
Impact Wrestling Bash At The Brewery 2 Results: Title Bouts, A Brewery Brawl & An Elimination Match

Welcome to Fightful.com’s live coverage & discussion for Impact Wrestling Bash At The Brewery 2. We’ll be bringing you full, fight by fight coverage of every bout on the card. You can also send in your feedback on our Disqus boards below!

Elimination Tag Match
oVe (Sami Callihan, Jake Crist, Dave Crist & Madman Fulton) def. Tessa Blanchard, Brian Cage, Willie Mack & Rich Swann

Rob Van Dam def. Eddie Edwards

Rhino def. Shera by DQ

Brewery Brawl
Jordynne Grace def. Taya Valkyrie

Ace Austin def. Zachary Wentz

Michael Elgin def. Joey Ryan

The North (Ethan Page & Josh Alexander) def. The Rascalz (Dez & Trey)

RCW Heavyweight Championship
Fallah Bahh (c) def. Kongo Kong w/Brandon Oliver & Madi to retain the title

RCW Women’s Championship
Kiera Hogan (c) def. Christi Jaynes to retain the title

Ace Austin vs. Zachary Wentz

The match begins with Austin attacking Wentz before the bell with some strikes, Wentz fights back and Austin drop kicks him in the knee. Austin keeps Wentz down while stomping away on the injured leg, Wentz fights back and Austin attacks his injured leg. Austin nails Wentz with an atomic drop to the knee for a near fall, Wentz gets up and he nails Austin with a knee strike followed by a pump kick. Wentz corners Austin before landing a running knee strike, Wentz drops Austin before landing a penalty kick. Austin leaves the ring and he returns to the ring to drop a charging Wentz, Austin then gets Wentz in a single leg crab and Wentz gets free to catch Austin in a roll up. Austin gets up and he kicks Wentz in the injured knee, Austin keeps Wentz down before smashing his knee on the mat below. Austin traps Wentz in the ropes before knocking him to the arena floor, Wentz gets back in the ring and Austin stomps away on him. Wentz fights back and he attacks Austin with some chops, Austin recovers and he attacks the injured knee of Wentz.

Austin traps Wentz in the corner before a chopping exchange breaks out, Austin gets angry and he chokes Wentz in the corner. Wentz recovers and he boots a charging Austin in the face, Wentz goes to the top rope and Austin knocks him down with a drop kick to the injured knee. Wentz escapes the grasp of Austin to land a release German suplex, Wentz then hits a cornered Austin with a running forearm strike followed by a thrust kick to the head. Wentz then hits Austin with a double stomp for a near fall, Austin avoids a cutter and he nails Wentz with a spinning neck breaker for a near fall. Austin traps the leg of Wentz while attacking it with a ton of strikes, Austin then gets Wentz in a knee bar and Wentz eventually gets to the ropes. Wentz gets up and he nails a charging Austin with a knee strike, Wentz then hits Austin with a modified cutter for a near fall. Wentz stands over Austin while attacking him with a bunch of strikes, Wentz goes to the top rope and Austin meets him up there after landing a few strikes.

Wentz fights back and he knocks Austin off the ropes, Austin causes Wentz to leap off the ropes to injure his knee Austin then hits Wentz with The Fold for a three count.

Winner: Ace Austin

– Sami Callihan and the rest of oVe are backstage, Callihan says they got a present from Impact Wrestling tonight when they face Tessa Blanchard’s team in an elimination match.

RCW Women’s Championship
Kiera Hogan (c) vs. Christi Jaynes

The match begins with Hogan working over the arm of Jaynes, Jaynes gets free and she wrenches on the arm of Hogan. Hogan nails Jaynes with a few strikes to get free, Hogan misses a charge in the corner and Jaynes goes to the top rope. Jaynes catches Hogan in a top rope sunset flip for a near fall, Hogan fights back and she goes to the top rope. Jaynes nails Hogan with a step up enziguri that knocks Hogan to the arena floor, Jaynes goes for a dive and Hogan nails her with a forearm strike. Jaynes gets trapped in the ropes and Hogan nails her with a leg drop, Hogan gets Jaynes back in the ring to get a near fall on a pin attempt. Hogan traps Jaynes in the corner while landing some strikes, Jaynes fights back and Hogan drops her with a kick to the leg. Hogan corners Jaynes again before landing a series of kicks, Hogan then hits Jaynes with a tornado DDT for a near fall.

