
WWE Main Event Report For February 28: WWE 24/7 Championship Match & Shelton Benjamin In Action

No Way Jose vs. Shelton Benjamin

The match begins with Benjamin backing Jose into the corner before landing some strikes, Jose fights back and he nails Benjamin with a drop kick. Jose follows up on that by nailing Benjamin with a shoulder tackle and atomic drop, Jose then uses an arm drag to knock Benjamin out of the ring. Benjamin gets angry and he attacks a member of the conga line, Jose leaves the ring and Benjamin power bombs another member of the conga line onto Jose. Benjamin then throws Jose shoulder first into the ringside edge, Benjamin follows up on that by sending Jose shoulder first into the ring post. Benjamin gets Jose back into the ring before landing a divorce court DDT for a near fall, Benjamin holds Jose down while wrenching away on his arm. Jose fights back and he nails Benjamin with a slam, Jose then nails a charging Benjamin with a boot to the face. Jose then cracks Benjamin with a few strikes and a discus clothesline, Jose also nails Benjamin with an avalanche.

Jose injures his shoulder before landing a flapjack on Benjamin for a near fall, Jose goes to the top rope and Benjamin catches him in an arm bar as he leaps off to force a tap out.

Winner: Shelton Benjamin

– Highlights are shown of Brock Lesnar’s latest appearance on Raw, followed by an interview with Drew McIntyre.

– Highlights are shown of Naomi becoming the top contender to the Smackdown Women’s Championship.

– Highlights are shown from the contract signing for the women’s Elimination Chamber Match, followed by the confrontation between Becky Lynch and Shayna Baszler.

WWE 24/7 Championship
Riddick Moss (c) vs. Cedric Alexander

The match begins with Moss scoring a takedown on Alexander, Moss trips up Alexander next before landing a running shoulder tackle. Moss follows up on that by cracking Alexander with a knee strike, Alexander fights back and he drops Moss before landing a bunch of chops. Alexander then nails Moss with a missile drop drop and Moss leaves the ring afterwards, Alexander goes to the ring apron to kick Moss in the face. Alexander gets Moss back in the ring and he looks for a springboard clothesline before Moss counters with a clothesline of his own as we go to a commercial break, we return from the break to see Moss landing shoulder thrusts in the corner. Moss then nails Alexander with a corner spear, Moss keeps Alexander down while applying an inverted bear hug. Alexander fights back and Moss drops him with a strike to the back, Alexander manages to trip up Moss before landing a double stomp to the back of the head.

Alexander follows up on that by nailing Moss with a plethora of strikes, Alexander drops Moss before landing a basement drop kick. Moss leaves the ring and Alexander gets him back in after landing a suicide dive, Alexander then hits Moss with a springboard flat liner for a near fall. Alexander looks for the Lumbar Check and Moss escapes to land a pop up uranage for a near fall, Alexander recovers and he nails a charging Moss with a super kick. Moss avoids the Neuralizer and he nails Alexander with a running uranage for a three count.

Winner: Riddick Moss, still the WWE 24/7 Champion

– Highlights are shown of Goldberg confronting The Fiend before WWE Super ShowDown.

– Highlights are shown of Randy Orton defeating Kevin Owens on WWE Raw.

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