
WWE Wrestlemania 36 Night 2 Results: 4 Title Bouts, Edge Battles Orton & A Firefly Fun House Match

Welcome to Fightful.com’s live coverage & discussion for WWE Wrestlemania 36 Night 2. We’ll be bringing you full, fight by fight coverage of every bout on the card. You can also send in your feedback on our Disqus boards below!

– Corey Graves and Peter Rosenberg are your hosts for night two of ‘Mania 36.

– The hosts go over the card for tonight’s event.

– A video package airs highlighting the feud between John Cena and The Fiend, followed by analysis from the hosts.

– The hosts preview the Smackdown Women’s Championship Match.

– A video package airs highlighting the feud between Charlotte Flair and Rhea Ripley, followed by analysis from the hosts.

– The Street Profits are backstage, Montez Ford says they have had 20/20 vision on ‘Mania, Ford talks about taking on Angel Garza and Austin Theory. Angelo Dawkins hints that he likes Charly Caruso, Ford and Dawkins say they want the smoke tonight at ‘Mania 36.

– The hosts preview the Raw Tag Team Title Match,

– A video package airs highlighting night one of ‘Mania 36.

Natalya vs. Liv Morgan

The match begins with Natalya taking Morgan down with a headlock, Morgan gets free after briefly catching Natalya in a head scissors. Natalya gets Morgan in another headlock before rolling her up for a one count, Natalya trips up Morgan and Morgan recovers to get her in a headlock. Natalya gets free and Morgan rolls her up for a near fall, Morgan nails Natalya with a kick before landing a running hip attack. Morgan misses a charge in the corner and Natalya drops her on her tailbone before landing a basement drop kick for a near fall, Morgan fights back and she drops Natalya neck first on the top rope. Natalya recovers to trap Morgan in the ropes and land a kick, Natalya knocks Morgan to the arena floor after landing a discus clothesline. Natalya gets Morgan back in the ring before landing a suplex, Natalya locks Morgan in the surfboard stretch and she eventually releases the hold a short time later. Natalya misses a charge in the corner and Morgan rolls her up before landing a right, Morgan avoids a Natalya slam to land a code breaker for a near fall.

Natalya goes to the ropes and Morgan nails her with a drop kick to the back, Morgan looks for a roll up and Natalya counters by dropping her face first on the mat below. Natalya looks for the sharp shooter and Morgan counters with a roll up before landing an enziguri, Natalya avoids a leaping Morgan and Morgan catches her in a roll up for a three count.

Winner: Liv Morgan

– Highlights are shown of Sonya Deville’s and Dolph Ziggler’s deception from this past week’s Smackdown.

– Dolph Ziggler meets Sonya Deville backstage and both wonder what they should say to Mandy Rose after being caught sabotaging Rose and Otis’ date, Kayla Braxton confronts them and they have no comment.

– The hosts preview the match between Otis and Dolph Ziggler.

– A video package airs highlighting the feud between Edge and Randy Orton, followed by analysis from the crew of WWE Backstage.

– A video package airs highlighting the feud between Brock Lesnar and Drew McIntyre, followed by analysis from the hosts.

– Stephanie McMahon kicks off night two of ‘Mania 36, she welcomes everybody to the event.

– Rob Gronkowski is back and he promises things will get more hyped tonight.

WWE NXT Women’s Championship
Rhea Ripley (c) vs. Charlotte Flair

The match begins with Flair tripping up Ripley while taunting her, Ripley gets up and Flair trips her up again while looking for a Figure Eight. Flair gets Ripley in the corner and she lets her go free before they go face to face, Flair then attacks Ripley with some chops. Ripley fights back and she boots an upside down Flair in the face, Ripley then hits Flair with a Riptide for a near fall. Flair rolls out of the ring and Ripley chases her back in, Flair stomps away on Ripley when they get back into the ring. Ripley recovers and she kicks Flair in the head before dumping her on the arena floor, Flair fights back and she attacks Ripley with more chops. Flair follows up on that by throwing Ripley into the ring steps, Ripley recovers and dives off of the steps onto Flair. Ripley gets Flair back in the ring before landing a drop kick, Ripley corners Flair before landing some shoulder thrusts. Ripley then nails Flair with a suplex for a near fall, Ripley gets Flair to her knees before kicking her in the back.