Jaynes recovers and she nails Hogan with a kick to the head, Jaynes and Hogan have a striking exchange in the middle of the ring. Jaynes ends the exchange by nailing Hogan with a running knee strike, Jaynes then hits a cornered Hogan with a running double knee strike. Jaynes follows up by nailing Hogan with a middle rope moonsault for a near fall, Jaynes then hits Hogan with an inverted slam for a near fall. Jaynes gets Hogan up and Hogan escapes her grasp to land a code red for a near fall, Hogan then hits Jaynes with a super kick and a spinning fisherman buster for a three count.

Winner: Kiera Hogan, still the RCW Women’s Champion

– Jimmy Jacobs interviews Taya Valkyrie and John E. Bravo, Valkyrie mocks the people attending the show before touting her success as the Impact Knockouts Champion. 

RCW Heavyweight Championship
Fallah Bahh (c) vs. Kongo Kong w/Brandon Oliver & Madi

The match begins with Kong attacking Bahh before the bell and he nails him with some strikes, Bahh fights back and he corners Kong before landing strikes of his own. Bahh​​​​​​ and Kong exchange some chops in the corner, Bahh ends the exchange by nailing Kong with a cross body block. Kong exits the ring and Oliver interferes to prevent a Bahh dive, Bahh​​​​​​​ exits the ring to go after Oliver and Madi slaps Bahh​​​​​​​. Bahh​​​​​​​ chases Madi and Oliver until Kong drops him, Kong gets Bahh​​​​​​​ in the ring and he lands a cannonball for a near fall. Kong keeps Bahh​​​​​​​ down while landing strikes and choking him, Bahh​​​​​​​ fights back and he exchanges blows with Kong. Bahh​​​​​​​ picks up Kong and Kong falls on top of him, Kong then hits Bahh​​​​​​​ with a rolling senton for a near fall. Kong stands over Bahh​​​​​​​ while ripping away at his face, Kong then chokes Bahh​​​​​​​ on the middle rope. Madi tries interfering again and Bahh​​​​​​​ grabs her, Kong distracts the ref and Madi nails Bahh​​​​​​​ with a scissors kick that knocks him to the arena floor.

Kong exits the ring and he gets Bahh​​​​​​​ back into the ring, Kong attacks Bahh​​​​​​​ with some strikes as Bahh​​​​​​​ pumps himself up. Bahh​​​​​​​ starts firing back and he attacks Kong with his own strikes, Bahh​​​​​​​ then hits Kong with a belly to belly suplex for a near fall. Bahh​​​​​​​ goes for a Samoan drop and Kong counters with a roll up for a near fall, Kong goes for a sunset flip and Bahh​​​​​​​ just sits on him. Madi distracts the ref and Oliver interferes, Bahh​​​​​​​ crushes Kong and Oliver with a double avalanche in the corner. Bahh​​​​​​​ nails Kong with a Samoan drop for a three count.

Winner: Fallah Bahh​​​​​​​, still the RCW Heavyweight Champion

Michael Elgin vs. Joey Ryan

The match begins with Ryan attempting to get Elgin to touch his package, Elgin misses a charge in the corner and Ryan cracks him with a few strikes. Elgin recovers and he drops a charging Ryan with a shoulder block, Elgin goes for an atomic drop and Elgin hurts himself on Ryan’s package. Elgin recovers and he attacks Ryan with forearm strikes before eating a drop kick, Ryan follows up by knocking Elgin out of the ring with a hurricarana. Elgin avoids a sliding Ryan and Ryan still manages to drop him face first on the ring apron, Ryan gets Elgin back in the ring before trying to attack him with a lollipop. Ryan catches Elgin in a few roll ups for a few near falls, Elgin fights back to nail Ryan with an enziguri followed by a DDT for a near fall. Elgin keeps Ryan down while stomping away on him, Elgin follows that up by dropping Ryan with a hard Irish whip into the corner. Elgin traps Ryan in the corner landing a forearm strike, Ryan gets up and he exchanges some strikes with Elgin.

Elgin looks for a pile driver and Ryan counters with a back body drop, Ryan then nails a charging Elgin with a spine buster. Ryan follows that up by attacking Elgin with some clotheslines, Ryan then hits Elgin with a pump handle throw and Elgin rolls out of the ring afterwards. Ryan keeps the pressure on Elgin by taking him out with a suicide dive, Ryan gets Elgin back in the ring before going to the top rope. Ryan nails Elgin with a top rope high cross body for a near fall, Ryan falls back and Elgin injures himself falling on Ryan’s package. Elgin blocks a super kick and he nails Ryan with a pump kick followed by an enziguri, Elgin then hits Ryan with a falcon arrow for a near fall. Elgin gets Ryan up to attack him with some clothesline smashes, Ryan avoids a swinging Elgin to make him touch his package. Elgin recovers by leveling Ryan with a lariat, Elgin then hits Ryan with a uranage followed by a corner clothesline.

