
12/16/2019 WWE Raw Results: A Marriage Proposal, A Gauntlet Match & Deonna Purrazzo Debuts

Welcome to Fightful.com’s live coverage & discussion for WWE Raw. We’ll be bringing you full, fight by fight coverage of every bout on the card. You can also send in your feedback on our Disqus boards below!

– The show starts with highlights from last weeks Raw, showing Seth Rollins forming an alliance with AOP.

– Seth Rollins makes his way to the ring, Rollins introduces AOP and they make their way to the ring. Rollins talks about how the world declared him the future when he made his NXT debut, Rollins says the same thing was said about him during his Raw debut. Rollins said things didn’t change when he defeated Brock Lesnar twice, Rollins says things started to change and people started questioning his leadership. Rollins says being a leader is about making decision for the sake of progress, Rollins says what happened to Owens was a tragedy and he brought it upon himself. Rollins declares himself a leader and a visionary and he’ll be the man to lead the brand and industry for the next decade-plus, Rollins says everybody is coming with him whether they like it or not. Rollins says he will impose his will and the AOP will deal with enforcing his will to those who resist, Rollins says a score is going to be settled tonight and he apologizes in advance before leaving the ring.

– Karl Anderson and Luke Gallows come to the ring with microphones, saying that they are the only tag team thus far to defeat The Viking Raiders. Anderson and Gallows say they sacrificed themselves with dives last night to ensure they wouldn’t lose the tag titles.

The Viking Raiders (Erik & Ivar) vs. The OC (Karl Anderson & Luke Gallows)

The match begins with Gallows kicking Ivar before getting him in a headlock, Ivar gets free and Gallows nails him with a few strikes. Anderson tags in and Ivar corners him before tagging Erik in, Erik and Ivar attack Anderson with some double team moves. Erik traps Anderson before attacking him with a knee strike to the midsection, Ivar tags in and he slams Anderson before getting slammed on top of him. Ivar follows that up by nailing Anderson with cross face strikes, Erik tags in and he attacks Anderson with some more strikes. Erik follows that up by nailing Anderson with a delayed vertical suplex, Erik keeps Anderson down while wrenching away on his arm. Anderson rakes the eyes of Erik before tagging Gallows in, Erik recovers and he knocks Gallows out of the ring. Erik looks for a dive and Gallows cracks him with a right, Gallows then hits Erik with a fall away slam into the barricade as we go to a commercial break.

We return from the break to see Anderson holding Erik down while applying a chin lock, Erik gets free and Anderson nails him with a spine buster for a near fall. Gallows tags in and he corners Erik before landing more strikes, Gallows then drops Erik with a boot to the face for a near fall. Gallows keeps Erik down while landing some elbow strikes, Gallows keeps Erik down while holding him in a chin lock. Erik gets free and Gallows nails him with a back suplex, Anderson tags in and he rips away at the face of Erik. Erik fights back and Anderson fires back with strikes of his own, Erik gets free and he tags Ivar into the match. Ivar quickly starts cleaning house against the opposing team, Ivar then hits a cornered Anderson with a running seated senton for a near fall. Anderson avoids a charging Ivar and he nails him with a neck breaker afterwards, Gallows tags in and he works with Anderson to hit Ivar with an elevated neck breaker for a near fall. Anderson tags back in and Ivar takes out both foes with a double handspring elbow strike, Erik and Ivar nail Anderson and Gallows with dives after clearing the ring and we go to a commercial break.

We return from the break to see Gallows attacking both of his opponents, Ivar fights back and Gallows drops him before tagging Anderson in. Anderson and Gallows then hit Ivar with a Boot Of Doom for a near fall, Ivar fights back again and he nails Anderson with a seated senton. Erik and Gallows are tagged in by their respective partners, Erik quickly starts cleaning house against the opposing team. Ivar tags in and he double teams Gallows with Erik, Erik picks up Ivar and he throws him onto Gallows for a near fall. Erik tags in and Gallows fights back against both foes before tagging Anderson in, Anderson quickly drops Erik with a European uppercut. Erik catches a leaping Anderson and he power bombs him as Ivar tags in, Ivar goes to the top rope and he drops an interfering Gallows first. Ivar goes for a moonsault and Gallows gets Anderson out of the way, Gallows tags in and The OC hit Ivar with a Magic Killer for a three count.

Winners: The OC (Karl Anderson & Luke Gallows)

– Sarah Schreiber interviews Erick Rowan last week after Raw, Rowan says he will go through anything to protect his family and what’s in the cage.