Ripley keeps Flair grounded while holding her in the body scissors, Ripley catches Flair in a roll up for a near fall. Flair tries fighting back and Ripley knocks her to the ring apron, Ripley gets her leg trapped on the top rope and Flair instantly attacks the leg. Flair keeps Ripley down while stomping away on her, Flair traps the injured leg of Ripley in the ropes while kicking away at it. Flair then smashes the injured knee of Ripley on the mat below, Ripley tries fighting back and Flair kicks her in the injured knee. Flair holds Ripley down while wrenching away on the injured leg, Flair drags Ripley to the corner before smashing the injured leg into the ring post. Ripley recovers and she sends Flair into the ring post, Flair gets back in the ring and she nails Ripley with a chop block. Flair keeps Ripley near the ropes while landing butt drops on her injured leg, Flair misses a butt drop and Ripley rolls her up for a one count. Ripley escapes the grasp of Flair before sending her face first to the mat below, Ripley and Flair have a striking exchange in the middle of the ring.

Ripley traps the head of Flair while landing multiple knee strikes, Ripley then nails Flair with a pair of head kicks. Ripley follows up by nailing a downed Flair with a basement drop kick, Ripley also connects with some short arm clotheslines on Flair. Flair sends a charging Ripley to the ring apron before knocking her to the arena floor, Flair goes to the top rope and Ripley returns to kick her in the head. Ripley gets in the ring and she nails Flair with a Glam Slam for a near fall, Flair fights back and she cracks a cornered Ripley with a forearm strike. Flair misses a springboard stomp and Ripley cracks her with a missile drop kick for a near fall, Flair recovers and boots a charging Ripley in the face before landing a chop block. Flair then lands a knee drop to the injured knee of Ripley, Ripley fights back and she trips up Flair before stomping away on her. Ripley then catches Flair in a standing cloverleaf and Flair counters by tripping Ripley up, Flair then kicks Ripley right in the face. Flair looks for the Figure Eight and Ripley kicks her way free, Flair manages to catch Ripley in the Boston crab and Ripley counters by exchanging roll ups with Flair.

Ripley then drops a charging Flair with an up kick to the arm, Flair gets up and she stomps away on the injured leg of Ripley. Ripley gets up and she kicks Flair in the face for a near fall, Ripley corners Flair before attacking her with some strikes. Ripley gets Flair on the top rope while landing more strikes, Ripley follows Flair to the top rope and Flair gets her off with a front suplex. Flair stays on the top rope and Ripley counters her moonsault by getting her feet up, Flair gets up and she nails Ripley with a spear for a near fall. Flair looks for the Figure Eight again and Ripley counters with a roll up, Flair finally gets Ripley in a Figure Eight and Ripley taps out.

Winner: Charlotte Flair, your new NXT Women’s Champion

– Highlights are shown from night one of ‘Mania 36.

Aleister Black vs. Bobby Lashley w/Lana

The match begins with Lashley shoving Black away from him, Black goes after the arm of Lashley and Lashley shoves him away again. Lashley then slams Black before stomping away on him, Lashley looks for a bear hug and Black cracks him with a few strikes before sending him out of the ring. Lashley tries getting back in the ring and Black kicks him in the face, Lashley avoids a leaping Black before landing an overhead release suplex on the arena floor. Lashley grabs Black and he sends him back first into the barricade, Lashley gets Black back in the ring to get a near fall on a pin attempt. Lashley holds Black down while applying a chin lock to him, Black gets free and Lashley corners him before landing a few more strikes. Lashley keeps Black cornered before landing a corner spear and neck breaker, Lashley goes for a suplex and Black escapes his grasp before getting to the ring apron. Black traps Lashley in the ropes before landing a kick, Lashley avoids a leaping Black before landing a power slam for a near fall.

