
ROH Wrestling Television Results for 1/20/20 Episode #435 Tag Team Extravaganza

It’s all tag team matches on this week’s special edition of Ring of Honor Wrestling television!

-We open the show with a video recapping the ROH World Tag Team Championship match between the Briscoes and Jay Lethal and Jonathan Gresham in which Gresham and Lethal won and became champions.

The Bouncers vs Dalton Castle & Joe Hendry

Joe and Brian lock up before Brian shoves Joe away and flexes to the crowd as we go to commercial.

We come back to Dalton and BCB tagging in and belly bumping each other until BCB hits Dalton with right hands and Dalton poses. BCB bites Dalton and Brian and BCB run over Joe before everyone ends up at ringside and Dalton hits a suicide dive. BCB takes everyone out with a diving cross body and hits a Samoan drop into a senton by Brian once they’re back in the ring for a near fall. The Bouncers double up on Joe before Dalton comes in and knocks Brian from the apron before suplexing Dalton for a near fall. BCB hits Dalton with a running cross body before Joe gets the blind tag and hits a fall away slam. Joe gets a near fall before BCB hits a spinebuster and Dalton and Joe double up on him. The Bouncers then hit their finisher to Joe for the pin and the win.

Winner: The Bouncers defeat Joe Hendry and Dalton Castle via pinfall.

Master & Machine (Griff Garrison & Marcus Kross) vs Brian Johnson & PJ Black

PJ and Marcus kick things off for their respective teams by exchanging arm drags and Marcus slams PJ before Brian tags himself in. PJ then drops both members of M&M as we go to commercial.

We return to PJ in control of Griff before Brian gets hip tossed and hits Griff with an atomic drop. Marcus comes in and drops both Brian and PJ before hitting a double running clothesline on the corner. M&M then hits an assisted diving elbow drop before PJ superkicks Griff and Brian pins him with a diving punch for the pin and the win.

Winner: Brian Johnson and PJ Black defeat Master & Machine via pinfall.

-We get a video for the top five tag teams in ROH history with the Young Bucks at number three, Redragon at two and The Briscoes at number one as we go to commercial.

ROH World Tag Team Championship Number One Contender Match

Silas Young & Josh Woods vs The Briscoes 

All four men shake hands before the match starts before Josh and Silas play rock, paper, scissors to see who will start for their team. Josh and Mark start things off by grappling before Josh takes Mark down and spanks him as we go to commercial.

We come back to Silas and Mark exchanging wrist locks before Silas drops Mark with a shoulder block before Jay runs in and knocks Josh off of the apron. The Briscoes clear the ring and beat on Josh and Silas at ringside before Mark hits a flipping senton over the top rope and onto Silas and Josh at ringside with the assistance of a chair. The Briscoes isolate Silas for several minutes before Josh gets the hot tag and duplexes Jay for one before locking in a variation of an armbar. Mark breaks up the hold and gets back out of the ring before Josh whips Jay into the corner and he and Silas take control as we go to commercial.

We come back to Silas in control of Jay until he gets dropped with a clothesline and Jay hits Josh with a DVD. Mark drops Josh with an enzuigiri and hits Silas with a Saito suplex before hitting Silas with a brainbuster. Josh counters the Froggy-Bow into an armbar before transitioning into an ankle lock before hitting a German suplex as Silas and Jay brawl at ringside. The Briscoes drop Josh before Jay hits a neckbreaker for a near fall that Silas breaks up before The Briscoes hit Josh with Redneck Boogie for a very close near fall. Jay headbutts Josh and sets him on the top turnbuckle before Silas hits the Anarchist suplex and Mark takes out Silas.

Josh then hits an avalanche belly to belly suplex before all four men exchange and Jay Lethal and Jonathan Gresham help Silas and Josh, allowing Josh to hit Jay with a bridging German suplex for the pin and the win.

Winner: Josh Woods and Silas Young defeat The Briscoes via pinfall to gain a shot at Jay Lethal and Jonathan Gresham’s tag titles.

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