– Erick Rowan is shown walking backstage.

– The OC are celebrating backstage and AJ Styles promises to take out Randy Orton tonight, Styles tells Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson to stay backstage in his match tonight.

Erick Rowan vs. Dante Leon

The match begins with Leon leaving the ring and Rowan follows him out there, Leon goes under the ring and Rowan goes searching for him. Leon returns and he goes near the cage before getting chased by Rowan, Rowan catches up to Leon and he nails him with a running cross body block. Rowan gets Leon back in the ring and he nails him with a series of claw slams for a three count.

Winner: Erick Rowan

– Charly Caruso interviews Andrade and Zelina Vega, Andrade says some stuff in Spanish and Vega says that Andrade’s losses to Humberto Carrillo have made him take Carrillo seriously.

– A Liv Morgan video package airs, Morgan says she reflected on who she was in the past and all she ever wanted was to be comfortable in her own skin and to not be self destructive. Morgan says she had to destroy herself so her real self can emerge.

– Bobby Lashley and Lana make their way to the ring for a celebration after Lashley’s win at WWE TLC 2019, Lana talks about how Lashley was victorious at WWE TLC 2019. Lana talks about how wonderful and beautiful Lashley is, Lana says that Rusev Day is now dead. Lana says she wants the world to know how much he loves her, Lana pulls out a ring and she wants Lashley to ask her to marry her. Lashley says that he doesn’t like getting told what to do and Lana is the exception, Lashley drops to a knee and he proposes to her. Lana says yes and she’ll allow him to marry her, Lashley puts the ring on her finger and they kiss.

– R-Truth comes to the ring and he says that he wouldn’t be in the WWE if it wasn’t for his hero John Cena, R-Truth says he is going to become the first joint WWE United States Champion and WWE 24/7 Champion.

WWE United States Title #1 Contender Gauntlet Match
Andrade w/Zelina Vega vs. Humberto Carrillo vs. R-Truth vs. Akira Tozawa vs. Ricochet vs. Matt Hardy

Match #1: R-Truth vs. Akira Tozawa

The match begins with Tozawa getting R-Truth in a headlock, R-Truth gets free and he gets Tozawa in a headlock of his own. R-Truth releases the hold to drop Tozawa with multiple shoulder tackles, R-Truth nails Tozawa with a few strikes before crashing into the ring post after missing a charge in the corner. Tozawa goes to the ring apron and he dives off onto R-Truth, Tozawa gets R-Truth back in the ring before going to the top rope to land a missile drop kick for a near fall. R-Truth misses a scissors kick and Tozawa rolls him up for a three count.

Eliminated: R-Truth

After the match, a bunch of wrestlers chase R-Truth through the crowd.

Match #2: Akira Tozawa vs. Ricochet

The match begins with Tozawa kicking Ricochet in the midsection, Ricochet misses a charge in the corner and he recovers to knock Tozawa out of the ring with a drop kick. Tozawa gets back in the ring and he knocks Ricochet out of the ring with a spinning head kick, Tozawa then nails Ricochet with multiple suicide dives. Tozawa gets Ricochet back in the ring and he goes to the top rope, Ricochet nails a leaping Tozawa with a drop kick. Ricochet gets Tozawa to his feet before attacking him with some chops, Ricochet applies the modified abdominal stretch to Tozawa before rolling him up for a near fall. Ricochet lands a few strikes before getting Tozawa in a bow and arrow stretch, Ricochet slams Tozawa afterwards for a near fall. Tozawa gets up and Ricochet attacks him with more strikes, Tozawa fights back and he gets Ricochet in the octopus stretch. Ricochet gets free and he nails Tozawa with an enziguri, Tozawa fights back and he nails Ricochet with a dead lift German suplex for a near fall.

Tozawa goes for another German suplex and Ricochet defends by landing a few strikes, Ricochet traps Tozawa in the corner before landing a head kick. Ricochet then hits Tozawa with a springboard clothesline, Tozawa nearly catches Ricochet in a roll up afterwards before landing a super kick. Ricochet causes Tozawa to leap off the top rope before landing a super kick and Recoil for a three count.

