
WWE Raw 3/2/20 Results: Two Title Matches, The Riott Squad Collides & Randy Orton Strikes Again

Welcome to Fightful.com’s live coverage & discussion for WWE Raw. We’ll be bringing you full, fight by fight coverage of every bout on the card. You can also send in your feedback on our Disqus boards below!

– WWE Champion Brock Lesnar and Paul Heyman make their way to the ring, Heyman does his usual introductions for himself and Lesnar. Heyman says its their job to come out tonight and hype everybody up for ‘Mania 36, Heyman says the ‘Mania 36 main event between Lesnar and Drew McIntyre is a sham because McIntyre is a hyped up fraud. Heyman says Lesnar massacred fifteen straight wrestlers in this years men’s Royal Rumble match before being eliminated by McIntyre after a Ricochet low blow, Heyman says what happened at the Rumble doesn’t equate to an upcoming win at ‘Mania 36. Heyman says McIntyre is a big bitch that will get squashed at ‘Mania 36, McIntyre interrupts and makes his way to the ring. McIntyre goes face to face with Lesnar and Lesnar backs away while smiling, Lesnar goes to attack McIntyre and McIntyre levels him with a Claymore Kick. Lesnar leaves the ring and McIntyre returns to nail him with a second Claymore Kick before posing with the WWE Championship, McIntyre then nails Lesnar with a third Claymore Kick.

– The Street Profits get the microphone before the next match, Montez Ford says he and Angelo Dawkins have been working for years to become the Raw Tag Team Champions.

Raw Tag Team Championship
Now Or Never
Seth Rollins & Murphy (c) w/AOP vs. The Street Profits (Angelo Dawkins & Montez Ford)

The match begins with Rollins and Murphy jumping The Street Profits before the bell sounds, The Street profits clear the ring. Ford goes for a suicide dive and he gets caught before being sent into the barricade, Dawkins then battles both oponents on the arena floor. Dawkins gets Murphy back in the ring and he works him over, Murphy fights back and Rollins tags into the match. Dawkins goes to the middle rope and Rollins kicks him in the head, Rollins and Murphy nail Dawkins with a double power bomb for a near fall. Rollins then nails Dawkins with a springboard knee strike for another near fall, Dawkins fights back and Murphy tags back in. Murphy drills Dawkins with a few knee strikes, Rollins interferes and he works with Murphy to nail Dawkins with a double super kick for a near fall. Murphy holds Dawkins down while applying a chin lock to him, Dawkins fights back again and Murphy throws him out of the ring.

Rollins goes after Dawkins and Dawkins nails him with a flapjack on the arena floor, Murphy leaves the ring and Dawkins propels him into the barricade. Ford tags in and he nails both opponents with a suicide dive, Ford gets back in the ring and he waits for the opposition to return to nail them with a springboard cross body block. Ford then hits Rollins with a DDT and standing moonsault for a near fall, Ford goes to the top rope and Rollins gets him down before landing a slingblade. Rollins misses the stomp and Murphy tags into the match, Rollins and Murphy nail Ford with a buckle bomb enziguri for a near fall. Rollins interferes and Dawkins attacks him, Murphy returns and he works with Rollins to send Dawkins into the ring post. Rollins tags in and Ford causes Murphy to accidentally kick Rollins in the head. Murphy interferes and Ford sends him out of the ring. Rollins goes for a roll up and Ford kicks out before landing an enziguri, Ford goes to the top rope and Rollins shoves him to the arena floor.

Rollins distracts the ref so the AOP can go after Ford, the referee catches them and sends them both backstage. Rollins gets Ford back in the ring while everybody argues with the ref, Kevin Owens interferes and he nails Rollins with a stunner while the ref is distracted. Dawkins lays out Murphy on the arena floor, Ford nails Rollins with a top rope frog splash for a three count.

Winners: The Street Profits (Angelo Dawkins & Montez Ford), your new Raw Tag Team Champions

– Charly Caruso interviews Seth Rollins & Murphy backstage, Rollins says he will eradicate anybody who stands in their way. Rollins says he and Murphy will get their rematch at WWE Elimination Chamber 2020, Rollins says Kevin Owens can face him in any kind of match that he wants.

