
NJPW The New Beginning In Sapporo Day 2 Results: The RPW British Heavyweight Title Is Defended!

Welcome to Fightful.com’s live coverage & discussion for NJPW The New Beginning In Sapporo Day 2. We’ll be bringing you full, fight by fight coverage of every bout on the card. You can also send in your feedback on our Disqus boards below!

Kazuchika Okada def. Taichi

RPW British Heavyweight Championship
Zack Sabre Jr. (c) def. Will Ospreay to retain the title

Los Ingobernables (Tetsuya Naito, Sanada & Hiromu Takahashi) def. Bullet Club (Jay White, Kenta & Taiji Ishimori)

Jon Moxley, Ryusuke Taguchi & Roppongi 3K (Sho & Yoh) def. Suzuki-Gun (Minoru Suzuki, Douki, El Desparado & Yoshinobu Kanemaru)

Chaos (Hirooki Goto, Tomohiro Ishii & Robbie Eagles) def. Los Ingobernables (Evil, Shingo Takagi & Bushi)

El Phantasmo def. Gabriel Kidd

Manabu Nakanishi, Hiroyoshi Tenzan & Tiger Mask IV def. Yuya Uemura & Great Bash Heel (Togi Makabe & Tomoaki Homna)

Toa Henare def. Yota Tsuji

Toa Henare vs. Yota Tsuji

The match begins with Tsuji going to work on the arm of Henare and Henare does the same to him, Tsuji then gets Henare in a headlock. Tsuji tries dropping Henare with a shoulder tackle and Henare winds up dropping him with one, Henare get Tsuji up before exchanging a few chops. Henare corners Tsuji while attacking him with more strikes, Henare drops Tsuji before applying a chin lock. Tsuji gets free and he eats more strikes from Henare, Henare follows that up by nailing Tsuji with a suplex. Henare gets Tsuji in a Boston crab and Tsuji immediately gets to the ropes, Tsuji fights back and he nails Henare with a slam. Tsuji follows up on that by nailing Henare with strikes and a shoulder tackle, Tsuji then hits Henare with a power slam for a near fall. Tsuji misses a charge in the corner and Henare nails him with an avalanche a short time later, Henare then hits Tsuji with a Samoan drop.

Tsuji gets up and he exchanges a few strikes with Henare, Tsuji catches Henare in a roll up before applying a Boston crab. Henare eventually gets to the ropes to break the hold, Tsuji gets Henare up to nail him with more strikes. Tsuji then cracks Henare with a spear for a near fall, Henare recovers and he levels Tsuji with a lariat. Henare then nails Tsuji with Rampage for a near fall, Henare follows up by hitting Tsuji with a uranage for a three count.

Winner: Toa Henare

Yuya Uemura & Great Bash Heel (Togi Makabe & Tomoaki Homna) vs. Manabu Nakanishi, Hiroyoshi Tenzan & Tiger Mask IV

The match begins with Mask IV tagging in Nakanishi at Uemura’s request, Uemura looks for a slam and Nakanishi levels him with a few strikes. Homna tags in and he nails Nakanishi with some strikes followed by a DDT, Homna goes for a kokeshi and Nakanishi gets out of the way. Tenzan tags in and he double teams Homna alongside Nakanishi, Tenzan then hits Homna with a headbutt before choking him. Mask IV tags in and he attacks Homna with more strikes, Mask IV gets Homna up before landing a drop kick for a near fall. Mask IV gets Homna to a seated position before kicking him in the back, Tenzan tags in and he attacks Homna with some Mongolian chops. Tenzan then hits a cornered Homna with a clothesline followed by a suplex for a near fall, Homna fights back and Tenzan nail him with a spin kick to the head. Tenzan goes for a kokeshi and Homna moves before landing one of his own, Makabe tags in and he cleans house against the opposing team.

Makabe nails Nakanishi and Tenzan with some corner clotheslines, Makabe mounts Tenzan in the corner while landing some strikes. Tenzan recovers and he nails a charging Makabe with a Samoan drop, Nakanishi tags in and he attacks the members of GBH with chops. Nakanishi drops Makabe with a clothesline before landing a second for a near fall, Nakanishi gets Makabe in the Argentine Back Breaker and his teammates get the opposition in other submission holds until Makabe breaks it all up. Makabe and Nakanishi drop each other with a double clothesline, Mask IV and Uemura are tagged in by their respective partners. Uemura nails Mask IV with a drop kick and running forearm strike for a near fall, Uemura then gets Mask IV in a Boston crab and Nakanishi breaks it up. Mask IV fights back and Uemura rolls him up for a near fall, Uemura then nails Mask IV with a drop kick. Uemura misses a charge in the corner and Mask IV kicks him in the face, Mask IV gets Uemura on the top rope to land a super butterfly suplex for a near fall. Mask IV then hits Uemura with a tiger suplex for a three count.

