
NJPW Fantastica Mania 2020 Day 1 Results: Okumura Celebrates 25 Years In Pro Wrestling

Welcome to Fightful.com’s live coverage & discussion for NJPW Fantastica Mania 2020 Day 1. We’ll be bringing you full, fight by fight coverage of every bout on the card. You can also send in your feedback on our Disqus boards below!

Okumura 25th Anniversary Match
Okumura, Barbaro Cavernario & Ultimo Guerrero def. Stuka Jr., Caristico & Satoshi Kojima

Los Ingobernables (Tetsuya Naito, Hiromu Takahashi & Bushi) def. Dulce Gardenia, Hiroshi Tanahashi & Yota Tsuji

Titan, Niebra Roja & Angel De Oro def. Forastero, Cuatero & Sanson

Flyer & Soberano Jr. def. Tiger & Negro Casas

Namajague, Luciferno & Euforia def. Yuya Uemura, Guerrero Maya Jr. & Audaz

Ryusuke Taguchi & Fuego def. Suzuki-Gun (Yoshinobu Kanemaru & Douki)

– The show starts with Jushin “Thunder” Liger making his way into the ring, Liger says a few words to the crowd before heading to the commentary booth.

Ryusuke Taguchi & Fuego vs. Suzuki-Gun (Yoshinobu Kanemaru & Douki)

The match begins with Fuego and Douki doing some chain wrestling, Fuego drops Douki with an arm drag. Douki responds by taking Fuego down with an arm drag of his own, Douki looks to work over the arm of Fuego before getting knocked out of the ring with another arm drag. Kanemaru and Taguchi are tagged in by their partners, Kanemaru immediately starts countering hip attacks from Taguchi. Taguchi eventually drops Kanemaru with a hip attack, Fuego hits the ring and he misses a double drop kick alongside Taguchi. A brawl breaks out between both teams that spills into the crowd, Kanemaru gets Taguchi back in the ring and Douki tags in. Douki gets Taguchi to the corner while attacking him with a bunch of strikes, Kanemaru tags back in and he attacks Taguchi with more strikes before landing an atomic drop for a near fall. Kanemaru slows things down by holding Taguchi in the camel clutch, Douki tags back in and he stomps away on the downed Taguchi.

Douki follows that up by slamming Taguchi and landing a running double stomp afterwards, Kanemaru tags back in and he stomps away on a downed Taguchi alongside Douki. Taguchi fights back and he drops both opponents with a double DDT, Fuego tags in and he cleans house against the opposing team. Fuego knocks Douki out of the ring after landing a head scissors takedown, Kanemaru recovers and nails Fuego with a drop kick to the knee. Douki tags in and he nails Fuego with a lariat for a near fall, Douki looks for his finisher and Fuego escapes his grasp. Douki lands his finisher on the second attempt for a near fall, Fuego recovers and he nails Douki with a flapjack before rolling him up for a three count. 

Winners: Ryusuke Taguchi & Fuego

Yuya Uemura, Guerrero Maya Jr. & Audaz vs. Namajague, Luciferno & Euforia

The match begins with Maya Jr working over the arm of Luciferno, Luciferno gets free and he wrenches away on the leg of Maya Jr. Luciferno and Maya Jr exchange some arm drags as well, Namajague interferes and Maya Jr drops him with a head scissors takedown. Maya Jr then knocks Luciferno out of the ring with a springboard arm drag, Namajague and Audaz are tagged into the match and they exchange strikes. Audaz eventually drops Namajague with a head scissors takedown after a series of exchanges, Luciferno returns and is dropped with a hurricarana. Euforia hits the ring and Audaz nails him with an arm drag as well, Euforia eventually halts Maya Jr. momentum and Luciferno nails him with a double underhook pile driver. Uemura hits the ring and is immediately triple teamed by the opposition, Namajague traps Uemura in the ropes while attacking him with strikes. Namajague then nails a downed Uemura with an assisted springboard moonsault, Maya Jr hits the ring and he gets triple teamed as well.

Maya Jr gets hung upside down in the corner before getting attacked by the opposition, Audaz returns and he gets worked over as well. Euforia levels Audaz with a lariat before Namajague knocks him out of the ring, Uemura returns and he gets triple teamed again. Uemura starts fighting back as Audaz takes everybody out with a springboard dive, Maya Jr returns and hits everybody with back breakers. Audaz and Maya Jr clear the ring before taking everybody out with dives, Uemura stays in the ring and he nails Namajague with a drop kick for a near fall. Uemura looks for a belly to belly suplex on Namajague and they wind up exchanging some strikes, Uemura catches Namajague in a few roll ups for a few near falls. Namajague eventually nails Uemura with a head kick and German suplex for a three count.

