
AEW Dynamite 2/12/2020 Results: Two Title Matches, Jeff Cobb Debuts & An Eye For An Eye

Welcome to Fightful.com’s live coverage & discussion for AEW Dynamite. We’ll be bringing you full, fight by fight coverage of every bout on the card. You can also send in your feedback on our Disqus boards below!

– Dark Order appears on the big screen before the first match and they say some of their members may be closer than everybody thinks, Christopher Daniels heads backstage to check on things.

AEW World Tag Team Championships
Kenny Omega & Hangman Page (c) vs. SCU (Scorpio Sky & Frankie Kazarian)

The match begins with Kazarian getting Omega in a headlock, Omega gets free and Kazarian drops him with a shoulder tackle. Omega recovers and he hits Kazarian with a few arm drags, Kazarian backs Omega into the ropes before landing a knee strike to the midsection. Sky interferes and he nails Omega with a knee to the back, Omega fights back and he knocks Sky off the ring apron. Kazarian drops Omega into the ropes before landing a release German suplex after a Sky kick to the face, Sky tags in and he double teams Omega with Kazarian. SCU goes for SCU Later and Page breaks it up, Omega and Page then double team Sky. Page sets up for a Buckshot Lariat and Kazarian knocks him to the arena floor, Omega clears the ring and Sky trips him up before nailing Page with a suicide dive. Omega gets up and he takes out SCU with a suicide dive of his own, Omega gets Sky in the ring before landing a missile drop kick.

Omega then hits Sky with a fisherman buster suplex for a near fall, Page tags in and he double teams an interfering Kazarian with Omega. Page catches a leaping Sky to land a fall away slam, Omega tags back in and Sky blocks an Omega moonsault before Kazarian knocks Page from the top rope onto the barricade. Sky hits Omega with a flapjack before tagging Kazarian in, Kazarian corners Omega before landing some shoulder thrusts. Kazarian knocks Omega out of the ring so Sky can ram him into the barricade and ringside edge, Sky gets Omega back in the ring so Kazarian can land a springboard leg drop for a near fall. Sky tags in and he stands on the back of a downed Omega, Omega fights back and Sky drops him with a knee strike to the midsection. Kazarian tags in and he nails Omega with a running cross body block for a near fall, Kazarian slows things down by holding Omega in a body scissors. Omega gets free after getting up and falling backwards onto Kazarian, Sky tags in and he attacks Omega with a few strikes.

SCU then double teams Omega until Omega starts fighting back, Page tags in and he cleans house against the opposing team. Page nails a leaping Sky with a boot to the midsection, Page then hits a cornered SCU with multiple running clotheslines. Page then hits Sky with a standing moonsault for a near fall, Omega hits the ring and Sky knocks him to the arena floor. Page goes for a Buckshot Lariat and Kazarian counters with a clothesline for a near fall, Kazarian tags in and he nails Page with an assisted tornado DDT for a near fall. Kazarian then hits Page with a backstabber before SCU hits both opponents with cutter, SCU then gets Page and Kazarian in double dragon sleepers. Omega finds a way to break the double submission attempt up, Page and Kazarian have a striking exchange in the middle of the ring. Omega tags in and he nails Kazarian with a V Trigger, Omega then hits Sky with a snap dragon suplex. Omega and Page go for their finisher until Sky breaks it up, Page then hits Kazarian with a power bomb.

Omega then hits Kazarian with a V Trigger to the back of the head as Page nails Sky with a suicide dive, Page and Omega nail Kazarian with their finisher for a three count.

Winners: Kenny Omega & Hangman Page, still the AEW World Tag Team Champions

After the match, Dark Oder comes to the ring and Best Friends join SCU before Dark Order can attack. The Butcher & The Blade come out as well and they are followed by the Hybrid 2, The Young Bucks come out and a massive brawl breaks out between everybody.

– Jim Ross interviewed Santana earlier today, Santana says he was at the darkest point of his life about ten years ago and he called his father to explain how things were going. Santana says his father started going blind at 10 years old, Santana talks about the passing of his father. Santana says Jon Moxley had the chance to join The Inner Circle and built his own coffin when he didn’t do it.

– A video airs featuring Darby Allin, who issues a warning to The Inner Circle before challenging Sammy Guevara to a match at AEW Revolution.

