
WWE Smackdown on FOX Results for 2/7/20 Goldberg Returns to Smackdown on FOX

Find out Who’s Next at Wrestlemania as Goldberg Returns to Smackdown on FOX tonight at 8pm EST!

Good evening Fight Fans and welcome to our coverage of tonight’s edition of WWE Smackdown on FOX! Please enjoy the show and consider Fightful Select for exclusive podcasts, breaking news and more!

-We open the show with a video package for the returning Goldberg before The Miz and John Morrison come out for the Dirt Sheet. John and Miz show a short film they produced on the big screen before they’re interrupted by The New Day. They go back and forth, mocking each other before they are subsequently interrupted by The Usos who take out New Day and send Miz and Morrison fleeing as we go to commercial.

Dolph Ziggler & Robert Roode vs The Usos

The Usos are in control of Robert to start the match off until he comes back with a clothesline to Jey for two before Dolph and Robert take turns chaining together offense and tags. Dolph and Robert hit a Zigzag/spinebuster combo before Jey is sent off of the top turnbuckle and crashing into the barricade as we go to commercial.

We return to Robert stomping Jey in the corner before he fights out of it and gets the tag to Jimmy. Jimmy hits an enzuigiri into a diving cross body before knocking Dolph off of the apron and hitting back to back spinebusters and a running hip attack to Dolph. Roode comes back with a powerslam and teases the Glorious DDT that Jimmy counters and Dolph hits the Zigzag for a near fall. Jimmy takes out Roode and Ziggler with superkicks before Jey goes for a diving splash, but Dolph gets his knees up and rolls Jey up for a near fall. Jimmy gets the blind tag and The Usos hit a double superkick into a diving splash for the pin and the win.

Winner: The Usos defeat Robert Roode and Dolph Ziggler via pinfall when Jimmy pins Roode with a diving splash.

-We see Alexa Bliss talking to Nikki Cross backstage ahead of the women’s fatal four way number one contender match later tonight before Baron Corbin goes to the production truck and attacks someone. We then go to Elias playing a song in the ring before he’s interrupted by Sami Zayn and Cesaro.

Cesaro vs Elias

Cesaro is in control as we come back to the match already in progress before Elias hits a back suplex for two before hitting a mule kick. Sami distracts Elias before Cesaro boots him off of the apron before rolling him back into the ring and Cesaro comes back with a gut wrench suplex for two. Cesaro chokes Elias in the ropes before catching Elias on the top turnbuckle with an uppercut and hitting a suplex for two. Cesaro hits a pop-up uppercut for a near fall before laying into Elias with winging punches and uppercuts. Elias then comes back with strikes before finishing with a clothesline and a scoop slam into a diving elbow for the pin and the win.

Winner: Elias defeats Cesaro via pinfall with a diving elbow drop.

-We come back from commercial to Baron Corbin coming out to the ring to complain more before he’s interrupted by Roman Reigns after pouring water on a fan. Roman hits a running superman punch and sends Corbin into the barricade, the steps and the apron before hitting a drive by before Corbin escapes through the crowd and to the back. Roman then calls Corbin a coward before setting up a match in a steel cage.

-We go to Goldberg via satellite who sets up his return match, picking the Universal champion The Fiend, Bray Wyatt. Bray shows up on the screen and interrupts the interview before saying that The Fiend accepts and that it will be a cold day in hell before Goldberg becomes Universal champion.

-We then go to Daniel Bryan backstage in the locker room before he’s joined by Heath Slater who he becomes infuriated by and leaves as we go to commercial.

-We come back to this week’s WWE This Week in History before Daniel Bryan comes out to the ring for his match impromptu match against Heath Slater.

Daniel Bryan vs Heath Slater

Daniel immediately hits a running dropkick in the corner and a suicide dive before hitting a missile dropkick and a buzzsaw kick. Daniel then hits a flying knee before finishing with stomps to the face and the Label Lock for the tap and the win.

Winner: Daniel Bryan defeats Heath Slater via submission with the Label Lock.

-We come back to the newly crowned Intercontinental champion Braun Strowman out to talk about winning the title and what’s next for the Monster Among Men. Shinsuke Nakamura and Sami Zayn then come out to the ring and set up a rematch for Saudi Arabia before he’s attacked from behind by The Revival. Shinsuke and company then beat down Braun before he comes back and takes everyone out before chasing Sami around ringside. Shinsuke then catches Braun when he chases Sami back into the ring and hits a Kinshasa before Shinsuke, Sami and The Revival regroup outside the ring as Braun gets up, visibly upset as we go to commercial.

-We come back to Daniel Cormier and his son ringside before we go to a video of Tucker Knight trying to prepare Otis for his date with Mandy Rose.

Sheamus vs Apollo Crews

Sheamus backs Apollo into the corner before he dropkicks Sheamus and Sheamus immediately hits the Brogue Kick for the pin and the win.

Winner: Sheamus defeats Apollo Crews via pinfall with the Brogue Kick.

-After the match Chad Gable comes out to save Apollo from another Brogue Kick before Sheamus hits him with one instead.

Smackdown Women’s Championship Fatal Four Way Number One Contender Match

Alexa Bliss vs Dana Brooke vs Carmella vs Naomi

All four men exchange before pairing off and Alexa takes out Dana and Carmella before Naomi dropkicks Alexa and hits a springboard cross body. Naomi then gets into a fight with Bayley who sends her into the steps as we go to commercial.

We come back to Naomi hitting a springboard roundhouse kick before Dana hits Alexa with a powerbomb for a near fall that Carmella breaks up. Carmella stomps Dana in the corner and hits a bronco buster before Naomi hits a split legged moonsault to Carmella for a near fall that Dana breaks up. Naomi hits Dana with a stunner before Alexa hits her with a shotgun dropkick and Naomi gets a near fall off of an inside cradle. Naomi hits a scoop slam into a jumping leg drop for two before setting Alexa on the top turnbuckle and Alexa shoves her off. Naomi sends Alexa into Carmella before suplexing Dana and sending her out of the ring before Alexa sends her face first into the middle turnbuckle and Naomi gets her knees up when Alexa goes for Twisted Bliss. Naomi then hits the Rear View before Carmella superkicks her for the pin and the win.

Winner: Carmella defeats Naomi, Alexa Bliss and Dana Brooke via pinfall when she pins Naomi with a superkick to become the new number one contender for the Smackdown Women’s Championship.

-After the match Bayley slides into the ring and lays Carmella out with a mic check as we go off the air.

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