Winners: Manabu Nakanishi, Hiroyoshi Tenzan & Tiger Mask IV

Gabriel Kidd vs. El Phantasmo

The match begins with Kidd dropping Phantasmo with an arm drag, Phantasmo scores a takedown on Kidd a short time later. Kidd gets up and he wrenches away on the arm of Phantasmo, Phantasmo trips him up before applying a bow and arrow stretch. Kidd gets free and Phantasmo gets him in a headlock, Kidd gets free and Phantasmo drops him with a shoulder tackle. Kidd recovers and he nails Phantasmo with multiple shoulder tackles, Phantasmo slows things down before tripping up Kidd and stomping away on his arm. Phantasmo walks the ropes while holding the injured arm of Kidd, Phantasmo then drops Kidd with a hurricarana for a near fall. Phantasmo follows a downed kid around the ring while stomping away on him, Phantasmo traps Kidd while raking his back a few times. Phantasmo keeps Kidd down while applying a chin lock, Kidd gets free and Phantasmo hangs him upside down in the corner.

Phantasmo lands a few forearm strikes before standing on Kidd’s balls, Kidd gets free and Phantasmo nails him with more strikes. Kidd fights back and he nails a charging Phantasmo with a slam, Kidd then hits Phantasmo with a running European uppercut and running back elbow strike. Phantasmo recovers and he nails Kidd with a springboard cross body block, Phantasmo misses a springboard moonsault and Kidd rolls him up a few times for a few near falls. Kidd then nails a charging Phantasmo with a clothesline before applying a Boston crab, Phantasmo quickly gets to the ropes to break the submission hold. Phantasmo recovers and he nails Kidd with a series of kicks and an enziguri, Phantasmo goes for a Boston crab and Kidd rolls him up for a near fall. Phantasmo responds by nailing Kidd with a super kick and top rope splash for a three count.

Winner: El Phantasmo

Chaos (Hirooki Goto, Tomohiro Ishii & Robbie Eagles) vs. Los Ingobernables (Evil, Shingo Takagi & Bushi)

The match begins with Evil and Ishii exchanging shoulder tackles until Ishii goes down, Bushi and Eagles are tagged in. Eagles drops Bushi after landing a series of kicks, Eagles gets Bushi down again before landing a basement drop kick. Eagles traps the legs of Bushi before landing a curb stomp on them, Goto tags in and Takagi distracts him so Bushi can land an enziguri. A brawl breaks out between both teams and it spills all over the place, Takagi grabs Goto and he tries crushing his head on the ring post. Bushi waits for Goto to get back in the ring before stomping away on him, Evil tags in and he attacks the knee of Goto. Evil goes for a sharp shooter and Ishii hits the ring to prevent it, Takagi tags in and he nails Goto with a few strikes. Goto fights back and he exchanges clotheslines with Takagi until Takagi goes down, Ishii tags in and he immediately lays out an interfering Evil.

Ishii then corners Takagi before assaulting him with a ton of forearm strikes, Takagi fires back and he lands some strikes of his own. Ishii recovers and he nails a charging Takagi with a power slam, Takagi recovers and he nails Ishii with a side suplex. Takagi and Ishii have a striking exchange in the middle of the ring, Ishii ends the exchange by nailing Takagi with a suplex. Takagi gets back up and he drops Ishii with a clothesline, Eagles and Bushi are tagged in by their respective partners. Eagles nails Bushi with a leg lariat, Bushi recovers and he nails Eagles with a rewind kick followed by a hurricarana. Bushi then nails Eagles with a back cracker for a near fall, Eagles fights back and he nails Bushi with an enziguri. Chaos then triple teams Bushi and then Eagles nails Bushi with a 450 splash on the injured leg, Eagles gets Bushi in the Ron Miller Special and Bushi taps after a long struggle.

