
WWE 205 Live Results for 3/27/20 Isaiah Scott vs Joaquin Wilde, Nese vs Lorcan

Swerve takes on The Wilde One and The Premier Athlete takes on the Boston Brawler!

Hey Fight Fans, we hope you enjoyed Smackdown on FOX and are ready for tonight’s edition of WWE 205 Live!

Isaiah Scott vs Joaquin Wilde

They go back and forth before Wilde hits a huricanrrana and Scott rolls out of the ring before trapping Wilde in the apron skirt when he goes for a baseball slide. Scott tosses Wilde back into the ring for two before locking in a body scissors and driving his elbow into the side of the face of Wilde while holding on a straight armbar. Scott locks in a Gory stretch before getting two off of a back slide and rocking Wilde with kicks before setting him up on the top turnbuckle. Wilde counters a superplex before Wilde hits a flying huricanrrana and sends him out of the ring before hitting a tope and tossing him back into the ring. Scott counters a slingshot tornado DDT and rolls Wilde up for two before they exchange strikes until Wilde hits a jawbreaker.

Scott hits a German suplex before Wilde hits a poison huricanrrana before Scott hits the House Call for a near fall. Scott then counters Wilde when he goes for a top rope head scissors and hits a Michinoku driver for the pin and the win.

Winner: Isaiah Scott defeats Joaquin Wilde via pinfall.

– We come back to a video recapping the Cruiserweight Championship Match from NXT UK in which Jordan Devlin retained against Travis Banks.

Tony Nese vs Oney Lorcan

Oney drives Tony into the corner before they lock up and Oney takes Tony down before they grapple on the mat until Oney locks in an armbar before Tony gets to the ropes for the break. Tony takes Oney down and locks in a choke before turning it into a neck crank and Oney counters before focusing on joint manipulation of the hand of Tony. Oney takes Tony back down and locks in a head scissors before Tony rolls to the ropes for the break. Tony back Oney into the ropes for a not so clean break before Oney comes back with chops and Tony rolls out of the ring. Oney goes after Tony and gets caught coming back into the ring before Tony drops him for two. Tony chops Oney in the corner before locking in a body scissors before Oney elbows and chops his way free. Oney rains down right hands to Tony when he gets into his guard before Oney hits a running uppercut in the corner into a running blockbuster for two. Tony snaps Oney’s neck across the top rope before hitting a triangle moonsault into a jumping stomp and a running back elbow in the corner. Tony then hits a German into the corner into a running boot in the corner before hitting the Running Nese for the pin and the win.

Winner: Tony Nese defeats Oney Lorcan via pinfall.

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