
WWE Main Event Report For February 21: Cedric Alexander vs. Akira Tozawa & Tag Team Action

Curt Hawkins & Zack Ryder vs. Shelton Benjamin & Eric Young

The match begins with Benjamin knocking Hawkins off the ring apron with a knee strike, Benjamin quickly corners Ryder. Ryder fights back and Benjamin catches him in midair before landing a power bomb, Benjamin then hits Ryder with multiple slams. Young tags in and he stomps away on a downed Ryder, Young also chokes Ryder on the middle rope after landing a few strikes. Benjamin tags back in and he nails Ryder with a suplex for a near fall, Benjamin keeps Ryder down after applying a chin lock. Ryder fights back and he nails Benjamin with a jaw breaker, Benjamin recovers and he knocks Ryder out of the ring after landing a spin kick to the head. Benjamin gets Ryder back in the ring and Young tags into the match, Young nails Ryder with a top rope elbow drop for a near fall. Benjamin tags back in and he misses a charge in the corner, Young and Hawkins are tagged in by their respective partners. Hawkins quickly starts cleaning house against the opposing team, Hawkins nails Young with a Michinoku Driver for a near fall.

Hawkins goes to the top rope as Ryder takes out Benjamin, Young gets up and he knocks Hawkins off the top rope. Hawkins fights back and he nails Young with an overhead kick, Ryder tags in and he works with Hawkins to hit Young with the Bro Island Express for a three count.

Winners: Curt Hawkins & Zack Ryder

– Highlights are shown on Roman Reigns & Daniel Bryan defeating John Morrison & The Miz on WWE Smackdown.

– Highlights are shown of Randy Orton attacking an injured Matt Hardy on WWE Raw.

Cedric Alexander vs. Akira Tozawa

The match begins with Alexander backing Tozawa into the corner before letting him go free, Tozawa backs Alexander into the corner next and he lets him go free as well. Tozawa and Alexander take turns working over each others arms, Tozawa gets Alexander in a headlock before dragging him to the mat below. Alexander gets free and he attacks Tozawa with some chops, Tozawa fights back and he rolls up Alexander before sending him out of the ring. Alexander tries getting back in the ring and Tozawa boots him in the face, the duo battle on the ring apron and Alexander drops him back first on it as we go to a commercial break. We return from the break to see Alexander cracking Tozawa with a few strikes, Tozawa recovers and he knocks Alexander out of the ring with a hurricarana. Tozawa follows up on that by nailing Alexander with a suicide dive, Tozawa gets Alexander back in the ring before landing a missile drop kick for a near fall.

Alexander fights back and he exchanges strikes with Tozawa, Tozawa ends the exchange by getting Alexander in an octopus stretch. Tozawa then catches Alexander in a roll up for a near fall, Alexander recovers and he nails Tozawa with a Michinoku Driver for a near fall. Alexander goes for the Lumbar Check and Tozawa avoids it, Tozawa then hits Alexander with a poison hurricarana for another near fall. Tozawa goes to the top rope and Alexander causes him to leap off, Alexander then hits Tozawa with a Nueralizer and Lumbar Check for a three count.

Winner: Cedric Alexander

– Highlights are shown of Kevin Owens & The Viking Raiders defeating Murphy & AOP on WWE Raw.

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