
WWE NXT Results for 3/11/20 Broserweights Retain, Ciampa Gets Revenge on Gargano

The NXT Tag Team Championship and North American Championship are on the line tonight at 8pm EST!

Good evening Fight Fans, we hope you had a great day and are ready for tonight’s edition of WWE NXT!

-We open tonight’s show with a recap of last week’s show before open in the arena with the North American Championship match.

NXT North American Championship Match

Keith Lee (c) vs Cameron Grimes

Keith catches a kick before Grimes tries to take him down with a single leg, but Keith is too strong before Lee lifts Grimes up in a power bomb position and Grimes wriggles his way free. Grimes tries to take Lee down again before going for a German suplex and trying to whip the champion into the corner, but Lee sends him into the corner before dropping him with a forearm and tossing him through the ropes and out of the ring. Lee goes out after Grimes and tosses him back into the ring before Grimes kicks Lee when he tries to get back up onto the apron and hits a PK from the apron before going for a cannonball off of the apron and Lee catches him. Grimes stomps Lee when he grabs the ropes to keep Lee from power bombing him onto the floor before Lee catches him when he goes for a suicide dive and tosses him back into the ring before Grimes knocks Lee off of the top turnbuckle. Grimes then hits a diving cross body as we go to commercial.

We come back to the two countering each other before they run the ropes and Lee hits a running cross body and Grimes rocks him with a superman forearm into a superkick into a roundhouse kick before hitting a bridging German suplex for two. Grimes hits a tornado DDT for two and plays to the crowd before Lee catches him when he goes for the Cave In and Lee sends him across the ring with a shoulder block before Lee hits the Big Bang Catastrophe for the pin and the win.

Winner: Keith Lee retains his NXT North American Championship by defeating Cameron Grimes via pinfall.

-After the match Lee celebrates before he’s attacked and laid out by Damian Priest with a night stick before he’s ran off and escapes through the crowd when Dominik Dijakovic comes to the rescue before Dom picks up the belt and hands it to Keith who hits him with a power bomb before leaving. We then get a graphic for the NXT Women’s Championship Number One Contender Ladder Match at Takeover: Tampa before we get a teaser for Mia Yim versus Dakota Kai who will face off in a qualifying match for the ladder match up next as we go to commercial.

NXT Women’s Championship Ladder Match Qualifying Match

Mia Yim vs Dakota Kai w/Raquel Gonzalez

Kai immediately dropkicks Mia who rolls her up for two before Kai slaps Mia across the face and Mia comes back with chops and forearms before tossing her across the ring by her hair. Mia chops Kai against the ropes before picking her ankle and hitting a basement dropkick for two before following up with strikes in mount and chops and stomps Kai in the corner. Raquel then grabs the leg of Mia when she goes out onto the apron while Kai distracts the referee before sending her face first into the edge of the apron as we go to commercial.

Back to the action from the break Kai is in control until Mia comes back with clotheslines and a jumping neck breaker into a shotgun dropkick into the corner before hitting a cannonball for two before Kai sends Mia throat first into the middle rope. They run into each other with forearms before Kai screams at Mia and hits the Chiropractor for a near fall before kicking Mia in the face and Mia rolls her up for two before Mia ducks a helluva kick. Kai grabs the ropes when Mia hits a power bomb before Raquel grabs Mia’s leg and she loses her leverage to break up the pin attempt before Mia is distracted and Kai rolls Mia up, but the referee is still busy with Raquel. Mia then hits Kai with Eat Defeat when she turns back around for the pin and the win.

Winner: Mia Yim defeats Dakota Kai via pinfall to advance to the NXT Women’s Championship Number One Contender Ladder match at Takeover: Tampa.

-After the match Raquel gets into the ring and attacks Mia before laying her out and helping Kai out of the ring before we go to a graphic that shows that Mia joins Chelsea Green in the ladder match with four spots remaining which will have another one decided later tonight. We then go to Tommaso Ciampa arriving to the Performance Center where he’s interviewed briefly and questions Johnny Gargano saying that Ciampa will do things his way before we go to the Undisputed Era getting ready for their title challenge later tonight as we go to commercial.

-We come back to a mysterious video package before KUSHIDA comes out to the ring.

KUSHIDA vs Raul Mendoza

They start off quickly before flipping around and Raul hits a dropkick before chopping KUSHIDA in the corner and walks the ropes before KUSHIDA catches him with a forearm and sends him out of the ring before hitting a flipping senton over the top rope. KUSHIDA tosses Raul back into the ring and hits an enzuigiri before Raul hits a twisting neck breaker into a springboard moonsault for two before KUSHIDA comes back with a hand spring back elbow into a thrust kick to the midsection and a PK. KUSHIDA then hits a hip toss into a cartwheel and a basement dropkick before Raul catches him on the top rope with a flipping kick and KUSHIDA hits a Spanish fly into a flying arm bar for the tap and the win.

KUSHIDA defeats Raul Mendoza via submission.

-After the match we get a video package for NXT Women’s champion Rhea Ripley who is going to be in the arena up next as we go to commercial.

-We come back to an interview from earlier today with Tyler Breeze where he says that the WWE Performance Center built him before he’s interrupted by Austin Theory who says that the PC can make people mega stars and some people don’t pan out to that before Tyler takes a picture of him and calls him a flash in the pan before leaving.

