
AEW Dynamite 4/15/20 Results: Jon Moxley vs. Jake Hager, Lance Archer vs. Colt Cabana & More!

Welcome to Fightful.com’s live coverage & discussion for AEW Dynamite. We’ll be bringing you full, fight by fight coverage of every bout on the card. You can also send in your feedback on our Disqus boards below!

– The show starts with Jake Roberts saying the AEW TNT Championship Tournament was created for him and Lance Archer, Roberts compares the championship to a bone and he questions who wants to take the bone from Archer. Roberts says he knows what Colt Cabana is capable of, but Cabana won’t be victorious against Archer.

– A video package airs highlighting Colt Cabana.

AEW TNT Championship Tournament Quarterfinals
Lance Archer vs. Colt Cabana

The match begins with Archer attacking Cabana before the bell sounds, Cabana gets angry and he attacks Archer with strikes of his own. Cabana also attacks Archer with a bunch of chops, Archer recovers and he nails Cabana with a shoulder tackle. Cabana fights back and he sends a charging Archer to the ring apron, Cabana knocks Archer to the arena floor before faking a dive. Archer gets in the ring and Cabana exits it, Cabana returns and he cracks Archer with some more strikes. Cabana also focuses his attack on the arm of Archer, Archer misses a charge in the corner and he recovers to nail a leaping Cabana with a full nelson slam for a near fall. Archer traps Cabana in the ropes while ripping away at his face, Archer misses a strike in the corner and Cabana responds by attacking him with chops. Archer ends that by nailing Cabana with a short arm clothesline, Archer holds Cabana down while landing more strikes. Archer corners Cabana before landing a few strikes, Cabana tries fighting back and Archer drops him with a right.

Archer then nails Archer with a spinning splash for a near fall, Archer leaves the ring to land more strikes as we go to a commercial break. We return from the break to see Archer kicking a downed Cabana in the face, Cabana fights back and Archer nails him with more strikes. Archer goes to the middle rope and he misses a splash attempt, Cabana nails a charging Archer with an elbow strike followed by a head scissors takedown. Cabana then hits Archer with a Flying Apple followed by a splash for a near fall, Cabana waits for Archer to stand up before peppering him with jabs. Archer recovers and he nails Cabana with a pounce, Archer follows up by hitting Cabana with a choke slam. Archer goes for an avalanche and Cabana nails him with an elbow strike, Archer quickly recovers to hit Cabana with a Blackout for a three count.

Winner: Lance Archer

– Dr. Britt Baker is in a dentist office and she gives the Rules Of Being A Role Model, with the first being to Always Fight Fair. Baker talks about her injury last week when facing Hikaru Shida, Baker asks who the true winner was last week while showing off a needle.

– Ariel Helwani and Taz appear to talk about tonight’s main event.

– Taz is back and he talks about Jake Hager’s arm triangle choke.

Dr. Britt Baker vs. Cassandra Golden

The match begins with Baker nailing Golden with a kick to the midsection, Baker then hits Golden with a super kick. Baker traps Golden in the ropes before choking her on the middle rope, Baker then curb stomps Golden on the bottom rope for a three count.

Winner: Dr. Britt Baker

– Ron Funches & Mike Goldberg appear to talk about Jon Moxley vs. Jake Hager.

– The Bubbly Bunch is up next with The Inner Circle, Santana first talks about how Matt Jackson is supposedly always holding Nick Jackson’s hand. Ortiz disagrees with who’s holding who’s hand, Sammy Guevara is working out while saying people are jacking his style. Jake Hager is poolside and he says he’ll punish Kenny Omega and choke out The Elite at Blood & Guts, Chris Jericho says Hager will become the new AEW World Heavyweight Champion. Jericho also wonders where Hangman Page has been, Jericho also wants his assistant to find him some toilet paper.