Lashley gets Black on the ropes before choking him on the middle rope, Lashley then hits Black with a suplex for a near fall. Lashley goes for a spear and Black counters by landing a knee strike for a near fall, Black follows up by attacking Lashley with a combination before knocking him out of the ring with a knee strike. Black then hits Lashley with a moonsault before getting him back into the ring, Lashley recovers and he nails Black with a running cross body block followed by a clothesline for a near fall. Lashley mounts Black before attacking him with more strikes, Lashley goes for a Dominator and Lana demands that he hit the spear instead. Black nails a charging Lashley with a Black Mass for a three count.

Winner: Aleister Black

– Kayla Braxton interviews Bayley and Sasha Banks, with Bayley saying that she is being unfairly challenged tonight in the five way elimination match. Bayley says everybody is trying to drive a wedge between her and Banks, Bayley walks away as Banks says we’ll all have to watch and see what goes down tonight.

– Highlights are shown of Mojo Rawley winning the 24/7 Championship last night, Kayla Braxton interviews Rob Gronkowski and he says he wants to win the 24/7 Championship by the end of the night.

Otis vs. Dolph Ziggler w/Sonya Deville

The match begins with Ziggler avoiding a charging Otis, Otis corners Ziggler before landing a shoulder thrust and avalanche. Otis misses a charge in the corner before Ziggler knocks him out of the ring with a super kick, Ziggler exits the ring and he throws Otis into the ring post. Ziggler gets Otis back in the ring before getting a near fall on a pin attempt, Ziggler keeps Otis down before holding him in a chin lock. Ziggler releases the hold to hit Otis with a drop kick for a near fall, Ziggler follows up on that by choking Otis on the middle rope. Ziggler keeps Otis by the ropes while ripping away on his face, Ziggler then hits Otis with a neck breaker and elbow drop for a near fall. Ziggler keeps Otis down while holding him in a chin lock, Ziggler releases the hold and he attacks Otis with a few strikes, Otis catches Ziggler during a drop kick attempt and he monkey flips him into the corner, Ziggler takes some swings at Otis and Otis drops him with multiple clotheslines.

Otis follows up by nailing Ziggler with a slam before standing on his back, Otis then drops Ziggler with a few hard Irish whips into the corner. Otis picks up Ziggler and he dumps him out of the ring, Otis leaves the ring and he throws Ziggler into the barricade before throwing him into the ring post. Otis gets Ziggler back in the ring and he follows him in there before landing a pop up power slam, Deville distracts Otis during a Caterpillar attempt and Ziggler kicks Otis in the balls. Mandy Rose comes out and she attacks Deville, Rose throws Deville into the ring to distract the ref so she can low blow Ziggler. Otis then hits Ziggler with the Caterpillar for a three count.

Winner: Otis

After the match, Otis and Mandy Rose have their first kiss.

Last Man Standing Match
Edge vs. Randy Orton

The match begins with Orton coming from out of nowhere during his entrance to hit Edge with an RKO, Edge gets up to officially start the match and Orton nails him with a second RKO. Edge leaves the ring and makes it to his feet, Orton grabs a TV camera and he hits Edge with it to knock him over the barricade. Edge beats the count and Orton nails him with strikes as they battle in the backstage area, Orton drags Edge to the gym area before smashing his face on a table. Edge gets up and Orton attacks him with more strikes, Orton traps Edge by wrapping a rope around his head. Orton then proceeds to beat Edge with a ton of strikes until Edge goes down, Orton grabs a barbel and Edge nails him with a drop kick. Edge gets up and he attacks Orton with a plethora of strikes, Edge grabs Orton and he sends him into a table before landing more strikes. Edge places Orton on an office chair before attacking him with more strikes, Edge then sends himself off a weight machine and he lands on top of Orton to send them both crashing to the ground below.

