
WWE NXT UK Results for 1/2/20 The Russian Dragon Conquers Imperium’s Wolfe

The Russian Dragon squares off with the German Wolf of Imperium today at 3PM EST exclusively on the WWE Network!

Good afternoon Fight Fans, we hope you’ve had a great day! It’s time for today’s edition of WWE NXT UK featuring a No Disqualification Match between Ilja Dragunov and Alexander Wolfe!

-We open the show with management announcing two new matches for NXT UK Takeover: Blackpool with Trent Seven versus Eddie Dennis and Tyler Bate taking on Jordan Devlin.

Dave Mastiff vs Kona Reeves

Before the match Kona gets on the mic and lists off excuses for his loss to Trent Seven a few weeks ago before Dave drops Kona and sends him out of the ring with a shoulder block once the match starts. Kona sends Dave into the apron and the stairs before getting back into the ring and a DDT once Dave is back in the ring for two before dropping Dave with a boot for another two count. Dave then comes back with punches and a release German suplex into Into the Void for the pin and the win.

Winner: Dave Mastiff defeats Kona Reeves via pinfall with Into the Void.

Toni Storm comes out to the ring and talks about the NXT UK Women’s Championship Triple Threat match at Takeover: Blackpool between herself, Piper Niven and the champion Kay Lee Ray before Piper interrupts her and they exchange words. Toni tells Piper to stand aside and let her get her hands on Ray and that she’ll get the first title shot when she wins it back, but Piper is having none of it. Piper then catches a punch by Toni before dropping her with a headbutt and they brawl until they’re separated by officials as Ray comes out onto the ramp and revels in the chaos between her two challengers as we go to commercial.

Kassius Ohno vs Ligero

They exchange wrist locks and Ligero drops Ohno with a stiff forearm when he grabs his mask before Ligero kicks the legs of Ohno and runs the ropes before dropkicking his knee. Ohno misses a flipping senton before Ligero hits a huricanrrana and Ohno rolls out of the ring to catch his breath before Ligero knocks him off of the apron. Ligero chases Ohno and gets caught with a jawbreaker when he tries to get back in the ring and Ohno wrings his arm before locking in a cravat. Ligero hits a single leg dropkick and sends Ohno over the top rope and down onto the floor before hitting a flipping senton to the outside. Back in the ring Ligero hits a missile dropkick and an enzuigiri into a sunset flip for a near fall.

Ligero then hits a stunner into a Canadian destroyer for a near fall before Ohno traps him in the ropes and locks in a cravat submission for the tap and the win.

Winner: Kassius Ohno defeats Ligero via submission with a cravat stretch.

-A-Kid cuts a promo backstage in Spanish before he’s interrupted by Joseph Conners and Joseph says that he’s Takeover worthy before apologizing and leaving, seemingly planting the seeds for a match at Takeover.

-Ohno is backstage after his match against Ligero before he’s confronted by Dave Mastiff who challenges him to a match.

Oliver Carter & Ashton Smith vs Riddick Moss & Dorian Mak

Moss and Carter start things off with moss dropping Carter with a shoulder block before Mak comes in and drops Carter before Ashton gets the tag. Mak muscles Ashton into the corner and tosses him across the ring before Ashton rushes to the corner and Mak and Smith clear the ring. Mak gets back in the ring and Oliver hits him with punches to the midsection before Mak drops him with a single strike. Moss and Mak isolate Carter in their half of the ring before Ashton gets the hot tag and takes out both Moss and Mak with a flurry of high speed offense. Smith then pins Moss out of nowhere with an inside cradle for the pin and the win.

Winner: Ashton Smith and Oliver Carter defeats Riddick Moss and Dorian Mak via pinfall.

-We get an extended video package for the NXT UK Tag Team Championship Fatal Four Way Ladder Match at NXT UK Takeover:Blackpool II.

No Disqualification Match

Ilja Dragunov vs Alexander Wolfe

They brawl on the ramp before Wolfe drops Ilja across the apron and Ilja drops Wolfe with a kick once they’re in the ring. Ilja sends Wolfe out of the ring and boots him off of the apron before hitting a diving ax handle off of the top and down onto Wolfe onto the floor. Ilja rolls Wolfe back into the ring and grabs a kendo stick out from under the ring and Wolfe takes it from him before Ilja tells him to bring it and hit him. Wolfe drops the stick and tells Ilja to hit him before dropping Ilja with a knee when he goes for the stick. Wolfe hits Ilja across the back with the kendo stick and Ilja catches the stick before Wolfe hits a backbreaker with the stick around the throat of Ilja for two.

Wolfe drives the stick into the mouth of Ilja before rocking him with an enzuigiri, Ilja sending him out of the ring with strikes with the stick. At ringside Ilja drops Wolfe with the kendo stick and throws it down before getting a table out from under the ring and sending Wolfe into the stairs. Ilja puts the table into the ring and sets it up in the corner before they try to suplex each other through the table until Ilja sends Wolfe through the ropes and down onto the floor with a knee strike. Wolfe throws a chair at Ilja when he’s on the top turnbuckle before hitting a DVD onto the apron and rolling him back into the ring. Ilja drops Wolfe with an enzuigiri rocks him with a knee before throwing the chair at his face and wedging it against his face in the corner before hitting a coast to coast dropkick for a near fall.

Ilja rolls out of the ring and tosses several more chairs into the ring before piling them up and setting Wolfe on the top turnbuckle before Wolfe counters a superplex onto the chairs and hits a German suplex onto the chairs. Wolfe hits a spiking DDT for a near fall before hitting Ilja with a chair and smashing one into the throat of the Russian before hitting him in the midsection and snapping his hands in the chair. Ilja then ducks a chair shot and drops Wolfe with a lariat before hitting a running DVD through the table before hitting Torpedo Moscow for the pin and the win.

Winner: Ilja Dragunov defeats Alexander Wolfe via pinfall with Torpedo Moscow.

-After the match Aichner and Barthel come out and lay out Ilja with a European bomb as the NXT UK champion WALTER comes out onto the ramp. Joe Coffey then attacks WALTER from behind and flees when he’s making his way down to the ring as we go off the air.

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