
WWE Raw 2/10/2020 Results: 8 Man Tag Main Event, A Women’s Title Match & Shayna Baszler Is A Biter

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Seth Rollins, Murphy and AOP are in the ring to start the show, Rollins welcomes everybody to Monday Night Raw. Rollins says he understands how hard it is for everybody else to make difficult decisions, Rollins says he is here to make those decision for everybody and lead them into the future. Highlights are shown of Murphy & AOP defeating Kevin Owens & The Viking Raiders from last weeks Raw, Rollins blames Owens and The Viking Raiders for not getting a title shot against Brock Lesnar at WWE Super ShowDown. Rollins says they will not leave the ring until their message of unity is heard, Owens interrupts and comes out on stage. Rollins warns Owens to not speak because of what has happened to Ivar and Samoa Joe in the past, Owens says he will just keep fighting and he isn’t alone tonight. The Viking Raiders join Owens on the stage before storming the ring to brawl with Rollins and gang, Samoa Joe comes out from the crowd to attack Rollins. The brawl resumes in the ring before Owens and gang clear the ring, Becky Lynch comes to the ring as Owens and gang head backstage.

– Before the match begins, Asuka gets a microphone and says a lot of stuff about Becky Lynch in Japanese.

Raw Women’s Championship
Becky Lynch (c) vs. Asuka w/Kairi Sane

The match begins with Asuka and Lynch taking turns working over each others arms, Asuka gets Lynch in a headlock and Lynch gets free before eating a shoulder tackle. Lynch kicks Asuka in the midsection before working over her arm, Asuka fights back and she gets Lynch in another headlock. Lynch gets free and she gets Asuka in a headlock of her own, Asuka gets free and Lynch nails her with a shoulder tackle. Asuka goes for a kick and Lynch counters with a dragon screw leg whip, Sane distracts Lynch while she is on the ring apron and Asuka uses a hip attack to knock her to the arena floor as we go to a commercial break. We return from the break to see Asuka stomping away on a downed Lynch in the ring, Asuka holds Lynch down while wrenching away on her arm. Lynch fights back and Asuka nails her with a hip attack, Lynch fights back and she nails Asuka with clotheslines followed by a drop kick.

Lynch then hits Asuka with a spin kick to the midsection followed by a flying forearm strike for a near fall, Asuka gets up and Lynch nails her with a few strikes. Asuka shocks Lynch with a small package for a near fall, Asuka follows that up by nailing Lynch with a pop up knee strike. Asuka then hits Lynch with a Barbie Crusher for a near fall, Lynch recovers to send a charging Asuka out of the ring. Lynch nails Asuka with a baseball slide drop kick, Lynch then leaps off the ring apron and she hits Sane instead of Asuka. Asuka then attacks a distracted Lynch with a kick to the back, Asuka gets Lynch back in the ring and Lynch boots her in the face. Asuka leaps off the middle rope and Asuka counters with a Code Breaker for a near fall, Asuka grabs Lynch and she sends her shoulder first into the ring post. Asuka goes for a hip attack and she gets caught in the ropes, Lynch then gets Asuka in a rope assisted Disarmer. Lynch drags Asuka to the ring apron and they exchange some strikes, Lynch eventually nails Asuka with a reverse DDT on the ring apron as we go to a commercial break.

We return from the break to see Asuka and Lynch battling on the top turnbuckle, Asuka nails Lynch with a superplex for a near fall. Asuka follows up by landing a penalty kick for a near fall, Asuka then gets Lynch in an arm bar and Lynch counters with a roll up. Asuka also goes for a triangle choke and Lynch power bombs Asuka to get free, Lynch goes to the middle rope and she misses the leg drop attempt. Asuka gets Lynch in the Asuka Lock and Lynch counters with a few roll ups for a few near falls, Lynch then hits Asuka with a uranage for a three count.