Eliminated: Akira Tozawa

Match #3: Ricochet vs. Matt Hardy

The match begins with Hardy immediately nailing Ricochet with a Side Effect for a near fall, Hardy picks up Ricochet before attacking him with forearm strikes. Hardy then drops Ricochet with a hard Irish whip into the corner, Hardy also smashes the face of Ricochet into the turnbuckles. Hardy traps Ricochet in the ropes before pulling back on his head, Ricochet fights back and Hardy immediately nails him with a suplex. Ricochet fights back again and Hardy drops him with a back body drop for a near fall, Hardy mounts Ricochet to attack him with a few strikes. Hardy gets a standing Ricochet in the kravat, Hardy releases the hold and Ricochet tries climbing the ropes before getting attacked. Hardy nails Ricochet with a sit out power bomb for a near fall, Ricochet recovers and he nails a charging Hardy with enziguri followed by a rolling drop kick. Ricochet gets up and he cracks Hardy with a few strikes followed by a head scissors takedown, Ricochet then nails Hardy with a head kick.

Ricochet goes for a springboard clothesline and Hardy counters with a Side Effect for another near fall, Hardy goes to the top rope and he misses a moonsault attempt. Ricochet then hits a downed Hardy with a standing shooting star press for a near fall, Ricochet goes to the top rope and he rolls through a 450 splash attempt. Hardy goes for a Twist Of Fate and Ricochet counters with a roll up for a three count.

Eliminated: Matt Hardy

Match #4: Ricochet vs. Humberto Carrillo

The match begins with Ricochet shocking Carrillo with a few roll ups for a few near falls, Carrillo recovers and he nails Ricochet with a drop kick. Ricochet responds by cracking Carrillo with a few strikes, Carrillo avoids a penalty kick to nail Ricochet with a spinning head kick. Carrillo then knocks Ricochet out of the ring with a springboard arm drag before landing a suicide dive, Carrillo gets Ricochet back in the ring before working over his arm. Carrillo holds Ricochet down while dropping a knee on his injured shoulder, Carrillo again keeps Ricochet down while wrenching away on his arm. Ricochet fights back and he attacks Carrillo with some strikes, Ricochet goes for a handstand move and Carrillo kicks his injured arm for a near fall. Carrillo keeps Ricochet down while wrenching away on his arm, Carrillo releases the hold and he stomps away on a downed Ricochet. Ricochet gets to the ring apron and he catches Carrillo in a slingshot sunset flip for a near fall, Ricochet then hits Carrillo with a falcon arrow for a near fall.

Zelina Vega makes her way to the ring as we go to a commercial break, we return from the break to see Ricochet getting a near fall on a downed Carrillo. Ricochet traps Carrillo in the corner while landing some shoulder rams, Carrillo knocks Ricochet to the ring apron and Ricochet lands a springboard clothesline followed by a standing shooting star press a short time later for a near fall. Carrillo traps Ricochet in the ropes before landing a missile drop kick for a near fall, Carrillo goes for a moonsault and Ricochet avoids it before landing an enziguri. Ricochet and Carrillo exchange some kicks until both go down, Ricochet then uses a running cross body block to knock them both to the arena floor. Ricochet and Carrillo barely beat the count by getting back into the ring, Carrillo gets up first and he drops a charging Ricochet before going back to the top rope. Ricochet gets up and he nails Carrillo with a palm strike before going to the top rope, Ricochet exchanges strikes with Carrillo before nailing him with a superplex for a near fall.

Ricochet and Carrillo have a striking exchange in the middle of the ring, Ricochet ends that by nailing Carrillo with a northern lights suplex into a brain buster for a near fall. Ricochet goes back to the top rope and Carrillo nails him with a head kick before meeting him up there, Carrillo goes for a reverse hurricarana and Ricochet lands on his feet before landing a pump kick. Carrillo responds by nailing Ricochet with a Disaster Kick followed by a destroyer, Carrillo then hits Ricochet with a top rope moonsault for a three count.

Eliminated: Ricochet

Match #5 Humberto Carrillo vs. Andrade w/Zelina Vega

The match begins with Andrade coming out from the crowd to attack a distracted Carrillo from behind, Andrade then nails Carrillo with a series of double running knee strikes. Andrade throws Carrillo to the arena floor and he goes out there to remove the padding from the concrete floor, Andrade picks Carrillo up before throwing him into the barricade. Andrade nails Carrillo with an arm trap DDT on the exposed arena floor, Rey Mysterio comes out and he checks on the knocked out Carrillo as Andrade and Vega head into the crowd.

Match Result: No Contest

– Humberto Carrillo is being taken backstage on a stretcher when Seth Rollins and AOP come out with a steel pipe to confront Rey Mysterio, AOP get in the ring and they attack Mysterio. Rollins grabs a microphone and he says that they wanted to give the pipe back to Mysterio, the AOP continue attacking Mysterio until Rollins stops the attack to say that Mysterio owes him one before landing a curb stomp on him.

