dashwood defeats Taya Valkyrie via pinfall.

– After the match Taya attacks Tenille with chairs and a trash can before she’s ran off by Jordynne Grace who comes out and hits her with a kendo stick. We then go backstage where Tommy Dreamer and Rhino challenge OvE to an Extreme Rules match for Rebellion before we get a run-down for the card for Rebellion which will begin next week and end the following week. We next get a video recapping the feud between Sami Callihan and Ken Shamrock before Ken first and Sami second come out to the ring for their contract signing. Sami mocks Ken and says that he wants to face him because he’ll get a lot of attention when he faces The Draw. Ken signs the contract before Sami says that he makes ratings and makes a veiled threat at Ken’s family before calling Ken the World’s Most Dangerous Bitch.

Ken flips the table over before the lights go out and Sami disappears before various people with the ICU mask appear and love around ringside before he goes backstage and chases down someone in one of the masks. Ken then gets into a car before its mobbed by people with ICU masks as we go off the air.

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