Winners: Namajague, Luciferno & Euforia

Flyer & Soberano Jr. vs. Tiger & Negro Casas​​​​​​​

The match begins with Soberano Jr doing some work on the arm of Casas, Casas trips up Soberano Jr and gets caught in a roll up for a near fall. Casas drops Soberano Jr and he attempts to lock in an arm bar, Soberano Jr gets free and he gets Casas in a camel clutch. Casas gets free and he gets a downed Soberano Jr in a cross face, Soberano Jr gets free as Flyer and Tiger are tagged into the match. Tiger and Flyer go through a series of reversals until Flyer takes Tiger out with a moonsault on the arena floor, Soberano Jr and Casas get in the ring and exchange some strikes. Soberano Jr and Casas exchange some kicks until Soberano Jr knocks Casas out of the ring with a hurricarana, Soberano Jr goes for a suicide dive and Casas gets out of the way. Casas grabs Soberano Jr and he throws him into the ring post before getting him in the ring, Tiger gets in the ring and he nails Soberano Jr with some strikes. Soberano Jr tries fighting back and Tiger nails him with a power bomb for a near fall, Soberano Jr recovers and he nails Tiger with a drop kick. 

Flyer tags in and he nails Tiger with a rolling sunset flip for a near fall, Casas returns and he exchanges strikes with Flyer. Flyer and Casas also exchange some clotheslines, Flyer knocks Casas out of the ring with a hurricarana. Tiger returns and he knocks Flyer out of the ring, Casas nails Flyer with a seated senton from the ring apron. Soberano Jr returns and he nails Tiger with a top rope spinning dive, Soberano Jr trips up Tiger before landing a springboard leg drop for a three count.

Winners: Flyer & Soberano Jr.

Titan, Niebra Roja & Angel De Oro vs. Forastero, Cuatero & Sanson​​​​​​​

The match begins with Roja and Forastero doing some chain wrestling, Forastero drops Roja and Roja quickly trips him up. Forastero catches Roja in a pinning combination before Roja wrenches away on his leg, Forastero and Roja get their legs tangled up while exchanging more strikes. Sanson tags in and Titan gets a tag as well a few moments later, Titan gets Sanson down and some chain wrestling takes place. Titan drops Sanson with an arm drag before De oro and Cuatero are tagged in, De Oro quickly knocks Cuatero out of the ring before faking a suicide dive. Rojo and Forastero come back in the ring and Rojo nails him with an enziguri, Titan then hits Forastero with a springboard drop kick that knocks him out of the ring. A brawl quickly breaks out between both teams that spills all over the place, Titan is brought into the ring and triple teamed by the opposition. De Oro gets in the ring and he gets triple teamed as well by the opposition, Roja returns and he gets triple teamed as well.

Forastero and Cuatero nail a hanging Roja with a pair of top rope axe handle smashes, Roja continues getting triple teamed and attacked with a plethora of strikes. Titan returns and he drops Forastero with a hurricarana on the arena floor, Rojathen knocks a member of the opposing team out of the ring with a drop kick. Roja then nails Forastero with an elevated kick to the midsection, Titan and Cuatero get in the ring and they exchange some strikes. Titan eventually drops Cuater with a springboard hurricarana, Sanson interferes and he is knocked to the arena floor. Members from both teams start taking each other out with a variety of suicide dives, De Oro and Cuatero exchange strikes until De Oro drops him with a drop kick. Cuatero nails De Oro with a spinning brain buster for a near fall, De Oro catches Cuatero in a pendulum hold to force a submission.

Winners: Titan, Niebra Roja & Angel De Oro

Dulce Gardenia, Hiroshi Tanahashi & Yota Tsuji vs. Los Ingobernables (Tetsuya Naito, Hiromu Takahashi & Bushi)

The match begins with Bushi shaking hands with Gardenia before nailing him with some strikes, Gardenia fights back and he knocks Bushi out of the ring with a hurricarana. Naito hits the ring and he attacks Gardenia until Tanahashi makes the save, Takahashi hits the ring and Tanahashi knocks him right back up. Gardenia and Tanahashi then hit Bushi with a double drop kick, Tsuji tags in and he nails Bushi with some forearm strikes. Bushi recovers and he nails a charging Tsuji with a drop kick, Takahashi tags in and he slams Tsuji before triple teaming him with the rest of LIJ. Tanahashi hits the ring and he gets double teamed by Bushi and Naito, Takahashi tags in and he slams Tsuji before tagging Naito in. Naito drops Tsuji before applying the leg assisted full nelson, Gardenia hits the ring and is quickly taken out by Takahashi and Bushi. Bushi tags in and he stomps away on the downed Tsuji, Bushi corners Tsuji before landing more strikes. 

