
IMPACT Wrestling Hard to Kill Results Tessa Blanchard Makes History & Defeats Sami Callihan

Tonight the Diamond of Profesional Wrestling looks to put an end to the reign of OvE once and for all and make history in the process!

Hey Fight Fans, it’s time for IMPACT Wrestling’s first big show of the year with Hard to Kill! Please enjoy the show and if you’re interested in exclusive content check out Fightful Select for exclusive podcasts, breaking news and more!

-We open the show with a video package for the IMPACT World Championship inter-gender match between the champion Sami Callihan and Tessa Blanchard.

Ken Shamrock vs Madman Fulton

Ken kicks Fulton in the legs and the chest before dropping him with a knee and Fulton takes Shamrock down to the mat before Ken goes for an armbar. Fulton muscles his way out of the armbar and shoves Ken down when tries to lay into Fulton with strikes before Ken locks in an ankle lock. Fulton gets to the ropes for the break before locking in a rear chin lock and Ken tosses him over his shoulder before Fulton locks in an armbar in the ropes. Ken goes for a suicide dive, but Fulton catches him and Ken hits a German suplex onto the floor before dropping him with a knee to the face. Ken sends Dave Crist into the ring post and sends Fulton back into the ring before kicking him in the chest and dropping him with a buzz saw kick. Fulton capitalizes on the referee ejecting the Crist brothers before hitting a chokeslam and Ken locks in a double wrist lock before Fulton falls back into the corner with a shoulder injury. Ken drops Fulton with a knee before Fulton slams him down with one arm and Ken locks in a submission until Fulton verbally submits for the win.

Winner: Ken Shamrock defeats Madman Fulton via referee stoppage due to verbal tap out.

-We see Tessa Blanchard and OvE entering the arena earlier today before we get an update Rich Swann before getting an extended video package for the X-Division Championship match between the champion Ace Austin and the challenger Trey.

X-Division Championship Match

Ace Austin (c) vs Trey

Trey immediately spears Ace and rains down punches before Ace catches him with a kick when he goes for a suicide dive before Trey hits a 619 into a tope. Back in the ring Trey drops Ace with clotheslines and clotheslines him over the top rope and down onto the floor before hitting a Fosbury flop. Ace suplexes Trey onto the floor before launching him face first into the railing and tosses him back into the ring for two. They exchange strikes until Ace drops Trey with a superkick for two before hitting several side slams and a chop block to Trey’s knee. Ace starts focusing on the knee and ankle of Trey before hitting a rolling kick into a reverse DDT for two.

Ace locks in a single leg Boston crab before giving Trey a paper cut and beating on him with clubbing blows. Trey comes back with clotheslines and an enzuigiri into a reverse suplex and a dragon sleeper before hitting a rebound flat liner off of the ropes for two. Ace turns Trey inside out with a diving roundhouse kick for two before Trey hits a cheeky nandos into a 619. Ace then crotches Trey on the top turnbuckle and hits a frankensteiner before hitting The Fold for the pin and the win.

Winner: Ace Austin retains his X-Division Championship by defeating Trey via pinfall with The Fold.

-After the match Ace harasses Trey’s mother in the crowd before Trey attacks him and they’re separated as we go to an interview with ODB.

Knockouts Championship Triple Threat Match

Taya Valkyrie w/John E. Bravo (c) vs Jordynne Grace vs ODB

All three women shove each other before ODB sends Taya into Jordynne and drops them both before hitting a fall away slam to Taya who rolls out of the ring. Jordynne counters a piledriver onto the apron by ODB before running Taya over back in the ring with a shoulder tackle. Jordynne hits a powerslam and a suicide dive before ODB suplexes Jordynne onto the ramp and Taya smashes her face into the top turnbuckle and stomps ODB in the corner. Taya hits running knees in the corner for two before locking in an STF that Jordynne breaks up and lays into Taya with forearms. Taya bites Jordynne and drops her with a forearm before stomping her down in the corner and starting to focus on her arm. Jordynne lifts Taya before ODB hits a bulldog to Taya off of the second rope. Jordynne takes out ODB and hits Taya with a flat liner for two before Jordynne gets a two count off of a sunset flip. ODB sends Taya into the post before Jordynne rips ODB down off of the top and hits a diving elbow drop for a near fall that Taya breaks up. Jordynne hits a splash onto both Taya and ODB for a near fall before Jordynne hits the Grace Driver and John distracts the referee before. John then grabs Jordynne’s leg and Taya covers ODB for the pin and the win.

