
WWE Main Event Report For January 31: Riddick Moss vs. Cedric Alexander & Sarah Logan In Action

Sarah Logan vs. Deonna Purrazzo

The match begins with Purrazzo getting Logan in a headlock, Logan gets free and Purrazzo cracks her with an elbow strike. Logan catches a leaping Purrazzo and she dumps her out of the ring, Logan follows Purrazzo out of the ring before landing a few strikes. Logan also throws Purrazzo into the barricade before landing a knee strike, Logan gets Purrazzo back in the ring and she nails her with a clothesline. Purrazzo fights back and she nails Logan with a back elbow strike, Purrazzo then hits Logan with a divorce court DDT. Logan leaves the ring and Purrazzo follows her out there before shoving her shoulder first into the ringside edge, Purrazzo gets Logan back in the ring and she attacks her injured shoulder. Purrazzo holds Logan down while pulling back on her arm, Logan fights back and Purrazzo drops her with a clothesline. Purrazzo traps the arm of Logan in the ropes while wrenching away on it, Logan fights back and she sends Purrazzo into the ring post.

Logan gets up and she nails Purrazzo with a few strikes followed by a drop kick, Logan then hits Purrazzo with a German suplex for a near fall. Purrazzo recovers and she nails Logan with a side Russian leg sweep, Purrazzo locks in the Fujiwara Arm Bar and Logan gets to the ropes. Logan recovers and she sends Purrazzo into the middle rope before landing a knee strike for a three count.

Winner: Sarah Logan

– Highlights are shown of Drew McIntyre challenging WWE Champion Brock Lesnar for WWE Wrestlemania 36, followed by Lesnar attacking McIntyre.

– Highlights are shown of Charlotte Flair not announcing who’ll she face at WWE Wrestlemania 36, followed by a bout against Asuka.

Cedric Alexander vs. Riddick Moss

The match begins with Moss backing Alexander into the corner before letting him go free, Moss starts working on the arm of Alexander. Alexander gets free and he gets Moss in a headlock, Moss gets free and he drops Alexander with a shoulder block. Moss follows that up by nailing Alexander with a shoulder tackle as we go to a commercial break, we return from the break to see Moss dropping Alexander with a hard Irish whip into the corner. Moss keeps Alexander cornered while landing some strikes, Moss gets Alexander down before applying a chin lock. Alexander fights back and he nails a charging Moss with a knee strike, Alexander then hits Moss with a drop kick to the knee followed by a series of corner clotheslines for a near fall. Alexander gets Moss up and he attacks him with a few chops, Moss catches a leaping Alexander and he drives him into the corner before landing a corner spear. Moss then hits Alexander with a running uranage for a three count.

Winner: Riddick Moss

– Highlights are shown of Edge’s return to Raw and the attack by Randy Orton.

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