
ROH Wrestling Television Results for 2/14/20 Episode #439 Huge Eight Man Tag Main Event

The tag champions team with Dan Maff and Jeff Cobb for the first time ever on this week’s episode of Ring of Honor Wrestling television!

-We open the show with a video recapping the number one contender match for the ROH World Tag Team Championship between The Briscoes and 2 Guys 1 Tag in which Jonathan Gresham helped 2G1T pick up the victory.

-We then get highlights of Bandido and Alex Zane in Concord, New Hampshire where Zane picked up the upset victory as we go to commercial.

-We come back to Dalton Castle directing Joe Hendry as Joe has a photo shoot before we get a recap of Sumie Sakai turning heel for the first time in her career in a match against Nicole Savoy before we get highlights of their rematch where Sumie wins with Smashmouse as we go to commercial.

-We back to a breakdown of the top five stables in Ring of Honor history.

Lifeblood (Mark Haskins & Tracy Williams vs Vincent & Bateman)

Vincent and Bateman attack Lifeblood from behind when they’re entering the ring before sending Mark out of the ring and doubling up on Tracy. Mark gets the tag and Lifeblood double team Bateman before sending him out of the ring and double teaming Vincent. Chuckles pulls Vincent out of the ring to save him before Haskins drops Vincent and Tracy hits a missile dropkick and gets distracted by Vincent on the apron. Bateman drops the Tracy with a rolling forearm before he ends up brawling with Chuckles and Vincent drops him from behind as we go to commercial.

We come back to Vincent in control of Tracy before Tracy counters a bulldog and gets the tag to Mark. Mark takes out Bateman and Vincent before Mark is distracted by Vida at ringside for a near fall off of a roll up when Vida grabs his leg. Mark gets a near fall back before Vincent fights off both Mark and Tracy before Tracy hits a top rope DDT. Lifeblood hit a burning hammer into a powerbomb for two before taking out Bateman and Tracy hits a superkick into a piledriver by Mark before Mark locks in a sharpshooter. Chuckles then runs in and attacks Mark with a block of wood to break up the submission for the disqualification.

Winner: Lifeblood defeat Vincent and Bateman via disqualification when Chuckles interferes.

-After the match Tracy saves Mark and sends Vincent and company scrambling as we go to commercial.

The Bouncers & 2 Guys 1 Tag vs Jonathan Gresham, Jay Lethal, Dan Maff & Jeff Cobb

Jon and Silas get things started for their respective teams, Silas pinning Jon’s shoulders down for several two counts and backing him into the corner when they lock up before Jon reverses it and hits several monkey flips. They exchange monkey flips and sunset flips for a series of two counts before Silas sweeps Jon and they hop back up to their feet. Josh comes in and takes Jon down before he rolls out of the ring and Jay comes in and gets taken down. They exchange submission attempts before Josh drops Jay with a shoulder block and Jay hits a hip toss into a cartwheel dropkick. BCB comes in next and they exchange strikes until BCB does his signature bite with no teeth for two as we go to commercial as Cobb gets the tag.

We come back to Brian taking out Cobb and Maff with a running cross body before Josh gets the tag and gets dragged out of the ring by Lethal and Gresham and beaten on at ringside. Jay beats on Josh in mount for two before Josh tries to come back, but is immediately hit with a snap suplex for two. Jon drags Josh to his corner to keep him from tagging in Brian before Jay whips Josh into the turnbuckle. Josh counters an Irish whip by Jon while Dan argues with Jay on the apron before Jon tags Jay back in and Maff and Cobb as livid as the champions are trying to win the match on their own. Josh comes back and suplexes Jay after booting Jon and Silas takes out both tag champs.

Dan tags himself in and trips Silas before hitting a senton and hits BCB with running chops in opposite corners. Dan accidentally hits Jeff before sending BCB out or the ring and hitting Brian with a suicide dive before spearing Silas for a near fall. Josh suplexes Dan before Jeff gets the blind tag and he and Dan double up on Josh. BCB hits a cannonball off of the apron to the tag champions before Brian counters the Tour of the Islands and BCB hits a diving splash for a near fall that Dan breaks up. Dan superkicks Brian out of the ring before Silas hits Dan with a cutter and 2G1T and Jay and Jon brawl at ringside.

Jeff then hits BCB with the Tour of the Islands for the pin and the win.

Winner: Jeff Cobb, Dan Maff, Jay Lethal and Jonathan Gresham defeat The Bouncers and 2 Guys 1 Tag Team via pinfall when Jeff pins Beer City Bruiser with the Tour of the Islands.

-After the match Jeff and Dan have words with Jay and Jon before Dan takes one of the tag belts and leaves with it, Jay and Jon hesitant to stop him as we go off the air.

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