
12/23/2019 WWE Raw Results: WWE United States Title Match, A No DQ Match & Chelsea Green Debuts

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Kevin Owens makes his way to the ring to start the show, a video package also airs highlighting what has gone down between Owens, Seth Rollins and the AOP. Owens grabs a microphone and he says that he has a lot to say, Mojo Rawley quickly interrupts him and he says he wants an explanation for Owens attacking him two weeks ago. Rawley says that Owens needs a reality check, Owens says he cannot wait to kick Rawley’s ass tonight in a No DQ Match. Rawley says Owens won’t be having a Merry Christmas after what goes down tonight, Owens tells Rawley to stop talking so they can have their match.

No DQ Match
Kevin Owens vs. Mojo Rawley

The match starts with Owens nailing Rawley with a few strikes before knocking him out of the ring with a shoulder block, Owens then leaps off the ring apron onto Rawley. Owens follows that up by throwing Rawley into the barricade, Owens grabs a few weapons and he throws them all in the ring. Owens sets a table up in the ring and Rawley attacks him from behind with a chair, Rawley grabs the table and he gets it out of the ring before slamming Owens onto a pile of chairs for a near fall. Rawley mounts Owens before attacking him with more strikes, Rawley grabs another chair and he attacks Owens with it. Rawley also sets up a bunch of chairs in the middle of the ring, Rawley places Owens on the top rope and he follows him up there. Owens fights back and he knocks Rawley off the ropes, Rawley recovers and he throws Owens off the ropes and onto the set up chairs for a near fall. Owens recovers and he nails a charging Rawley with a super kick, Owens then lands a swanton bomb for a near fall.

Owens grabs a steel chair and he gets rid of it to bring the table back into the ring, Rawley recovers and he tries putting Owens through a table. Owens gets free and he nails Rawley with a stunner, Owens then hits Rawley with a pop up power bomb through the table for a three count.

Winner: Kevin Owens

After the match, Kevin Owens grabs the microphone and he says he has plenty of fight left in him before telling Seth Rollins and AOP to meet him in the ring. Owens says he isn’t leaving the ring until they come out, Seth Rollins and AOP are shown backstage as we go to a commercial break.

– Seth Rollins and AOP come out after the commercial break to confront Kevin Owens, Rollins enters the ring alone and he tries reasoning with Owens. Rollins offers Owens his hand and Owens nails him with a super kick, AOP hit the ring and they attack Owens alongside Rollins. Owens fights back and the numbers game becomes too much for him, Rollins ends the attack by nailing Owens with a curb stomp.

– WWE 24/7 Champion R-Truth is shown walking around New York trying to spread holiday cheer, R-Truth finds a person and he says the tree lighting ceremony that R-Truth was supposed to attend was a farce. Akira Tozawa appears out of nowhere and he rolls up R-Truth to win the WWE 24/7 Title.

Bobby Lashley w/Lana vs. Cedric Alexander

The match begins with Lashley working over the arm of Alexander, Alexander gets free and he gets Lashley in a headlock. Lashley gets free by slamming Alexander before nailing him with some strikes, Alexander recovers and he cracks Lashley with a spinning elbow strike. Alexander then nails Lashley with a head scissors before knocking him out of the ring with a drop kick, Alexander goes to the ring apron before taking Lashley down with a moonsault. Alexander gets back in the ring and Lana grabs a microphone before getting into the ring, Lana demands that Alexander not injure Lashley before their wedding next week. Lana continues talking as we go to a commercial break, we return from the break to see Alexander cracking Lashley with some more strikes. Alexander then nails a charging Lashley with a kick to the face, Lashley exits the ring and Alexander nails him with a penalty kick from the ring apron. Alexander tries getting Lashley back in the ring and Lashley cracks him with a few strikes, Lashley recovers and he levels Alexander with a clothesline.

