
WWE 205 Live Results for 1/17/20 Tyler Breeze vs Ariya Daivari, Scott vs Mendoza

Tyler Breeze takes on Ariya Daivari and Isaiah Swerve Scott faces off with Raul Mendoza tonight at 10pm EST after Smackdown on FOX!

Hey Fight Fans, we hope you enjoyed Smackdown and are ready for tonight’s edition of WWE 205 Live!

Ariya Daivari vs Tyler Breeze

They run the ropes before Ariya drops Tyler with a shoulder block and reclines on the top turnbuckle before Tyler puts Ariya in a side headlock. Tyler dropkicks Ariya and reclines on the top turnbuckle himself before Ariya rolls out of the ring to avoid a superkick and Tyler sends him into the barricade. Back in the ring Ariya slams Tyler to the mat by his hair before taking Tyler down to the mat and Tyler sends him over the top rope and down onto the floor once he gets back to his feet. Tyler drops Ariya with punches and kicks once he’s back in the ring before hitting a jumping forearm in the corner into a variation of a back stabber for two. Tyler sets Ariya on the top turnbuckle before hitting a slingshot into the corner and Ariya sends Tyler into the referee, but he stops himself.

Ariya then rolls Tyler up for two before Tyler superkicks him for two before countering a lariat and hits the Beauty Shot for the pin and the win.

Winner: Tyler Breeze defeats Ariya Daivari via pinfall with the Beauty Shot.

-We get a list of demands by Jack Gallagher who will not return to action until their met with such demands as Wrestlemania in London, a brandy glass full of brown M&Ms, among others.

Sunile Singh vs Lio Rush

Lio hits a suicide dive when the Singh Brothers are dancing outside before tossing Sunile into the ring and dodging him before dropping him with an up kick. Lio hits a Michinoku driver for two before Samir distracts him and Sunile knocks him off of the apron before sending him into the ring post. Sunile tosses Lio back into the for two before suplexing Lio and hitting a diving elbow drop for two, Sunile following up with a headlock to keep the high flying Rush grounded. Rush gets to his feet and hits a jawbreaker before dropkicking Sunile and dropping him with clotheslines before sending him out onto the apron. Lio knocks Sunile off of the apron with a kick before the Singhs try to swap out, but Samir has his sunglasses on before being ejected from ringside.

Lio then drops Sunile once he’s back in the ring and hits the Final Hour after knocking Samir out of the ring for the pin and the win.

Winner: Lio Rush defeats Sunile Singh via pinfall with the Final Hour.

Isaiah Scott vs Raul Mendoza

They exchange arm drags and mock each other before exchanging standing switches and wrist locks. Scott takes Raul down before they exchange flips and Scott hits a huricanrrana before dropkicking Raul out of the ring. Raul rushes back in and hits a huricanrrana before Scott rolls out of the ring and Raul hits a baseball slide before tossing him back into the ring for two. Raul hits a running clothesline in the corner into a basement dropkick for two before locking in a shoulder lock. Swerve comes back and sends Raul over the top rope and down onto the floor before kicking him and tossing him back into the ring before hitting a diving uppercut to the back of the head of Raul.

Scott kicks Raul against the ropes before hitting a rolling flat liner for two and Raul sends scoff out of the ring before hitting a suicide dive. Back in the ring Raul then misses a 450 and Scott drops him with a knee before hitting the House Call for the pin and the win.

Winner: Isaiah Scott defeats Raul Mendoza via pinfall with the House Call to gain entry to the Cruiserweight Championship Fatal Four Way match.

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