
WWE NXT UK Results for 1/23/20 Jordan Devlin vs Ligero, The Brian Kendrick Debuts

The Irish Ace takes on the Leodensian Luchadore and The Brian Kendrick makes his NXT UK debut!

Good afternoon Fight Fans and welcome to our coverage of today’s edition of WWE NXT UK! Please enjoy the show and if you’re interested, please feel free to leave a comment below and check out our forums!

-Imperium come out to the ring to start the show and WALTER is presented the re-designed NXT UK Championship by Johnny Saint and Sid Scala. WALTER says that the title is now the most prestigious title in European professional wrestling before cutting a promo on the disrespectful Undisputed Era ahead of their match at Worlds Collide before we get a rundown of today’s show as we go to commercial.

NXT Cruiserweight Championship Fatal Four Way Qualifying Match

Ligero vs Jordan Devlin

Ligero attacks Jordan when he touches his mask before rolling him up for a quick two count and slamming him to the mat for another two count. Jordan comes back with a uranage into a standing moonsault before playing to the crowd and laying into Ligero with forearms in mount. Ligero counters Devil Inside and clotheslines Jordan over the top rope and down onto the floor before chopping him at ringside. Jordan kicks Ligero when he’s standing on his head on the apron before sending him into the steps and back into the ring where he hits a belly to back suplex for one. Jordan kicks Ligero in the head and hits a backbreaker before stomping and choking Ligero in the corner.

Jordan grounds the luchador from Leeds before he gets to his feet and hits a jawbreaker into a stunner through the ropes for two. Jordan counters C4L into a Spanish fly for two before Jordan hits a half nelson suplex for two and they exchange pin attempts. Ligero then counters Devil Inside into a DDT before hitting a diving splash for a near fall before Jordan hits Devil Inside for the pin and the win.

Winner:Jordan Devlin defeats Ligero via pinfall with Devil Inside to gain entry to the NXT Cruiserweight Championship Fatal Four Way Match.

-After the match Kay Lee Ray is interviewed backstage before she’s interrupted by Imperium as we go to commercial.

Josh Morrell vs Ilja Dragunov

Ilja takes Josh down and tells him to bring it before locking in a headlock and dropping Josh. Josh comes back with uppercuts and gets dropped with a chop for his troubles before Ilja hits a senton into a clothesline and a pump handle slam. Ilja then hits Torpedo Moscow for the pin and the win.

Winner: Ilja Dragunov defeats Josh Morrell via pinfall with Torpedo Moscow.

-After the match Ilja cuts a promo on Finn Bálor about their match at Worlds Collide before he’s interrupted by Gallus. Joe has Wolfgang and Mark leave before he gets into the ring and says that he let them down, but Ilja is part of the reason for him losing to WALTER. Joe says that Gallus appreciate what he did for them against Gallus, but he needs to understand that he’s not a part of Gallus and that he cost him the title. Joe says that Ilja will be representing NXT UK at Worlds Collide, and that he wishes him luck, but he will have a debt to pay once it’s over with to the Iron King.

-We go backstage to Imperium lobbying for a match against South Wales Subculture which they are granted, next week as we go to commercial.

-The Hunt versus Oney Lorcan and Danny Burch is announced for next week’s show as well as Imperium versus South Wales Subculture and a mystery partner in a six man tag next week.

NXT Cruiserweight Championship Fatal Four Way Qualifying Match

The Brian Kendrick vs Travis Banks

Brian slaps Travis before Travis chops him down with leg kicks and rolls Brian up for two before dropkicking Brian out of the ring. Back in the ring Travis kicks Brian in the spine and hits a PK from the apron before chopping him at ringside and tossing him back into the ring for two. Brian comes back with shoulder thrusts in the corner before Travis sends him through the ropes and out of the ring before Brian smashes Travis’ hand and fingers in the steps. Back in the ring Brian stays focused on the injured hand of Travis and chokes him in the corner before locking in a straight armbar. Travis comes back with strikes before Brian takes him down with an arm wringer and Travis drops Brian with a flurry of forearm strikes with his good arm. Travis sweeps Brian and hits a dropkick into a running dropkick in the corner and a cannonball before hitting a suicide dive when Brian rolls out of the ring. Back in the ring Travis hits a missile dropkick into a stomp in the corner for two before hitting the Kiwi Crusher. Brian catches Travis when he goes for a suicide dive and suplexes him onto the floor before Travis gets back into the ring at eight. Brian locks in the Captain’s Hook before Travis slings him off and hits a flying clothesline into an enzuigiri by Brian for a near fall. Travis then superkicks Brian and they counter each other’s finishers before Brian hits Sliced Bread #2 for a near fall before Travis hits A Slice of Heaven into the Kiwi Crusher for the pin and the win.

Winner: Travis Banks defeats The Brian Kendrick via pinfall with the Kiwi Crusher to gain entry into the NXT Cruiserweight Championship Fatal Four Way match.

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