Orton gets up and Edge nails him with a running axe handle smash, Orton fights back and he reverses an Edge throw to send Edge into a wall. Orton grabs a weight sled and he tries sliding it into Edge before Edge gets out of the way, Orton and Edge then get into a brief striking exchange. Edge ends the exchange by sending Orton into a production box, Edge attacks Orton with more strikes as they battle through the production area. Edge gains control and he sends Orton face first into a steel garage door, Orton beats the count and Edge throws him onto a lighting barricade. Orton fights back and he smashes Edge face first into an LED board, Orton then throws Orton off one barricade and he crashes into another. Edge beats the count and Orton attacks him with more strikes, Orton and Edge battle to another backstage area. Orton then smashes Edge’s head into a glass window, Edge gets up and Orton throws him face first into a wall. Orton drags Edge into a conference room and Edge smashes Orton face first onto a large table, Edge follows up on that by sending Orton face first into a picture of The Revival.

Orton beats the count and Edge throws him on top of the large conference table, Edge follows him up there before nailing Orton with an elbow drop. Edge and Orton get off the table before Edge attacks Orton with more strikes, Orton pokes Edge in the eye before throwing him into a bunch of pictures in a hallway. Orton eventually causes Edge to crash into a camera person and they go down, Orton and Edge battle into a storage area while exchanging more strikes. Edge grabs Orton and he throws him right into a ladder, Edge grabs Orton and he smashes him face first onto a fallen ladder. Orton fights back and he drops Edge after landing a few strikes, Orton then sends Edge on top of a storage cart. Edge gets off the cart and Orton nails him with more strikes, Edge looks for a chair and Orton throws them away from him. Orton picks Edge up and he sends him into a bunch of ring steps that were left in the storage area, Edge beats the count and Orton attacks him with more strikes. Edge beats another count and he tries fighting back against Orton, Edge drops Orton before throwing a sand bag at him.

Orton beats the count up and Edge gets him on a production cart while landing some strikes, Orton gets off the cart and Edge lands more strikes while getting him on top of a table. Edge climbs a ladder and he gets on top of a large storage cage, Edge leaps off the storage cage and he puts Orton through the table with an elbow drop. Orton and Edge beat the count before Edge lands more strikes on Orton, Orton fights back and he nails Edge with more strikes. Orton gains control and he sends Edge face first into the tailgate of a truck, Edge beats the count and Orton sends him face first into the tailgate multiple times. Orton and Edge battle into the bed of the truck as Orton lands more strikes, Orton then hits Edge with an elevated DDT onto the truck bed cover on the truck. Edge beats the count while climbing onto a forklift holding multiple storage cases, Edge then climbs onto the top of a production truck. Orton follows Edge to the top of the truck and he looks for a punt, Edge counters and he nails Orton with a spear.

Orton beats the count and he nails a charging Edge with an RKO, Orton gets off the truck as Edge beats the count. Orton finds some steel chairs and he gets back on top of the production truck with them, Orton grabs one of the chairs and he attacks Edge with them. Orton then sets Edge up for the one man conchairto and Edge gets up to get Orton in the standing arm triangle choke, Edge releases the choke and he nails Orton with a one man conchairto. Orton doesn’t beat the count and the referee calls for the bell.

Winner: Edge

– A bunch of wrestlers are ganging up on 24/7 Champion Mojo Rawley, Rob Gronkowski leaps off his stage and he takes everybody out before pinning Rawley to win the 24/7 Championship.

Raw Tag Team Championships
The Street Profits (Montez Ford & Angelo Dawkins) (c) vs. Austin Theory & Angel Garza w/Zelina Vega

The match begins with Dawkins getting Theory in a headlock, Theory gets free and Dawkins drops him with a few shoulder tackles. Ford tags in and he nails Theory with a drop kick, Garza interferes and The Street Profits clear the ring. Theory gets in the ring and Ford wrenches away on his arm, Dawkins tags in and he nails the arm of Theory with a top rope axe handle smash. Theory recovers and he sends a charging Dawkins out of the ring, Theory distracts the ref and Garza nails Dawkins with a super kick. Dawkins gets in the ring and Theory stomps away on him, Garza tags in and he traps Dawkins in the ropes before landing a knee strike. Garza then hits Dawkins with a basement drop kick for a near fall, Theory tags in and he hits Dawkins with a rolling drop kick for a near fall. Garza tags back in and he double teams Dawkins with Theory, Garza keeps Theory down while wrenching away on his arm. Dawkins gets free and he misses a charge in the corner, Dawkins manages to tag Ford in and Ford cleans house against the opposing team.