WWE 24/7 Championship
Riddick Moss (c) vs. Ricochet

The match begins with Moss sending Ricochet into the corner, Ricochet gets free and he attacks Moss with some strikes. Moss recovers and he levels Ricochet with a running shoulder tackle, Moss corners Ricochet before landing some shoulder thrusts. Moss keeps attacking Ricochet by landing some strikes to the back and midsection, Ricochet fights back and he nails Moss with a running back elbow strike. Moss catches a leaping Ricochet and he dumps him on the arena floor as we go to a commercial break, we return from the break to see Ricochet eating more strikes delivered by Moss. Ricochet fights back and he drops Moss with a rebound kick, Ricochet gets up and he attacks Moss with a bunch of strikes. Ricochet corners Moss before landing a spear and a head kick, Ricochet misses a springboard move and Moss nails him with an elbow strike. Moss goes to the top rope and Ricochet gets him down with a head kick followed by a hurricarana, Ricochet then hits Moss with a standing shooting star press for a near fall.

Ricochet goes for another hold and his injured back gives out on him, Moss escapes the grasp of Ricochet before landing some elbow strikes. Ricochet recovers and he nails Moss with an enziguri, Moss avoids a super kick to hit Ricochet with a pop up enziguri and neck breaker for a three count.

Winner: Riddick Moss, still the WWE 24/7 Champion

– The OC are shown backstage.

– Asuka is helping Kairi Sane warm up backstage.

– AJ Styles gets the microphone before the next match to say he isn’t in a good mood after what The Undertaker did to him at WWE Super ShowDown 2020. Styles talks about actor Mark Wahlburg giving him advice after his loss to The Undertaker, Styles says he is on a collision course with The Undertaker. Aleister Black gets in the ring and Styles says he must face Karl Anderson first in order to face him.

Karl Anderson w/AJ Styles & Luke Gallows vs. Aleister Black

The match begins with Black nailing Anderson with a few strikes before knocking him to the arena floor, Black attacks Gallows before nailing Anderson with a head kick as we go to a commercial break. We return from the break to see Anderson holding Black in a chin lock, Black gets free and Anderson nails him with a spine buster for a near fall. Anderson reapplies the chin lock to a downed Black, Black gets free and he drops Anderson with a series of strikes. Black drops Anderson with a leg sweep before landing a basement drop kick, Black then hits Anderson with a middle rope moonsault and a Black Mass for a three count.

Winner: Aleister Black

After the match, AJ Styles gets the microphone to say that Aleister Black must now face Luke Gallows to face him next.

Aleister Black vs. Luke Gallows w/AJ Styles & Karl Anderson

The match starts with Gallows knocking Black to the arena floor, Gallows then throws Black into the barricade and ring steps. Gallows gets Black back in the ring and Black nails him with multiple kicks to the face, Gallows recovers and he drops Black before landing an elbow drop. Gallows then nails a cornered Black with an avalanche for a near fall, Gallows holds Black down while landing multiple elbow strikes and then applying a chin lock. Black gets free and he drops a charging Gallows with a knee strike, Gallows recovers and he sends Black to the arena floor. Gallows follows him out to the arena floor before stomping away on him, Gallows follows that up by throwing Black into the ring steps. Black gets back in the ring and Gallows boots him right in the face, Gallows then tosses Black outside of the ring. Black gets back in the ring and Gallows nails him with a suplex for a near fall, Gallows keeps Black down while applying a chin lock.

Black gets free and he cracks Gallows with a knee strike followed by a series of kicks, Gallows fights back and he attacks Black with strikes. Gallows ignores the referee’s warnings about attacking Black and the ref calls for the bell.

Winner: Aleister Black, by DQ

After the match, The OC continue attacking Aleister Black before nailing him with a Magic Killer.

AJ Styles w/Karl Anderson & Luke Gallows vs. Aleister Black

The match begins with Styles kicking a downed Black in the midsection before stomping away on him, Styles then nails a cornered Black with an avalanche. Black tries fighting back and he nails Styles with a head kick, Styles ends the attack by nailing Black with a back breaker. Styles then hits Black with a Bloody Sunday, Styles then hits Black with a Phenomenal Forearm for a three count.

