
WWE NXT Recap (7/13): Shinsuke Nakamura vs Finn Balor, Samoa Joe returns!

The wait is finally over! Shinsuke Nakamura vs Finn Balor is finally happening! This could be a match of the year candidate! I'm Ryan Cook and I'll be your NXT sherpa tonight for all the action from Full Sail University in Winter Park, Florida.

Be sure to come back here at 8pm EST for what is sure to be an unforgettable night of NXT action!

-We open with a video package for tonight's main event between Shinsuke Nakamura and Finn Balor. I really like Mauro's narration for this. They then cut to Finn and Shinsuke from earlier today, Shinsuke practicing his striking on a heavy bag.

-Samoa Joe comes out to the ring, looking like someone stole his parking spot as usual. I have to admit he looks good with that gold on his shoulder. He says he came back to see Balor vs Nakamura and says that the match itself and the results of it are an insult to him and says it's an insult to him for them to think that the winner of their match will become #1 contender. He says that the fans are hypocrites for chanting his name and neither Finn or Shinsuke beat him. Joe says that Shinsuke may be the king, but he is the emporer of Strong Style, that he is the face of NXT and everyone goes through him. Well then, Rhyno just interrupted Joe out of no where and challenges him to a match tonight that Joe reluctantly accepts, but on his terms and when he's ready.

-They hype up Balor vs Nakamura once more as we go to a commercial for the equally anticipated Cruiserweight Classic that airs tonight immediately following NXT.

-As we come back from commercial we get the very well put together video of HHH and various NXT talent really talking up Shinsuke and Finn.The parts where they show Finn and Shinsuke with each other's families in some old photos is really great. HHH tries his best to put these two over.

FInn Balor vs Shinsuke Nakamura

-Finn comes out in his regular gear, a jacket with the Balor Club backdrop. Interesting that he decided to forego the demon tonight. Here comes Shinsuke. We head to another commercial, this is going to be crazy! The crowd chants "This is awesome!" as Shinsuke and Finn face off in the center of the ring, the pop for Shinsuke is slightly bigger than that for Balor it seems

Swagsuke and Balor really playing to the crowd here in the start, alternating wrist locks and various locks, just trying to get a reactoin from the Full Sail faithful. Finn goes for a quick kickout at 1 as Shinsuke does his trademark clean break and Finn turns it around and does a "too sweet" to Nakamura's forehead, clearly an homage to his Bullet Club buddies. After a basement dropkick Finn goes for another pin for a 2 count. Shinsuke counters Balor on the apron and knocks him to the floor then drags his back in. After Shinsuke does the Good Vibrations face wash he drags him to the apron and does his trademark running knee strike on the outside. A lot of action already as we go to our first commercial break.

As we come back from commercial, Shinsuke is in control until Finn hits a brutal shotgun leg drop into the corner. Finn smartly tries to keep Nakamura grounded, hitting a basement dropkick to Shinsuke as soon as he tries to mount some offense. Finn really seems to love dropkicks of all kinds. Finn throws Shinsuke into every corner, then proceeds to chop him across the chest. Shinsuke just cannot mount a comeback thanks to how agressive Balor, smartly focusing on Nakamura's legs, even trying to get him to tap with a heel hook.

Shinsuke finally manages to land a kick that knocks Finn down and proceeds to stomp a mud hole in the corner. Shinsuke sets Finn up on the turnbuckle then does his trademark double knee strike. Finn blocks the reverse exploder then knocks Shinsuke off the top rope and to the floor; seems Shinsuke was setting up to end it. Finn hits a brutal running knee strike to Shinsuke on the apron as we go to commercial.

As we come back Balor hits a double diving foot stomp to the back of Shinsuke and after a 2 count he locks in some sort of leg scissor submisson then turns it to an ankle lock  as Nakamura gets to the ropes. Shinsuke recovers and hits a beautiful flying armbar that he changes to a triangle choke, Finn reaching the ropes as Shinsuke drives hiss knees into a grounded Finn Balor, really showing off all of his trademark moves. Finn reverses a running knee into a reverse 1916 for a very close 2 count. Finn is visably upset as he hits a sling blade, but Shinsuke hits the Kinshasa.

I don't know how, but Finn Balor is the first person to kick out of Shinsuke's finisher as the crowd chants "Fight Forever!" Finn then hits a standing Coupe de tat, but Shinsuke kicks out. Finn goes for another 1916, but Shinsuke reverses. The two exchange forearms and kicks until Finn hits another sling blade. Finn hits the shotgun DDT into the corner, but Shinsuke dodges the Coup de Grace as he quickly recovers and hits the Kinshasa for the win! What a match! They went non stop for 20 minutes straight!

Winner: Shinsuke Nakamura via pinfall with the Kinshasa

After the match the two embrace as the fans chant "Thank you Finn!" Nakamura and Balor then bow to one another and fist bump; they really put everything into this match. Finn leaves the ring as Shinsuke celebrates and the Full Sail crowd sings his theme song. The announcers recap the match, making note of how Finn was the first to kick out of the Kinshasa. This is probably it for Finn in NXT and there was honestly no better way for him to go out. They put on a great match and left it all in the ring, it truly lived up to the hype. They ask what is next for NXT, but only he knows. Now get ready for more craziness, with the first night of the Cruiserweight Classic!

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