Lashley corners Alexander before landing a spear followed by a neck breaker for a near fall, Lashley keeps Alexander down while applying a chin lock. Alexander gets free and Lashley nails him with a flat liner for a near fall, Lashley then nails Alexander with a sam before going to the middle rope. Alexander recovers and he drops kicks Lashley to knock him off the ropes, Alexander nails Lashley with another head kick before knocking him out of the ring with a springboard clothesline. Alexander follows that up by nailing Lashley with multiple suicide dives, Alexander gets Lashley back in the ring before landing a Neuralizer for a near fall. Alexander gets up and he attacks Lashley with a few kicks, Lashley catches a charging Alexander and he nails him with a Dominator. Lashley goes for a spear and Alexander counters with a drop kick, Alexander follows up by nailing a cornered Lashley with a second drop kick. Lashley avoids a leaping Alexander before landing a spine buster and spear for a three count.

Winner: Bobby Lashley w/Lana

– Charly Caruso interviews Seth Rollins and AOP, Rollins says he went to the ring to extend an olive branch to Kevin Owens and all he got was kicked in the face.

– Akira Tozawa is shown walking around New York City when he rests by a fountain, R-Truth causes Tozawa to bump into somebody and Tozawa blames R-Truth for it as their chase continues.

Zack Ryder w/Curt Hawkins vs. Drew McIntyre

The match begins with McIntyre cornering Ryder before a striking exchange breaks out, McIntyre takes over and he pummels Ryder in the corner. Ryder sends a charging McIntyre out of the ring before landing a drop kick, Ryder also exits the ring and McIntyre nails him with a clothesline before ramming him into the barricade and ring edge. McIntyre gets Ruder back into the ring before landing an overhead belly to belly suplex, Ryder fights back and McIntyre drops him a short time later, Ryder leaps off the middle rope and McIntyre nails him with a power bomb. McIntyre then hits Ryder with a Claymore Kick for a three count.

Winner: Drew McIntyre

After the match, Drew McIntyre attacks Curt Hawkins before nailing Zack Ryder with a Future Shock DDT. Hawkins returns and McIntyre nails him with a Glasgow Kiss followed by a Claymore Kick, McIntyre grags a microphone and he makes up fake praises from Ryder and Hawkins. McIntyre says that 2020 belongs to him.

Becky Lynch makes her way to the ring and she grabs a microphone, Lynch says that she has had some things on her mind lately. Lynch says she learned that she does much better when she takes things in her hands and that is what she is in the ring to do, Lynch says she is the face of the company and the company is trying to protect her. Lynch says she has stayed quiet for too long and she needs to face Asuka next, Lynch says that Asuka is the only woman to beat her fair and square. Lynch says she has come to collect one last debt, Asuka and Kairi Sane make their way to the stage. Asuka says some things in Japanese before saying they are the champions, Asuka says she wants to become “Asuka Two Belts.” Lynch says she will put her Raw Women’s Title on the line and some trash talking takes place between the two.

Aleister Black vs. Deonn Rusman

The match begins with Black nailing a charging Rusman with a leg sweep followed by a knee strike, Black then nails Rusman with a Black Mass for a three count.

Winner: Aleister Black

After the match, Aleister Black and Buddy Murphy have a face to face encounter.

Buddy Murphy vs. Joeasa

The match begins with Murphy immediately nailing Joeasa with a knee strike, Murphy then hits Joeasa with Murphy’s Law for a three count.

Winner: Buddy Murphy

After the match, Buddy Murphy and Aleister Black have a face to face confrontation in the ring, Black offers a handshake and Murphy slaps his hand away before eating a Black Mass.

– A video package airs highlighting the feud between Seth Rollins and Rey Mysterio.

– Charly Caruso interviews Rey Mysterio, who says he is looking forward to facing Seth Rollins and he believes that Rollins is one of the best superstars on Raw. Mysterio says his match with Rollins will always have an asterisk next to it because Rollins will have AOP with him, Mysterio says Rollins and AOP should’ve finished him last week when they attacked him.

