
WWE NXT Results for 4/1/20 Keith Lee Retains, Dakota Kai Wins Women’s Gauntlet Match

The Limitless One defends his North American Championship in a triple threat match!

Good evening Fight Fans and welcome to our coverage of tonight’s edition of WWE NXT headlined by a North American championship triple threat match!

Velveteen Dream vs Bobby Fish

They start the match off with Dream in control, dropping Fish several times before hitting a leg drop for two. Fish goes for a sleeper hold, but Dream breaks free and Fish drops him with shots to the body. Fish boots Dream when he comes out of the corner before Dream hops over the top rope and out of the ring to regroup. Fish goes out after Dream before Dream gets back in and makes Bobby pay for it before hitting a diving ax handle. Dream superkicks Fish before going up top and Fish rolls out of the ring before he can go for the Purple Rain Maker. Dream then hits a diving ax handle to the outside before Fish sends him into the barricade as we go to commercial.

We come back to Dream in control until Fish sweeps Dream and he crashes onto the apron and starts focusing on his leg until Fish gets a two count as we go back to commercial.

We then come back to Fish having Dream in a submission before he gets to the ropes for the break and hits a DVD for the pin and the win.

Winner: Velveteen Dream defeats Bobby Fish via pinfall.

– After the match we go backstage to an interview with Malcolm Bivens and Bivens Enterprises who are focused solely on the tag belts before we go to the ring for our next match between Dexter Lumis and Jake Atlas.

Dexter Lumis vs Jake Atlas

Dexter side steps Jake when he rushes him before hitting Jake with strikes in the corner and hits a spinebuster. Dexter hits Jake with right hands before Jake comes back with strikes and manages to drop Dexter. Dexter then digs his fingers into the eyes of Jake before Jake hits a jumping neckbreaker before Dexter hits a huge spinebuster and locks in a choke for the referee stoppage and the win.

Winner: Dexter Lumis defeats Jake Atlas via submission.

– After the match we go backstage to Keith Lee getting ready for his title defense later tonight as we go to commercial.

– We come back from the break to a video package for Killer Kross before we go to a recap of the brawl Johnny Gargano and Tommaso Ciampa had two weeks ago ahead of their final match next before we go to the ring for the women’s last chance gauntlet match.

Women’s Championship Number One Contender Ladder Match Last Chance Qualifier Gauntlet Match

Deonna and Shotzi kick things off, Deonna in control early, dropping Shotzi with a boot for two before hitting her with forearms and clubbing blows against the ropes. Deonna drops Shotzi with a headbutt before she comes back with a clothesline into a diving senton for the pin and the elimination. Xia Li then comes out next and hits a shotgun dropkick before Xia dodges a kick and drops Shotzi with a roundhouse kick as we go to commercial.

We come back to Xia in control, dropping Shotzi with kicks before missing a spinning kick ala Will Ospreay before Shotzi locks in a variation of a butterfly submission for the tap and the elimination. Aliyah comes out next and they exchange pin attempts until they dizzily get back to their feet and Shotzi takes Aliyah down with a side headlock takeover. Aliyah counters a submission into a pin attempt for two before slamming Shotzi to the mat by her hair for another two count. Aliyah tosses Shotzi across the ring by her hair and hits a running boot in the corner for two before arguing with the referee in frustration. Shotzi comes back with strikes and a knee lift into a roundhouse kick before Aliyah grabs the ropes when Shotzi goes for a suplex and Shotzi turns it into a dragon suplex.

Shotzi then locks in the same submission she submitted Xia with and forces Aliyah to tap for the pin and the elimination. Kayden Carter comes in next and hits a shotgun dropkick for two before Shotzi comes back with a variation of a mix between and ushigaroshi and a GTS. Kayden then traps Shotzi in the corner before hitting a running dropkick as we go to commercial.

