
WWE Main Event Report For March 27: Humberto Carrillo vs. Danny Burch & Asuka In Action

Asuka vs. Kayden Carter

The match begins with Asuka shoving Carter to the mat below, Carter gets up and Asuka drops her with an elbow strike. Carter fights back and she nails Asuka with a drop kick, Carter then attacks Asuka with some strikes. Asuka recovers and she drops Carter with a shoulder tackle, Carter fights back and she rolls up Asuka for a near fall. Carter starts focusing her attack on the arm of Asuka before landing a springboard arm drag, Asuka leaves the ring and she prevents a dive before kicking Carter in the face. Asuka drags Carter out of the ring before throwing her into the barricade, Carter gets back in the ring and Asuka stomps away on her before choking her near the ropes. Asuka corners Carter before kicking and choking her, Asuka keeps Carter down while wrenching away on her arm. Carter gets free and she attacks Asuka with some strikes, Carter then hits Asuka with a drop kick. Carter misses a charge into the ropes and Asuka drops her with a hair pull, Asuka then hits Carter with a head kick before locking her in the Asuka Lock to force a tap out.

Winner: Asuka

– Highlights are shown of Rob Grinkowski’s WWE debut.

– Highlights are shown of the WWE Universal Title Match contract signing between Goldberg and Roman Reigns.

– Highlights are shown of Paul Heyman & Brock Lesnar’s recent appearance on WWE Raw.

– A video package airs highlighting the feud between AJ Styles and The Undertaker.

Humberto Carrillo vs. Danny Burch

The match begins with Burch and Carrillo taking turns working over each others arms, Burch trips up Carrillo before they exchange some pin attempts. Carrillo trips up Burch again before Burch sweeps him and wrenches away on his arm, Carrillo gets up and he works on the arm of Burch. Burch gets free and he goes back to work on the arm of Carrillo, Burch gets Carrillo down with a headlock and Carrillo quickly applies a head scissors. Burch gets free and he trips up a leaping Carrillo before applying another headlock, Carrillo gets free and he nails Burch with a springboard cross body block for a near fall. Carrillo goes to the top rope and he nails Burch with a missile drop kick, Burch leaves the ring and he hits Carrillo with a right to a prevent a suicide dive as we go to a commercial break. We return from the break to see Burch holding Carrillo in a chin lock, Carrillo gets free and Burch nails him with a forearm strike to the back for a near fall.

Burch gets Carrillo to his feet before landing some strikes and a suplex for a near fall, Burch keeps Carrillo down while applying a chin lock. Carrillo fights back and he drops Burch with some forearm strikes followed by a spinning head kick, Carrillo then hits Burch with a rolling moonsault for a near fall. Carrillo misses a charge in the corner and Burch lands a release German suplex for a near fall, Carrillo escapes a suplex attempt to hit Burch with a Disaster Kick. Carrillo then hits Burch with a top rope moonsault for a three count.

Winner: Humberto Carrillo

– Highlights are shown of Randy Orton accepting Edge’s challenge for a Last Man Standing Match at ‘Mania 36.

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