Tony Nese vs. Ricochet

The match begins with Ricochet rolling up Nese for a quick pin attempt, Ricochet gets Nese in a headlock and Nese gets free before they exchange moonsault attempts. Ricochet nails Nese with a few strikes landing a head scissors takedown and a drop kick, Nese fights back and he nails Ricochet in the throat a few times. Nese nails Ricochet with a springboard moonsault for a near fall, Nese slows things down by applying a body scissors to Ricochet. Ricochet gets free and he drops Nese with some forearm strikes followed by a hurricarana, Ricochet traps Nese in the corner before landing a head kick. Ricochet goes for a springboard move and Nese blocks it by landing a palm strike, Ricochet recovers to to hit Nese with a super kick and Recoil for a three count.

Winner: Ricochet

– Akira Tozawa is still being chased by R-Truth when he hides in some Christmas trees, R-Truth finds Tozawa and the chase continues.

Charlotte Flair vs. Chelsea Green

The match begins with Flair backing Green into the corner before letting her go free, Flair grabs Green and she briefly works over her arm. Green shoves Flair and Flair responds by slapping her, Flair corners Green before kicking away at her. Green then nails Flair with a kick to the knee before sending her into the corner, Green then kicks Flair face first into the middle turnbuckle for a near fall. Green follows up by nailing Flair with a drop kick, Green also chokes Flair on the middle rope before getting a near fall on her. Green slows things down by holding Flair in a chin lock, Flair gets free and she nails Green with some chops. Green recovers and she nails Flair with an elbow strike, Flair stumbles before nailing Green with a big boot. Flair applies the Figure Eight to Green and a tap out follows.

Winner: Charlotte Flair

– Akira Tozawa is being chased by R-Truth in New York City when they bump into a Santa Clause, Clause sends R-Truth to his sleight for a gift. Clause attacks Tozawa with his gift bag and he pins Tozawa to win the WWE 24/7 Championship.

– A Liv Morgan video package airs, talking about how she gave everybody else all of her power, but she says that she’ll decide who she is now on.

Randy Orton & The Viking Raiders (Erik & Ivar) vs. The OC (AJ Styles, Luke Gallows & Karl Anderson)

The match begins with Anderson getting Ivar in a headlock until Ivar tosses him away, Anderson gets Ivar in another headlock and Ivar gets free before dropping Anderson with a shoulder tackle. Erik tags in and he double teams Anderson with Ivar, Ivar tags back in and he nails Anderson with a knee strike before Erik lands one as well. Ivar corners Anderson before landing a few strikes, Anderson fights back and Ivar slams him before Erik tags in. Erik picks up Ivar and he slams him onto a downed Anderson for a near fall, Erik keeps Anderson down while wrenching away on his arm. Anderson fights back and he attacks Erik with strikes to the throat, Gallows tags in and he nails Erik with a side kick before knocking him out of the ring. Styles attacks Erik on the arena floor while Gallows had the ref distracted, Gallows nails Erik with some more strikes before tagging Styles in. Styles corners Erik before stomping away on him, Erik fights back and Styles nails him with some more strikes.

Anderson attacks Erik with a kick to the head while Styles distracts the ref, Styles drops Erik before landing a knee drop for a near fall. Anderson tags in and he drops Erik before applying a chin lock, Erik gets free and Anderson nails him with a spine buster for a near fall. Styles tags back in and Erik knocks Anderson out of the ring, Erik then drops Styles before Orton and Gallows are tagged in by their respective partners. Orton quickly starts cleaning house against the opposing team, Gallows drops Orton out of the ring and Orton’s injured knee is hurt as we go to a commercial break. We return from the break to see Gallows stomping away on the injured knee of Orton, Gallows keeps Orton cornered while landing some strikes. Styles tags in and he attacks the injured knee of Orton, Orton fights back and Styles quickly drops him. Styles goes for a suplex and Orton winds up nailing him with one, Erik and Anderson are tagged in by their respective partners.

Erik starts cleaning house against the opposing team, Anderson hits the ring and Erik tosses him around before tagging Ivar in. Ivar nails Gallows with a side slam followed by a splash, Erik tags in and he double teams Styles with Ivar. The Viking Raiders hit Anderson with The Viking Experience for a near fall, Styles tags in and he nails Ivar with an overhead kick. Orton tags in after Styles nails Erik with an enziguri, Orton attacks Styles before nailing Anderson with an RKO. Gallows attacks the injured knee of Orton so Styles can nail him with a Phenomenal Forearm for a three count.

