
Match Ratings For WWE Raw 3/2/20 From Sean Ross Sapp

Drew and Brock

  • Brock Lesnar is kicking off Raw.
  • Paul Heyman says he is supposed to build WrestleMania, and says it’s legit stacked, but the main event is a sham.
  • He mentions that Drew McIntyre took advantage of a tired Brock Lesnar at the Rumble.
  • Paul Heyman calls Drew a bitch, which brings him out.
  • Drew McIntyre hits a Claymore and walks off.
  • Lesnar wakes up and looks embarrassed as the crowd sings “goodbye” to him.
  • Lesnar, Paul Heyman, Drew McIntyre, the crowd were all exceptional in that opening segment.
  • When Lesnar gets his wits about him on the ramp, Drew pops out and does another one. He holds the title over his head to a huge ovation.

Now Or Never
WWE Raw Tag Team Championships
Street Profits defeated Seth Rollins & Buddy Murphy

  • Montez says they’ve been working for years to get this opportunity. It’s their fourth title shot since December!!
  • They run back the tope con hilo to barricade bomb spot from last week. After a commercial, Montez has better luck on a tope con hilo.
  • Rollins goes for a Buckle Bomb, but Ford huracanranas him into Buddy Murphy’s kick.
  • AOP try to interfere, but Kevin Owens shows up and capitalizes on the distraction and gets Rollins with a Stunner.
  • AOP chase Owens out and Street Profits win with a frog splash.
  • The place came unglued for the Street Profits. I’d really like for them to have not been booked so inconsistently before winning the titles, but it didn’t seem to hurt them in Brooklyn based on crowd reaction.
  • Rollins is hilariously frustrated by Charly Caruso. He challenges Street Profits to a match Sunday.
  • Why do so many matches have to happen 200 times in WWE?

WWE 24/7 Championship
Riddick Moss (c) defeated Ricochet

  • The crowd chanting “Who are you?” at a guy who holds a title.
  • Moss dumps Ricochet over the top rope with a fallaway slam.
  • Riddick fuckin’ Moss just beat Ricochet with a forward neckbreaker. Wooooooffffff
  • People should be excited when someone becomes 24/7 Champ, but WWE took an easy, fun, creative idea and made it bad.

Aleister Black defeated Karl Anderson
Aleister Black defeated Luke Gallows
AJ Styles defeated Aleister Black

  • AJ Styles is mad about Mark Wahlberg telling him to duck Undertaker.
  • Styles says he’s on a collision course with Undertaker, but should be celebrating with OC.
  • Styles is supposed to face Aleister Black, but he tells Black that he’s gotta go through Karl Anderson.
  • There’s a long ass headlock and a commercial before Black beats him
  • Styles says that now, Black has to beat Gallows. Huge “asshole” chants.
  • Gallows beats up Black all around the ringside area.
  • This goes through ANOTHER commercial. Gallows gets DQ’d for stomping Black out.
  • Anderson comes in and helps the attack.
  • Styles is all too excited to get involved now.
  • Styles beats his ass with a Phenomenal Forearm and brainbuster.
  • That’s Aleister Black’s first singles loss on TV in over a year.
  • The point of the match was fine, but the actual matches weren’t great.

Liv Morgan defeated Ruby Riott
Special Referee: Sarah Logan

  • Ruby Riott says there are no friends inside the Elimination Chamber in a pre-match promo.
  • Sarah Logan is the special ref, and not a good one.
  • Crowd is silent for this one.
  • I think Ruby Riott has some rust to work off. This whole match is Ruby kicking Liv Morgan’s ass.
  • There’s some arguing between Logan and Riott, and Liv Morgan rolls up Ruby for a fast count.
  • After the match, Liv does a great enziguri to Ruby, but gets booted by Sarah.

The cage

  • Backstage, Rowan runs into Jose and the Conga Line.
  • They want to know what’s in the cage.
  • It’s a fucking electronic spider. Lol, poor Rowan. That guy can’t catch a break.
  • WWE just cooking up shit they have no clue what they’ll do with and devoting TV time to it for MONTHS. That’s a big reason many have been disenfranchised. Poor Rowan has been victim to a lot of it.

Shayna Baszler defeated Kairi Sane (w/ Asuka)

  • Asuka got pulled from this match due to a sprained wrist.
  • Kabuki Warriors are such a great contrasting promo for what they do.
  • I would argue that Kairi is a better opponent for Shayna than Asuka tonight.
  • Baszler hits a great spinebuster and stomps her knee out the wrong way. WOW.
  • Baszler is working over Kairi’s leg big time.
  • Shayna Baszler hits a gutwrench superplex when Becky Lynch joins commentary.
  • Becky has Lawler’s crown on.
  • Kairi hits a spear but gets put away with a Kirafuda Clutch.

Humberto Carrillo & Rey Mysterio defeated Andrade & Angel Garza (w/ Zelina)

  • There’s a pointless promo before this match.
  • Andrade gets a kiss in the crowd. Great.
  • This match is wild and awesome right out of the gate.
  • Everything is on point. Carrillo is going to be forced to rise to the level of these guys, because they’re three of the best around.
  • Andrade and Garza being so awesome together makes me realize they should be a full on team.
  • Rey hits a great Destroyer, but the pin is broken up.
  • Rey sets up and gets a double 619.
  • Humberto pins Andrade with a beautiful moonsault. This ruled.


  • Beth Phoenix comes out to update the condition of Edge.
  • Randy Orton comes out and tries to hug Beth. She calls him a son of a bitch.
  • Randy Orton has a story for Beth Phoenix.
  • When Orton was 19 and at a live event, he saw a lot of legends, but only Edge came up and shared his respect for Orton’s father. Edge said he hoped they would work together in the future. It happened.
  • Edge helped Orton keep from digging a hole for himself when he was at a low point. He showed Orton that there was more to life than wrestling, there’s a family.
  • Randy Orton realized that when Edge came back, he thought it was going to be full time. Orton loved Edge too much to let him try to to that.
  • Orton says that this isn’t his fault, it’s Beth’s fault for being an enabler. He calls Edge a junkie for the roar of the crowd.
  • He says he loves Beth, Edge and their kids more than Beth ever could.
  • Beth slaps Randy. She kicks him but he RKOs her.
  • Natalya and others come out to check on Beth. They should have had a bunch of wrestlers jump Orton on the ramp.
  • You can’t see much more of a contrast on delivering on hype vs. not than Randy Orton’s explanation promo, and what was in Rowan’s cage.

Rating Guide
10- Perfect, 9- MOTY Territory, 8- Excellent, 7- Great, 6- Good, 5- Average to above average, 4- Slightly below average, 3 or below: Poor

Each match starts at a 5 and slides up and down based on entertainment, execution, time, environment, reaction and stakes. The ratings are in no way an indication of a “star rating,” which is a completely different system. A standard, non-offensive “TV match” lands at a 5. The gap between 5.75-6 is generally the largest, with anything reaching 6 being recommended viewing.
These are opinions, and incredibly inconsistent ones that may change upon a second viewing, or sitting on the match for a period of time. Don’t take them too seriously, and have (and share) your own!

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