Elgin places Ryan on the top rope and he follows him up there, Elgin then hits Ryan with a superplex for a near fall. Elgin looks for the Elgin Bomb and Ryan escapes to drop Elgin with some strikes, Ryan grabs a lollipop and he shoves it in the mouth of Elgin before landing a super kick for a near fall. Elgin recovers and he makes the ref touch Ryan’s package, Elgin nails Ryan with a release German suplex and a lariat for a near fall. Elgin then hits Ryan with a buckle bomb followed by an Elgin Bomb for a three count.

Winner: Michael Elgin

– Jimmy Jacobs interviews Team Blachard, Rich Swann he has the best teammates at his side for tonight. Willie Mack says that all the members of oVe are going home tonight, Brian Cage says that his teammates will all win gold on Sunday Night, while Tessa Blanchard promises to break Sami Callihan on Sunday Night.

Rhino vs. Shera​​​​​​​

The match begins with Rhino and Shera taking turns working over each others arms, Rhino gets Shera in a headlock and Shera gets free. Shera and Rhino exchange some shoulder tackles until Shera goes down, Shera exits the ring and Rhino follows him out there while landing strikes. Rhino goes for a clothesline and he winds up crashing into the ring post, Shera gets Rhino in the ring to kick him in the head for a near fall. Shera then starts choking Rhino along the middle rope, Shera keeps Rhino trapped in the corner while landing some strikes. Rhino fights back and Shera drops him with a clothesline for a near fall, Shera holds Rhino down while choking him. Shera transitions to a nerve hold against a downed Rhino, Rhino fights back and he causes Shera to miss an avalanche in the corner. Rhino gets Shera up and he nails him with a clothesline followed by a spear in the corner, Rhino then hits Shera with a short arm clothesline for a near fall.

Shera fights back and Rhino nails him with a belly to belly suplex, Rhino sets up for the Gore and Moose interferes to attack Rhino.

Winner: Rhino, by DQ

After the match, Moose drags Rhino out of the ring to attack him further until officials break it all up. 

Rob Van Dam w/Katie Forbes vs. Eddie Edwards

The match begins with RVD backing Edwards into the corner before missing a right, RVD then goes to make out with Forbes before getting rolled up by Edwards. Edwards then cracks RVD with a few strikes followed by an atomic drop, Edwards follows that up by knocking RVD to the arena floor. Edwards follows RVD out of the ring to attack him with more strikes, Forbes distracts Edwards and RVD throws him into the ring post. RVD places Edwards on the barricade before making out with Forbes again, Edwards recovers and he nails RVD with a baseball slide drop kick. Edwards keeps RVD on the arena floor while landing more strikes, Edwards gets RVD back in the ring and he drops him with a few back elbow strikes. Forbes interferes and that allows RVD to nail Edwards with a spinning kick to the head, RVD then hits Edwards with a spinning leg drop followed by Rolling Thunder.

RVD corners Edwards before nailing him with a kick to the face, RVD then hangs Edwards upside down in the corner before going under the ring with Forbes. RVD returns with a chair and Edwards nails him with a drop kick into the chair, Edwards drinks some beer before spitting it in the face of RVD. Edwards then attacks RVD with a cup full of beer, Edwards gets RVD in the ring and he follows him in there to land a few strikes. Edwards follows up by nailing RVD with a blue thunder bomb for a near fall, RVD fights back and he nails Edwards with a northern lights suplex for a near fall. RVD keeps control by nailing Edwards with a spinning kick to the head, RVD goes to the top rope and Edwards knocks him off with a head kick. Forbes grabs a chair and Alisha Edwards appears to attack her, RVD hits Edwards with a Van Daminator while the ref was distracted for a three count.

Winner: Rob Van Dam w/Katie Forbes

The North (Ethan Page & Josh Alexander) vs. The Rascalz (Dez & Trey)

The match begins with Alexander and Trey working over each others arms, Trey quickly drops Alexander with a springboard arm drag. Trey follows that up by nailing Alexander with a drop kick, Dez tags in and he nails Alexander with a few strikes. Dez drops Alexander before landing a drop kick to the back of the head, Page prevents a Dez suicide dive and Alexander attacks him from behind. Alexander then hits Dez with a slam before tagging Page in, Dez fights back and Alexander interferes to trip him up before tying him in the ropes. Page then hits a trapped Dez with a super kick for a near fall, Alexander tags in and he kicks away at the cornered Dez. Page interferes and he chokes a downed Dez while the ref was distracted, Dez fights back and Alexander drops him with a back elbow strike. Alexander keeps Dez down while stomping away on him, Page tags in and he swings away at a cornered Dez.