Winner: Taya Valkyrie defeats ODB and Jordynne Grace via pinfall to retain her Knockouts Championship.

-After the match we go backstage to an interview with RVD and Katie Forbes before we get a video package for his match against Brian Cage up next.

RVD w/Katie Forbes vs Brian Cage

RVD beats on Brian at ringside before rolling him back into the ring and playing to the crowd before Brian comes back with clotheslines and a superkick. Brian gets distracted by Katie at ringside before RVD hits him from behind and stomps and chokes him in the corner. Katie grabs a chair and puts it against Brian’s face before RVD goes up top and hits a Van Terminator for two as we see that Brian’s mouth is busted open. Daga gets in the ring and checks on Brian before several officials help him out of the ring and RVD attacks Daga from behind.

Winner: No contest due to injury.

RVD w/Katie Forbes vs Daga

RVD stomps Daga in the corner and goes for a rolling senton before Daga dropkicks him in midair. Daga hits a series of dropkicks that sends RVD out of the ring before hitting a diving cross body to the outside. Back in the ring they exchange pin attempts before Katie grabs Daga by the foot and RVD hits the Rolling Thunder into the Five Star Frog Splash for the pin and the win.

Winner: RVD defeats Daga via pinfall with a Five Star Frog Splash.

-After the match a reporter tries to get an interview with Sami Callihan, but Jake Crist stops her at the door before we get a video package for Michael Elgin before his match against Eddie Edwards for the Call Your Shot Trophy.

Call Your Shot Trophy Match

Michael Elgin vs Eddie Edwards

They start off at a lightning pace, trying to run each other over before Eddie sends Michael out of the ring and hits a suicide dive. Eddie chops Michael at ringside before he comes back with a superkick and chops Eddie before tossing him back into the ring. Eddie knocks Michael off of the apron and Michael catches him with a forearm when he goes for a suicide dive before Michael hits a draping, twisting neckbreaker onto the floor. Back in the ring Elgin gets two before hitting a neckbreaker into a fisherman’s suplex for two and rocking Eddie with a forearm in the corner. Elgin clotheslines Eddie in the corner and whips him across the ring before he traps Eddie in the ropes and Eddie suplexes Elgin over the top rope and down onto the floor.

Eddie hits an overhead belly to back suplex onto the floor before rolling back into the ring and hitting a suicide dive that sends Elgin into the crowd. Back in the ring Eddie hits a backpack stunner for two before Elgin counters a Tiger driver and Eddie hits a blue thunder bomb for two. Elgin comes back and hits a brainbuster for two before dropping Eddie with a stiff forearm several times while mocking Eddie and playing to the crowd. They exchange strikes until Eddie turns Elgin inside out with a lariat and hits a Tiger driver for a near fall before Elgin counters the Boston Knee Party. Eddie hits a huricanrrana before Elgin drops Eddie with superkicks and sets him on the top turnbuckle backwards before hitting an avalanche German suplex for a near fall.

Elgin turns Eddie inside out and hits a splash mountain bomb for a near fall before Eddie goes for a Boston crab, but Elgin counters it and the Boston Knee Party into an STF. Eddie crawls to the bottom rope for the break before Elgin argues with the official and turns him inside out with a lariat. Elgin then hits a buckle bomb before Eddie counters the Elgin Bomb into a pin for the win.

Winner: Eddie Edwards retains his Call Your Shot trophy by defeating Michael Elgin via pinfall.

No Disqualification Match

Moose vs Rhino

They brawl before Moose spears Rhino who rolls out of the ring before Moose hits Rhino with a chair and Rhino counters a suplex onto the ramp. Rhino hits a back drop onto the ramp when Moose runs at him before Rhino grabs the chair and hits Moose across the back and in the ribs with it. Moose sends Rhino into the post and gets a table out from under the ring before rolling Rhino onto the apron. Rhino counters a piledriver off of the apron through the table before powerbombing Moose through the table and tossing him back into the ring for two. Rhino sets up a pile of chairs in the ring and hits a super plex onto them for a near fall before bringing a table into the ring and setting it up in the corner. Moose comes back with running dropkicks in the corner and Rhino turns him inside out with a lariat for two before Moose grabs the referee and Rhino spears both the referee and Moose through the table for a near fall. Moose then low blows Rhino and spears him for the pin and the win.

