
IMPACT Wrestling Presents Sacrifice Results Tessa Blanchard Comes Out Victorious

It’s IMPACT Wrestling’s monthly IMPACT+ Special Tonight at 7PM EST!

Hey Fight Fans, welcome to our coverage for IMPACT Wrestling’s Sacrifice! Please enjoy the show and if you’re interested in exclusive content check out Fightful Select for exclusive podcasts, breaking news, and more!

Rohit Raju vs Corey Storm

Rohit backs Corey into the corner for a clean break and plays to the crowd and Corey locks in a headlock before dropkicking Rohit. Rohit pokes Corey in the eyes and clotheslines him before hitting a float over suplex for two and they exchange strikes. Rohit hits a rolling neckbreaker into a fisherman’s buster for two before Corey comes back with a jawbreaker and a jumping roundhouse kick for two. Corey hits a hand spring code breaker for a near fall before Rohit comes back with a bicycle knee into a cannonball in the corner. Rohit then hits a diving stomp off of the top for the pin and the win.

Winner: Rohit Raju defeats Corey Storm via pinfall with a diving stomp.

-We get a run down of the card ahead of the IMPACT World Tag Team Championship match up next.

IMPACT World Tag Team Championship Match

The North (c) vs The Rascalz (Trey & Wentz)

Josh and Trey get things going before Wentz comes in and Wentz takes Josh down before Josh hits a high angle back drop. Trey comes back in and Josh chops Trey before Trey hits a huricanrrana and The Rascalz double up on Josh for two and Wentz chops Josh in the corner. Josh comes back with chops of his own before Wentz dropkicks Josh for two and Josh backs Wentz into the ropes before distracting the referee and Ethan elbows Wentz from the apron. The North isolate Wentz until he counters a double back suplex and tags in Trey who drops Josh before Ethan nearly knocks him out with a boot for a long two count. Ethan hits Trey with forearms in small of the back before choking him in the ropes and hits a powerslam for two.

Josh slams Trey several times and locks in a straight armbar with a chin bar before Trey gets to his feet and Josh hits a backbreaker. Ethan picks Trey up from Josh and hits another backbreaker before knocking Wentz off of the apron and Josh chops Trey in the corner. They exchange chops before Josh hits a back suplex and Ethan taunts Trey before continuing the chops until dropping Trey with a right hand. The North cut the ring in half for several minutes before Wentz gets the hot tag and rocks Ethan with a flurry of kicks before hitting a running enzuigiri in the corner into a PK. Wentz hits a cutter into a slingshot code breaker for two before Ethan sends The Rascalz into each other and The Rascalz drop him with kicks for a near fall that Josh breaks up.

The North double up on Wentz for a near fall before he counters the finisher of The North before they hit him with a snap German suplex and Josh slams Trey onto the edge of the apron. Back in the ring Wentz hits a destroyer for a near fall before Wentz counters a two person Styles clash with a double huricanrrana. The North hit Trey with a double crucifix bomb before Trey hits a jumping stomp and Wentz a swanton to Ethan. The referee is incapacitated before Trey hits a 619 and Rohit interferes and The North hit Wentz with a burning hammer into a spinebuster for the pin and the win.

Winner: The North retain their IMPACT World Tag Team championships by defeating The Rascalz via pinfall when they pin Wentz with a burning hammer into a spinebuster.

-After the match we go to a poor audio interview with Ace Austin ahead of his match against Tessa Blanchard in tonight’s main event.

Kiera Hogan vs Ray Lyn

They lock up for a clean break before Ray takes Kiera down with a side headlock takeover before they mirror a dropkick and have a pose off. Kiera whips Ray into the corner and hits a running clothesline in the corner before chopping her across the chest and Ray hits an arm drag into a snap mare. Kiera hits a hip check into a basement dropkick before dropping her with a kick in the corner and choking her before trapping her in the ropes. Kiera hits a running clothesline in the corner before hitting a running back elbow for two before locking in a rear chin lock. They dropkick each other before they drop each other with a boot and Ray comes back with kicks and a sweep.

Ray hits a running meteora for two before following up with a running knee lift in the corner and a missile dropkick for two for a near fall. Kiera hits a running boot in the corner for a near fall before Ray nearly knocks Kiera out with a spin kick and hits a fisherman’s suplex for two. They exchange chops and forearms until Kiera hits a superkick into a northern lights suplex for the pin and the win.