Winner: AJ Styles w/Karl Anderson & Luke Gallows

– Charly Caruso interviews Ruby Riott, who says people break their promises everyday and the only person she’s repsonsible for is herself. Riott says she will strike when she pleases at the WWE Elimination Chamber event.

Becky Lynch is shown backstage.

Liv Morgan vs. Ruby Riott
Special Guest Ref: Sarah Logan

The match begins with Riott getting Morgan into the corner, Morgan reverses Riott and she attacks her with some strikes. Morgan then hits Riott with a springboard drop kick before smashing her face on the mat below for a near fall, Morgan holds Riott down while working over her arm. Morgan gets to the ropes and Morgan is forced to break the hold, Riott traps Morgan in the ropes before shoving her head first into the ring post. Riott then nails Morgan with multiple head kicks and stomps, Riott holds Morgan down while applying a cravat. Morgan fights her way free and Riott nails her with a knee strike to the head, Riott corners Morgan before kicking away at her and landing other strikes. Logan intervenes as Riott continues attacking Morgan, Morgan fights back and she cracks Riott with some strikes. Riott recovers and she hits Morgan with a flat liner for a near fall, Riott accidentally hits Logan before nailing Morgan for another near fall. Riott argues with Logan again and Morgan rolls up Riott for a three count.

Winner: Liv Morgan

After the match, Ruby Riott confronts Sarah Logan and Liv Morgan attacks her, Logan then attacks Morgan from behind.

Randy Orton is shown backstage.

– Highlights are shown of Randy Orton’s attack on Edge from this past January.

– No Way Jose and the conga line are partying backstage when they bump into Erick Rowan, Jose wants to know what’s in the cage. Rowan shows them all what’s in the cage and it’s revealed to be a giant spider.

Kairi Sane w/Asuka vs. Shayna Baszler

The match begins with Sane looking for a takedown on Baszler and Baszler shoves her away, Baszler starts working over the arm of Sane before dropping her with a leg kick. Asuka distracts Baszler and that allows Sane to slap her in the face, Sane then drops Baszler with a head scissors takedown before landing a leg kick. Baszler catches a sliding Sane and Sane manages to roll her up for a one count, Baszler recovers and she nails Sane with a spine buster. Baszler bends the leg of Sane before stomping away on it, Baszler then nails the injured leg of Sane with a DDT. Baszler follows up on that by sending Sane shoulder first into the ring post, Baszler continues attacking Sane with leg kicks. Sane leaves the ring and Baszler attacks sane with more strikes when she returns, Sane fights back and she gets Baszler to the ring apron. Baszler traps Sane in the ropes before landing a kick for a near fall, Baszler holds Sane down while twisting away on her leg.

Baszler holds the leg of Sane down while stomping away on it, Sane fights back again after an Asuka distraction and Baszler kicks her in the head for a near fall. Becky Lynch makes her way to the ring as Baszler throws Sane out of the ring and we go to a commercial break, we return from the break to see Sane fighting back against Baszler. Baszler goes for a suplex and Sane counters with a DDT, Baszler and Sane have a striking exchange in the middle of the ring. Sane drops Baszler before landing a rolling neck breaker, Sane then nails Baszler with a rolling forearm strike. Sane goes to the top rope and Baszler attacks her injured leg before meeting her up there, Baszler nails Sane with a super gut wrench suplex for a near fall. Baszler traps Sane while attacking her with a bunch of kicks, Sane recovers and she nails Baszler with a spear. Sane goes to the top rope and Baszler gets her feet up during the Insane Elbow attempt, Baszler locks Sane in a rear naked choke and a tap out follows.

Winner: Shayna Baszler

After the match, Shayna Baszler attacks Kairi Sane by reapplying the rear naked choke to her.

– Sarah Schreiber interviews Humberto Carrillo & Rey Mysterio, Mysterio says Carrillo is the kind of person that continues to fight against the odds. Mysterio says their feud with Andrade and Angel Garza will end the way they want it to.