Winners: The OC (AJ Styles, Luke Gallows & Karl Anderson)

– Santa Clause is shown running from Akira Tozawa and R-Truth, Santa gets on a carriage and he gets chased by the former champions on another carriage. The carriage chase ends and the chase on the feet begins again.

– Erick Rowan is shown talking to whatever is in the cage.

– The Street Profits are backstage and they talk about everything that has gone down tonight on Raw, mainly the upcoming wedding between Bobby Lashley and Lana. 

Erick Rowan vs. Travis Horn

The match begins with Horn offering Rowan a candy cane, Rowan takes it and Horn leaves the ring. Horn goes to give the caged creature some candy canes and Rowan jumps him from behind, Rowan throws Horn into the LED board before getting him into the ring. Rowan then hits Horn with a running cross body block and a claw slam for a three count.

Winner: Erick Rowan

– Santa Clause is shown running through the streets of New York City, R-Truth and Akira Tozawa catch up to him and R-Truth pins him to win the WWE 24/7 Championship. Tozawa goes after R-Truth and the referee becomes angry and decides to head home, R-Truth and Tozawa call for a truce.

– Rusev grabs the microphone before the next match and he says that he has some mixed emotions about being screwed over at WWE TLC, Rusev says he is upset about it and he will do something about it. Rusev says he isn’t upset about Lana getting married to Bobby Lashley next week, Rusev says the biggest punishment he can give Lashley is to have him marry Lana. 

Rusev vs. No Way Jose

The match begins with Rusev backing Jose into the corner before missing some strikes, Jose fires back and he attacks Rusev with chops. Rusev gets angry and he nails Jose with a Machka Kick for a three count.

Winner: Rusev

After the match, Rusev shows off some dance moves before partying with No Way Jose’s conga line. 

– Charly Caruso interviews Seth Rollins, who says he is going to beat Rey Mysterio and win the WWE United States Title. 

– Rey Mysterio is shown walking backstage. 

WWE United States Championship
Rey Mysterio (c) vs. Seth Rollins w/AOP

The match begins with Mysterio attacking Rollins with a bunch of strikes, Rollins quickly corners Mysterio before kicking away at him. Mysterio fights back and Rollins drops him with a sling blade for a near fall, Rollins goes for a suplex and Mysterio escapes to eat a forearm strike. Rollins keeps Mysterio down while stomping away on him, Rollins follows Mysterio around the ring while attacking him with strikes. Mysterio recovers and he rolls up Rollins before landing a head scissors takedown, Rollins knocks Mysterio to the ring apron and Mysterio returns to send Rollins into the ropes. Rollins avoids a 619 before throwing Mysterio into the ring post, Rollins throws Mysterio out of the ring as we go to a commercial break. We return from the break to see Rollins holding Mysterio down while wrenching away on his arm, Rollins releases the hold to nail Mysterio with a back breaker for a near fall. Rollins holds Mysterio down while applying an inverted bear hug, Rollins releases the hold and Mysterio knocks him out of the ring with a head scissors takedown.

Mysterio then nails Rollins with a sunset flip wall bomb, Mysterio gets Rollins back into the ring before landing a seated senton. Rollins catches a leaping Mysterio and Mysterio still manages to land a tornado DDT for a near fall, Rollins catches a leaping Mysterio again to land a buckle bomb followed by a super kick for a near fall. Rollins looks for a curb stomp and Mysterio avoids it to send Rollins into the ropes, Mysterio hits Rollins with a 619 before going to the top rope. The AOP attack Mysterio and the referee calls for the bell.

Winner: Rey Mysterio, by DQ, still the WWE United States Champion

After the match, Seth Rollins and the AOP continue attacking Rey Mysterio before dragging him up the entrance ramp. The AOP clear the announce table as Samoa Joe remains in his seat, Joe gets up and Rollins gets between everybody after dumping Mysterio into a Christmas tree. AOP attack Joe as Rollins leaves to hit Mysterio with a curb stomp, the AOP then put Joe through the announce table.

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