-Next we go to the ring where NXT Women’s champion Rhea Ripley comes out and says that Charlotte needs a new game plan and that she gets through the pressure of facing Charlotte at Wrestlemania by knocking Charlotte on her backside before Charlotte comes out onto the stage and walks down the ramp. Charlotte tells Rhea that she has guts as the NXT Universe chant for her to go back to RAW and Charlotte says that it’s too much, too fast and too soon for Rhea before saying that she’s going to be too much for Rhea to handle as she makes her way down to the ring. Charlotte gets onto the apron and says that she’s going to take Rhea into deep water and drown her before Rhea rushes her when she gets into the ring and they brawl until Charlotte drops Rhea with a boot and Rhea sends her into the top turnbuckle. Charlotte wraps the leg of Rhea around the post and locks in a figure four around the post, Rhea screaming and clawing at the bottom rope and tapping before Charlotte is stopped by officials and stands over the champion writhing in pain on the ground while mocking her before playing to the crowd and leaving.

-We then get a video package for NXT United Kingdom champion WALTER where Finn Balor says that he’s different, but it feels familiar and holds up his passport to the camera as we go to commercial.

-We come back to Mia Yim outside in the parking lot where she’s nearly ran over before men get out of an SVU in masks and abduct Raul Mendoza before speeding off.

Tegan Nox vs Deonna Purrazzo

Deonna takes control early and suplexes Tegan several times for two before focusing on the arm of Nox and chopping her in the corner before Nox comes back with an Irish whip into an uppercut before Deonna counters an inverted cannonball and locks in a Fujiwara arm bar. Nox then counters into a pinning attempt for a near fall before Nox hits the Shiniest Wizard for the pin and the win.

Winner: Tegan Nox defeats Deonna Purrazzo via pinfall to advance to the Women’s Championship Number One Contender Ladder match at Takeover: Tampa.

-We come back to an almost apocalyptic video package for a currently unknown NXT Superstar or faction.

NXT Tag Team Championship Match

Broserweights (c) vs Undisputed Era (Kyle O’Reilly & Bobby Fish)

Before the match Velveteen Dream interrupts UE’s entrance before the two sides have an exchange of words, Dream saying that he’s after Cole and the NXT championship and doesn’t care about Strong and his family before the champions come out to the ring. Kyle and Pete start the match off by grappling on the mat before Fish comes in and Matt slams him to the mat before playing to the crowd and Matt hits several gut wrench suplexes before he and Pete hit one in stereo and clear the ring as we go to commercial.

We come back to the ring to Matt kicking Kyle before they exchange forearms and Matt kicks Kyle into the corner before knocking Bobby off of the apron and Kyle knocks him off of the apron and into the barricade. Fish beats on Matt at ringside and rolls him back inside before hitting Matt with measured shots in the corner before Kyle comes in and digs right hands into the midsection of Matt before kneeing him in the ribs and hitting him with forearms in full mount for two. Matt comes back with a Pele kick before tagging in Pete who hits a sliding German suplex and puts Kyle in a triangle and Kyle gets to the bottom rope for the break before Matt hits a tope and before tossing Strong into the ring and making the referee think Adam and Roddy attacked Pete before the referee ejects them as we go to commercial.

Back to the action where Pete gets out of the opposite corner and tags in Matt who hits UE with suplexes and running sentons into a PK to Fish and hits Kyle with a fisherman’s buster for two before Matt and Pete counter a stereo German suplex attempt by UE before Pete hits a Tiger driver for two. Pete stomps Kyle in the face before Kyle sweeps him and Pete rocks him with a forearm before turning Pete inside out with a rebound lariat and Matt comes in and hits a ripcord knee before UE stop Matt from hitting a German suplex and Kyle hits a diving knee off of the top for a near fall. Kyle takes out Pete at ringside and UE hit Matt with The Collapse for a near fall before Matt kicks Fish and O’Reilly before hitting a spear to both of them as the Grizzled Young Veterans come out to the ring. James then distracts the referee while Zack hits Matt with a forearm and Kyle rolls him up for a near fall before Pete takes out GYV at ringside and Pete and Matt hit their finisher for the pin and the win.

Winner: The Broserweights retain their NXT Tag Team titles by defeating the Undisputed Era via pinfall.

-After the match it’s announced that NXT champion Adam Cole is going to have a celebration next week as well as a qualifying match between Candice LeRae and Mercedes Martinez before we’re told about Finn Balor who will be on NXT UK tomorrow afternoon as Tommaso Ciampa comes out to the ring as we go to commercial.

-We come back Tommaso saying that he knows why Johnny knows what he did before Johnny interrupts him on the big screen and says that he didn’t forget what Ciampa did to him, the fans and NXT before calling him the worst person in NXT history. Ciampa leaves and goes to the back before hunting down Johnny and the two brawl in a conference room before Johnny tries to escape and Ciampa gives chase. Ciampa hits Johnny with a crutch once they reach the trainers area before taking out security and throwing a trash can at Johnny before Johnny sends him into exercise equipment and Ciampa sends Johnny into a steel door. Johnny blinds Ciampa and puts him through a pane of glass before taking out security and mocking Ciampa before sending him into more equipment and beating on him in mount before grabbing a twenty pound weight and Ciampa kicks him in the midsection. Ciampa hits Johnny with the weight before hitting him in the midsection with it and trying to throw it at Johnny before destroying a mirror on the wall before they brawl in the hall way and make their way back to the crowd.

They brawl in the crowd before Johnny counters a power bomb and they go up to the perch at the back of the arena and Johnny moves the protective rails before Ciampa drops Johnny with a knee to the side of the head. Johnny then locks in the Gargano Escape before a referee breaks it up and knocks him away before Ciampa hits an air raid crash off of the perch and through the announce table as we go off the air.

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