Winner: Becky Lynch, still the Raw Women’s Champion

After the match, Shayna Baszler attacks Becky Lynch from behind, Baszler locks Lynch in a rear naked choke before letting her go free. Baszler takes off her mouth piece and she bites the back of Lynch’s neck.

– Medics are shown attending to Becky Lynch backstage.

– The Street Profits get the microphone before the next match to mock Mojo Rawley & Riddick Moss.

Mojo Rawley & Riddick Moss vs. The Street Profits (Angelo Dawkins & Montez Ford)

The match begins with Dawkins nailing Rawley with a drop kick, Rawley fights back and he drops Dawkins with a hair pull. Moss tags in and Dawkins drops him before tagging Ford in, The Street profits hit Moss with a Cash Out for a three count.

Winners: The Street Profits (Angelo Dawkins & Montez Ford)

After the match, Riddick Moss rolls up Mojo Rawley and he gets a three count to win the WWE 24/7 Championship.

– The medics are still attending to Becky Lynch backstage when they try getting her into an ambulance, Lynch refuses to go in and she instead steals the ambulance.

– MVP is in the ring for the VIP Lounge and tonight’s guest is Drew McIntyre, MVP says it has been a long time and he brings out McIntyre. MVP says he and McIntyre go way back and then MVP talks about McIntyre going to ‘Mania 36, MVP says that McIntyre shouldn’t worry about what people have been saying behind his back. MVP says that some people believe McIntyre isn’t ready to be WWE Champion as of yet, MVP says that McIntyre should let him help McIntyre with the behind the scenes stuff so McIntyre can focus on becoming champion. MVP says he wants to be McIntyre’s business manager or advocate, McIntyre says he doesn’t need anybody to think or talk for him. MVP threatens McIntyre with violence and MVP says McIntyre needs him, McIntyre drops MVP with a Glasgow Kiss before nailing him with a Claymore Kick.

– Highlights are shown of Randy Orton’s attack on Edge from two weeks ago.

– Seth Rollins is shown talking to his disciples backstage.

– Zelina Vega gets the microphone before the next match and she shows everybody a highlight reel of the havoc Angel Garza caused last week on Raw. Garza says he is a man’s man and he is also a ladies’s man, Garza says no woman in the world can resist him. Humberto Carrillo hits the ring and he attacks Garza until security breaks it up.

Angel Garza w/Zelina Vega vs. Cedric Alexander

The match begins with Garza hiding in the ropes to avoid Alexander, Vega distracts Alexander so Garza can attack him. Garza holds Alexander down while applying the scarf hold, Alexander gets free and he gets Garza in his own scarf hold. Garza gets free and Alexander nails him with a springboard hurricarana, Alexander then nails Garza with a striking combination. Alexander drops Garza before landing a basement drop kick, Garza leaves the ring and he catches a sliding Alexander before dropping him face first on the arena floor. Alexander fights back and he knocks Garza into the ring steps before getting him in the ring, Alexander goes for a springboard clothesline and Garza counters with a drop kick. Garza then hits Alexander with the Wing Clipper for a three count.

Winner: Angel Garza w/Zelina Vega

– Highlights are shown of Rhea Ripley confronting Charlotte Flair on last weeks Raw.

– Charly Caruso interviews Rhea Ripley, who says that she isn’t waiting for an answer for Charlotte Flair because she will eventually get what she wants. Sarah Logan interrupts and she confronts Ripley about invading Raw.

– Sarah Schreiber interviews Bobby Lashley & Lana, Lana says that Lashley is warming up and then says that Ricochet got lucky by beating Lashley last week. Lana says that Ricochet stole Lashley’s dream of facing Brock Lesnar, Lashley says he will bring Ricochet back to reality tonight.

– Sarah Logan comes to the ring with a microphone and she challenges Rhea Ripley to face her in the ring.

– Charlotte Flair also comes out before the match begins.

Rhea Ripley vs. Sarah Logan

The match begins with Ripley nailing Logan with a boot to the face followed by several short arm clotheslines, Ripley then hits Logan with a drop kick. Ripley then hits Logan with a Riptide for a three count.

