
Impact Wrestling Xplosion 2/12/2020 Results: Luster The Legend vs. Pagano, Fallah Bah Interview

Welcome to Fightful.com’s live coverage & discussion for Impact Wrestling Xplosion. We’ll be bringing you full, fight by fight coverage of every bout on the card. You can also send in your feedback on our Disqus boards below!

Luster The Legend w/Adam Thornstowe vs. Pagano

The match begins with Legend attacking Pagano with a clothesline, Legend corners Pagano before landing a bunch of strikes and stumps. Pagano fights back and he attacks Legend with strikes of his own, Legend recovers to drop Pagano with a back elbow strike before landing an elbow drop for a near fall. Pagano recovers and he nails Legend with a series of rolling neck breaker, Pagano then hits Legend with a springboard cutter. Legend leaves the ring and Pagano nails him with a suicide dive as we go to a commercial break, we return from the break to see Legend knock Pagano to the arena floor. Legend then hits Pagano with a suicide dive of his own, Legend gets Pagano up and he attacks him with some strikes. Legend gets Pagano back in the ring and he attacks him with Mongolian chops, Legend drops Pagano before landing a falling headbutt. Pagano gets up and he exchanges a few strikes with Legend, Legend corners Pagano before landing a headbutt.

Legend gets Pagano out of the corner before landing a suplex for a near fall, Legend knocks Pagano to the arena floor before landing a strike to the back of his neck. Legend gets Pagano back in the ring and Pagano hits him with a springboard bulldog a short time later, Legend goes to the middle rope and Pagano gets him off before landing a kryptonite krunch for a three count.

Winner: Pagano

– Around The Ring w/Gabby Loren is next and the guest is supposed to be Fallah Bah, but Loren cannot find him and she goes searching for him. Loren asks a bunch of wrestlers where Bah is and nobody knows exactly where he is, Loren eventually finds Bah. Bah says he is mainly sleeping when he isn’t wrestling or traveling, Bah says he likes playing video games and watching movies. Bah says he loved Street Fighter growing up, Bah says people have reached out to say that he has inspired them. Bah says he is on a weight loss journey and he has no goal weight to drop down to, Bah says he has pets such as a pitbull and some rabbits. Bah says he doesn’t travel much when he’s home, but he likes to try different kinds of food in different areas.

– This weeks Classic Match Of The Week is Sting vs. Brother Ray vs. Kurt Angle vs. Brother Devon from TNA Against All Odds 2009.

– Highlights are shown of oVe vs. Daga & Dr. Wagner Jr. from a past edition of Impact Wrestling.

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