– Charly Caruso interview Seth Rollins & AOP, Rollins says he leads by example and he settled the score. Rollins says he didn’t hospitalize Rey Mysterio because he challenges him to a WWE United States Title match next week on Raw.

– Randy Orton appears and he talks about facing AJ Styles tonight, Orton talks about how Styles beat him earlier this year at Wrestlemania. Orton says that Styles is on Raw and Styles needs to remember just who he is with an RKO.

Asuka w/Kairi Sane vs. Deonna Purrazzo

The match begins with Purrazzo knocking Asuka out of the ring with a pump kick as we go to a commercial break, we return from the break to see Asuka tossing Purrazzo across the ring before landing a few kicks. Asuka keeps Purrazzo near the ropes before landing a running hip attack, Asuka corners Purrazzo before landing another running hip attack. Purrazzo fights back and she nails Asuka with a divorce court before applying a Fujiwara Arm Bar, Asuka gets free and she rolls up Purrazzo for a near fall. Asuka goes for her own arm bar and she transitions to a knee bar, Asuka then transitions to an STF against Purrazzo. Asuka then switches to an ankle lock before eating an elbow strike from Purrazzo, Purrazzo avoids a swinging Asuka before landing a flat liner for a near fall. Purrazzo follows Asuka around the ring while kicking her in the head, Asuka gets mad and she nails Purrazzo with a knee strike followed by head kicks. Asuka locks in the Asuka Lock and Purrazzo taps out.

Winner: Asuka w/Kairi Sane

– Charly Caruso interviews Becky Lynch, who says she has been off in the last few months and hasn’t been herself. Lynch says she was removed from singles competition and put into tag competition, Lynch says the higher powers are protecting her from Asuka because she is the golden goose and they don’t want her to lose to Asuka. Lynch says she needs Asuka because she hasn’t been able to beat Asuka, Lynch says she has something to prove to herself.

– Rey Mysterio says a lot of bad people are coming for the WWE United States Title and Andrade os one of them after what he did to Humberto Carrillo earlier tonight, Mysterio says Seth Rollins showed tonight why he isn’t respected and he accepts Rollins’ challenge for next week.

Randy Orton vs. AJ Styles

The match begins with Orton cracking Styles with a few strikes, Orton corners Styles while landing more strikes. Styles fights back and he nails Orton with strikes of his own, Orton recovers and looks for an RKO before Styles runs out of the ring. Orton follows Styles out of the ring and Styles quickly gets back in it, Orton tries getting back in and Styles attacks him before leaving the ring. Orton grabs Styles and drops him back first on the ring apron, Orton then smashes the face of Styles into the ring steps before getting him back in the ring. Orton keeps Styles down while stomping away on him, Styles gets to the ring apron and he drops Orton neck first on the top rope. Styles goes for a springboard move and Orton trips him up, Orton goes for a hanging DDT and Styles gets free to attempt a calf crusher. Styles eventually applies the hold and Orton eventually gets to the ropes after a long struggle, Orton exits the ring and Styles follows him out there to land a chop block as we go to a commercial break.

We return from the break to see Styles working over the leg of a downed Orton, Orton fights back and Styles again attacks the injured leg. Orton recovers and he rakes the eyes of Styles, Styles gets angry and Orton drops him face first on the top turnbuckle. Orton comes at Styles and he cracks him with a few strikes, Styles attacks Orton’s knee again and Orton recovers to nail him a power slam. Styles recovers and he goes back to attacking the injured knee of Orton, Orton traps Styles in the ropes before landing an inverted back breaker for a near fall. Orton places Styles on the top rope and he cracks him with a few strikes, Orton meets Styles on the top rope and Styles gets free to knock Orton off the ropes. Styles then nails a dazed Orton with another chop block, Styles lands a moonsault on the injured leg of Orton for a near fall. Styles sets up for a Styles Clash and Orton back body drops him to the ring apron, Orton then nails Styles with an elevated DDT. Orton goes for an RKO and Styles counters by applying the calf crusher again, Orton gets free and he gets Styles to the ring apron. 

Styles goes for a Phenomenal Forearm and Orton counters with an RKO for a three count.

Winner: Randy Orton

After the match, the rest of The OC attack Randy Orton until The Viking Raiders make the save, but The OC overwhelm them in the end.

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