Winner: Kiera Hogan defeats Ray Lyn via pinfall.

Willie Mack vs Jay Bradley

Jay attacks Willie from behind before Willie comes back with right hands and Jay drops Willie with a stiff forearm before slamming him down and missing an elbow off of the second rope. Willie hits a spinning heel kick into a dropkick before hitting a slingshot cross body and beating on Jay who tries to escape by rolling back into the ring. Willie misses a running splash in the corner before Jay rocks him with a boot and chops him across the chest before hitting a gut wrench suplex for two. Jay beats on Willie and hits him with clubbing blows before Willie comes back with a frog splash for the pin and the win.

Winner: Willie Mack defeats Jay Bradley via pinfall.

OvE (Madman Fulton & Dave Crist) w/Jake Crist vs Acey Romero & Larry D

Larry and Fulton lock up for a stalemate before Larry rocks Fulton with strikes and sends him out of the ring before Dave hits him from behind and Larry doesn’t even flinch. Larry drops Dave with a headbutt and hits a running dropkick in the corner before hitting a running senton for two. Dave distracts the referee before Fulton trips Acey who goes face first into the boots of Dave. Fulton comes back in and hits a sliding cross body to the back of Acey before Acey rocks Fulton and Fulton somehow turns Acey inside out. The momentum swings in the favor of the boys from Dayton before Acey comes back with a clothesline that turns Fulton end over end and gets the tag to Larry.

Larry drops Dave with shoulder blocks before hitting a running uppercut in the corner and a release suplex before hitting Fulton with a running cross body. Larry hits Dave with a running splash into a sit-out powerbomb for a near fall before Dave hits a jawbreaker and Fulton takes out both Acey and Larry momentarily before he’s flattened between Larry and Acey for a near fall. Acey clears the ring and hits a suicide dive before rolling Fulton back into the ring and climbing to the second rope before Dave grabs his foot. Fulton puts Acey on his shoulders before Larry drops him with a right hand and Dave comes in and hits Larry with a shiranui for a near fall. Everyone then hits a move before Acey sends Dave across the ring with a shoulder tackle for the pin and the win.

Winner: Acey Romero and Larry D defeat OvE via pinfall.

-After the match Larry and Acey are attacked by OvE before Daga comes out and helps them.

Daga vs Jake Crist

They start off at a fast pace before Daga clears the ring and a slingshot cross body before hitting a cannonball off of the apron and Jake catches Daga with a superkick in midair for two. Jake chokes Daga in the ropes and focuses on joint manipulation before focusing on the arm of Daga and grounding the high flyer Daga. Daga comes back with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker and Jake immediately rakes his eyes before Daga rolls out onto the apron and Jake’s yanks from down off of the apron and down onto the floor. Jake sends Daga into the apron before Daga hits a tornado DDT onto the floor and hits a diving cross body into a couple of clotheslines once they’re back in the ring. Daga hits a sit-out powerbomb for two before hitting a dragon screw into a gut wrench sit-out powerbomb for two.

They exchange forearms on their knees before they continue to their feet and Daga hits a suplex into a bridging German suplex for two. Jake hits a powerslam into the corner before Daga counters a diving cutter into an avalanche DVD for a near fall before they exchange and Daga falls on top of Jake for a near fall. Jake then catches Daga in midair with a cutter for a near fall before Daga hits a huricanrrana for a near fall before hitting a butterfly sit-out facebuster for the pin and the win.

Winner: Daga defeats Jake Crist via pinfall with a butterfly sit-out facebuster.

Johnny Swinger vs Joey Ryan

Before the match Johnny tried to get Joey to lie down for him before giving Joey a VHS and covers Joey who rolls him up for an immediate near fall. Johnny takes his VHS back and they hands before Joey tries repeatedly to make Johnny touch his groin, but he’s ready for it. They exchange atomic drops before Joey drops Johnny repeatedly and traps him in the ropes before Johnny hits a diving ax handle for two. Johnny beats Joey down with knife edge chops before playing to the crowd and locking in a sleeper. Joey fights back to his feet and gets dropped before Johnny accidentally hits a falling headbutt to Joey’s groin.

Joey hits a spinebuster for two before Johnny gets a near fall off of a leverage pin and Joey inadvertently puts the sucker into the mouth of the referee when he goes for Sweet Tooth Music. Johnny then hits Joey with the VHS tape before Joey makes Johnny touch his groin and Joey hits a penis plex for a near fall. Joey then hits Sweet Tooth Music for the pin and the win.