Dez fights back again and he nails Page with an upwards elbow strike, Trey and Alexander are tagged in by their respective partners. Trey quickly starts cleaning house against the opposing team, Trey nails Alexander with a double stomp for a near fall. Dez tags in as Alexander levels Trey with a forearm strike, Page traps a leaping Dez and that allows Alexander to nail him with a front slam. Page tags in and The North hits Dez with a T Gimmick for a near fall, The North look for their finisher and Dez fights back against them. The North regain control until Trey tags into the match, Trey drops Page with a neck breaker before landing an assisted super kick followed by a double knee strike for a near fall. Alexander tags in and he dumps Dez out of the ring, Alexander traps Trey in the corner while landing some strikes. Alexander gets Trey on his shoulders while climbing the ropes, Trey fights back and he nails Alexander with a poison hurricarana.

Trey then traps Alexander in the corner before landing a super kick, The Rascalz then hit Alexander with a double 619. Trey follows up by nailing Alexander with a top rope move for a near fall, Dez tags in and Page knocks Trey out of the ring. Dez chases Page into the ring and he cracks him with a few kicks, The North recover and hit Dez with their finisher for a three count.

Winners: The North (Ethan Page & Josh Alexander)

Brewery Brawl
Taya Valkyrie vs. Jordynne Grace

The match begins with Grace attacking Valkyrie with a ton of strikes, Grace traps Valkyrie in the corner while landing shoulder thrusts. Grace follows that up by nailing Valkyrie with a slam for a near fall, Grace then throws Valkyrie into the ring post. Grace exits the ring and she throws a bunch of weapons into it, Valkyrie goes to the ring apron and Grace nails her with a garbage can to send her to the arena floor. Valkyrie recovers and she knocks Grace to the arena floor after tripping her up with some rope, Valkyrie grabs a garbage can and she attacks Grace with it. Valkyrie grabs Grace and she throws her into the ring post, Valkyrie follows it up by nailing Grace with a DDT on the arena floor. Valkyrie keeps Grace down while briefly applying a modified camel clutch, Valkyrie grabs the rope and she chokes Grace with it. Valkyrie grabs a baking sheet and she attacks Grace with it, Valkyrie places Grace on a chair at ringside before missing a running cross body block.

Grace grabs a bunch of chairs and she throws them all at Valkyrie, Grace traps Valkyrie on a chair while nailing her with chops. Grace then places Valkyrie on the barricade before knocking her into the crowd, Valkyrie fights back and she throws beer into Grace’s eyes. Grace recovers and she drops Valkyrie face first on the ring apron, Grace gets Valkyrie in the ring before placing a chair in the corner. Valkyrie then drops a charging Grace onto a baking sheet. Valkyrie follows it up by nailing Grace with a curb stomp onto a chair for a near fall, Valkyrie places Grace on a chair before grabbing a few beer cans. Valkyrie and Grace sit apart from each other before attacking each other with beer can shots, Grace and Valkyrie have a striking exchange in the middle of the ring. Valkyrie recovers and she sends a charging Grace into a steel chair, Valkyrie then drop kicks a chair into Grace’s private parts for a near fall. Valkyrie looks for her finisher and Grace gets free to land a few strikes, Grace then hits Valkyrie with a Grace Driver for a near nall. 

Bravo returns and Valkyrie throws Grace into him before eating a clothesline, Grace finds the ropes and she chokes Valkyrie with it. Grace places a chair onto Valkyrie before landing a Vader Bomb for a near fall as Bravo gets the ref out of the ring, Bravo grabs a chair and he accidentally hits Valkyrie with it. Grace then hits Valkyrie with a Grace Driver for a three count.

