
12/13/2019 205 Live Results: Danny Burch vs. Tony Nese, Plus Joaquin Wilde Debuts

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– Highlights are shown of Angel Garza winning the NXT Cruiserweight Title from Lio Rush this past week on WWE NXT.

Ariya Daivari vs. Raul Mendoza 

The match begins with a shoving contest until Mendoza drops Daivari with multiple shoulder tackles, Mendoza traps Daivari in the corner before attacking him with chops. Daivari fights back and he cracks Mendoza with a few strikes, Mendoza recovers and he drops Daivari with a hurricarana. Mendoza then hits Daivari with a springboard cross body block for a near fall, Daivari leaves the ring before eating a baseball slide drop kick. Daivari recovers and he throws Mendoza into the ring post, Daivari gets Mendoza in the ring before stomping away on him. Daivari gets Mendoza up before attacking him with chops, Daivari then drops Mendoza with a hard Irish whip into the corner. Daivari keeps Mendoza down while applying a chin lock to him, Mendoza gets free and Daivari drops him with a back elbow strike for a near fall. Daivari keeps Mendoza down again while applying a camel clutch, Mendoza gets free and he nails Daivari with a jaw breaker. 

Mendoza follows that up by nailing Daivari with a leaping knee strike, Daivari and Mendoza have a striking exchange in the middle of the ring. Mendoza ends that by nailing Daivari with a clothesline and running knee strike, Mendoza goes to the top rope and he nails Daivari with a missile drop kick. Daivari leaves the ring and Mendoza nails him with a suicide dive, Mendoza gets Daivari in the ring and he nails him with a spinning suplex for a near fall. Daivari fights back and he nails a charging Mendoza with a super kick, Daivari places Mendoza on the top rope before throwing him off. Daivari then nails Mendoza with a top rope frog splash for a near fall, Daivari misses a charge in the corner and he still manages to kick Mendoza in the face. Daivari goes to the top rope and Mendoza nails him with an enziguri followed by a super hurricarana for a near fall, Mendoza goes back to the top rope and he misses a phoenix splash. Daivari then hits Mendoza with a uranage for a near fall, Mendoza fights back and both men go down after both attempted cross body blocks.

Daivari and Mendoza have another striking exchange in the middle of the ring, Mendoza ends the exchange by nailing Daivari with an enziguri. Mendoza misses a kick and he still manages to roll up Daivari for a three count.

Winner: Raul Mendoza

– A video package airs highlighting Joaquin Wilde.

Joaquin Wilde vs. James Tapia

The match begins with Wilde doing some work on the arm of Tapia, Wilde trips up Tapia before getting a near fall on him. Wilde goes back to the arm of Tapia before dropping him with an arm drag, Tapia gets free and Wilde drops him with a series of hurricaranas. Wilde drops Tapia again with an arm drag before wrenching away on that arm, Tapia gets free again and Wilde nails him with a drop kick. Wilde corners Tapia before landing a few strikes, Wilde goes to the top rope and Tapia meets him up there. Wilde fights back and he gets free to nail Tapia with a power bomb, Wilde then hits Tapia with a rolling double knee strike and a Wilde Thing for a three count.

Winner: Joaquin Wilde


– Highlights are shown of Angel Garza proposing to his girlfriend after winning the NXT Cruiserweight Title this past week on WWE NXT. 

Danny Burch vs. Tony Nese

The match begins with Burch wrenching away on the arm of Nese, Nese gets free and he works over the arm of Burch. Burch gets free and he drops Nese before stomping on his arm, Burch keeps Nese down while wrenching away on his arm. Nese backs Burch into the corner they go back and forth until Burch gets Nese in a headlock, Nese gets free and Burch gets him in another headlock. Nese backs Burch into the ropes and Burch gets him down with another headlock, Nese gets free and Burch drops him as he tried leaping over him. Nese recovers and he sends Burch out of the ring, Nese exits the ring and Burch nails him with some European uppercuts. Burch follows that up by sending Nese into the barricade, Nese gets back in the ring and Burch follows him in there to land more strikes. Burch goes to the middle rope and Nese pulls him off, Nese stands over Burch while attacking him with strikes. Burch fights back and Nese drops him neck first on the top rope, Nese then hits Burch with a springboard moonsault for a near fall.

Nese slows things down further by holding Burch in a body scissors, Burch gets free and Nese attacks him with a ton of strikes. Burch fights back and he drops Nese with a missile drop kick, Burch and Nese have a striking exchange in the middle of the ring. Burch gains control and he drops Nese a few times, Burch corners Nese before landing a clothesline and exploder suplex. Burch drops Nese with a right for a near fall, Nese recovers and Burch nails him with a headbutt. Burch goes for a release German suplex and Nese lands on his feet before landing a double stomp for a near fall, Nese goes to the top rope and Burch catches him with a rope assisted ace crusher for a near fall. Burch immediately gets Nese in a crossface and Nese eventually gets to the ropes, Burch goes to the ring apron and Nese knocks him to the arena floor. Nese nails Burch with a suicide dive before getting him back in the ring, Nese goes for a 450 splash and Burch avoids it before reapplying the crossface. Nese gets free and he rolls up Burch before nailing him with a buckle bomb, Nese then hits Burch with a running knee strike for a three count.

Winner: Tony Nese

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