Rey Mysterio & Humberto Carrillo vs. Angel Garza & Andrade w/Zelina Vega

The match begins with Andrade and Carrillo getting into a striking exchange, Carrillo gets the upper hand and Andrade leaves the ring. Mysterio attempts a dive on Garza and Garza sends him into the barricade, Carrillo leaves the ring and Andrade sends him into the barricade. Andrade gets Carrillo back into the ring and he stomps away on him, Garza tags in and he works with Andrade to hit Carrillo with a double back body drop. Garza traps Carrillo in the corner before landing a running knee strike, Andrade tags back in and he stomps away on a downed Carrillo. Andrade corners Carrillo while attacking him with a bunch of strikes, Garza tags back in as Carrillo takes out both opponents. Carrillo nails Andrade with a springboard headbutt for a near fall, Garza tries attacking Carrillo and he winds up helping him attack Andrade. Mysterio and Carrillo attack both opponents as we go to a commercial break, we return from the break to see Carrillo fighting back against Andrade.

Carrillo gets to the ring apron and Garza quickly interferes to knock him to the arena floor, Garza tags in and he nails Carrillo with a knee strike to the face. Garza gets Carrillo back into the ring to get a near fall on a pin attempt, Garza holds Carrillo down while wrenching away on his arm. Carrillo fights back and he nails Garza with an enziguri, Mysterio and Andrade are tagged in by their respective partners. Mysterio quickly starts cleaning house against the opposing team, Mysterio nails Andrade with a tornado DDT for a near fall. Carrillo tags in and he clears the ring alongside Mysterio, Carrillo goes for a dive and he misses Andrade before crashing into the barricade as we go to a commercial break. We return from the break to see Carrillo causing Andrade to fall to the arena floor, Mysterio and Garza are tagged in by their respective partners. Mysterio again cleans house against the opposing team, Garza blocks a 619 before nailing Mysterio with a knee strike for a near fall.

Garza gets Mysterio to the top rope and Mysterio fights back to land a destroyer for a near fall, Andrade tags in and he nails Mysterio with a back elbow strike. Andrade follows that up by nailing Mysterio with some suplexes, Carrillo tags in and he nails Andrade with a missile drop kick followed by a rolling moonsault for a near fall. Carrillo goes to the top rope and Andrade crotches him, Andrade then hits Carrillo with a running double knee strike for a near fall. Garza returns and Mysterio sends him into the ropes, Mysterio sends Andrade into the ropes as well before landing a double 619. Mysterio then hits Garza with a hurricarana on the arena floor, Carrillo nails Andrade with a top rope moonsault for a three count.

Winners: Rey Mysterio & Humberto Carrillo

– Beth Phoenix is shown backstage.

– Beth Phoenix makes her way to the ring to provide an update on Edge, Phoenix starts talking and Randy Orton immediately interrupts her and makes his way to the ring. Orton offers a hug and handshake to Phoenix and Phoenix turns him down, Phoenix gets ready to speak again and Orton interrupts her again before grabbing a microphone. Orton says that Edge will never wrestle again after the attack on him back in January, Orton talks about his father taking him to a WWE event in 1999 to talk to some people about becoming a pro wrestler. Orton talks about the respect that Edge showed his father all those years ago, Orton says that Edge to his father that he was one of the best bad guys in the business. Orton says that Edge shook his hand back then as well and he says that they may work together one day, Orton talks about how he and Edge started working together and how they stole the show. Orton talks about how Edge helped him during a rough patch in his life, Orton says that Edge saved his life and Orton was simply returning the favor.

Orton talks about Edge making his return at WWE Royal Rumble ‘20 and then how Edge announced his full time return the next night, Orton says Edge can be a father thanks to Orton eliminating him from pro wrestling. Orton says he attacked Edge because he loves him and his whole family, Orton says that everything that happened was Beth’s fault because she is an enabler. Orton says he had to step in because Beth wouldn’t do nothing to stop Edge from returning to action, Orton says he love Edge and his daughters more than Beth ever could. Beth gets angry and she slaps Orton right across the face, Orton gets angry and he nails Beth with an RKO. A bunch of superstars and officials come to the ring to check on Beth as the show comes to a close.

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