Winner: Rhea Ripley

After the match, Rhea Ripley gets the microphone to ask Charlotte Flair for an answer to her challenge, Flair says that Ripley may not be the NXT Women’s Champion after NXT Takeover: Portland.

– Highlights are shown of Ricochet earning a WWE Championship match against Brock Lesnar at WWE Super ShowDown.

– Charly Caruso interviews Ricochet, who says he has never backed down from a fight before and he has dreamed of being a WWE Champion for a long time now.

Ricochet vs. Bobby Lashley w/Lana

The match begins with Ricochet attacking Lashley with a plethora of strikes, Lashley recovers and he nails Ricochet with a corner clothesline. Ricochet fights back and Lashley drops him with a shoulder block, Lashley goes for a slam and Ricochet escapes to eat a shot to the midsection. Lashley misses a charge in the corner and Ricochet nails him with an enziguri, Ricochet knocks Lashley out of the ring with a springboard drop kick. Ricochet then hits Lashley with a suicide dive, Ricochet gets Lashley in the ring before sending him back out of it. Ricochet then hits Lashley with a suicide dive as we go to a commercial break, we return from the break to see Lashley throwing Ricochet out of the ring. Lashley tries throwing Ricochet into the ring steps and Ricochet nails him with a moonsault instead, Ricochet gets Lashley back in the ring and he gets a near fall on a pin attempt.

Lashley fights back and he knocks Ricochet to the ring apron, Lashley nails Ricochet with an elbow strike before throwing him into the ring post. Lashley leaves the ring and he tries crushing Ricochet’s head before throwing him into the barricade, Lashley gets Ricochet in the ring before landing a suplex for a near fall. Lashley keeps Ricochet down while applying a nerve hold, Ricochet fights back and Lashley assaults him with knee strikes. Ricochet recovers and he nails Lashley with an enziguri, Ricochet follows up on that by nailing Lashley with a rewind kick and a second enziguri. Ricochet then hits Lashley with a rolling drop kick and a springboard cross body block, Ricochet also nails Lashley with a standing shooting star press for a near fall. Lashley fights back and he nails a charging Ricochet with a back body drop, Lashley then hits Ricochet with a spine buster for a near fall. 

Lashley gets Ricochet to the top rope and he follows him up there, Lashley goes for a super back suplex and Ricochet lands on his feet. Ricochet then hits Lashley with a series of drop kicks, Ricochet then hits Lashley with a 630 splash for a three count.

Winner: Ricochet

– Randy Orton makes his way to the ring to address the recent attack on Edge, Orton says he knows that he owes everybody an explanation for attacking Edge. Orton says what he did to Edge hurt him more than Edge, Matt Hardy interrupts and he says that he wants to know why Orton attacked Edge. Hardy says that everybody knows that history between himself and Edge, Hardy talks about his relationship with Edge. Hardy talks about how Orton took Edge’s miraculous return away from him, Orton goes to attack Hardy and Hardy fights back. Orton eventually nails Hardy with an RKO, Orton leaves the ring and he brings some chairs back into it before nailing Hardy with a Conchairto.

– Highlights are shown of Ruby Riott’s return from last weeks Raw, followed by Riott’s attack on Liv Morgan. 

– Sarah Schreiber interviews Ruby Riott, who says that Liv Morgan was her best friend and she knows the real Morgan. Riott says Morgan can change all she wants, but Riott isn’t buying the new Morgan because Morgan will always be a follower.

Akira Tozawa vs. Aleister Black

The match begins with Black dropping Tozawa with a back elbow strike, Tozawa recovers and he nails Black with a missile drop kick followed by a few strikes. Black fights back and he nails Tozawa with a pop up knee strike, Black then hits Tozawa with Black Mass for a three count.