Ford nails Garza with a standing moonsault for a near fall, Ford follows up on that by nailing Garza with a DDT for a near fall. Dawkins hits the ring and Theory knocks him out of it, Ford then drop kicks Theory out of the ring. Ford then nails Theory with a suicide dive, Garza returns and he takes everybody out with a top rope moonsault. Garza gets Ford back in the ring and he lands a middle rope moonsault for a near fall, Garza sets up for the Wing Clipper and Ford nails him with an enziguri. Theory and Dawkins are tagged in by their respective partners, Theory hits Dawkins with a TKO and Ford lands a frog splash a few seconds later so Dawkins can get a three count.

Winners: The Street Profits (Montez Ford & Angelo Dawkins), still the Raw Tag Team Champions

After the match, Austin Theory, Angel Garza and Zelina Vega attack The Street Profits until Bianca belair makes the save.

– Titus O’Neil comes to the stage as the host for the rest of ‘Mania 36.

Smackdown Women’s Championship
Five Way Elimination Match
Bayley (c) vs. Sasha Banks vs. Lacey Evans vs. Naomi vs. Tamina

The match begins with Bayley and Banks attacking Tamina before Tamina fights everybody off, everybody attacks Tamina again and Tamina fights them off again. Tamina then takes turns dropping everybody with rights, Naomi grabs Tamina’s leg and that allows Evans to nail her with a chop block. Bayley and Banks work together to knock Tamina out of the ring, Banks and Bayley then work together to battle Evans and Naomi. Banks sends Evans into the corner before Bayley lands a knee strike for a near fall, Naomi returns to work with Evans against Bayley and Banks. Evans and Naomi nail Banks and Bayley with drop kicks for a near fall, Naomi and Evans battle each other until Tamina takes them both out. Tamina then lays out Banks and Bayley with a double clothesline, Tamina takes over the ring as she tosses everybody all over the place, Tamina hits Evans and Naomi with a running butt smash. Tamina goes after Bayley and Banks makes the save, Tamina then nails Evans with a super kick after Banks landed a knee strike.

Team BAD has a brief reunion until Tamina nails Banks with a super kick, Naomi nails Tamina with a stunner for a near fall. Evans and Naomi go for a double pin on Tamina and they get a near fall, Banks then hits Tamina with a 619. Bayley then hits Tamina with a top rope elbow drop, Banks then lands a top rope frog splash on Tamina. Evans and Naomi nail Tamina with their own versions of the moonsault before everybody pins Tamina for a three count (Eliminated: Tamina), the action resumes with Bayley and Banks leaving the ring before getting attacked by Naomi and Evans. Naomi then takes out Banks with a dive, Bayley avoids an Evans dive before taking out both Evans and Naomi. Bayley gets Naomi back in the ring for a few near falls on a few pin attempts, Bayley corners Naomi before stomping away on her. Naomi fights back and she gets double teamed by Bayley and Banks, Banks misses a running knee strike and Naomi rolls up both opponents for a double near fall. Naomi then nails Bayley and Banks with a double sliding slap, Naomi follows up by landing a stunner on Bayley.

Naomi then hits a charging Banks with a Rear View before taking Bayley out with a Beautiful Disaster, Naomi goes for a submission on Banks and Bayley stops it. Banks gets Naomi in a Bank Statement and Naomi taps out (Eliminated: Naomi), the action resumes with Evans getting back in the ring before getting double teamed by Bayley and Banks. Bayley and Banks nail Evans with a double slam for a near fall, Banks drags Evans to the corner before Bayley accidentally nails Banks with a knee strike. Evans then catches Bayley in a few roll ups for a few near falls, Bayley recovers and she nails Evans with a knee strike for a near fall. Bayley mounts Evans and she attacks her with a bunch of strikes, Banks gets back in the ring and she confronts Bayley. Evans nails Banks with a Women’s Right for a three count (Eliminated: Sasha Banks), the action resumes with Bayley attacking Evans with a ton of strikes and elbow drops for a near fall. Bayley keeps Evans near the ropes while wrenching away on her head, Evans fights back and Bayley nails her with more strikes.