Winner: Jordynne Grace

Elimination Tag Match
oVe (Sami Callihan, Jake Crist, Dave Crist & Madman Fulton) vs. Tessa Blanchard, Brian Cage, Willie Mack & Rich Swann

The match begins with Dave getting Swann down with a headlock, Swann gets free and he gets Dave in a headlock of his own. Dave gets free and he works over the arm of Swann, Swann gets free and he works on the arm of dave before landing a springboard arm drag. Swann follows that up by nailing Dave with a hurricarana, Blanchard tags in and she nails the arm of Dave with a middle rope axe handle smash. Jake tags in and he gets Blanchard in a headlock, Blanchard gets free and she gets Jake in a headlock of her own before dropping him with a shoulder tackle. Blanchard follows that up by dropping Jake with a head scissors takedown, Cage tags in and Jake rakes his eyes. Fulton tags in and he exchanges some moves with Cage, Cage then cracks Fulton with a rip cord forearm strike. Cage follows that up by nailing Fulton with a delayed vertical suplex, Mack tags in and he nails Fulton with a right to the midsection. 

Mack follows that up by nailing Fulton with an arm drag and hurricarana, Fulton catches a leaping Mack and he tags Callihan in as Mack gets free. Blanchard tags in a short time later and all of oVe attacks Blanchard from behind, everybody else hits the ring and a brawl between both teams spills all over the place. Blanchard’s team clears the ring after that brawl comes to an end, Swann tags in and Callihan gets him in a headlock. Swann gets free and Callihan drops him with a shoulder tackle, Swann recovers and he nails Callihan with a drop kick. Swann slows things down while holding Callihan in a cravat, Swann releases the hold to nail a downed Callihan with a back kick to the face. Callihan gets his knees up during a Swann splash attempt and he rakes his eyes afterwards, Dave tags in and he nails Swann with a top rope senton bomb. 

Swann goes down with a knee injury and some Impact officials carry him to the backstage area (Eliminated: Rich Swann), the match continues with Callihan tagging in as Blanchard enters the ring. Callihan trips up Blanchard before tagging Dave into the match, Dave picks up Blanchard and sends her face first into the top turnbuckle. Fulton tries to rip the arms of Blanchard out of their sockets while she was trapped in the corner, Fulton tags in and he immediately tags Callihan into the match. Callihan holds Blanchard down while applying a chin lock, Callihan releases the hold to hit Blanchard with a pump kick. Jake tags in and he holds Blanchard down while applying a chin lock, Blanchard gets free and she nails Jake with a ton of strikes. Dave interferes and that allows Jake to drop Blanchard, Dave tags in and he double teams Blanchard with Jake for a near fall. Jake tags in and he holds Blanchard in a front headlock, Blanchard gets free and she nails Jake with a tornado DDT.

Mack tags in just as Callihan tags in, Mack cleans house before nailing Callihan with a Samoan drop followed by a standing moonsault. The rest of oVe hit the ring and Mack clears the ring a short time later, Mack then takes out the opposition with a suicide dive. Jake returns and he takes out Mack with a suicide dive, Cage then lands a suicide dive of his own. Dave goes for a dive and Cage kicks him in the head, Cage then suplexes Dave onto all the competitors. Cage follows Jake around the arena floor while nailing him with strikes, Cage gets jake in the ring and he attacks him with more strikes. Jake fights back and he levels Cage with a series of head kick, everybody from both teams hit the ring and they all take each other out. Callihan returns and he low blows Mack after a ref distraction, Callihan then hits Mack with a pile driver. Blanchard returns and she attacks Callihan with forearm strikes, Callihan recovers and Blanchard dumps him out of the ring. Blanchard attacks Callihan with a suicide dive, Blanchard and Callihan battle outside of the ring and are counted out by the referee (Eliminated: Sami Callihan & Tessa Blanchard). 

The match resumes with Cage nailing Dave with a clothesline and Drill Claw for a three count (Eliminated: Dave Crist), the action resumes with Jake and Fulton double teaming Cage until they get dropped with a double clothesline. Dave interferes so Jake can nail Cage with a series of head kicks, Fulton and Dave nail Cage with an elevated cutter. Fulton then hits Cage with a top rope headbutt for a three count (Eliminated: Brian Cage), the action resumes with Mack getting double teamed by Fulton and Jake. Mack fights back until Fulton nails him with an avalanche, Fulton nails Mack with a release suplex for a near fall. Jake tags in and he stretches Mack with Fulton, Jake then gets a downed Mack in a dragon sleeper. Jake transitions into a chin lock against Mack, Mack fights back and Jake tags Fulton into the ring. Fulton corners Mack while stomping away on him, Fulton gets Mack down while applying a chin lock.

Mack gets free as Jake tags in and Mack immediately nails him with a stunner for a three count (Eliminated: Jake Crist), the action resumes with Fulton immediately nailing Mack with a flat liner for a three count (Eliminated: Willie Mack).

Winners: oVe (Sami Callihan, Jake Crist, Dave Crist & Madman Fulton)

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