Winners: Chaos (Hirooki Goto, Tomohiro Ishii & Robbie Eagles)

Jon Moxley, Ryusuke Taguchi & Roppongi 3K (Sho & Yoh) vs. Suzuki-Gun (Minoru Suzuki, Douki, El Desparado & Yoshinobu Kanemaru)

The match begins with Suzuki and Moxley brawling in the crowd as everybody else brawls around the ringside area, Moxley and Suzuki brawl back towards the ringside area, Mpxley takes his coat off and he chokes Suzuki with it. Suzuki looks to pile driver Moxley through a table and they both fall off and crash to the arena floor, Yoh and Desparado battle in the ring. Desparado nails Yoh with a suplex as Suzuki wraps the arm of Moxley around the barricade, Kanemaru tags in and he works over Yoh while Moxley bites Suzuki. Suzuki grabs Moxley and he throws him into the barricade, Desparado and Kanemaru battle Roppongi 3K in the ring. Kanemari gets Yoh in a Boston crab while Desparado gets Sho in a horse collar, Yoh gets to the ropes to break the submission attempt. Douki tags in and he nails Yoh with a slam followed by a double stomp for a near fall, Desparado tags in and he rips away at the face of Yoh.

Yoh fights back and he nails a charging Desparado with a tilt-a-whirl back breaker, Moxley and Suzuki tag into the match and they immediately start brawling again. Moxley eventually drops Suzuki with a clothesline before landing a suplex for a near fall, Suzuki fights back and he cracks Moxley with forearm strikes. Suzuki drops Moxley before landing a penalty kick for a near fall, Moxley fights back and a striking exchange breaks out with Suzuki. Moxley and Suzuki both fail at applying their finishing holds, Suzuki and Moxley get into another striking exchange until both go down. Douki and Taguchi are tagged in by their respective partners, Taguchi and Roppongi 3K triple team Douki in the ring, Moxley and Suzuki continue their brawl on the arena floor. Suzuki-Gun recovers and Taguchi is triple teamed by the opposition, Douki nails Taguchi with a springboard double stomp for a near fall.

The brawl between the majority of both teams spills to the arena floor, Douki catches Taguchi with a widows peak followed by a roll up for a near fall. Taguchi fights back and his misses a hip attack attempt, members of both teams hit the ring and they all take each other out. Moxley and Suzuki take their brawl back into the ring for a short time, Douki catches Taguchi with a roll up for a three count. Taguchi recovers to nail Douki with a series of hip attacks, Taguchi gets Douki in an ankle lock and a tap out follows.

Winners: Jon Moxley, Ryusuke Taguchi & Roppongi 3K (Sho & Yoh)

Los Ingobernables (Tetsuya Naito, Sanada & Hiromu Takahashi) vs. Bullet Club (Jay White, Kenta & Taiji Ishimori)

The match begins with Bullet Club jumping their opponents before the bell sounded and the brawl spills all over the place, Takahashi fights back in the ring and he nails Ishimori with a hurricarana, White attacks Takahashi from behind before knocking him out of the ring. The brawl between both teams continues on the arena floor, White grabs Sanada and he throws him into the barricade. Kenta then hits Naito with a DDT on the aren floor, While finds a cable wire and he chokes Sanada with it. Ishimori grabs Takahashi and he gets him back in the ring for a near fall on a pin attempt, White tags in and he rakes the eyes of Takahashi. White nails Takahashi with a slam before applying a modified camel clutch to him, Kenta tags in and he stomps away on a downed Takahashi. Kenta traps Takahashi in the corner while landing a few strikes, Kenta leaves the ring to attack Naito on the arena floor. 

Kenta gets back in the ring and he works over a downed Takahashi, White tags in and he stomps away on a downed Takahashi. White holds Takahashi down while applying a chin lock, Takahashi fights back and White drops him with a back elbow strike. Takahashi recovers and he nails White with a dragon screw leg whip, Kenta and Naito are tagged in and they start exchanging strikes. Naito drops Kenta with a hip toss before landing a basement drop kick, Naito then nails Kenta with a neck breaker. Naito gets trapped in the ropes and Kenta nails him with an elevated DDT, Naito fights back and Kenta drops him with a power slam. Kenta then nails a cornered Naito with a boot to the face followed by a drop kick, Kenta goes to the top rope and he lands a double stomp on Naito for a near fall. Naito fights back and he nails Kenta with a modified neck breaker, Kenta fights back and Naito nails him with a tornado DDT.

