
AEW Dark 3/10/20 Results: Death Triangle Attacks, 2 AEW Debuts & Private Party In Action

Welcome to Fightful.com’s live coverage & discussion for AEW Dark. We’ll be bringing you full, fight by fight coverage of every bout on the card. You can also send in your feedback on our Disqus boards below!

Kip Sabian & Peter Avalon w/Penelope Ford & Leva Bates vs. The Jurassic Express (Luchasaurus & Jungle Boy) w/Marko Stunt

The match begins with Sabian talking some trash to Luchasaurus and Luchasaurus kicks him backwards into the corner, Avalon tags in and Boy tags in a short time later. Avalon gets Boy in a headlock and Boy gets free before eating a shoulder tackle, Boy responds by nailing Avalon with a head scissores takedown followed by a drop kick. Sabian makes a blind tag and Boy slams him before landing a senton, Boy then nails Avalon with a springboard dive. Avalon interferes and he knocks Luchasaurus off the ring apron, Ford interferes and that allows Sabian to hit Boy with an elevated neck breaker for a near fall. Avalon tags in and he rakes the back of a downed Boy, Avalon then nails Boy with a leg lariat. Avalon and Sabian double team Boy while Luchasaurus argues with the referee, Sabian tags in and he nails Boy with a springboard drop kick for a near fall. Ford interferes again and she chokes Boy on the bottom rope, Avalon tags back in and he works with Sabian to hit Boy with a double suplex for a near fall.

Avalon holds Boy down while applying a chin lock to him, Avalon releases the hold to hit Boy with a suplex. Avalon goes to the top rope and he misses the moonsault attempt, Ford and Sabian interfere to prevent a Boy tag. Stunt starts a fight between Ford and Bates, Luchasaurus tags in and he cleans house against the opposing team. Luchasaurus nails both opponents with head kicks before landing a Fossilizer on Sabian, Luchasaurus then hits Avalon with a choke slam and standing moonsault for a near fall. Sabian hits the ring and he knocks Luchasaurus into the corner, Boy tags in and he goes after Sabian before landing a clothesline. Luchasaurus returns and he spikes Avalon face first on the mat below, Luchasaurus then knocks Sabian to the arena floor with a head kick. The Jurassic Express hit Avalon with an assisted cutter for a three count.

Winners: The Jurassic Express (Luchasaurus & Jungle Boy) w/Marko Stunt

– Tony Schiavone and Dasha Gonzalez appear to discuss how AEW fans can help Planned Pethood.

Severino Corrente vs. Jimmy Havoc

The match begins with Havoc going to work on the arm of Corrente, Havoc gets Corrente down while still working over his arm. Corrente gets free and he cracks Havoc with a few rights, Havoc responds by nailing Corrente with a discus forearm and multiple strikes. Havoc drops Corrente before kicking him in the back, Corrente fights back and he rakes the eyes of Havoc. Corrente corners Havoc while landing multiple shoulder thrusts, Havoc recovers and he nails a charging Corrente with a double stomp. Havoc follows up by nailing Corrente with a corner suplex and top rope double stomp, Corrente avoids the Acid Rainmaker to hit Havoc with a German suplex into the corner for a near fall. Corrente looks for a fish hook and Havoc bites his fingers, Havoc then hits Corrente with a falcon arrow and shotgun drop kick. Havoc follows up by landing an elevated DDT and death valley driver, Havoc then cracks Corrente with an Acid Rainmaker for a three count.

Winner: Jimmy Havoc

After the match, Luther comes out and he attacks Jimmy Havoc from behind before nailing him with a DDT on the entrance ramp.

– Tony Schiavone and Dasha Gonzalez return to preview some upcoming AEW Dynamite events.

Hikaru Shida vs. Abadon

The match begins with Abadon attempting to bite the hand of Shida, Shida gets Abadon in a headlock and Abadon gets free before eating a shoulder tackle. Abadon fights back and she drops Shida with a head scissors takedown followed by a basement drop kick, Abadon tries biting Shida’s hand again and Shida gets free by landing a knee strike folowed by a suplex. Abadon blocks a suplex before nailing Shida with a DDT, Abadon traps Shida in the ropes while pulling back on her head before licking her face. Shida gets angry and she cracks Abadon with a few strikes, Shida corners Abadon next before landing a running knee strike. Shida then nails Abadon with a missile drop kick, Shida also catches Abadon in a roll up before landing a forearm strike for a near fall. Shida follows up by landing a knee strike for a near fall, Abadon fights back and she lands a reverse x-factor for a near fall. Shida fights back to hit Abadon with an enziguri and a brain buster, Shida then lands a running knee strike for a three count.

Winner: Hikaru Shida

– Jimmy Havoc is interviewed backstage, he thanks Luther for attacking him and then Luther attacks him from behind. The attack continues until security and officials break it all up.

– Leva Bate & Peter Avalon bump into Colt Cabana backstage, they mock Cabana for listening to a podcast instead of reading a book. Cabana challenges Avalon to a future match and Bates accepts it on Avalon’s behalf.

– Tony Schiavone & Dasha Gonzalez return to talk about tomorrow’s edition of AEW Dynamite.

The Private Party (Isaiah Kassidy & Marq Quen) vs. Sonny Kiss & Brandon Cutler

The match begins with Cutler working over the arm of Kassidy, Kassidy gets free and he works on the arm of Cutler. Cutler gets free and he quickly gets Kassidy in a headlock, Quen makes a blind tag and Cutler gets double teamed. Kiss makes a blind tag and both teams go through a ton of reversals, Kiss then drops Quen with a series of arm drags. Kiss follows up by nailing Quen with a pair of head kicks for a near fall, Quen fights back and he shoves Kiss into a Kassidy head kick. Kassidy tags in and he nails Kiss with a top rope double stomp, Kassidy traps Kiss in the corner while landing some strikes. Quen tags in and he double teams Kiss with Kassidy, Kassidy tags back in and Kiss tags in Cutler a short time later. Cutler quickly starts cleaning house against the opposing team, Cutler sends Quen into Kassidy before landing some kicks. Cutler traps both opponents in the ropes while landing kicks and leg drops, Cutler then nails Quen with a suicide dive.

Cutler follows up on that by nailing Kassidy with a springboard drop kick for a near fall, Kiss tags in and he knocks Kassidy out of the ring. Kiss goes to the ring apron before nailing both opponents with penalty kicks, Kiss then hits Quen with a moonsault from the ring apron. Kiss gets Kassidy back in the ring before landing a middle rope hurricarana and leg drop for a near fall, Quen tags in and he trips up Kiss before landing a moonsault knee strike for a near fall. Kassidy tags in and he double teams Kiss with Quen, Quen nails a trapped Kiss with a standing moonsault for a near fall. Cutler hits the ring and he immediately brawls with Kassidy, Cutler blocks Silly String to hit both opponents with gut busters so Kiss can gets a near fall on Kassidy. Kiss goes to the middle rope and Kassidy blocks him from leaping, Quen tags in and Private Party nail Kiss with Gin & Juice for a three count.

Winners: The Private Party (Isaiah Kassidy & Marq Quen)

After the match, Death Triangle hits the ring and they attack all of the competitors in the tag team match. Joey Janela tries making the save and he quickly gets overwhelmed by Death Triangle, Best Friends and Orange Cassidy hit the ring and Death Triangle finally leaves. 

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