Winner: Joey Ryan defeats Johnny Swinger via pinfall with Sweet Tooth Music.

Knockouts Championship Match

Jordynne Grace (c) vs Havok

Havok goes right after Jordynne and beats her down and chokes her in the corner before stepping on her hand and arm. Havok hits a backbreaker and misses a running leg drop before Jordynne comes back and locks in a sleeper. Jordynne hits a Vader bomb for two before Havok counters a Michinoku driver and sends her out of the ring. Jordynne hits a draping DDT for two and follows up with a sleeper before Havok yanks her off of her back and slams her to the mat. Havok hits a backbreaker into a clothesline and a chokeslam for two before Grace applies a third sleeper and Havok falls back to break the hold before Jordynne locks it right back in.

Jordynne then chokes Havok unconscious and the referee calls for the bell for the win.

Winner: Jordynne Grace retains her Knockouts Championship by defeating Havok via referee stoppage.

Moose vs Rhino

Moose and Rhino rush each other before exchanging strikes and Rhino hits a spinebuster before hitting a running shoulder tackle in the corner. Moose tries to leave before Rhino follows him and brings him back to the ring before Moose low blows Rhino and gets himself disqualified.

Winner: Rhino defeats Moose via disqualification.

No Disqualification Match

Rhino vs Moose

Moose grabs a chair and Rhino makes it ricochet before hitting Moose with it and sending him out of the ring before Moose rakes his eyes. Moose hits Rhino with a trash can lid before he gets distracted by trash talking Chris Harris at ringside and Rhino hits him with a chair. Moose comes back and sends Rhino into the post before hitting a running boot and Rhino hits Moose with the trash can. Back in the ring Moose low blows Rhino before bringing a staple gun into the ring and Rhino fights him off before stapling Moose in the groin. Rhino hits several running clotheslines before Moose hits two running dropkicks in the corner and Moose grabs a hammer.

They try to hit each other with the hammer before Rhino hits a spinebuster onto the hammer and Moose hits Rhino in the foot with the hammer. Moose piles chairs in the ring before putting one across the chest of Rhino and Rhino hits him with one once he climbs to the top. Rhino piles the chairs up and hits a superplex onto the chairs before Rhino brings a table into the ring before setting it up in the corner. Moose counters a Gore and drops Rhino with a discus clothesline before wedging a chair in the corner and accidentally goes head first into the chair. Moose then dodges a Gore before hitting a spear to Rhino through the table for the pin and the win.

Winner: Moose defeats Rhino via pinfall with a spear.

Tessa Blanchard vs Ace Austin

Ace is in control until Tessa slaps him and hits a sunset flip for two before Ace drives Tessa into the corner and hits a back elbow into a hip toss into the corner for two. Ace drops Tessa with a knee to the midsection and drops her with kicks before choking her in the ropes and locking in a single leg Boston crab. Ace holds the leg of Tessa and stomps her back before reapplying the hold and Tessa gets to the ropes for the break. Ace plays to the crowd before kicking Tessa in the chest and Ace rocks Tessa with a boot before Tessa kicks his arm out and he crashes down onto the back of his neck onto the apron and down onto the floor. Ace catches Tessa with a forearm when she goes for a suicide dive before Ace hits a draping, swinging neckbreaker for two.

Ace locks in a Fujiwara arm bar and gives Tessa a paper cut with a playing card for two before she comes back with chops, punches and forearms. Tessa traps Ace in the corner and hits the Magnum before dropping Ace with clotheslines and a huricanrrana. Tessa hits a cutter before Ace rolls out of the ring and Tessa hits a triple suicide dive before tossing Ace back into the ring and Ace counters the buzz saw DDT into a northern lights suplex for a two count. Ace hits an ushigaroshi before Tessa hits a shiranui for two and Ace counters the buzz saw DDT once more before setting her on the top turnbuckle. Ace drops Tessa with a spinning kick when she comes off of the second rope in midair for a near fall before Ace hits a springboard famouser for another near fall.

Tessa hits a tornado DDT into a destroyer for a near fall and immediately follows up with an attempted magnum, but Ace is ready. Tessa then drops Ace off of the top rope and throat first across the rope for the pin and the win.

Winner: Tessa Blanchard defeats Ace Austin via pinfall.

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