MLW Fusion Episode 89 Results Davey Boy Smith Jr. vs Low-Ki, Hammerstone vs MJF
The 2019 Opera Cup continues with two opening round matches on this week’s episode of MLW Fusion!
-We open the show with Dynasty outside of the arena earlier today where they’re asked who will win if Alexander Hammerstone and MJF have to end up facing each other in the Opera Cup.
Prince of Darkness Match
Jimmy Havoc vs Mance Warner
Jimmy ducks a punch by Mance before Mance grabs the referee and Jimmy runs into an empty corner before taking the hood off and hitting Mance before the referee admonishes him and he puts it back on. Jimmy finds Mance again and stomps him before beating him down and choking him with his hood before Jimmy climbs to the top and misses a diving elbow drop. Mance punches Jimmy and drops him with right hands before Jimmy sends the referee into Mance and takes his hood off before the referee makes him put it back on. Priscilla Kelly then shows up out of nowhere and low blows Mance before leaving and Jimmy hits the Acid Rainmaker for the pin and the win.
Winner: Jimmy Havoc defeats Mance Warner via pinfall with the Acid Rainmaker.
-Tom Lawlor is interviewed outside before he goes to enter the arena and Ross Von Erich attacks him at the door and they brawl outside of the building before Tom runs away as we go to commercial.
-Alex is interviewed about if there’s any descension in the ranks before MJF and Richard show up and give Alex orange juice before they leave.
-We go to a promo by Mance before he’s immediately attacked by Priscilla and Jimmy before Jimmy attacks him with scissors and says that he will regret the day he got involved with him in their barbed wire match at Zero Hour.
-We get a brief interview with Gino Medina where he has no comment in regards to his discussion with Konnan before Salina de la Renta shows up and pulls him into a room by his tie and closes it behind them.
-We go to MJF and Alex talking in the hallway where MJF tries to convince Alex to drop out of the Opera Cup when he’s the MLW National Openweight champion which MJF says is more important. Richard shows up and says that he promises that the match won’t happen before MJF leaves in a huff.
-We get an interview with the Strong Hearts before they’re attacked by Contra Unit.
Opera Cup Opening Round Match
Alexander Hammerstone vs MJF
MJF tells Alex to take the fall before they poke each other and MJF slaps him before Alex dropkicks MJF. Alex hits a Fosbury flop to the outside before tossing MJF back into the ring and declaring himself the leader of Dynasty before hitting a shotgun missile dropkick. Richard tries to appeal to Alex at ringside before MJF capitalizes on the distraction before MJF sends Alex sternum first into the corner. MJF applies a body scissors before Alex elbows his way free and MJF hits a kitchen sink for two before locking in an abdominal stretch. MJF grabs the ropes for additional leverage several times before Alex hits a hip toss and an elbow into a clothesline.
Alex hits an overhead belly to belly suplex before hitting a delayed butterfly suplex for two. MJF spits in Alex’s face before Alex hits a bicycle kick and MJF kicks his knee out before superkicking him. Alex drops MJF with a lariat as Richard is epileptic at ringside before he distracts the referee and MJF lowblows him. MJF rolls Alex up for a near fall before Alex counters a reverse spinning neckbreaker and rocks MJF with a bicycle knee. Alex then hits a sit-out powerbomb for the pin and the win.
Winner: Alex Hammerstone defeats MJF via pinfall with a sit-out powerbomb to advance to the next round of the tournament.
-After the match Richard tries to play peacemaker before Alex shakes hands with Richard and MJF and MJF collapses face first onto the mat before we get a promo by Injustice who say that they’re going to sabotage the Opera Cup finals.
-We go to Ross attacking Tom on the street before he runs off again as we go to commercial.
-Davey Boy Smith Jr. cuts a promo about the Opera Cup and his intentions to win the cup and the MLW World Heavyweight Championship after he defeats Low-Ki in the final opening round match.
Low-Ki vs Davey Boy Smith Jr.
They start the match off timidly by fainting kicks before Low-Ki takes Davey down with a single leg before Davey takes Low-Ki down with a side headlock takeover. Low-Ki gets to his feet and locks in an armbar in the ropes before Low-Ki starts focusing on the injured arm of Davey. Davey knocks Low-Ki off of the apron and chokes him against the railing before driving him into the apron and tossing him back into the ring. Davey hits a scoop slam and stomps Low-Ki in the midsection before locking in a variation of a bear hug. Low-Ki comes back and hits a diving stomp before Davey counters a scoop slam and they exchange strikes before Low-Ki hits a wrecking ball dropkick into the railing.
Davey sends Low-Ki into the railing before picking him up and sending him through the ropes. Low-Ki hits a rolling kick that rocks Davey on the apron before Davey hits a powerslam for a near fall before hitting a powerbomb for another near fall. Low-Ki then counters a second powerbomb into a scoop slam before leaving the Low-Ki jumps on his back and Davey falls to the mat, but ends up pinning the shoulders of Low-Ki down in the process for the pin and the win.
Winner: Davey Boy Smith Jr. defeats Low-Ki via pinfall to advance to the next round of the tournament.