We come back to Shotzi in control, hitting a diving senton for the pin and the elimination as soon as we come back to the action before Dakota Kai rushes in and is all over her. Kai chokes Shotzi in the ropes and the corner before Shotzi tries to come back with forearms and Kai drops her. Kai sweeps Shotzi and spins her around before hitting her with a knee at ringside and rolling her back into the ring for two. Raquel Gonzalez chokes Shotzi behind the referee’s back before Kai hits a snap mare into a stretch before Shotzi rolls over and covers Kai for two. Kai immediately comes back and drops Shotzi with a boot for two before hitting a running boot in the corner for two.

Kai chokes Shotzi in the corner before Shotzi takes her down and drops Kai with clotheslines and an enzuigiri into a back to back suplex. Kai rolls out of the ring and Shotzi takes out both Kai and Gonzalez with a suicide dive before Raquel grabs Shotzi. Shotzi sends Raquel into the steps before Kai catches her coming back into the ring and hits her with a running boot. Kai then finishes Shotzi off with a GTS she calls Go to Kick for the pin, final elimination and the win.

Winner: Dakota Kai wins the gauntlet match by being the last woman to not be eliminated to gain entry to the number one contender ladder match.

– After the match we see Damian Priest getting ready ahead of his title challenge later tonight as we go to commercial.

– We come back to a video package for Rhea Ripley and Charlotte Flair at Wrestlemania.

KUSHIDA vs Joaquin Wilde

They start the match off by grappling on the mat for a series of two counts before KUSHIDA locks in an armbar and Wilde quickly rolls to the ropes for the break. KUSHIDA motions to Wilde that he almost had him before Wilde hits a huricanrrana into a deep arm drag. Wilde grounds KUSHIDA with a straight armbar before KUSHIDA hits his signature snap mare cartwheel dropkick for two as we go to commercial.

We come back to Wilde now in control, stomping and chopping KUSHIDA in the corner before driving his shoulder into his midsection. KUSHIDA kicks the arm of Wilde when he’s upside down before Wilde hits a jawbreaker and KUSHIDA a hand spring back elbow. KUSHIDA then hits a flying armbar and forces Wilde to tap for the win.

Winner: KUSHIDA defeats Joaquin Wilde via submission.

– After the match KUSHIDA claps for Wilde before they shake hands and leaves as we go backstage to Dominik Dijakovic coming out for the triple threat match in our main event up next as we go to commercial.

– We come back to an interview with Joaquin Wilde leaving the arena before he’s abducted by the same masked group for abducted Raul Mendoza.

NXT North American Championship Triple Threat Match

Keith Lee (c) vs Dominik Dijakovic vs Damian Priest

Keith catches Priest when he goes to kick him before all three men connect and rock each other before each falling back into a separate corner as we go to commercial.

We return to the ring Damian and Dom in the ring, the champion no where to be found before Damian hits a uranage and punches Dom in the corner. Dom lifts Damian over his head before Priest hits a DDT for a near fall that Keith breaks up and Lee clears the ring. Damian and Dom hit a variation of a doomsday device to Keith before hitting a double chokeslam. Damian then counters Feast Your Eyes before Damian hits a razors edge with Dom onto Keith at ringside before hitting a springboard flipping senton and taking everyone out at ringside as we go to commercial.

We come back to Damian in control of Dom before Dom counters a reverse DDT and gives Damian to Keith who powerbombs Damian on top of Dom. Keith then hits a Spirit Bomb to Damian for a near fall that Dom breaks up before Lee hits a one handed spine buster to Dom. Damian hits Lee with an enzuigiri before Damian hits a frankensteiner and Dom a diving elbow once Lee lands on the mat. Dom and Damian drop each other with kicks and fall on top of Lee for a double near fall. Dom and Damian choke slam Lee off of the top before Dom hits a corkscrew splash for a near fall.

Damian grabs his night stick before Dom ducks and counters with an attempted Feast Your Eyes, but ends up kneeing the night stick and Lee sends Damian out of the ring. Lee then hits Dom with the Big Bang Catastrophe for the pin and the win.

Winner: Keith Lee retains his NXT North American championship by defeating Dominik Dijakovic and Damian Priest via pinfall.

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