Sammy Guevara w/Jake Hager vs. Dustin Rhodes

The match begins with Guevara leaving the ring as Rhodes comes at him, Hager tries distracting Rhodes and Rhodes still nails Guevara with some strikes. Rhodes then nails Guevara with a throw slam and running knee strike for a near fall, Guevara leaves the ring and Rhodes attacks him with a clothesline on the arena floor. Guevara tries fighting back and Rhodes drops him with a right, Rhodes gets Guevara back in the ring and Hager interferes so Guevara can knock him to the arena floor with an enziguri. Guevara follows up on that by nailing Rhodes with a suicide dive, Guevara then throws Rhodes into the barricade. Guevara gets Rhodes back in the ring and he gets a near fall on a pin attempt, Guevara then hits Rhodes with a Samoan drop for a near fall. Rhodes fights back and Guevara drops him with a back elbow strike, Rhodes recovers to catch a leaping Guevara and land a uranage. Rhodes also cracks Guevara with a few strikes and a few clotheslines, Guevara recovers and he boots Rhodes in the head.

Rhodes fights back and he nails a charging Guevara with a power slam for a near fall, Rhodes goes to the top rope and Hager distracts him. Guevara jumps a distracted Rhodes from behind before landing a modified Go To Sleep for a near fall, Guevara goes to the top rope and Rhodes crotches him. Rhodes meets Guevara on the top rope and he lands a super back body drop, Guevara returns and he meets Rhodes on the top rope. Rhodes knocks Guevara off before landing a destroyer, Rhodes then hits Guevara with the Final Reckoning for a three count.

Winner: Dustin Rhodes

After the match, Dustin Rhodes calls out Jake Hager, Rhodes wonders if Hager ever plans on competing in the ring. Rhodes says Hager is failing as a professional MMA fighter and as a professional wrestler, Rhodes challenges Hager for AEW Revolution and Hager says nothing before heading backstage.

– Tony Schiavone interviews Dr. Britt Baker, who says that she attacked Yuka Sakazaki due to her ethical standards and she claims that the tooth that was knocked out was going to fall out anyway. Baker predicts that tonight’s AEW World Women’s Championship match is going to be fantastic, but she says both competitors are number two compared to her. Baker says she is a role model and the first woman signed to AEW, Baker says she is the women’s division.

AEW World Women’s Championship
Riho (c) vs. Nyla Rose

The match begins with Riho attacking Rose with a knee strike before the bell sounded, Rose backs Riho into the corner before landing a butt smash. Rose misses a charge in the corner and Riho rolls her up for a near fall, Rose recovers and she drops a charging Riho. Riho fights back and Rose drops her again before stomping away on her, Riho escapes a suplex from Rose before landing a few strikes. Riho then hits Rose with a head scissors takedown before drop kicking her out of the ring, Rose then catches a diving Riho to land a back breaker. Rose forces Riho into the ringside edge before getting her in the ring, Rose grabs a table and she sets it up on the arena floor. Riho runs on the table before nailing Rose with a drop kick, Riho gets Rose back in the ring before landing a top rope high cross body for a near fall. Riho goes for a slam and Rose blocks it before lading one of her own, Rose then hits Riho with a leg drop for a near fall.

Rose gets Riho in the corner before ripping away at her face, Rose keeps Riho cornered while choking her as we go to a commercial break. We return from the break to see Riho nailing Rose with another drop kick, Rose looks for a choke slam and Riho counters with a crucifix bomb. Riho then sends Rose into the ropes before going for a 619, Rose blocks the kick and then misses a seated senton. Riho then hits Rose with a basement drop kick for a near fall, Rose recovers and she hits Riho with a Samoan drop for a near fall. Rose then puts Riho on the top rope before going to the top rope herself, Rose then hits Riho with a top rope knee strike for a near fall. Rose then hits Riho with an avalanche before carrying her to the top rope, Riho fights back and she attacks Rose with some strikes. Rose bites Riho in response before landing a super death valley driver for another near fall, Riho fights back again and Rose nails her with a forearm strike.

Rose gets Riho on her shoulders and Riho gets free to land a series of snap dragon suplexes, Riho misses a running knee strike and still manages to land a drop kick a short time late. Riho then hits Rose with a northern lights suplex for a near fall, Riho goes to the top rope and she lands a double stomp for another near fall. Riho goes back to the top rope and she lands another double stomp, Riho goes back up again and she lands a double knee strike for another near fall. Riho charges at Rose and Rose nails her with a spear, Rose then hits Riho with a Beast Bomb for a three count.

Winner: Nyla Rose, your new AEW World Women’s Champion

– The Inner Circle are being interviewed, Chris Jericho says that Jon Moxley is a piece of trash for stabbing Santana in the eye. Jericho says that he went searching for a bounty hunter to face next week, Jericho says that bounty hunter is Jeff Cobb.

– A video package airs showing Cody getting his ten lashes from MJF.