Sammy Guevara vs. Suge D

The match begins with Guevara scoring a takedown on D before striking a pose, Guevara backs D into the corner before getting him into a headlock. D gets free and he works over the arm of Guevara, D then drops Guevara with a top rope arm drag. Guevara gets angry and he nails D with a jumping knee strike, Guevara leaves the ring before attacking D with more strikes until D falls to the arena floor. Guevara gets D back in the ring and he nails him with a suplex for a near fall, Guevara also chokes D on the middle rope. Guevara follows up on that by kicking the bottom rope as D was resting on it, Guevara then nails D with a Samoan drop for a near fall. D tries fighting back and Guevara quickly drops him, Guevara traps D on the ropes while landing more strikes. D fights back and he rolls up Guevara before eating a clothesline, Guevara misses a charge into the corner and D nails him with a few strikes. Guevara recovers and he nails D with another jumping knee strike, Guevara then hits with a GTS for a three count.

Winner: Sammy Guevara

After the match, Sammy Guevara gets the microphone to say tonight was light work before saying he’ll defeat Darby Allin in the opening round of the AEW TNT Title Tournament. Guevara attacks Suge D until Darby Allin makes the save.

– “Big” John McCarthy & Excalibur appear to talk about Jake Hager vs. Jon Moxley.

Kip Sabian w/Penelope Ford vs. Chuck Taylor w/Orange Cassidy

The match begins with Taylor working over the arm of Sabian, Sabian also does the same to Taylor. Taylor gets Sabian down with a headlock and Sabian quickly gets back up, Taylor trips up Sabian again before applying a front headlock. Sabian gets free and he works over the arm of Taylor, Taylor then drops Sabian with a shoulder tackle. Taylor trips up Sabian again before applying a single leg crab, Sabian gets to the ropes to break the hold and he leaves the ring a short time later. Taylor follows Sabian around the ring and Sabian lands a springboard head kick when getting back in the head, Sabian then stomps away on a downed Taylor. Taylor fights back and he nails a charging Sabian with a knee strike, Taylor then slams Sabian before landing an elbow drop for a near fall. Taylor traps Sabian in the corner while attacking him with chops, Sabian recovers and he knocks Taylor out of the ring after landing a knee strike. Taylor recovers and he drops Sabian on the ringside edge, Taylor gets Sabian back in the ring before getting a near fall on a pin attempt.

Taylor goes for a middle rope moonsault and Sabian avoids it, Sabian then hits Taylor with a springboard drop kick for a near fall. Sabian follows up by landing a head kick and penalty kick for a near fall, Sabian dumps Taylor out of the ring and Ford works him over. Taylor gets back in the ring and Sabian gets a near fall on him, Sabian keeps Taylor down while landing knee drops to the back and pulling back on his arms. Taylor gets free and Sabian gets him on the top rope, Sabian follows Taylor to the top rope and Taylor knocks him off. Taylor leas off the ropes before hitting Sabian with a Michinoku Driver, Taylor then hits Sabian with a plethora of strikes. Taylor hits a charging Sabian with a sit out power bomb for a near fall, Taylor goes the top rope and Sabian avoids his leap to land a knee strike and forearm strike for a near fall. Sabian then hits Taylor with a rope assisted neck breaker for a near fall, Sabian looks for a tornado DDT and Taylor counters with sole food, Ford goes to distract Taylor and Sabian attacks him before kissing her.

Cassidy jumps on the ring apron to distract Sabian, Jimmy Havoc attacks Cassidy and he DDT’s him on the arena floor. Ford nails Taylor with a top rope hurricarana and Sabian rolls him up for a three count.

Winner: Kip Sabian w/Penelope Ford

– Dan Soder, Sammy Guevara & Ortiz appear to discuss Jake Hager vs. Jon Moxley.

– Highlights are shown of Shawn Spears losing in the AEW TNT Title Tournament opening round, then defeating Billy on AEW Dark.