White and Sanada are tagged in by their respective partners, Sanada nails White with a drop kick to the knee. Ishimori interferes and Sanada gets him in a paradise lock, Gedo interferes and Sanada nails him with a drop kick. White fights back and he drops Sanada with a DDT, White corners Sanada before landing a death valley driver for a near fall. Sanada fights back and he nails White with a back suplex, Ishimori tags in and he nails Sanada with a thrust kick for a near fall. Sanada fights back and Ishimori nails him with a handspring enziguri, Ishimori then hits Sanada with a double knee gut buster for a near fall. Ishimori misses a charge into the corner and he is immediately triple teamed by LIJ, everybody hits the ring and they all take each other out. Ishimori catches Sanada in a roll up for a near fall, Sanada catches Ishimori in a Skull End and a tap out follows.

Winners: Los Ingobernables (Tetsuya Naito, Sanada & Hiromu Takahashi)

RPW British Heavyweight Championship
Zack Sabre Jr. (c) vs. Will Ospreay

The match begins with some chain wrestling between Sabre Jr and Ospreay, Sabre Jr trips up Ospreay before working over his arm. Ospreay gets free and Sabre Jr immediately goes back to work on his arm, Sabre Jr gets Ospreay down while wrenching away on his arm. Ospreay gets free before dropping Sabre Jr with a shoulder tackle, Ospreay and Sabre Jr do more chain wrestling before Ospreay goes for a few pin attempts on Sabre Jr. Sabre Jr takes a short breather and Ospreay goes to work on his leg when he returns, Sabre Jr gets free and he twists on the ankle of Ospreay. Sabre Jr goes for a bow and arrow stretch and Ospreay quickly gets free before getting a pin attempt, Ospreay gets up and he knocks Sabre Jr out of the ring after landing a hurricarana. Ospreay goes for a suicide dive and Sabre Jr prevents it, Ospreay cracks Sabre Jr with a few strikes before landing a dive a short time later.

Ospreay gets Sabre Jr back in the ring and he cracks him with a few strikes, Sabre Jr recovers and he briefly gets Ospreay in the abdominal stretch. Sabre Jr keeps Ospreay down while cracking on his neck, Sabre Jr looks to pull on the leg of Ospreay and Ospreay gets to the ropes. Sabre Jr keeps Ospreay downed while applying a cravat, Ospreay gets free and he nails Sabre Jr with a handspring enziguri. Ospreay then drops Sabre Jr with a running forearm strike, Ospreay gets Sabre Jr near the ropes before landing a basement drop kick. Sabre Jr avoids a leaping Ospreay and they exchange some snap mares, Ospreay lifts Sabre Jr up and Sabre Jr briefly locks in a rear naked choke. Ospreay goes for a standing shooting star press and Sabre Jr gets his knees up, Sabre Jr goes for an arm bar and Ospreay counters with a cross face attempt. Ospreay gets free and he applies a figure four leg lock to him, Sabre Jr eventually gets to the ropes to break the submission attempt.

Sabre Jr gets up and Ospreay attacks him with some leg kicks, Ospreay drops Sabre Jr before landing a standing shooting star press for a near fall. Ospreay follows up by nailing Sabre Jr with a springboard forearm strike, Sabre Jr avoids the Robinson Special before eating a back body drop. Ospreay misses the Robinson Special and he still manages to roll Sabre Jr up for a near fall, Sabre Jr blocks the hook kick to get Ospreay in an ankle lock. Ospreay gets free and Sabre Jr nails him with an overhead kick to the arm, Ospreay recovers and he kicks Sabre Jr in the face. Ospreay goes for an Os Cutter and Sabre Jr counters with a sleeper hold, Sabre Jr then hits Ospreay with a head and arm suplex. Sabre Jr follows up by attacking Ospreay with a few penalty kicks for a near fall, Ospreay fights back and he drops Sabre Jr with a forearm strike. Sabre Jr goes for a guillotine choke and Ospreay counters with a brain buster, Ospreay then hits Sabre Jr with an Os Cutter and Sabre Jr gets out of the ring.