– Brandi Rhodes joins the commentary team before the next match.

MJF vs. Jungle Boy

The match begins with Boy tripping up MJF as a chain wrestling session breaks out, MJF then drops Boy with a shoulder tackle. Boy gets up and he takes MJF down with a headlock, MJF gets up and he exchanges roll ups with Boy. Boy shoves MJF down and he leaves the ring, MJF gets back in the ring and Boy nails him with a springboard arm drag followed by a drop kick. MJF recovers and he corners Boy before landing a plethora of strikes, MJF drags Boy out of the ring before throwing him into the barricade. MJF then nails Boy with a slam on the arena floor, MJF waits for Boy to get back in the ring before stretching him on the middle rope. MJF holds Boy down while landing multiple knee drops to the back, MJF then applies a modified camel clutch to Boy. Boy fights back and MJF nails him with a tilt-a-whirl back breaker for a near fall, MJF follows up by nailing Boy with a series of back body drops.

Boy fights back again and he nails MJF with a back body drop of his own, Boy then cracks MJF with a series of strikes. MJF fights back and Boy levels him with a lariat, MJF leaves the ring and Boy attacks him with multiple suicide dives. Boy gets MJF back in the ring and MJF immediately attacks his injured back, Boy recovers and he nails MJF with a reverse hurricarana for a near fall. Boy goes for a power bomb and his back gives out on him, MJF nails an upside down Boy in the corner with a super kick followed by an Alabama slam. MJF then gets Boy in a crossbow submission and Boy gets free to roll MJF up for a near fall, Boy goes back to the top rope and MJF crotches him. MJF climbs the top rope and Boy attacks him before landing a sit out power bomb for a near fall, Wardlow comes to ringside as MJF hides in the ropes. Wardlow gives MJF his ring and MJF nails Boy with it, MJF then hits Boy with the Double Cross for a three count.

Winner: MJF

After the match, Wardlow attacks Jungle Boy until Marko Stunt and Luchasaurus makes the save.

– A Pac video package airs, Pac says that he hasn’t been the same since he defeated him in Chicago and Pac says that Omega is scared of him. 

Eye For An Eye
Jon Moxley vs. Santana w/Ortiz

The match begins with Santana and Moxley brawling in the crowd before the bell sounds, Santana and Moxley brawl all over the arena. Moxley knocks Santana over the barricade and to the ringside area, Moxley grabs Santana and he throws him into the barricade. The battle continues in the ring and Moxley attacks Santana with a lot of strikes, Santana fights back and Moxley clotheslines him out of the ring. Moxley climbs to the top rope and he leaps off onto Santana, Santana trips up Moxley and he crashes into the ring steps. Santana tries shoving Moxley eye first into the corner of the ring steps, Moxley fights back and he gets Santana back in the ring. Santana knocks Moxley to the arena floor before landing a baseball slide drop kick, Santana follows Moxley around while attacking him with strikes. Santana gets Moxley back in the ring to get a near fall on a pin attempt, Santana then goes after the injured eye of Moxley.

Santana also traps Moxley in the ropes while landing some strikes, Santana corners Moxley while landing elbow strikes to the head. Moxley gets out of the corner and Santana lands an enziguri for a near fall, Santana keeps Moxley down while applying a chin lock. Moxley fights back and he nails Santana with a clothesline, Moxley then catches Santana in a roll up before applying a Fujiwara arm bar. Santana gets free and Moxley nails him with a release German suplex, Santana recovers and he sends Moxley face first into the middle turnbuckle. Santana follows up on that by nailing Moxley with a rolling cutter for a near fall, Santana then nails Moxley with a pile driver for a near fall. Santana goes to the top rope and Moxley gets his knees up during the frog splash attempt, Ortiz looks to interfere and Moxley sends Santana into him before rolling up Santana for a near fall.

Santana recovers to hit Moxley with a super kick and Moxley responds by landing a clothesline, Moxley goes to the top rope and Ortiz interferes by spitting liquid into his eyes. Santana then hits Moxley with a cannonball, Santana goes to the top rope and he lands a frog splash for a near fall. Moxley fights back and he attacks the injured eye of Santana, Moxley then hits Santana with a Paradigm Shift for a three count.

Winner: Jon Moxley

After the match, Ortiz attacks Jon Moxley and the rest of The Inner Circle eventually jump in. Hager holds Moxley up while The Inner Circle whip him, Hager released Moxley before kicking him in the balls. Sammy Guevara then hits Moxley with a 630, Chris Jericho then hits Moxley with a Judas Effect. Jeff Cobb makes his way to the ring and he nails Moxley with a Tour Of The Islands.

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