Shawn Spears vs. Justin Law

The match begins with Spears dropping Law with a snap mare, Spears then works over the arm of Law before landing another snap mare. Spears purposely lets Law gain control and Law rolls him up for a near fall, Spears gets angry and he nails Law with a ton of strikes. Spears then levels Law with a short arm clothesline, Spears follows up by nailing Law with a C4 for a three count.

Winner: Shawn Spears

– Josh Thomson and Santana appear to talk about Jon Moxley vs. Jake Hager.

AEW World Heavyweight Championship
No Holds Barred, Empty Arena Match
Jon Moxley (c) vs. Jake Hager

The match begins with Moxley backing Hager into the corner, Hager gets free after spinning Moxley into the corner. Moxley again corners Hager and he scores a takedown a short time later, Hager gets back up and he gets Moxley down with a front headlock. Moxley counters Hager and he works over his arm, Moxley rolls for an arm bar and Hager gets free before landing a right. Moxley looks for another takedown and he scores it on Hager, Moxley rolls for a knee bar and Hager gets back up. Hager backs Moxley into the corner before landing a series of knee strikes, Moxley fights back and he attacks Hager with chops. Moxley mounts Hager in the corner while landing some strikes, Moxley drags Hager to the ground before applying an STF to him. Hager gets free and he nails Moxley with a knee strike to the rib cage, Hager corners Moxley while trying to crush the injured rib cage area. Hager then stomps away on the cornered Moxley, Moxley fights back and a striking exchange breaks out with Hager.

Moxley ends the exchange by throwing Hager out of the ring, Moxley then takes out Hager with a dive before looking for an arm bar. Hager gets free and he attacks Moxley with strikes as we go to a commercial break, we return from the break to see Hager throwing Moxley into the barricade. Moxley fights back and he throws Hager over the barricade, Moxley then throws Hager into a wall. Moxley looks for a pile driver and Hager counters with a back body drop on the concrete floor, Hager drags Moxley up the bleachers while attacking him with strikes. Moxley fights back and he nails Hager with some strikes, Moxley traps the legs of Hager around the railing while applying a figure four leg lock. Hager gets free and Moxley attacks him with more strikes, Moxley gets Hager in a front headlock and Hager gets free to throw him into the barricade. Hager throws Moxley over the barricade and to the ringside area, Hager follows Moxley before throwing him into the ring steps. Hager gets Moxley back in the ring and he follows him in there, Hager drops Moxley after throwing him into the corner.

Moxley avoids the Hager Bomb to nail Hager with a running knee strike, Moxley and Hager have another striking exchange in the middle of the ring. Hager ends the exchange by nailing Moxley with knee strikes and a gut wrench power bomb for a near fall as we go to a commercial break, we return from the break to see Hager working over a cornered Moxley by landing an avalanche. Moxley fights back and he drops Hager with a clothesline, Moxley looks for the pile driver again and Hager escapes to apply an ankle lock. Moxley gets free by rolling up Hager for a near fall, Hager leaps off the middle rope and Moxley catches him before landing a DDT. Hager quickly recovers and he catches Moxley in an arm triangle choke, Moxley gets to the ropes to break the submission hold. Hager gets up and he nails a downed Moxley with some more strikes until Moxley falls out of the ring, Hager leaves the ring to attack Moxley with a steel chair. Hager gets Moxley back in the ring before setting up the chair in the corner, Moxley avoids getting thrown into the chair and Hager causes him to collide with it a short time later for a near fall as we go to a commercial break.

We return from the break to see Hager working over Moxley, Hager then gets Moxley in the ankle lock and Moxley gets free and he sends Hager out of the ring, Hager returns and Moxley nails him with a DDT before applying a guillotine choke. Hager gets free and he gets into another striking exchange with Moxley, Hager ends the exchange by nailing Moxley with a low blow. Moxley recovers and he nails Hager with a chair shot to the head, Moxley hits Hager with a Paradigm Shift onto the chair for a three count.

Winner: Jon Moxley, still the AEW World Heavyweight Champion

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