Bushi then hits Tsuji with a missile drop kick, Tsuji starts fights back and he eventually nails a charging Bushi with a slam. Tanahashi tags in and he cleans house against the opposing team, LIJ quickly regains control until Tanahashi nails everybody with dragon screw leg whips. Gardenia tags in and he nails Bushi with a drop kick, Gardenia then takes out Bushi and Naito with a suicide dive. Gardenia gets Bushi back in the ring and he gets him in an arm bar until Takahashi breaks it up, Bushi recovers and he nails Gardenia with a DDT. Takahashi tags in and Gardenia nails him with a face buster, Tsuji tags in and he attacks Takahashi with a flying forearm strike followed by a drop kick. Tsuji then gets Takahashi in a Boston crab, Tanahashi and Gardenia follow suit by getting the rest of LIJ in submission holds until Takahashi gets to the ropes. LIJ recovers and they clear the ring before triple teaming Tsuji for a near fall, Takahashi then nails a charging Tsuji with a super kick for a near fall. Tsuji fights back and Takahashi nails him with a lariat, Takahashi gets Tsuji in a Boston crab and Tsuji taps out.

Winners: Los Ingobernables (Tetsuya Naito, Hiromu Takahashi & Bushi)

– Before the main event begins, Okumura is presented with a plaque for his 25th anniversary in pro wrestling. 

Okumura 25th Anniversary Match
Okumura, Barbaro Cavernario & Ultimo Guerrero vs. Stuka Jr., Caristico & Satoshi Kojima​​​​​​​

The match begins with Stuka Jr tripping up Okumura, Okumura gets up and Stuke Jr drops him with an arm drag. Okumura and Stuke Jr go through a bunch of reversals until Caristico and Cavernario are tagged in, Caristico and Cavernario exchange some holds until Caristico lands a handspring elbow strike. Caristico then lands a head kick on Cavernario that is followed by a springboard hurricarana, Kojima and Guerrero are tagged in next. Kojima and Guerrero exchange some shoulder tackles and strikes, Kojima eventually drops Guerrero after landing a shoulder tackle. Guerrero recovers and he drops Kojima with a back elbow strike, Guerrero misses a charge in the corner and he falls out of the ring. Cavernario interferes and a brawl breaks out between both teams, Kojima is eventually triple teamed by the opposition on the inside of the ring. Caristico hits the ring and Cavernario lays him out with a Vader Bomb, Stuka Jr returns and Okumura nails him with an elevated DDT.

Stuka Jr gets trapped in the ring before fighting back against the opposition, Caristico returns and he drops cavernario with an assisted hurricarana. Caristico and Stuka Jr then take out their opponents with suicide dives, Kojima traps Guerrero in the corner while landing the machinegun chops. Kojima then hits Guerrero with a top rope elbow drop for a near fall, Kojima follows that up by nailing Guerrero with a DDT. Guerrero fights back and he nails Kojima with a corner clothesline followed by a bronco buster, Kojima recovers and he nails Guerrero with a Koji Cutter. Kojima gets Guerrero on the top rope and he follows him up there, Guerrero drops Kojima with a super front suplex for a near fall. Okumura and Stuka Jr are tagged in and they immediately exchange strikes, Stuka Jr drops Okumura with a tilt-a-whirl back breaker. Okumura exits the ring and Stuka Jr nails him with a back breaker on the arena floor, Cavernario hits the ring as Stuka Jr takes out Okumura with a dive. 

Caristico returns and he gets jumped from behind by Guerrero, Caristico takes out Cavernario and Guerrero with a double arm drag. Caristico clears the ring and Kojima takes out Guerrero with a dive, Caristico takes out Cavernario with a dive as Okumura and Stuka Jr return to the ring. Okumra drops Stuka Jr from the top rope and he gets a three count.

Winners: Okumura, Barbaro Cavernario & Ultimo Guerrero

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