Winner: Moose defeats Rhino via pinfall with a spear.

IMPACT World Tag Team Championship Two on One Handicap Match

The North (c) vs Willie Mack

The North mock Willie before attacking him from behind and Willie comes back with a double clothesline. Willie hits a swinging body slam into a jumping knee drop to Josh before sending him out of the ring and goes for a dive, but Ethan distracts him. Josh attacks Willie from behind and he and Ethan double up on Willie and Josh hits a float over suplex for two as Rich looks on from backstage. Josh stomps the face of Willie and Willie comes back with running splashes in opposite corners before hitting a running cannonball to Ethan in the corner. Willie hits Josh with a Samoan drop before missing a standing moonsault and Willie sends The North into each other and Ethan out of the ring before getting a two count that Ethan breaks up.

Willie sends Ethan back out of the ring and hits Josh with running forearms in the corner before hitting an exploder suplex for two. Ethan grabs the ankle of Willie when he’s on the top turnbuckle before Josh hits a running DVD and The North hit a double Styles clash for a near fall. Willie fights off a double super plex before hitting Josh with a Canadian destroyer off of the top with Josh on Ethan’s shoulders. Willie sends Ethan out of the ring and hits a tope before hitting Josh with a Six Star Frog Splash for a near fall that Ethan breaks up. The referee refuses to disqualify The North before Willie hits Ethan with a stunner and The North hit him with a barrage of strikes.

The North then hit a burning hammer spinebuster for the pin and the win.

Winner: The North retain their IMPACT World Tag Team Championships by defeating Willie Mack via pinfall.

-IMPACT’s next pay-per-view Rebellion is announced for April with no specific date given.

IMPACT World Championship Inter-gender Match

Sami Callihan (c) vs Tessa Blanchard

Sami boots Tessa before the match and hits her with a piledriver as soon as the match starts for a very early near fall before setting her on the top turnbuckle. Tessa fights Sami off and hits the Magnum for a near fall of her own before Tessa lays into Sami with forearms and hits a huricanrrana that sends Sami out of the ring. Tessa dropkicks Sami off of the apron and hits several suicide dives before Sami catches her and she hits a huricanrrana onto the floor. Tessa hits a flipping senton onto Sami onto the floor before hitting Sami at ringside until he hits her with a beer and sends her legs into the railing. Back in the ring Sami applies a variation of an Indian death lock before chopping her across the back. Sami tells Tessa to hit him before he drops her and plays to the crowd before driving her knees into the mat for two. Sami steps and stands on Tessa before targeting her leg and knee before Tessa kicks him out of the ring and rolls out of the way of an elbow drop. Sami nearly knocks Tessa out with a right hand before tossing her out of the ring and Tessa comes back with a superkick on the apron. Tessa goes for a cannonball off of the apron, but Sami catches her and powerbombs her through the time keeper’s table at ringside before getting back into the ring at the count of nine. Sami pulls up the pads at ringside before they exchange on the apron until they rake each other’s eyes and Tessa hits a Magnum onto the apron. They both fall onto the floor before they get back into the ring at nine and Tessa rocks Sami with a forearm. Sami chops Tessa and kicks her knee out before Tessa hits a Samoan drop and a Magnum in the corner for two. Sami dodges Tessa coming off of the top and hits the Get out of Here for two before they exchange forearms until Sami hits a snap dragon suplex. Tessa gets right back up and hits Sami with a cutter for a near fall before they get to their feet at the count of seven and Sami grabs his belt. The referee takes the belt away and Sami goes to hit Tessa with brass knuckles before she low blows him and hits a Magnum off of the top for two. Sami gets to his feet to get free of a submission when he bites Tessa before hitting a piledriver for a near fall before Tessa gets a near fall off of a jack knife cover. Tessa then hits two Canadian destroyers into the Buzzsaw DDT for the pin and the win.

Winner: Tessa Blanchard defeats Sami Callihan via pinfall with the Buzzsaw DDT to become the new IMPACT World champion and the first female champion in the history of the promotion.

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