
WWE 205 Live Results for 2/14/20 Oney Lorcan & Danny Burch vs The Singh Brothers

It’s tag team madness on tonight’s edition of WWE 205 Live at 10pm EST after Smackdown on FOX!

Hey Fight Fans, welcome to our coverage of tonight’s edition of WWE 205 Live!

The Singh Brothers vs Oney Lorcan & Danny Burch

Before the match the Singhs cut an extensive promo in the ring before they meet Danny and Oney as they come out to the ring and all four men brawl as the match starts. The Singhs take control early, dropping Oney and knocking Danny off of the apron before they double up on Oney and do their best to keep him far away from Burch. Oney fights out of the corner and gets the tag to Danny who knocks Sunile off of the apron before dropping Samir with running clotheslines in the corner into a German suplex before The Singhs come back with a double superkick. The Singhs hit the Bollywood Blast for a near fall that Danny breaks up before Danny hits a missile dropkick to Samir. Danny and Oney then hit an assisted implant DDT for the pin and the win.

Winner: Oney Lorcan and Danny Burch defeat The Singh Brothers via pinfall.

-After the match The Brian Kendrick and Ariya Daivari come out and distract Lorcan and Burch before the Singhs attack them from behind and all four men gang up on Burch and Lorcan.

-We get a video package for Raul Mendoza before we go to an interview with Lio Rush where he talks about his match against Jordan Devlin for the NXT Cruiserweight Championship next Wednesday night. We then go to The Brian Kendrick and Ariya Daivari in the ring where Brian mocks Canada as cowards.

The Brian Kendrick & Ariya Daivari vs Tony Nese & Mike Kanellis

Tony and Ariya start the match off with Tony chopping Ariya before Brian distracts Tony and Ariya drops him from behind. Tony kicks and sweeps Ariya for two before he and Mike double up on Ariya for two before Mike chops Ariya in the corner and tags Tony back in. Tony catches Ariya coming in with a boot and knocks Brian off of the apron before Tony misses an Asai moonsault. Ariya hits a neckbreaker in the ropes before playing to the crowd and stomping Tony before tagging Brian in who locks in a camel clutch. Tony hits a stunner and knocks Ariya from the apron before countering a shiranui and tagging in Mike who lays into Brian with chops and clotheslines in the corner into a spinebuster for two.

Brian counters a fireman’s carry and Ariya low bridges him before Ariya sends Mike into the barricade while Brian distracts the referee. Brian grapevines Mike’s legs before Ariya comes in and knocks Tony from the apron before stomping Mike and locking in a rear chin lock. Ariya and Mike clothesline each other before Tony and Brian come in and Tony hits a missile dropkick into a boot and a spinning heel kick. Tony sends Brian out of the ring and hits a running bulldog into the ropes to Ariya while hitting Brian with a diving cross body. Tony hits a triangle moonsault for a two count before Tony and Mike hit a diving knee into a powerslam for a near fall that Brian breaks up.

Brian knocks Tony off of the apron before Brian and Ariya lock in dueling submissions before Tony sends Ariya into Brian to break up both submissions. Mike superkicks Ariya at ringside before Tony hits a Fosbury flop into a 450 for a near fall that Brian breaks up before Mike superkicks Brian out of the ring. Ariya counters a double superplex before Brian hits a shiranui and Ariya hits a diving splash for a near fall. Kendrick and Daivari then bring chairs into the ring before Lorcan and Burch come back out covered in bandages and Tony rolls Ariya up for the pin and the win.

Winner: Tony Nese and Mike Kanellis defeat Ariya Daivari and The Brian Kendrick via pinfall.

-After the match Lorcan and Burch take out Daivari and Kendrick with chairs as we go off the air with the announcement of Lorcan and Burch and Daivari and Kendrick facing off in a No Disqualification Tag Team match Wednesday on NXT.

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