Winner: Aleister Black

After the match, Aleister Black says he has been enjoying sharing things with the WWE Universe over the last few weeks. Black says that everyone tries to escape their paradise in one way or another, Black says he is starting to feel like a caged animal. Black says all future opponents will be trapped in the metaphorical cage with him.

– Becky Lynch returns to the arena in the ambulance and she gets out.

– Becky Lynch makes her way to the ring and she gets a microphone, Lynch says she got treated for the bite and she calls Shayna Baszler out. Lynch says that she will break down Baszler every week, Lynch says Baszler better find her before Lynch finds her. 

– Kevin Owens, Samoa Joe and The Viking Raiders are shown backstage. 

– Seth Rollins gets on the microphone before the match begins and he immediately gets jumped.

Kevin Owens, Samoa Joe & The Viking Raiders (Erik & Ivar) vs. Seth Rollins, Murphy & AOP (Rezar & Akam)

The match begins with a huge brawl between both teams and the brawl spills all over the arena as we go to a commercial break, we return from the break to see Erik dropping Murphy with a takedown. Erik tags in and he double teams Murphy alongside Ivar, Ivar nails Murphy with a slam before tagging Joe into the match. Joe quickly starts attacking Murphy with a plethora of strikes, Joe then corners Murphy before landing an overhead kick. Owens tags in and he nails Murphy with a middle rope elbow drop, Ivar tags back in and he slams Murphy as Erik tags in. Erik picks up Ivar and he slams him onto Murphy for a near fall, Murphy fights back before eating a knee strike from Erik. Akam tags in and he immediately drops Erik before landing a bunch of strikes, Rezar tags in and he nails Erik with a knee strike for a near fall.

Rezar holds Erik down while landing a bunch of strikes, Rollins tags in and he nails Erik with a thrust kick to the midsection. Rollins holds Erik down while applying a chin lock, Erik gets free and Rollins drops him with a sling blade before tagging Murphy in. Erik fights back and he manages to tag Ivar in, Ivar starts cleaning house against the opposing team. Murphy fights back and Ivar levels him with a clothesline, Rollins interferes and that allows Murphy to take Rezar in. Rezar nails Ivar with a shoulder tackle and Ivar responds by slamming him, Owens tags in and he nails Rezar with a senton for a near fall. Rezar misses a charge in the corner and Owens follows up by landing a swanton bomb for a near fall, Owens goes for a super kick and Rezar counters by landing a clothesline. Rezar keeps Owens down while landing a bunch of strikes, Akam tags in and he holds Owens in a chin lock.

Rollins tags in and he immediately throws Owens out of the ring, Murphy attacks Owens while Rollins distracts the referee. AOP also attack Owens before getting him back in the ring, Akam tags in and he gets a near fall on a downed Owens. Murphy tags in and he dumps Owens back to the arena floor, Rollins attacks Owens while the referee was distracted. Owens fights back and he knocks Murphy into the barricade, Akam tags in and he attacks Owens to prevent a tag. Rezar tags in and he nails Owens with an elbow drop for a enar fall, Rezar holds Owens down while wrenching away on his head. Akam tags in and he double teams Owens alongside Rezar, Owens fights back and Akam quickly drops him. Murphy tags back in and he nails Owens with multiple knee strikes to the back before applying a chin lock, Owens gets free and he nails Murphy with a DDT. Joe tags in and he cleans house against the opposing team, Rollins hits the ring after tagging in and Joe quickly takes care of him. 

AOP distract Joe and they get taken out by The Viking Raiders, Joe and The Viking Raiders then hit everybody with a suicide dive. Rollins escapes a choke attempt from Joe and Joe still lands a uranage for a near fall, everybody from both teams hit the ring and they all take each other out. Owens takes everybody out with a dive from the top rope, Rollins goes for a stomp before tagging Murphy in. Joe catches a leaping Murphy in rear naked choke, the referee gets distracted and Rollins nails Joe with a stomp so Murphy can get a three count.

Winners: Seth Rollins, Murphy & AOP (Rezar & Akam)

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