Ospreay follows that up by nailing Sabre Jr with a suicide dive, Ospreay gets Sabre Jr back in the ring and he nails him with a hook kick. Ospreay sets up for the Hidden Blade and Sabre Jr gets him in a knee bar, Ospreay escapes to nail Sabre Jr with another hook kick. Ospreay goes for the Hidden Blade again and Sabre Jr goes for a submission, Ospreay quickly gets to the ropes to avoid the submission hold. Sabre Jr looks for a Zack Driver and Ospreay fights back to land a reverse Bloody Sunday for a near fall, Ospreay looks for Storm Breaker and Sabre Jr counters with a roll up for a near fall. Sabre Jr lands a penalty kick and Ospreay gets up to land a head kick, Ospreay looks for a power bomb and he winds up nailing one a short time later for a near fall. Ospreay goes to the top rope and he nails Sabre Jr with a shooting star press for a near fall, Ospreay goes for Storm Breaker and Sabre Jr escapes. Sabre Jr eventually gets Ospreay in the Cobra Twist and he gets Ospreay to the ground Ospreay goes out cold to force the ref to call for the bell.

Winner: Zack Sabre Jr., still the RPW British Heavyweight Champion

Kazuchika Okada vs. Taichi

The match begins with Taichi jumping Okada from behind and before the bell sounds, Taichi gets Okada to a knee before kicking him in the back. Taichi gets the iron glove and Okada prevents him from using it, Okada drops Taichi before landing a basement drop kick. Taichi leaves the ring and Okada follows him out there, Okada throws Taichi into the barricade before knocking him over it. Okada jumps over the barricade and he crashes onto Taichi, Okada hurts his neck during the dive and he battles Taichi around the ringside area. Okada then throws Taichi back into the barricade, Okada gets Taichi back in the ring and he lands a neck breaker for a near fall. Okada backs Taichi into the corner while landing some elbow strikes, Okada then hits Taichi with a leaping back elbow strike. Okada sets up for a DDT and Taichi nails him with a side suplex, Okada leaves the ring and Taichi follows him out there.

Taichi grabs Okada and he throws him into the barricade, Taichi grabs a camera cable and he chokes Okada with it. Taichi eventually gets Okada back in the ring and he gets him in an abdominal stretch, Taichi releases the hold before attacking Okada with some kicks. Okada fights back and Taichi attacks his injured neck with a few strikes, Okada recovers and he quickly drops taichi. Okada then nails Taichi with a running back elbow strike, Okada misses a charge in the corner and he still manages to land a modified neck breaker for a near fall. Taichi leaves the ring and Taichi uses Miho Abe as a shield to protect himself from Okada, Taichi attacks a distracted Okada and he throws him into the barricade. Okada and Taichi battle on the ramp before Okada lands a shotgun drop kick, Okada gets Taichi back in the ring and he nails him with a top rope elbow drop. Okada goes for the Rainmaker and Taichi defends by backing him into the corner, taichi avoids a charging Okada to land an enziguri.

Okada fights back and he nails a charging Taichi with a flapjack, Okada follows up on that by nailing Taichi with another shogun drop kick. Taichi grabs the iron glove and he tries attacking Okada with it, Okada gets Taichi on the top rope before drop kicking him to the arena floor. Yoshinobu Kanemaru comes down and he distracts the referee so Taichi can attack Okada with multiple chair shots, Taichi then hits Okada with an Axe Bomber for a near fall. Taichi then hits Okada with a buzzsaw kick before applying a stretch plum, Taichi releases the hold to get a near fall on Okada. Taichi sets up for a power bomb and Okada counters with a back body drop, Okada follows up by nailing Taichi with a German suplex. Okada misses a Rainmaker attempt before landing a drop kick against Taichi, Taichi reapplies the stretch plum after avoiding another Rainmaker from Okada. Taichi releases the hold to nail Okada with a series of side suplexes, Taichi then hits Okada with a German suplex for a near fall.

Okada avoids a super kick from Taichi to hit him with a tombstone pile driver, Okada and Taichi exchange some strikes in the middle of the ring. Taichi ends the exchange by nailing Okada with a drop kick, Okada counters Black Mephisto to hit Taichi with a Rainmaker. Okada follows up by nailing Taichi with another Rainmaker, Taichi uses a ref distraction to low blow Okada and roll him up for a near fall. Taichi follows up by nailing Okada with an Axe Bomber and multiple head kicks, Taichi then hits Okada with a Last Ride for a near fall. Taichi goes for Black Mephisto again and Okada counters with a spinning Rainmaker, Taichi fights back and he nails Okada with another head kick. Okada avoids a super kick and he nails taichi with a tombstone pile driver, Okada then hits Taichi with a Rainmaker for a three count.

Winner: Kazuchika Okada

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