
WWE Smackdown on FOX Results for 2/14/20 Smackdown Women’s Championship Match

The blue brands Women’s Championship is on the line at 8pm EST on FOX!

Good evening Fight Fans and welcome to our coverage of tonight’s edition of WWE Smackdown on FOX!

-We open the show with Otis and Mandy getting ready for their date before we go to Alexa Bliss and Nikki Cross out on the stage for A Moment of Bliss before they’re joined by their guest Carmella who will be challenging Bayley for the Smackdown Women’s Championship later tonight. Alexa and Nikki ask Carmella about her former friendship with Bayley before Bayley comes out and mocks Carmella before Carmella marches down to the ring and challenges Bayley to have the match right now as we go to commercial.

Smackdown Women’s Championship Match

Bayley (c) vs Carmella

They lock up before Bayley puts Carmella in a side headlock and drops her with a shoulder block before Carmella comes back and locks in a straight armbar. Bayley gets to the ropes before Carmella focuses on her arm and dropkicks Bayley several times after slapping her for two. Bayley drops Carmella and stomps her in the corner before dropping her with a forearm and hitting a Saito suplex. Bayley misses a dive and Carmella superkicks her for two before hitting several dropkicks and Bayley rolls out of the ring to catch her breath. Carmella hits a suicide dive and tosses Bayley back into the ring before hitting a diving cross body for two and Bayley rolls back out of the ring.

Bayley then hits a flap jack onto the announce table when Carmella comes out after her as we go to commercial.

We come back to Bayley in control until Carmella comes back with a jawbreaker and clotheslines before hitting an inverted atomic drop and a huricanrrana. Carmella hits a bronco buster before Bayley uses the referee as a shield to avoid a superkick before Bayley hits Bayley to Belly for a near fall. Carmella dumps Bayley out of the ring before Bayley snaps her neck in the ropes and Carmella catches Bayley on the top turnbuckle and superkicking her. Carmella hits a frankensteiner for a near fall before they exchange a series of pin attempts and Carmella superkicks Bayley who rolls out of the ring to avoid the cover. Bayley sends Carmella into the post and tosses her back into the ring before Carmella locks in the Code of Silence and Bayley punches her way free.

Bayley then wins with a leverage pin with her feet on the ropes for pin and the win.

Winner: Bayley retains her Smackdown Women’s Championship by defeating Carmella via pinfall with a leverage pin.

-After the match Naomi comes out and has an exchange of words with Bayley before she and Carmella kick Bayley and send her out of the ring before we’re told that Baron Corbin is barred from competing tonight and that there will be an interview with Hulk Hogan later tonight as we go to commercial.

-We come back to a backstage interview with Bayley before we get a video package for Lacey Evans for a documentary available on WWE’s YouTube channel before it’s announced that she’ll give an interview next week. We then go to Otis prepping for his date backstage with Tucker before Tucker gives him a last minute pep talk.

2 on 1 Handicap Match

Sheamus vs Apollo Crews & Chad Gable

Chad and Apollo rush Sheamus before Chad hits several rolling kicks and Apollo a dropkick in the corner before Chad and Apollo double up on Sheamus. Sheamus hits Chad with clubbing blows in the ropes and kicks him away when he goes for an ankle lock before Apollo tags himself in. Chad gets the blind tag and sends Sheamus over the top rope and down onto the floor before hitting a missile dropkick into a standing shooting star press by Apollo for a near fall. Sheamus then sends Apollo into the post and hits the Brogue Kick for the pin and the win.

Winner: Sheamus defeats Apollo Crews and Chad Gable via pinfall when he pins Apollo with a Brogue Kick.

-After the match we go backstage to an interview with Carmella who says that she’s going to face Bayley again and she will win before we see Mandy at the restaurant and Hulk Hogan getting ready for his interview as we go to commercial.

-We come back to a video package for Goldberg before we go to a satellite interview with Hulk Hogan who is interrupted by Bray Wyatt on a now split screen before it’s announced that Roman Reigns will be teaming up with a mystery partner to take on The Miz and John Morrison as we go to commercial.

-We come back to this Week in WWE History featuring The Rock before we get an instagram post from Dwayne about his daughter joining WWE. We then go to Cesaro and Sami Zayn in the ring where Sami starts to play a protest song on a ukulele as Cesaro plays a cowbell only to be interrupted by Elias. Sami and Cesaro play before they’re drowned out by the WWE Universe and Elias attacks Cesaro before Sami and Cesaro double up on Elias who’s saved by Braun Strowman. Elias and Braun then take out hired security before we go backstage to an interview with Naomi who says that Bayley has never beaten her as we go to commercial.

John Cena is announced to be returning in two weeks before we’re told that Carmella and Naomi will face each other to see who faces Bayley for the title and Goldberg will be live next week. We then get a video package for Otis and Mandy before we go to their date in the restaurant where Dolph Ziggler shows up and takes Otis’ place which crushes Otis who leaves after dropping roses he got for Mandy as we go to commercial.

Roman Reigns & Daniel Bryan vs The Miz & John Morrison

Baron Corbin comes down through the crowd holding a ticket before setting down at ringside as we go to commercial.

Roman and John start things off with John kicking the legs of Roman before Roman drives John into the corner and drops him with a right hand before tagging Daniel in. Daniel drops John with a uppercut and knocks Miz off of the apron before hitting Miz with a suicide dive and John a missile dropkick. Daniel hits a frankensteiner before John sends him over the top rope and down onto the floor where Miz drives him into the barricade. Roman then gets distracted by Corbin before Miz hits him from behind and John hits a tope that takes out everyone as we go to commercial.

We come back to John in control of Daniel before he and Miz isolate Daniel and cut the ring in half until he gets the tag to Reigns. Roman drops Miz repeatedly and hits a series of clotheslines in the corner before dropping him with a boot and playing to the crowd. They counter each other’s finishers before John gets the blind tag and drops Roman with a springboard roundhouse kick for a near fall. Roman knocks John out of midair with a superman punch before John catches Roman coming in with a knee and Miz hits the Skull Crushing Finale for a near fall that Daniel breaks up. Roman then hits a superman punch into a spear for the pin and the win.

Winner: Roman Reigns and Daniel Bryan defeat The Miz and John Morrison via pinfall when he pins Miz with a spear.

-After the match Corbin runs in and attacks Roman from behind before leaving as we go off the air with Corbin sitting on his throne.

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