Evans recovers and she nails Bayley with a series of clotheslines followed by a neck breaker, Evans then gets trapped in the ropes before landing a stunner for a near fall. Bayley holds Evans down while landing knee drops to the shoulder, Bayley keeps Evans trapped in the corner while tying her down with a tag rope. Bayley attacks the trapped Evans with a plethora of unanswered strikes, Evans eventually drops Bayley with a boot to the face. Evans gets free and she attacks Bayley with a ton of kicks, Evans then nails a cornered Bayley with a seated senton. Evans goes to the top rope and she lands a double jump moonsault for a near fall, Banks returns and she nails Evans with a back stabber. Bayley then hits Evans with a front DDT for a three count (Eliminated: Lacey Evans).

Winner: Bayley, still the Smackdown Women’s Champion

Firefly Fun House Match
John Cena vs. The Fiend

The match begins with Cena’s entrance being interrupted by the Firefly Fun House and Bray Wyatt. Wyatt says there is another world that exists where demons and monsters exist, Wyatt questions why people do the things that they do. Wyatt says that Cena is going to face himself before welcoming Cena to the Firefly Fun House, Cena appears in the funhouse after Wyatt exited through the front door. The rabbit appears and he tells Cena where Wyatt went, Cena goes through the door and there is darkness on the other end. A Vince McMahon devil doll appears and he wants to know if Cena has enough ruthless aggression, Wyatt appears in a ring and he challenges anyone to face him and Cena comes out in the same gear he made his WWE debut in. Cena takes some swings at Wyatt and he misses all of them, Wyatt mocks Cena on the microphone while Cena continues swinging at him. Wyatt leaves the ring and Cena chases after him, a Saturday Night’s Main event montage plays as Wyatt cuts a promo behind a steel cage wall.

Cena appears as Wyatt’s “tag team partner” while pumping iron, Cena goes crazy while lifting the weights and he is too tired to attack Wyatt. Wyatt throws Cena and Cena appears in front of the Smackdown fist while his Word Life rap plays, Cena gets back in the ring and he battle raps Wyatt while also mentioning his past as Husky Harris. Cena mocks Wyatt and Wyatt responds by saying everybody has taken everything he has earned in his life, Wyatt says Cena is a horrible person instead of a hero. Cena throws nuts at Wyatt and Wyatt teleports as Cena tries attacking him, Wyatt then hits Cena with his chain. Wyatt appears in his original character in the farmhouse while addressing Cena, Wyatt says it is time to rewrite his own story. Wyatt attacks Cena while wearing his old gear, Cena avoids Sister Abigail and Wyatt hands him a chair before falling to his knees. Cena swings the chair at Wyatt and Wyatt teleports away, Wyatt now appears as an Eric Bischoff NWO knockoff on WCW Monday Nitro. Wyatt then brings out Cena as an imposter NWO Hollywood Hogan, Cena wakes up and he attacks Wyatt with a ton of strikes while images off him getting beat up flash back and forth.

Cena is eventually shown beating up the pig puppet as The Fiend appears behind him, The Fiend gets Cena in the mandible claw before hitting him with Sister Abigail. The Fiend reapplies the mandible claw and Wyatt makes a three count.

Winner: The Fiend

– Titus O’Neil appears after the match and he is speechless.

WWE Championship
Brock Lesnar (c) w/Paul Heyman vs. Drew McIntyre

The match begins with Lesnar attacking McIntyre with strikes before landing shoulder thrusts in the corner, McIntyre fights back and he nails Lesnar with a Claymore Kick for a near fall. McIntyre misses a Claymore Kick and Lesnar takes McIntyre to Suplex City, Lesnar then hits McIntyre with an F-5 for a one count. Lesnar nails McIntyre with a second F-5 for a near fall, Lesnar lands a third F-5 on McIntyre for another near fall. Lesnar goes for another F-5 and McIntyre escapes to land a Claymore Kick, McIntyre then hits Lesnar with another Claymore Kick. McIntyre follows up by nailing Lesnar with one more Claymore Kick for a three count.

Winner: Drew McIntyre, your new WWE Champion

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