
IMPACT Wrestling Results for 2/25/20 Ace Austin Retains His Title

The Explicit Ace and the Diamond of Professional Wrestling square off with gold on the line!

Hey Fight Fans, it’s time for tonight’s edition of IMPACT Wrestling on AXS TV and Twitch TV!

-We open the show with Ace Austin talking to Scott D’Amore after his loss to Tessa Blanchard before he made tonight’s main event for the X-Division Championship.

RVD w/Katie Forbes vs Daga

Daga backs RVD into the ropes for a clean break, but RVD immediately punches him in the face before Daga hits several arm drags and a dropkick. RVD rolls out of the ring and Daga hits a slingshot cross body before RVD sends him into the apron and slams him onto the floor. RVD kicks Daga at ringside before tossing him back into the ring and crotches him on the top rope before hitting a diving thrust kick. RVD stomps Daga and gets two off of a crucifix before he teases a Rolling Thunder and decides to go outside and make out with Katie instead. Daga comes back with a dragon screw before RVD sends him into the post and Daga gets a near fall off of an inside cradle.

Daga kicks RVD in midair and clotheslines him several times before RVD drops Daga with a roundhouse kick before Daga hits a code breaker for a near fall. RVD rolls out of the ring and Daga hits a suicide dive before tossing him back into the ring and RVD rolls back out before he decides to leave and take the count out loss.

Winner: Daga defeats RVD via count out.

-After the match we go backstage to RVD and Katie talking before they’re interrupted by Joey Ryan as we go to commercial.

-We come back to an interview with the Knockouts champion Jordynne Grace before she’s interrupted by Madison Rayne before the return of Gutcheck is announced for later tonight as well as a graphic for match four of the best of five between Michael Elgin and Eddie Edwards.

Wentz w/The Rascalz (Trey & Dez) vs Rohit Raju

They exchange wrist locks and waist locks before Wentz does a gator roll and they run the ropes before Wentz hits a release German suplex and Rohit rolls out of the ring. Rohit sweeps Wentz before hitting a sliding basement dropkick for two and follows up with a suplex for another two count and tosses Wentz out of the ring. Shera goes to hit Wentz before he’s confronted by Trey and Dez as we go to commercial.

Wentz kicks Rohit and hits a snap mare into a PK as we come back to the action before Wentz hits a stunner in the ropes when Rohit goes for a suicide dive. Wentz hits a bicycle knee into a spinning sit-out side slam for two and they exchange chops and Rohit gets a two count of his own. Rohit then bites Wentz and Wentz misses a diving Swanton as Dez and Trey take out Shera at ringside before Rohit hits a diving stomp for the pin and the win.

Winner: Rohit Raju defeats Wentz via pinfall with a diving stomp.

-After the match we go backstage to a promo by Ace Austin ahead of his title defense against Tessa Blanchard in tonight’s main event as we go to commercial.

Knockouts Championship Match

Jordynne Grace (c) vs Miranda Alize

Miranda backs Jordynne into the corner before shoving her and Jordynne hits Miranda with forearms before Miranda hits several huricanrrana. Grace rocks Miranda with a boot and drops her before hitting a suplex and running knees in the corner into a running back elbow and a splash for two. Miranda counters the Grace Driver and hits a huricanrrana for two before Jordynne hits the Grace Driver for the pin and the win.

Winner: Jordynne Grace retains her Knockouts Championship by defeating Miranda Alize via pinfall with the Grace Driver.

-After the match we go backstage to an interview with The North as we go to commercial.

-We come back to Rosemary talking to Havok backstage about Su Yung before Rosemary skips away.

Michael Elgin vs Eddie Edwards

Elgin dodges a boot before locking in a headlock and Eddie rocks Elgin with a boot before hitting an overhead belly to back suplex. Eddie hits a fisherman’s buster for two before Elgin drops Eddie with a stiff forearm and a flurry of strikes into a sliding forearm for two. Elgin chops Eddie in the corner before hitting comes back with chops of his own only to be hit with a uranage and a scoop slam. Eddie hits a superplex before hitting a blue thunder bomb for a near fall and sets Elgin on the top turnbuckle before Elgin counters a back pack stunner. Elgin superkicks Eddie and they exchange German suplexes before Elgin suplexes Eddie for a near fall as we go to commercial.

We return to the ring to the two exchanging strikes before Eddie counters two suplexes and superkicks Elgin before they exchange again and Eddie hits a Tiger driver for a near fall. Elgin sends Eddie on the top turnbuckle backwards before Eddie knocks Elgin away and misses a moonsault. Elgin clotheslines Eddie and drops him with a discus forearm and nearly knocks him out before Eddie gets a near fall off of an inside cradle. Eddie then pins Elgin with a Gedo clutch for the pin and the win.

Winner: Eddie Edwards defeats Michael Elgin via pinfall.

-Moose versus Petey Williams is announced for next week before we get this week’s IMPACT+ Flashback Moment of the Week between a match between Jeff Hardy and Ken Anderson. We then get an interview backstage with Petey and Scott D’Amore before they’re interrupted by Moose as we go to commercial.

-We come back to Willie Mack talking with Johnny Swinger backstage before they’re joined by Glenn Gilberti before we go to a video package for Gutcheck narrated by Scott D’Amore about several of the hopefuls as we go to commercial.

X-Division Championship Match

Ace Austin (c) vs Tessa Blanchard

Tessa immediately gets two off of a small package before dropkicking Ace and dropkicking him in the back against the ropes before trapping him in the corner and hitting a Magnum for two. They counter each other’s suplexes before Tessa rolls Ace up for two and Ace hits a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker into two more backbreakers as we go to commercial.

We come back to Ace in control, getting a two count before putting Tessa in a bow and arrow and transitioning into a rear chin lock before reapplying the bow and arrow for two. Ace lays into Tessa with elbows before hitting a back suplex for two before they exchange forearms and Ace drops Tessa with a roundhouse to the side of the head for a near fall. Ace sends Tessa into the corner and hits a running clothesline before Tessa hits a huricanrrana and a suicide dive. Ace counters a tornado DDT into a code breaker for a near fall before locking in a rear chin lock and smashes her face into the mat. Ace chokes Tessa in the corner before Tessa comes back with chops and Ace hits a snap mare into kicks to the spine.

Ace then locks in a dragon sleeper before Tessa counters and they counter each others finishers before Tessa hits a tornado DDT and gets speared by Taya Valkyrie out of nowhere for the disqualification.

Winner: Tessa Blanchard defeats Ace Austin via disqualification, but Ace Austin retains due to champions advantage.

-After the match Taya beats on Taya before crouching over her with a satisfied look on her face as we go off the air.

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