
WWE Smackdown on FOX Results for 3/27/20 Asuka vs Alexa Bliss, Nakamura vs Gulak

The Goddess faces off against The Empress of Tomorrow and Shinsuke Nakamura takes on Drew Gulak!

Good evening Fight Fans and welcome to our coverage of tonight’s edition of WWE Smackdown on FOX!

– We open the show with the Smackdown Women’s champion Bayley and Sasha Banks where they get into the ring and Bayley says that she and Sasha are still best friends and they have nothing to worry about. They’re interrupted by Lacey Evans who says that she’s going to break Sasha’s jaw and take the belt from Bayley before they’re interrupted by Naomi, then by the returning Tamina. Tamina then take out Lacey and Naomi before Bayley and Sasha leave when she sets her sights on them as we go to commercial.

Drew Gulak w/Daniel Bryan vs Shinsuke Nakamura w/Cesaro & Sami Zayn

Shinsuke takes Drew down and drives his knees into Drew’s ribs before Drew comes back and drops Shinsuke before Shinsuke sweeps Drew when he’s on the apron. Shinsuke kicks Drew at ringside and tosses him back into the ring before Drew hits a dragon screw and focuses on the now injured leg of the former Intercontinental champion. Shinsuke comes back with a diving knee with the non-injured knee for two before hitting a sit-out facebuster. Daniel then pulls the ropes and Shinsuke gets caught in the ropes before Drew pins him with a jack knife cover.

Winner: Drew Gulak defeats Shinsuke Nakamura via pinfall to win Daniel Bryan a shot at Sami Zayn’s Intercontinental Championship.

– We come back to a video package for Otis and Dolph Ziggler and the love triangle between them and Mandy Rose as well as Otis attacking The Miz and John Morrison as Dolph looked on from the ramp. We then go backstage to Dolph on the phone before he’s rushed by Otis and Tucker before they’re stopped by officials and personnel. Dolph and Otis then verbally agree to a match at Wrestlemania before Otis is taken away and we immediately go to Elias on the perch in the back of the arena playing a song for Baron Corbin. Corbin then attacks Elias from before hitting him with his staff and knocking him over the perch and down onto the floor as personnel rush to check on Elias as Corbin revels in what he’s done as we go to commercial.

Alexa Bliss vs Asuka

Nikki Cross joins on commentary as Alexa lays into Asuka with forearms and dropkicks her for two. Alexa locks in a standing side headlock before Asuka drops her with a shoulder block and mocks Nikki. Alexa knocks Asuka off of the top turnbuckle and down into the floor before knocking her off of the apron and Asuka pulls Alexa down from the apron and down onto the floor before dancing and mocking Nikki as we go to commercial.

We come back to Asuka in control until Alexa traps her in the ropes and sends her down onto the apron before clotheslining her. Alexa hits a jumping meteora before missing a standing moonsault and Asuka rolls out of the ring. Alexa pulls Asuka off of the apron and drives her into the LED board before rolling her back into the ring for several two counts. They then counter each other until Alexa hits Asuka with a DDT for the pin and the win.

Winner: Alexa Bliss defeats Asuka via pinfall.

– We come back to Michael telling us about Rob Gronkowski hosting Wrestlemania and Roman Reigns versus Goldberg at Wrestlemania next weekend before we go to Roman Reigns versus Triple H from Wrestlemania 32 in which Roman overcomes the odds and walks out with the World Championship. After the match we go backstage to an interview with Triple H where he talks about Roman and Goldberg, two people that he’s faced in his career. Triple H says that Roman has a bigger gas tank and his intensity strengthens over time and how he can withstand the initial onslaught by Goldberg.

– We then go to a backstage promo by The New Day where they talk about their match against The Usos later tonight with a shot at the tag titles on the line before we go to a graphic for the return of the Firefly Fun House as we go to commercial.

– We come back to Dolph talking to Sonya Deville before Mandy shows up and says that she’s not going to let him and Otis fight over her before they leave and we go to Bray in the Firefly Fun House. Bray says that he failed to beat John Cena, but The Fiend will not and that he has the recipe to defeat Cena before proposing that John and The Fiend have a match on their ground and challenges John to a Firefly Fun House Match.

– We go to the ring where the tag champions join on commentary before the number one contender match up next as we go to commercial.

Smackdown Tag Team Championship Number One Contender Match

The New Day vs The Usos

Jimmy takes Kofi down before Jimmy drops him with a shoulder block once he gets back to his feet before Jimmy goes for a monkey flip, but Kofi lands on his feet. Kofi dropkicks Jimmy before sending him out of the ring as John and Miz mock The Usos from commentary. Jimmy gets back into the ring and E comes in and they lock up before E sends Jimmy across the ring and drops him with a back elbow. Kofi gets the tag and hits an assisted senton for two before dropping Jey with a thrust kick. The Usos then drop Kofi across the top rope for two before Jey gets the tag and Kofi dodges an enzuigiri before E gets the hot tag. E then hits several suplexes before hitting Jey with clubbing blows and a running splash onto the apron as we go to commercial.

We return to The Usos in control until E hits a uranage and gets the tag to Kofi as Jimmy gets the tag on the opposite side. Kofi drops Jimmy several times and hits a Boom Drop before Jimmy counters the Trouble in Paradise and Kofi hits a huricanrrana before Jimmy locks in a single leg Boston crab. Kofi kicks Jimmy away and gets the tag to E before The Usos counter their finisher and Jimmy superkicks E for a near fall. The Usos double up on E before E fights them off when they attempt a double superplex before Kofi clears the ring and hits a diving cross body as The Miz and Morrison dance on the announce table. Kofi pulls John down before Miz goes after Kofi and Jimmy hits a suicide dive before E spears Jimmy through the ropes and The Miz and John Morrison attack Big-E for the disqualification.

Winner: The New Day defeat The Usos via disqualification.

– After the match Michael gets on the mic and informs the champs that they’ll have to face both The New Day and The Usos in a Triple Threat Ladder Match.

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